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1. as do I /as I do
a)He writes as his father did.他像他爸爸一样写作。
b)She looks forward ,as does her secretary ,to the completion of the building.她像她的秘书一样盼望工程竣工。
c)When in Rome do as Romans do.入乡随俗。
2....as he is
a)Talented as he is,he is not yet ready to turn professional.别看他有天份,他还没把心用到专业上去。
注:这是一种表示让步的分句,主要用于正式文体。Talented as he is =Though he is talented,as引出的主谓语倒装是强制性的,因为若将as置于句首,就不是让步状语从句了。由though引出的让步状语从句,也可以使用这种语序,但不是强制性的。例如:
b)Coward though he is ,do not bully him.尽管他是个胆小鬼,但不要欺负他。
3.as far as /so far as
a)So far as I know,he will be away for three months.据我所知,他将离开这里三个月。
注:当as far as和so far as作“在……范围内……、一直到、到……那么远”解时,它们是可以互换的。当表示形容词、副词同级比较时,要求在肯定句中使用as far as。例如:
b)We didn't go so/as far as the bridge.我们没有走到桥那么远。
4.as/so far as to do(doing)something意思是:“竟到了……程度”。
a)At last,she went so far as to bring him to the apartment.最后,她竟把他带到了公寓。
注:as/so far as之后既可跟不定式也可跟动名词。例如:
b)I have considered having a car,but I haven't got so far as buying it yet.我是考虑要买一辆汽车,但是还没有到决定买的程度。
5.as follows意思是“如下的”。
a)His arguments are as follows.他的论点如下。
注:as follows是固定成语,不管引出的事物是单数还是复数,都只能用as follows(=as it follows),而不能用as follow。例如:
b)He explained it as follows .(=His explanation was as follows .)他的说明如下。
6.as for/as to意思是“至于、关于”。
a)Much pasture land is under water; and as for the grain,most of which has been ruined.大部分牧场都进了水,至于谷物,大部分都被冲毁了。
注:as for在语体上不如as to正式;前者着重话题的转换,因此,它不能用于文章的开头。例如:
b)As to the question you raised in your last letter ,I think....关于你上封信提出的问题,我认为……。
7.as good as意思是“差不多,几乎”。此外,该结构还保留其原意“和……一样好”。
a)Don't worry,the matter 's as good as settled.别担心,问题差不多已经解决了。
b)When the car was repaired,it looked as good as new.当这辆车修好的时候,它看起来差不多像新的一样。
8.as and when“到时候”,指将来的某一未定的事或时候。
We'll decide on our team as and when we qualify for the competition.我们等到有资格参加比赛时,再来决定本队的参赛人员。
9.as if you were/are
a)He walks as if he were drunk.他走路的样子好像是喝醉了似的。(说话人认为他并没有喝醉)
b)He walks as if he is drunk.他走路好像喝醉了。
注:一般来讲,如果as if表达的内容与事实相反或者是一种假使,通常使用虚拟语气。如例句a)。如果as if所表达的内容被看作是事实,就要使用陈述语气。如例句b)。
10.as it were /was(is)
a)As it was,they had no unity,no sense of cooperation .事实上,他们不团结,没有合作意识。
注:as it is /was是个成语,意思是:“事实上、实际上”。而as it were在意义和用法上与as it is /was完全不同,意思是:“可以说是、似乎是、仿佛”,它所表达的内容不太肯定。例如:
b)He is ,as it were,a walking dictionary.他简直可以说是一部活字典。
c)He is my best friend,my brother as it were.他是我最好的朋友,可以说是我的兄弟。
11.as long ago as/as long as
a)As long ago as the eleventh century the Chinese people not only invented the com pass but also used it in navigation.早在十一世纪中国人就不仅发明了指南针,而且还把它用到航海上。
b)I'm happy as long as you are happy.只要你幸福,我就感到幸福。
c)As long as you act so m ean,you can't expect anybody to do anything for you.由于你行为卑劣,你不要指望有人会帮助你。
注:as long ago as可译为“早在……”。见例句a)。as long as/so long as引导一个条件状语从句,通常译为“只要”。见例句b)。此外,它还可以引导原因状语从句。见例句c)。
12.as long as /so long as
a)You can go out ,as long as you promise to be back before 10o'clock.只要你答应10点钟以前回来,你就可以出去。
注:当as long as和so long as作“只要”解时,可以看作是同义的,但是,当用于同级比较时,只能用as long as,而不能用so long as。见例句b)。
b)You can stay here as long as you want.你希望在这里呆多久就呆多久。



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