Lesson81, Unit21, SEFC2B

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Teaching material: Lesson 81, unit 21, SEFC2B
Class: Class 2,Grade 2, Dongsheng Senior School
Lesson Type: Dialogue
Teaching aims:
1. Let the students know some kinds of music and some musical instruments.
2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities.
Enabling objectives:
1 Ss will learn some vocabulary items about music and instruments
2 Ss will be able to speak out more
Important point: lead Ss to speak out
Difficult point:
How to make up a new dialogue
Teaching Aids:
projector , video
Teaching Procedures:
Teaching Plan
Lesson 81
Step 1 Lead in
(at the very beginning of the class, Ss will listen to a song.)
1. Greeting------ Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our class. Just now we listened to a song. Do you like this song? Do you like music? (Ss answer) Ok, let’s enjoy the music with the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Watch the video please. (Ss watch the video)
2. instruments: (after the video) Show Ss two pictures of instruments which are picked out from the video. Ss will recognize them and then show Ss more pictures of musical instruments.
3. some kinds of music: after the introduction of the instruments, Ss will listen to four kinds of music and they should guess what kind of these four kinds of music.( stop at every kind of music to ask the Ss) and then Teacher will lead the Ss to speak out what their favorite kind of music are. (ask 3-4 Ss) Teacher also will give her own opinion.
Step 2 Deal with the words
Ss will read the words after the teacher (use rising intonation and falling intonation to read the words)
Step 3 Listen to the dialogue.
1. listen and answer----- Ss listen to the dialogue and answer some questions
2. listen and answer some other questions again
Step 4 Read the dialogue
1 Teacher vs Students
2 Team 1 vs Team 3 (Teacher should give some simple comments on each team’s voice, pronunciation and intonation or point out some mistakes)
3 Team 2 vs Team 4 ( ask the students in team 1 or 3 to listen carefully , some of them must give their own comments on team 2 and 3 as the teacher does)
Step 5 Practise
1. Performance (ask two Ss to perform their instruments )
2. Guessing
Teacher: Once, a friend of mine invited me to her birthday party in a hotel, but I didn’t go to the party( I was fine, and I was not ill .) Do you know why?
Students will give different answers.
3. Making a dialogue.
Ask the Ss to make a dialogue with their partners according to the given situation ( 4 minutes to prepare), and than ask 2-3 pairs to act it out.



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