Book3, Unit 11 Planting Tree ,Lesson41

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---新疆克拉玛依六中 李娟
Unit 11 Planting tree
Lesson 41
下面本人将Book3, Unit 11 Planting Tree ,Lesson41的课堂设计呈现如下:
2. 培养学生良好的社会公德意识。
1. 语言知识目标: Tree Planting Day, neither too dry nor too wet,
tie…to, push…down, so that, make sure, knock…into, It’s best to do …=had better do
2.语言能力目标: 通过学习,熟练使用所学的语法和词汇,培养学生综合运用知识的能力。
教学重点:1. How to plant a tree. 2. Some useful expressions
教学难点: How to plant a tree.
Teaching Procedures:
I. Showing aims. (on the computer screen)
II. Leading-in
Play a guessing game.
Show (p,y,l,a ) and let the students guess the word (play ).
Have a competition during the boys and the girls.
(on the computer screen)
According to my description get the students to guess the name of the four words. ( 1.old clothes 2. tree planting day
3. plant trees 4. around the lake)
Get the students to tell a story according to the four words.
They can tell me their own stories.
At last, I can tell my story to the students.
Listen to tape and try to find the answer to the question:
What are we going to do tomorrow?
Play the tape and then check the answer with the whole class.
Fill in the blanks. (on the computer screen)
III. Task cycle
Teach : How to plant a tree?
First: Give the right order. ( six sentences about how to plant a tree. They are in the wrong order. Work in group of four and find the right order.)
Check the group answers.
Give students two minutes to understand the sentences.
Do a true or false. ( on the computer screen)
Secondly: How to plant a tree?
Teach the students with the computer. Teach the phrases we met.
( about six pictures on the screen)
Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. (on the computer screen)
Get students to practise in pairs: how to plant a tree?
Retell the story according to the pictures.
Get students to make a speech about: How to plant a tree in front
of the class.
Do some exercises---(on the computer screen)
Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks.
Exercise 2. How to plant tomatoes.
IV. More Task:
Show some nice pictures about our city----Karamay.
They are: the Walking Street, the People’s Square, the Nine Dragons Lake and the Friendship Bridge.
Have a short discussion about the changes of our city.
Divide the class into eight groups. Each group has six students.
Show two titles. (on the computer screen)
Each title has a task. Get each group choose one task for themselves.
Task 1:
Trees------ What are they used for?
They are used for _1_____________________________
Task 2:
Environment-----four people(a teacher, a foreigner, a student and an environment expert文章附后) are saying something about the environment of Karamay. (In each group each student has one passage. Read own passage and tell the partners what he read. Then fill in a blanks.)
Do you think the environment of Karamay is good or bad? Why?
I think the environment of Karamay is_________ because____________
Give the report of each group.
Lesson 41
Part 1.
A: Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow.
B: Why? What’s happening?
A: It’s Tree Planting Day. We are going to plant
trees in the park.
B: Really? Wonderful!
Part 2.
Read the instructions.
How to plant a tree
1. The ground must be just right--- neither too wet nor too dry. It’s best to plant trees in spring because it’s warmer.
2. Dig a hole large enough for the tree. But the hole should not too deep.
3. Knock a stick into the earth to keep the tree straight.
4. Put the tree in the hole. Make sure it is straight.
5. Put the earth back in the hole again. Push it down hard with your foot several times.
6. Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight.
7. Water the tree well.
A (an old worker)
I’m old Wang. I’m a worker. It’s nearly 30 years since I moved here from Sichuan Province. These years, great changes have taken place in Karamay. Thirty years ago, It’s difficult for people to get the drink water, but now, there is a man-made river in our city. It brings lots of water.
I think the environment of Karamay is good-----Because the sky is very blue. There are many trees, grass and flowers in the city. To my surprise, dustbins are put not only in many public places,but also on both sides of the streets. Most of people are used to throwing rubbish into the dustbin. So the street is becoming cleaner and cleaner. What’s more, the climate of our city changed a lot. In summer the temperature isn’t as high as before. There is much rain here now. It seems that we live in the south of China. If you are carefully enough, in the morning you can find some birds singing . All in all, in my point of view, Karamay is a lovely place to live in.
I like Karamay. I hope my grandson and granddaught will wirk and live when they grow up.
B (a foreigner)
My name is Sam. I’m from America. I worked in China three years ago. I like traveling. I was told that Karamay is famous for the Castle of Ghost. So I paid a visit to the oil city in July.
I was so surprised when I came Karamay. There is nothing but sand on the way to it. There are few trees in and around the city. The factories and cars put the waste gas(废气) into the sky, so the air is badly polluted. What’s worse, I couldn’t sleep at night when I stayed in the hotel because there were people and cars making so much noise all through the night. In addition, the weather here is so hot that I can’t sleep at all. People spit everywhere. Sometimes, there was strong wind there, it seemed that everything was broken by the strong wind. you can find white plastic bag(白色塑料袋) on the tree.
So I think the environment of Karamay is not good. They should do more things to improve it. More trees should be planted.
C (a student)
I’m a middle school student. I live in Karamay. I like here very much. There are many beautiful scenery: the Walking Street(步行街), the Friendship Bridge(友谊大桥), the People’s Square(人民广场)and Nine Dragons Lake(九龙潭). I think the environment of Karamay is very good. In my living place, there is a rubbish house(垃圾房) and everyone throws rubbish into it. Now we have our own river, Its name is “Karamay River”. We have enough water to plant trees and flowers. People can go boating, fishing, and swimming here. So I like Karamay. I’ll study hard and make a contribution to making it more beautiful.
D (an environment expert)

I work in Karamay. I am an environment expert. I want to talk something about the pollution(污染).
There are 4 kinds of pollution. They are air pollution, water pollution, earth pollution and noise pollution. Air pollution means cars and factories put the waste gas (废气) into the sky. So the air is not as clean as before. Water pollution means factories pour waste water into the river,lake nearby. The trees and grass nearby will die. The fish in the river will die, too. Earth pollution means we do some bad things to our earth, for example, people cut down trees, pick up flowers, throw rubbish everywhere and spit in the public place and so on. The last one is noise pollution. But most people don’t know it. When you sleep, the car make much noise ------That’s also pollution.
I think the environment of Karamay is not very good. Everyone should do his best to protect our environment and try to make a contribution to building our city. In that way, the environment of our city will become better and better.




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