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Joanne Rowling became famous almost overnight. She is the __1__ of a highly successful series of books for young people.
Joanne has 2__ of being a writer for as long as she can remember. In fact,she has been __3__ stories and characters ever since she was a schoolgirl. When she was still quite young,the family __4__ to a town called Chepstow. A family who lived __5__ were called Potter,and she used their names for the heroes of her books. She and her sister, Di, __6__ a state school in the town. At school, she was hard-working and rather reserved (沉默寡言的). She was particularly good __7__English and languages. Her talent for telling stories made her a popular figure in the school. During breaks between __8__,she was often surrounded by a __9__ of friends,anxious to hear the __10__ story she had written. She often included her __11__ in her stories,although they were not always aware of this!
When she left school,Joanne succeeded in getting a __12__ at university. After graduating,(she got a __13__ in French) Joanne worked as a __14__ in a school in Portugal. She married a journalist but,sadly,the couple soon __15__ and she moved to Edinburgh. She had no income and couldn't even afford a plastic folder to send her new book to potential publishers. However,one wonderful day a publisher said "yes". It was the greatest day of her life.
1. A. engineer B. composer C. author D. artist
2. A. intended B. wanted C. liked D. dreamt
3. A. doing up B. taking up C. putting up D. making up
4. A. removed B. moved C. migrated D. transferred
5. A. next B. far C. across D. nearby
6. A. attended B. went C. frequented D. studied
7. A. in B. at C. for D. on
8. A. lectures B. sessions C. tutorials D. lessons
9. A. students B. teachers C. classmates D. procession
10. A. last B. recent C. latest D. ultimate
11. A. fellows B. colleagues C. pupils D. classmates
12. A. place B. room C. seat D. space
13. A. certificate B. diploma C. degree D. licence
14. A. professor B. lecturer C. trainer D. teacher
15. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke into
1. C。由本句中的books和下文内容可知,她是一位作家。 2. D。dream of doing sth.意为"希望做某事"。 3. D。make up意为"编写"。 4. B。 move to a town意为"搬入城镇"。5. D。live nearby意为"住在附近"。 6. A。attend school意为"上学"。 7. B。be good at意为"擅长"。 8. D 9. A 10. C。课间休息时,她身边经常围着一群朋友,渴望听她写的最新的故事。11. D。在故事中,她经常描写她的同学的事。12. A 13. C 14. D。 Joanne中学毕业后,她成功考上了一所大学。她在大学获得了法语学位,毕业后,她在葡萄牙的一所学校当上了教师。 15. C。break up意为"解散",此处指"婚姻破裂"。



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