
中学英语教学资源网英语教案改错专题指导 手机版

If there are much more people in the world, then there 1. ________
must have more food to feed the people. But food is already 2. ________
a serious problem today. One-thirds of the world's population 3. ________
is starving, because there is not enough food. Ten thousand 4. ________
people die of the hunger every day in some parts of the world. 5. ________
So in other parts of the world, people become ill or die because 6. ________
they eat too much food, and they are too fat. Some country 7. ________
have no food, but others have too much, and they throw away. 8. ________
How can tomorrow's world feed its people? The world needs 9. ________
to produce more food than it is now. 10. ________
Nowadays, almost every family have a TV set, and almost 1. ________
everyone likes watching the TV. TV becomes part of our life. 2. ________
TV has many advantages, such as, it informs us the latest 3. ________
news that happened in the world; it can open our eye, 4. ________
enlarge our knowledge and also helps us to see more about the world. 5. ________
At the same time, it also has some disadvantages. People waste very 6. ________
much time in watching TV and their normal life and work are affect. 7. ________
To those children which spend too much time in watching TV, 8. ________
it can do harm for their sight and health. In a word, we should take 9. ________
the advantage of TV and control our time of watching TV. 10. ________
(I) 1. much→more。形容词的比较级修饰的中心词是可数名词people, 此时应该用many表示"... ... 得多"。
2. have→be。此处是"there be"句型。
3. One-thirds→One-third。分数词的构成规则是:分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于1时,在分母的序数词词尾加"s"。
4. 第一个is→are。本句的主语是指"三分之一的人口",是复数概念,谓语动词应该用复数形式。
5. 去掉第一个the。此处的hunger表泛指,其前面不用定冠词。
7. country→countries。由句子的谓语动词have可知,此处的名词应该用复数形式。
8. throw后面加it。throw away是及物动词性质,应该有宾语。
9. 本行无错。
10. is→does。does指代的是动词produces。
1. have→has。family被every修饰,指单数,谓语动词用单数。
2. 去掉the。TV在此处表泛指, TV前面不用加定冠词。
3. us后面加of。inform sb. of sth.是固定词组。
4. eye→eyes。此处的名词应该用复数形式。
5. helps→help。open, enlarge 和help是三个并列的谓语动词。
6. very→too。too much修饰名词time,而very much是用来修饰动词的。
7. affect→affected。此处是被动语态。
8. which→who / that。先行词是children,指人,故关系代词应该用who或that。
9. for→to。 do harm to sb.是固定词组,意为"对某人有害"。
10. 本行无错。

Nowadays, many and more people like traveling, for it has 1. ________
many advantages. The first one is that they can both broaden 2. ________
our horizons and expand our scope of the knowledge. This is 3. ________
because when we visit different places, we would surely have 4. ________
different experiences, as meeting different people and 5. ________
taste different food. The second one is relaxation. After a 6. ________
long period of hard work, we need relax and rest. Only in 7. ________
this way can we renew ours energy. In addition, traveling can 8. ________
build our body, for when we travel, we might have to go on foot 9. ________
or climb mountain. This is a good form of exercise. 10. ________
My hometown has changed a lot of in the past five years. First, 1. ________
more high buildings have been appeared, which are modern and 2. ________
beautiful. Many overpasses have been set up, but it has become 3. ________
very conveniently for people to travel. Besides, many families 4. ________
have got cars of their own. People lives here have become 5. ________
rich and colorful. People can enjoy themselves traveling 6. ________
on holidays. In my delight, I can taste delicious food from 7. ________
different country such as the food of America, Japan and 8. ________
South Korea. And now, it is easier for me to keep touch 9. ________
with my friends as before, for I can email them from my office. 10. ________
(I) 1. many→more。more and more表示"越来越多的"。 2. they→it。it指代traveling。3. 去掉the。knowledge在此处表泛指,其前面不用定冠词。4. would→will。根据上下文的时态,此处应该用一般将来时态。5. as前加such。such as是固定词组,表示列举事物。6. taste→tasting。tasting和meeting是并列关系。7. relax前加to。need在此肯定句中是实义动词,后面接带to的动词不定式。8. ours→our。此处应该用形容词性物主代词作定语。9. 本行无错。10. mountain→mountains。此处的"山"表泛指,应该用名词的复数形式,或在mountain前加a。
(II) 1. 去掉of。a lot是副词性短语,在此处作状语;而a lot of作定语,后面应该有名词。2. 去掉been。appear是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。3. but→so。此处表因果关系。4. conveniently→convenient。形容词作表语。5. People→People's。此处应该用名词所有格作定语。6. 本行无错。7. In→To。to one's delight是固定词组,意为"令某人高兴的是"。8. country→countries。应该用复数形式来表达"不同的国家"。
9. keep后加in。keep in touch with是固定词组,意为"与......保持联系"。10. as→than。由上一行的easier可知,此处应该用than。
( I )
A survey basing on 1,000 students found that half of the pupils and 80% 1. ________
of the middle school students sleeps less than nine hours every night.
2. ________
And too many homework given by school teachers and parents is
3. ________
the main reason. Other reason lies in students' bad habits. Some
4. ________
students, for example, are absent-minded while doing his homework,
5. ________
and some waste their after-class time. The third reason is that some
6. ________
students have to get up early on weekdays to get school far away
7. ________
from home. Experts are calling at schools and parents to cut down on
8. ________
the amount of homework. And students should make a good use of their time. 9. ________
And it would be well if they could choose to study in a nearby school. 10. ________
( II )
Yesterday afternoon I went to the Summer Palace. It was happened that I saw 1. ________
a touched event. At that time, some people were boating on the lake. 2. ________
Among them was a family of three. They were taking photo 3. ________
while the girl fell off the boat into the river. She was struggling 4. ________
and her parents cried out, "Help! Help!" That was obvious that they
couldn't 5. ________
swim at all. From nearby, a young man immediately jumped into the water, 6. ________
without taking off his clothes. He quickly swam towards girl, 7. ________
that was already tired out. At last, he carried her to the bank. 8. ________
She was saved! How excited the parents were! They were too excited9. ________
and grateful to the young man that they don't know what to say. 10. ________
(I) 1. basing→based。过去分词作定语。 2. sleeps→sleep。本句的主语是pupils和students,谓语动词应该用复数。3. many→much。homework是不可数名词,应该用much修饰。 4. Other→Another。此处指"另一个",而不是指"其它的";others作定语时,常修饰复数名词。5. his→their。此处的代词指代前面的名词"students",故用their。 6. 本行无错。 7. 第二个get后加to。get to意为"到达"。8. at→on。call on是固定词组,意为"号召"。 9. 去掉a。make good use of是固定词组,意为"充分利用"。
10. well→good。well作形容词用时,指"身体好",用在此处不合适。
(II) 1. 去掉was。It happened that...意为"碰巧......",happen是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。 2. touched→touching。 touched意为"感动的",touching意为"令人感动的"。 3. photo→photos。根据语义判断,此处的名词应该用复数。 4. while→when。when在此处表示动作的突然性。 5. That→It。It作形式主语,that they couldn't swim at all是主语从句。 6. 本行无错。7. girl前加the。此处的girl表特指。8. that→who。who引导非限制性定语从句。 9. too→so。全句使用的是so...that...句型。10. don't→didn't。根据上文情景,此处应该用一般过去时态。
It was very fine when I got up on last Sunday morning. 1.________
So I decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the 2.________
beautiful country. After breakfast, I carried my camera with 3.________
me and set off. Everything went smooth. I enjoyed my trip 4.________
so much that I didn't realize the weather had been turned 5.________
bad. I began to run and it was too late. I was caught 6.________
at the rain and was wet through. I kept on running until 7.________
I get to a bus stop. I stood there waiting a long time for the 8.________
bus, shivering in cold. Shortly after I got home, I had 9.________
high fever, which made me stay in bed for a whole week! 10.________
My mother was born in a small town in Italian. She was three 1. ________
when her parents settle in the USA in 1926. They lived in 2. ________
Chicago, that my grandfather's work was making ice cream. 3. ________
At 16, my mother graduated a high school, went on to a 4. ________
secretarial school , and finally worked as secretary for a 5. ________
railroad company. She was beautiful. When a local photographer 6. ________
used some of her picture in his monthly window display, 7. ________
she was very happily. One of her favorite photos showed her 8. ________
sitting by Lake Michigan. My mother was used 9. ________
to say what she was the most beautiful in the town. 10. ________
(I) 1. 去掉on。名词被this, that, next, last等修饰后,其前面一般不用介词。 2. took→take。take与go是并列关系。 3. 本行无错。 4. smooth→smoothly。副词作状语,修饰went。 5.去掉been。turned在此处是系动词,不用被动语态。 6. and→but。此处表转折关系。7. at→in。表达"被雨淋了"时,常用短语be caught in the rain, 介词常用in。8. get→got。根据上下文,此处应该用动词的一般过去时态。9. in→with。shivering with cold意为"冻得浑身发抖",介词with表示原因,意为"由于"。 10. high前加a。have a high fever是固定短语,意为"发高烧"。
(II) 1. Italian→Italy。此处应该用名词,表示国家"意大利"。2. settle→settled。由上下文可知,此处应该用动词的一般过去时态。 3. that→where。where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Chicago,where在定语从句中作状语,相当于in which。
4. graduated后加from。graduate是不及物动词,表达"毕业于某学校"时,graduate后应该用介词from。 5. secretary前加a。secretary是可数名词,其前面应该有冠词a。 6. 本行无错。7. picture→pictures。some of后的名词应该用复数形式,另外,下文也有提示,橱窗里陈列的照片不止一张。8. happily→happy。这里应该用形容词作表语。 9. 去掉was。本句使用的是"used to + 动词原形",表达"过去常常......"。10. what→that。that引导宾语从句,that只起连接作用,that本身无词义。
The village was always very quiet. The people lived 1. ________
there were busy working in their many field during the day, 2. ________
and went to bed early at night, tiring after a long day's 3. ________
hard work. All of them had lived in a village 4. ________
for all their lives but had never left for less than 5. ________
one day at a time. When they did left, they had to get up 6. ________
early in the morning. They filled their carts of 7. ________
fruit, vegetables and sheep and went the market in the town. 8. ________
They returned back in the evening with things, perhaps 9. ________
presents for their children. That was their life. 10. ________
I have a very embarrassing experience this evening. 1. ________
I saw a man at a bus stop when I was on my way back 2. ________
home. Though I saw him from behind, but I was sure he was 3. ________
a friend of mine whom I hadn' t seen him for a long time. I gave 4. ________
him a tap on the shoulders with my umbrella and shouted to 5. ________
him at the same time. He turned round, completely taking by 6. ________
surprise. Unfortunately, he was my friend but a complete 7. ________
stranger. He was terribly embarrassed, for I didn't know 8. ________
how to explain him. I could only say in a low voice, "I'm so 9. ________
sorry, sir." After that I walked away as quickly as possibly. 10. ________
(I) 1. lived→living或在lived前加who。此处应改为现在分词作定语或定语从句。2. field→fields。根据语义,此处应该用名词复数fields。 3. tiring→tired。 tired意为"劳累的",而tiring意为"累人的"。4. a→the。此处的village是第二次出现,应该用定冠词表特指。 5. less→more。根据上下文语义,此处应该用not more than表示"不超过"。 6. left→leave。助动词did后应该用动词原形,did表强调。 7. of→ with。fill...with是固定短语。8. went后加to。他们车上装满了水果、蔬菜和羊,到镇上的市场上去卖。 9. 去掉back。return意为"返回", back属于多余用词。10. 本行无错。
(II) 1. have→had。由下文可知,本篇短文叙述的是过去发生的事情,故用动词的一般过去时态。 2. 本行无错。3. 去掉but。 状语从句中使用了Though, 主句中就不能再用连词but。 4. 去 掉him。 whom在定语从句中作 hadn't seen的宾语,him属重复用词。 5. shoulders →shoulder。由 a tap可知,此处指在肩膀上拍了一下,shoulder应该用单数形式。 6. taking → taken。be taken by surprise是固定短语,意为"大吃一惊"。此处的taken是过去分词,该短语作状语。 7. was后加 not。由下文可知,是作者认错人了。 8. He→I。此处应表达"我很难堪"。 9. explain后加to。 表达"向某人解释"时,应该用explain to sb.。10. possibly → possible。 as...as possible是固定短语,意为"尽量......; 尽可能......"。
( I )
It was fine yesterday. The sun was shining in the sky. 1. ________
I went for boating by myself. I didn't take any friend with me 2. ________
because I wanted to be alone. I hired a boat and rowing slowly 3. ________
to a center of the lake. A fresh breeze was blowing, 4. ________
fish were swimming and birds were singing. While I reached 5. ________
the center, I took up the paddles(桨)and laid down in the boat. 6. ________
With the blue sky over me or green water around me, 7. ________
I was extremely relaxed. Over two hour passed in this way 8. ________
before I knew it. I came back home very lately. I didn't feel 9. ________
tired at all, for I had really had good time. 10. ________
( II )
In July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong walked on the surface of 1. ________
the moon. He saw that the ground was hard and there were 2. ________
lots of dust that looked as gray powder. He traveled from 3. ________
the earth in a spaceship calling ApolloⅡ. Then, while it stayed 4. ________
in the space and moved around the moon, he climbed into 5. ________
a small lunar module (登月舱). It brought him to the moon. 6. ________
He spent three hours pick up moon rocks. 7. ________
After that, he set equipment to measure the temperature 8. ________
and wind on the moon. After he finished his works, 9. ________
he planted an American flag in the ground. 10. ________
(I) 1. 本行无错。2. 去掉for。go doing是常用的固定词组。3. rowing → rowed。hired和rowed是由and连接的两个并列的谓语动词。4. a → the。center后面有限制性定语修饰,其前面应该用定冠词。5. While → When / As。当while引导时间状语从句时,从句中的谓语动词应该用延续性动词,而非终止性动词。 6. laid → lay。动词lie表"躺"时的过去式是lay, laid是动词lay的过去式。 7. or → and。此处并非表转折关系。 8. hour → hours。可数名词hour前有数词two的修饰,故名词应该用复数形式。 9. lately → late。副词late意为"晚";副词lately意为"近来"。 10. good前加a。have a good time为固定词组。
(II) 1. In → On。在表示具体的日期前,应该用介词on。2. were → was。dust是不可数名词,谓语动词应该用单数。 3. as → like。look like是固定词组,意为"看起来像"。 4. calling → called。该分词与所修饰的名词之间是动宾关系,故此处用过去分词作定语。 5. 去掉第一个the。space前一般不用冠词。 6. brought → took。此处指"带去",而不是"带来"。 7. pick → picking。spend time (in) doing sth. 是固定句型。 8. set后面加up。set up是固定词组,意为"安放"。 9. works → work。 work意为"工作"时,是不可数名词。10. 本行无错。




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