SBIII UNIT 1 Madame Curie

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1. speech 演讲,讲话,致辞 译 ◎1。发表重要讲话 ◎2。致开幕词 talk 报告 ◎3。给我们做当前的形式报告 ◎4。去听关于癌症的报告
2. have something (much,little,nothing)to do with 与。。。有(很大,几乎没有,没有)关系
译。◎5。Don’t ask these problems that have nothing to do with the main ideas.
◎ 6.The crash of the plane had something to do with the terrible weather.
3.sure 确信的,有把握的 of/about sth
be sure if/whether
whether/how to do
◎ 8。明年是否重开发这里的资源我说不准。
◎ 。9。下一步该怎么办,我心里有数。
4.How did you find /like…?=What do you think of…?你觉得。。。。。。怎么样?
Eg.----How did you find the speech by Mr Johnson?
---(I found it)very interesting.
----How did you find that town?
----Very inviting.
5.句型转换:◎9。1。 The book is very useful to/for us. =This book is ___ ___ ___ ___us.
6.改错 ◎10。I doube that he will give us a ride to the station.
◎ 11.Do you doubt if they had great fun at the party?
◎ 12.There is no doubt if he can achieve his goal.
◎ 13.You have no idea what a fun it is to go for a ride.
7.devote…to sth/doing sth 把。。。献给;把。。。用在 devote oneself to=be devoted to 献身于,致力于 eg.1)She devoted all her life to struggling for the world peace and human progress.
2)As a scientist,I must devote all my time and energy to scientific research.
◎ 15。人民高度赞扬那些献身党的教育事业的人。
◎ 16。His devotion to the cause is well known.
◎ 17.We should look up him as a shing example of devotion to duty.
8.go over 1)examine 检查,审阅 2)review 复习
1) Please go over your conposition and correct them by yourself.
2) The actress went over her lines again and again before going on the stage.

READING I remembered as 作为。。。(人)而被人们怀念 be remembered for…因。。。而被人们怀念
译:1)Lincoin will always be remembed as one of the greatest leaders by the American people.
◎ 18.雷锋将作为一个人民的忠诚战士永远被人们怀念。
2.解释 ◎19。Children under 18 are not admitted to the cinema.______
◎ 20.Though he admitted that his plan was unpractical ,yet he stuck to it. ______
改错 ◎21。At last he had to admit to take these goods without paying for them.
◎ 22.我姐姐幸运的被北大录取了。
3.Determine vt.1)decide,fix 决定,确定 eg.1)It is up to you to determine where to go hunting.. 2)Now we can’t determine a date for the meeting.
2.下决心 be determined to do or determine to do 决心做某事
4storey(story) floor 用法:表示一个建筑有多少层用storey;表示在第几层用floor.
Eg.A six-storeyd(或six-storey)building has been built in our school. I live on the ground floor.
5.take/receive a first-class degree in physics 获一级物理学位
译:◎23。成功地获得博士学位 ◎24。获诺贝尔化学奖
◎25。在市数学竞赛中获第一名 ◎26。获得美国国籍
6.Not long before 没有多久 转:1)Soon he returned to his motherland.=It was not long before he returned…. 2)Soon you will recover your strength.=It won’t be long before you recover your strength.
7.give off vt.send out sth,especially a liquid,gas,smell.放出,散发
eg.1)The sun gives off light and heat,which make it possible for us to live on the earth.
2)The flowers in the garden give off a pleasant smell.
8,改错◎27.If you are in great need of certain materal,let me know.
◎ 28.Under certain condition, water can change to ice. 1)discover sth 发现(客观存在但过去鲜为人知的事情或规则) 2)find out 弄清(某种情况或事实)cf.find sth 找到丢失的人或物 invent 发明(过去不存在的东西)
◎ 29。Columbia was the first ________America,the new world.
◎ 30.Not until yesterday did the police ________the truth.
◎ 31.Mr Li succeeded in ________ a new teaching method.
◎ 32.The book is nowhere ________.
◎ 33.Scientist have ________that the disease is carried by flies. honour of 1)为了纪念 We will set up a monument here in honour of these who gave their lives for our country. 2)为了表示对。。。敬意 Tonight we will give a dinner in hounou of the medical workers from all parts of our country.
译:◎34。为国争光 ◎35。为了国家的荣誉
11.n +less=adj endless 无止境的 homeless 无家可归的 hopeless 绝望的 careless 粗心大
12.above all of first importance,most especially “尤为重要的是”、“尤其是”。用于强调某一方面。 Eg.1)We must study hard,and above all,we must have the correct object in life.
2)He is kind,and above all fair.
13.believe in believe in sb=trust sb. 信任(某人的人格,能力等)
believe in sth 信仰(宗教、主义、神)
believe sb.相信某人的话。 eg.I believe you but I don’t believe in you.
believe sth.相信某事的真实性 练习.◎37。He is honest and is worth ________。
◎38.He often tells lies. Never ________ him.
◎39.He ________ God,while I ________ materialsm(唯物主义)。
◎40.How much do you ________ this repore?
14.改错 ◎41。South of the square stands two newly-buildings.
◎42.Gone are the days when we use foreign oil.
15.out of 用法小结:1)(起源,出处)来自。Curie never made money out of her research.
2)从。。。里部向外 She came out of the room with a smile.
3)没有,缺少 I am out of work. We are out of sugar.
4)在。。。范围外(静态) He lives five miles of the city. He went,out of sight.
16.改错 ◎43.We can’t get through him except by dialling 114.
◎44.No one doubt that Taiwan is belonged to China.
◎45.Where is the bag belonged to him?
◎46.Whenever he enters my room,he keeps rubbing his hands as if he washes them.
1.set off 1)start out 动身,出发 ◎47. Tomorrow we set off _____ Beijing.
◎48.They decided to set off ______ a trip ____ Europe.
2)cause…to explode vt.引爆(炸弹等),然发(烟火爆竹)
eg .1)A slight touch will set the bomb off. 2)If the TNT is shaken,it will be set off.
3)It has been the tradition of the Chinese people to set off firecrakers at the Spring Festival.
2.cure vt.治愈(病人,疾病);消除或改正(某人的坏习惯,忧虑等) cure sb.of sth
1)A few days’ rest will cure you. 2)This medicine will cure you of cancer.
3)Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.
n.疗法1)An effective cure for cancer hasn’t been found.
2)Radioactive rays are often used as a cure for cancer.
3.Effect 作用,影响 c/u have an effect on 对。。。产生影响 have much/little/no effect on
eg .1)This is a law of little effect. 2)The sudden change of weather may have a bad effect on his health.
译。 ◎50.老师的一言一行对他的学生由很大影响。
◎ 51。We will make great efforts to bring(put) the law into effect.
◎ 52.The advantage of the medicine is that it has no side effects.
4.deep “深的” 表示的深度可以计量;deeply 深深地 与表示感情的动词连用,表示影响的程度大。练习:◎53。The X-ray can go ______into the human body.
◎ 54.We were ______ moved by his deeds.
◎ 55.Dare you go ______ into the forest?
◎ 56.He often works _____ into the night.
◎ 57.She was ______ shocked to hear the news of her son’s death.
5.ache 1) vi.have a continuous pain 痛 2)C.常与疼的部位单词连用 eg .I have a stomachache/toothache/headache.
cf .1)My stomach aches. 2)My stomache hurts. 3)I have a pain in my stomach.
4)I have a stomache.
6.改错 ◎58。Each player must obey captain ,who is the leader of the team.
注 作宾补、同位语、表语,表示独一无二的头衔、职位的名词前,不用冠词;做主语、宾语,仍要加冠词。Eg .1)We elected him monitor of our class.
2)Mr Li,head of the physics department,will give us a talk.
7.admire 1)like and respect vt. 钦佩,羡慕 admire sb for sth/doing sth
(1) I really admire the way she brings up those children on her own.
(2) We admire him for his bravery.
2)look at with please 观赏,欣赏 He stopped his car to admire the autumn views.
◎ 60我想开车去海滨观赏那里壮丽的景色。
8.用适当的关系代词填空,并能解释画线部分的意思 ◎61。There was a time ______all scientists shared their results.=At one time all scientists were willing to share their results. off vt.全部还清 I have off my loan(贷款) from this bank.
Pay back =repay 偿还 eg .It is high time you paid me back the $ 100 which you owe me.
练习:用下列动词的适当形式填空:admire,cure,put away,pay off,go over,do,carry out,give off,speak,devote,discover,set off,determine
◎ 63.It won’t be long before he ________ of shock.
◎ 64.People gave the pop star an ________ look when he went on the stage.
◎ 65.It will be two years before he ________ all his debts,I think.
◎ 66.As time goes by,you will find it more difficult to ______ your unrealistic ideas.
◎ 67.Li Ming,you ________ this article and mark all the mistakes,will you?
◎ 68.You can’t imagine living in the street,which _______ a terrible smell all day.
◎ 69.I have no idea of what he has to ______ with the case.
◎ 70.Under the pressure of public opinions,he had to admit _______ ill of others many times.
◎ 71。For many years he ________ research into the cause of cancer, and has has made a great discovery..
◎ 72.Polonium used ________ a nuclear bomb is considered to be too radioactive to work with.
◎ 73.Wilhelm Roentgen is supposed to ________ rays in the 19th century.
◎ 74.No one but you can ________ your future.
◎ 75。________ all his life to afforesting(绿化)wild mountains,he was chosen as a model worker.
1. make an important speech 2.make an opening speech
3. give us a talk on the present situation 4.go to a talk on cancer
7. I’m sure that he will succeed. 8.I’m not sure whether to exploit the natural resources
9.I’m sure what to do next 9.2. of great use 10.that-if/whether
11.if-that 12.if – that 13.a
14.She went on devoting herself to the research into/on cancer after graduation from university.
15.People sing high praise for those who devote themselves to the Party’s cause of education.
18.Lei Feng will be remembered as a devoted soldier of people forever.
19.allow enter 20.承认
22.My sister was honored to be admitted into Beijing University.
22.2 We have determined to get ahead of the USA in the space technology in the near future.
23.succeed in receiving the doctor’s degree the Nobel Prize
25.act/take the first place in the City Maths Contest
26.take American nationality
27.of ∧ certain a 28.condition – conditions discover 30.find out 31.inventing be found 33.found out/discovered honor for the country 35.for the honor of the country
36.I feel it a great honor to be invited to your wedding.
37.believing 38.believe 39.believes in;be;ieve in
40.believe 41.stands – stand 42.use – used
43.through ∧ him to 44.that –if 45.belonged –belonging
46.washes – was washing 47.for 48.on…to
49.He is being treated in the hospital and to be cured in a week.
50.Teachers’ words and deeds have much effect on his students.
53.deep 54.deeply 55.deep 56.deep 57.deeply
59.We admire his courage,determination and the devotion to his work.
60.I’d like to drive to the seashore and admire the splendid views there.
62.In the end I have paid off all the debts after years of hard work. cured 64.admiring 65.pays off 66.put away 67.go over off 70.speaking 71.has carried out set off
73.have discovered 74.determine 75.Having devoted




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