Unit 4. Natural Disasters & The Rescue

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

授课班级 高2006级二班
教学目的和要求 1. 通过阅读本篇文章让学生对灾难临头之际应有的应变能力.2. 同时培养语言表达的逻辑性。
教学重点 1. 了解Natural Disasters .2. 学会用First,…. Next,…. Then,…. Finally,…来叙述事件。
教学手段 多媒体课件,录音机,黑板。
Teaching Procedures
Specific procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Designing ideas
Step one:Presentation: Warming up by showing the video and the pictures 1.Show 3 videos about hurricane, Earthquake andFlood. 2.Ask the Ss some questions about the videos: What do you think has happened in it? Do you know any other disasters in the world? What are they?3.Teach the Ss to read these words.4.Show 8 pictures about some other natural disasters.5.Show another 3 pictures about SAND STORM.MUD-ROCK FLOW and FLOOD which happened in China. And have a short discussion . 1.Watch the videos.2.Answer the two questions and list the words of natural disasters, such as fire, forest fire, typhoon, hurricane, volcano, tornado, sandstorm, snow slide, drought, hurricane and so on.3.Read these words.4.Know the natural disasters happened in China. 学生养成自己收集信息的习惯,了解自然灾害,通过观看录像了解自然灾害对人类造成的破坏。
Step two:Reading Reading comprehensionAnd getting the main idea 1.Ask the Ss to read the passage fast Then find out the information of WHAT,WHO,WHERE and the END of the passage. 1.Do the fast reading within 3 ms and find out the information. 通过阅读本文训练学生的阅读能力,从文章大意到对细节的理解,使学生从文
2.Play the tape and ask them to read it again and give them 3 questions about the details. What does the title THE RESURE mean? How many flood waves? Why did Jeff look for the chimney?3.Give the Ss a form about the details. 2.Read the passage after the tape and answer the 3 questions.3.Read the passage more carefully and finish the form. 章主人公勇敢的与洪水抗争中学习如何逃生。
Step three:Presentation Retelling the passage with the help of the key words in the form. 1.Ask them to read the passage together and get ready for the retelling.2.Show them 7 drawings of the passage.3.Ask three students to retell the passage , using First,…. Next,…. Then,…. Finally,…3.retell the passage together, using First,…. Next,…. Then,…. Finally,…. 1.Read the passage in a loud voice. Retell it by themselves.2.Each student report a flood wave according to the form.3.The whole class retell the passage together according to the pictures., 通过上面的阅读了解文章并能根据要点用自己的语言描述俩位主人公的逃生经历。同时学会运用First,…. Next,…. Then,…. Finally,…来叙述事件。
Step four:Extension Discussing Give the Ss the following situations to discuss. They are Flood. Earthquake. Typhoon. Fire. 1.Exchange their opinions, share personal experiences and describe the eventswith First,…. Next,…. Then,…. Finally….2.Report.The Ss can describe how they escaped or make an interview( One is the newspaper reporter, the others are the people who escaped from the disasters. 通过此拓展练习学生之间的交流让他们学会在灾难临头之际应有的应变能力.同时用First,…. Next,…. Then,…. Finally,…来叙述事件。
Step five:Homework Enjoying Give the Ss task.. Find out the beautiful words and phrases which describe the terrible flood and the feelings of the hero and heroine. 此篇文章文笔优美,有大量修饰洪水和人物心理的语言,让学生学会欣赏英语文章。



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