Unit11 speaking 、listening and enjoying music

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

授课班级 高2006级二班
教学目的和重点 1.训练听说能力.使其能运用音乐相关的知识来进行表达;2.让学生感受不同形式的音乐,培养学生的鉴赏能力,并引导学生扩大音乐的兴趣;3.让学生对中国音乐有更多的了解和认识,提高他们对祖国音乐的兴趣。
教学工具 多媒体课件,录音机,黑板。
Teaching Procedures
Specific procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Designing ideas
Step one:Lead-in Greet students 1. Greet teacher;2. Duty report 通过值日生报告引入本课。
Step two: Warming-up:Brainstorm 1.Ask some questions about music;2.Ask the Ss to find out musical styles;3.Show the Ss three pieces of music and find out the musical styles; 4.Ask the Ss to Read a short passage about music. 1.answer these questions;2.Give the musical styles they know;3.Enjoy the three pieces of music;4.Read the short passage together. 让学生了解不同音乐的形式和对人们生活的影响,引导学生扩大音乐的兴趣范围,并进一步认识到英语是一种在我们生活中随处可见、大家共用的“语言”。
Step three: Passage listening: 1.Introduce Michael Jackson:2.Play the tape which is about Michael Jackson;3.Ask the Ss to finish the exercises; 4.Check the answers 1 Guess Who the famous singer is, according to the description.2.Listen to the tape and finish the Ex;3.Check the answers with the teacher. 通过乐坛巨星的文章提高学生的学习兴趣,并进行听力的训练。
Step four: Showing the Ss’ favorite music: Give the Ss a task. 1.Some Ss show their favorite music.2. The other Ss enjoy the music and answer some questions. 课前学生收集资料并进行展示。让他们在做中学,试着运用有关语言,并鼓励发展、创造语言。
Step five: Discussing: 1.Talk about Chinese music.2.Play a piece of Chinese instrumental music.3.Give the Ss a question to discuss:What should you do for the traditional Chinese music? 1.Learn something about Chinese music;2.Enjoy the piece of Chinese music.3.Have a discussion with their partners. 引导学生了解中国音乐,正确认识音乐,提高他们对祖国音乐的兴趣。
Step six Homework Give the Ss homework Write an e-mail about Chinese music to their foreign e-pals.
Musical styles:
Classical music, country music, jazz, rock and roll, pop music, hip-hop, rap, Latin music, the blues dance music folk music, light music, heavy metal, and so on.
A passage about music:
n As you explore music, you will find much music which tells of interesting places and exciting things to do . You will find music which expresses feelings that are of your own. Music is an expression of the people. As you explore, you will find music of people at work, at play, and in worship. You will find music expresses love of country, love of nature, and love of home.
n Music can suggest activities and feelings which we all share. We can enjoy playing and singing music, dancing and listening to the music of the people and the artists of different times and places.



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