UNIT 4 Unforgettale Experience

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Unit 4
Unforgettable Experiences
I. Teaching Aims:
1. Improve the students’ reading ability.
2. Learn how to organize ideas in a text using “First” “Next” “Then” “Finally”.
3. Master some important points.
II. Teaching Important Points:
Help the students to understand the passage better.
III. Teaching Difficult Points:
How to improve the students’ reading ability
IV. Teaching Methods:
1. Discussion to let the students know something about natural disasters.
2. Fast reading to the general idea..
3. Careful reading to help the students understand some detailed information.
4. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
V. Teaching Aids:
Tape recorder Computer
VI. Teaching Procedures:
Step1. Greetings
Step2. Lead-in
In this summer, it rained heavily here. The main street in Dafeng was full of flood and the water could reach your knees. Twelve years ago, in 1991, one of the natural disasters happened in China. It was terrible. The flood swept trees down and destroyed many buildings. Many people were washed away and many became homeless.
What natural disasters do you know?
Present some pictures of natural disasters on the screen.
List these natural disasters on the blackboard:
( Flood, Earthquake, Typhoon, Snow Storm, Volcanic Eruption, Forest Fire)
Have you ever experienced a natural disaster? If you were in the classroom and the flood took place, what would you do?
Step3. Discussion
Now turn to Page 24 and look at the chart above the text. There are four situations provided here. Now discuss with your partner and then I’ll ask some of you to speak out. While telling what you would do in each situation, you should use the structure such as “First…Next…Then…Finally…”. Each group uses one situation.
Step4. Presentation
After 3 minutes, students present their statements. (Answers may vary.)
Step5. Fast Reading
Today we will learn a text about the flood--- the Rescue. It is an adaptation from The Virgin and The Gypsy, written by a famous English writer DH Lawrence in 1930.
What does the text talk about? Now read it quickly and try to answer the two questions:
① What were Flora’s two feelings when she turned around and saw the water coming?
( surprise and wonder )
② Why was Jeff looking for the chimney?
( Because that is the strongest part of the house.)
Step6. Careful Reading
Now read the text in detail and answer the questions on the blackboard:
① What did Flora hear and see at first?
( She heard somebody shouting and when she looked around she saw Jeff running. Then she heard a loud noise.)
② What did Flora want to watch?
( She wanted to watch the water that was quickly advancing towards her.)
③ What happened the next moment?
( The first wave swept Flora down, swallowing the garden. Jeff dragged her towards the house. Then a new wave came, sweeping down trees, seeping them down. They were both under water .)
④ As they got to the steps, what did they hear? How about the water?
( They heard another great roar, and wall of the house shook. The water flowed around their legs.)
⑤ Can you describe the scene when they looked out of the window?
( The water swept past the house. It was three meters deep. Trees were cut down. The garden was completely destroyed and swept away.)
When students answer the above questions, write these key words on the blackboard:
About People: hear shout look around drag pull struggle
About Flood: roar advance sweep swallow flow around
Step7. Language Points:
Explain the following language points:
① swallow v. to take in, causing to disappear
e.g. The fog swallowed up the whole city.
② struggle v. try hard, make great effort
e.g. He struggled to get out of the trap.
The two leaders are struggling for power.
③ look n. a look of pleasure/ fear/ relief
e.g. There was an angry look in his eyes.
The man and the woman looked into each other’s face with a look of fright.
④ strike v. struck; struck/ stricken
e.g. The stone struck me on the side of the head.
⑤ drag v. pull sb./sth. along with effort and difficulty
e.g. He dragged me to the cinema.
He dragged a heavy box out.
⑥ pull v. to move sb./sth. towards oneself, sometimes with force.
e.g. He pulled his chair up to the table.
The child pulled (at) its mother’s coat.
Step8. Listening
Ask students to listen to the tape and try to get the general idea of each paragraph.
Step9. Practice
Work out what the underlined words refer to:
1. Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar.
2. There she saw a big mass of water that was quickly advancing towards her.
3. She wanted to watch it.
4. Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were al cold and wet, starting crying.
5. For some moments both were silent.
Suggested answers: 1. great roar 2. behind her 3. Flora
4. Flora’s 5. Flora and Jeff
Step10. Summary and Homework
Today we have read a passage about a terrible flood, and we’ve also learnt some useful words and expressions. After class, you should try to understand the passage better and master the words and expressions.
Homework: Retell the text
Word Study
Writing: Write a short passage about a natural disaster you heard from others.
Record after Teaching




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