
中学英语教学资源网英语论文教学论文 手机版

1. He said ________ if he had seen me yesterday, he would have told me about it.
A. what B. whether C. that D. when
2. Can you tell us you have lived there?
A. when ________ B. how soon C. how often D. since when
3. ________ he didn't agree to this plan?
A. How you know why B. Do you know why
C. Why do you know D. Do you know how
4. Have you seen Tom recently? I wonder ________ with his studies.
A. how is he getting along
B. that he gets along well
C. what he is getting along
D. if he is getting along well
5. I wondered how much ________ .
A. does the watch cost B. did the watch cost
C. the watch costs D. the watch cost
6. We have plenty of books here. You may take ________ you like.
A. in which B. from which C. whichever D. that
7. Now we can see ________ problem the population is.
A. a such serious B. how serious a
C. such serious a D. so a serious
8. I can't tell you ________ proud I am.
A. what B. how C. why D. what a
9. I'll show you a store where you can buy ________ you need.
A. which B. that C. how D. what
10. I don't think Mary and Sue ________ before, ________ ?
A. have met; don't they B. have met; have they
C. have met; do I D. had met; hadn't they
11. -Has Tom arrived yet ?
-No, but he said he ________ a bit late.
A. would come B. had come C. came D. had been coming
12. -My father will be here tomorrow.
-Oh, we ________ that he ________ today.
A. thought; was coming B. think; came
C. think; would come D. have thought; has come
13. I came to know that knowledge ________ only from practice after I ________ school.
A. has come; has left B. comes; left
C. would come; was leaving D. had come; had left
14. As soon as he saw the picture, he realized he ________ there before.
A. has been B. has gone C. had been D. had gone
15. He had a good memory. He can remember ________ the teacher taught.
A. that B. no matter what
C. whatever D. no matter which
16. I read it in some book or other; does it matter ________ it was?
A. who B. why C. how D. which
17. I really don't know ________ .
A. that I'll go B. whether I'll go or not
C. whether to go and stay D. if go or stay
18. He asked ________ I understood ________ he meant.
A. whether; what B. if; that C. when; which D. why; where
19. Our teacher told us ________ to school at seven.
A. come B. to come C. leave D. leaving
20. Tourists are warned ________ rubbish anywhere.
A. don't throw B. not to throw C. not throwing D. didn't throw




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