Unit 7 Canada

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Teaching aims
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Ask the students the questions:
In which countries in the world do people speak English?
How many languages can you speak?
Which language is spoken by the largest number of people?
How are you getting along with your English study?
Do you often read and speak English?
Have ever met a foreigner and talked with him in English?
Please say something about the difference between American English and British English.
3. Show the students a map of Canada and get them to talk about this country.
T: As we know, in Canada there are two official languages, English and French. Also, Canada and the USA are neighbors. In your opinion, are there any differences between American English and Canadian English? Do the people in Canada speak English the same way as the people in the USA do?
Step 2 Presentation
1. Brief introduction
Show the students a picture and introduce the two characters in the dialogue by raising the following questions.
1) What can you see in the picture?
2) Do you know who this man is?
3) Is he American?
4) Do you know the girl’s name?
5) Can you guess what they are talking about?
2. General understanding
Let the students listen to the dialogue and listen the following questions:
1) Is an America accent quite different from a Canadian accent?
2) Do people have the same accent all over Canada?
3. Further understanding
1) Ask the students to read the dialogue silently and think about the question: which of the following does Dean talk about, grammar, vocabulary, spelling or pronunciation?
2) Get the students to tell whether the statements are right or wrong. Do Ex. 1.
Step 3 Practice
1. Let the students fill in the form below, using the follow questions as a guide.
American English Canadian English
1) Are there any many differences between them?
2) Do they sue any different words for the same meaning?
3) Are there any differences in pronunciation?
4) Do they use American or British English?
2. Let he students listen to the tape and repeat after it. Then get them to practise in pairs.
3. Ask the students to retell the dialogue with reference to Wb, Ex.2.
4. Get he students to practice the dialogue in pairs.
Step 4 Dialogue Production
1. Ask the students to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions:
Which is greater, the difference between British English and American English, or the difference between British English and Canadian English?
The difference is not so important, but understanding is more important.
2. Ask the students to make dialogues similar to the one in the textbook by using the phrases below:
Situation 1: You are talking about the English language with a person from England.
Situation 2: A foreigner who is visiting China wants to know the difference between Chinese and Japanese.
Step 5 language points
1. A lot of people can’t tell the difference between an American accent and a Canadian accent.
* tell the difference between A and B 说出……之间的区别
Betty and Alice are twin sisters. Can you tell the difference between them?
Who can tell the difference between the two phrases?
* tell A from B 把……和……区分开
We can’t tell the good apples from the bad ones.
You must try to tell the chickens from the ducks.
* tell a lie/lies 说谎, 撒谎
Don’t tell a lie! I can’t believe you.
He is always telling lies.
* tell/speak the truth 说实话
We should tell the truth.
* to tell the truth 老实说--- 用作插入语
To tell the truth, I don’t believe you.
* tell about 告诉关于……的事
I will tell about it later.
2. Generally speaking, newspapers follow the American way.
1) follow
* 遵循, 按照......行事
Are you going to follow her advice?
Finally we decided to follow our teacher’s suggestion.
* 听得懂, 明白 = understand
Can you follow my argument?
The teacher spoke so fast that I can’t follow him.
We can’t follow what he said.
* 跟随,跟着,= come, go have a place after
You go first and I will follow you.
They followed us for miles.
* 沿着......而行,循着 = go along , keep to
Follow the road until you get o a church; then turn to left.
2) generally speaking 一般地說
Generally speaking, the students from the countryside are working harder.
Frankly speaking, I don’t enjoy the performance.
Exactly speaking, they will arrive at 8:14 p.m.
3. 系动词用法
可分爲三类.第一类包括 be, seem, appear, remain, keep 等.表示狀態或性質.第二類包括look, sound, taste, smell, fell 等.表示感覺. 第三類包括become, grow, get, go, turn等,表示變化.
Our bed bedroom looks very well.
His suggestion sounds all right.
She fell ill yesterday, but she is feeling much better now.
His French remains very weak.
The silk feels smooth.
The leaves have turned yellow.
The potatoes went bed in the soil.
4. way的一些用法
Is this the way you do it?
Canada is bigger than the USA and reaches nearly a quarter of the way ( distance ) round the earth.
In some ways ( points) the two countries are like each other, but in other ways, they are different.
Your work is still a long off satisfaction.
Look this way ( direction) please.
The crops look wonderful our way ( in our part of the country).
In the way, in a way, on the/one’s way, out of the way, by the way, by way of, find a way, lose one’s way, feel one’s way, fight one’s way, make one’s way, lead the way, make way of, push one’s way
Unit 7 Lesson 26
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework.
2. Revise the dialogue in Lesson 25.
3. Get the students to act out the dialogue.
Step 2 Presentation
1. Part 1. Put the students into groups to discuss the questions, and collect their answers.
2. Ask the students to read the passage quickly to find the answers.
Step 3 Reading
1. Go through Ex.1. Let the students too read the passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs.
2. Check their answers with the whole class.
Step 4 Language points
1. Canada is the second largest country in the world.
The Yellow River is the second longest river in the world.
Wang Wei is the tallest student in the world.
2. It is larger than America and reaches nearly a quarter of the way round the earth.
* reach = extend
The woods reach as far as the river.
The park reaches to the foot of the mountain.
The speaker’s voice didn’t reach to the back of the hall.
* reach = get to
We reached Beijing about half past ten.
* reach = stretch out the hand for sth.
Can you reach that apple on the tree?
* reach…for
Can you reach that book for your brother?
* reach (out) for
He reached out his hand for the book, but it was to far away.
He reached out for the dictionary.
The boy reached for the doorbell, but he was too short to reach.
3. French-speaking------spoken French
 labor-saving
 written English
 written exercises
Only when you are in the English-speaking countries, can you improve your spoken English.
4. As in China, the weather is different from area to area.
* as in China = as it is the case in China
As in the last experiment, he again got the same result this time.
In 1939, as in 1994, there started a terrible killing of man.
As in your country, we grow wheat in the north, and rice in the south.
5. In the north, the winters are long and hard, with snow for six months of the year.
* hard---( 天气,气候) 酷烈的, 严寒的.
We had a hard winter last year.
Most crops dies from a hard frost.
Teak is a hard kind of wood.( not easily cut)
He found it hard to make up his mind. ( difficult)
Before liberation, the working people lived a hard life. ( unhappy )
In the north, the winters are long and hard. ( severe )
The stepmother is hard on the girl.(harsh)
Regular physical exercise soon made the boys hard.(strong)
The thief received a hard blow.
The students are working hard at English. ( with great efforts)
It was raining hard when we got home. (heavily)
He has lost his hard-earned money, (earned with great difficulty)
Please boil the eggs hard. ( solid)
The spy was following hard behind the thief. (closely)
* with 的复合结构
He was fat, with thick glasses on.
It is his new house, with a lot of trees around it.
6. In the capital, the average of winter temperature is ―10℃, and in summer 21℃.
The average of 4,5 and 9 is 6.
Tom’s work at school is above average; Harry’s is below the average.
The average age of the girls in our class is 15.
What is the average temperature in your area this winter?
7. Plants grow well all the year round and the parks and gardens are famous for their flower.
* all the year round: in every month of the year
The grassland beyond this mountain has little rain all the year round.
The nurse sat by the patient all night long.
They had to work all day along.
* be famous for --- be famous as
Charlie Chaplin was famous for his silent film.
Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful West Lake.
The lake is famous as a place of interest.
He is famous as a singer.
1. The country has a great deal of coal, oil and natural gas, and these are all exploited for energy.
* exploit Vt. 利用= use; 開發=develop
We must exploit every opportunity to learn new things.
They tried every means to exploit the oil under the sea.
We must exploit our rich resources for the development of our country.
2. from… to
* 重复使用同一词
from time to time from area to area
from door to door from place to place
from age to age from side to side
from generation to generation from shop to shop
from end to end
* 使用反义词
from beginning to from west to east
from top to bottom from hand to mouth
* 使用同义词
from bad to worse from very cheap to very expensive
Step4 Reading aloud
Play the tape for the students to listen and repeats.
Step 5 Word study
1. Part 3. Explain what the students have to do. Let the students work individually. Go through the answers at the end.
3. Part 4. Read the example first, then let the students do in pairs.
Step 6 Note making and discussion
Go through the instructions and check that the students know what they have to do. Get them to make their note individually, before comparing them.
Step 7 workbook
Step 8 Consolidation
Book closed. Get the students to retell the passage.
Read the passage again and again, trying to recite it. Revise the new words and expressions. Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Lesson 24
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Book closed. True or False.
Canada is the largest country in the world.
The country covers six time areas
The population is 125 million.
There are three official languages, English, French and German.
The warmest place in winter is in the east.
Canada has lots of forests.
Canada makes most of its electricity from coal.
Step 2 Preparations for reading
Part 1. Read the passage and answer the questions:
What are they called and where did they come from? ( Inuit, Asia )
Step 3 Reading
Ask the students to read the passage carefully and answer some questions.
Where do Inuit live now?
How did they travel?
What did they hunt?
What did they eat?
Step 4 Language points
1. In summer they hunted a type of deer and in winter built small round houses with blocks of snow.
* type n. 种类, 类型,样式,典型. 表示比较具体的型号,模式或类型,界线比较分明.
--- What type of the tree?
--- It is a type of pine tree.
Men of his type are not to be trusted.
The book was printed in large typed.
* kind 种类.指具有相似的特点,但不如type那么具体,而是比较笼统、模糊的归类。
We will overcome all kinds of difficulties.
They are different kinds of plants.
* sort 与kind可互换,只是sort有时带有贬义。
I have never seen such sort of people.
How did you get this sort of idea into you r mind?
3. “ 例如” 的表示方法.
* for example 举例说明, 插入语, 前后都要用逗好隔开,常用于典型例子.
A lot of people, for example, John, would rather have coffee.
*such as 用来引出所要列举的事物,“诸如,例如”之义。未完。
At school we study many subjects, such as Chinese, English, mathematics and politics.
* and so on 表示列举的事物未完, “等等”之义。
1. Struggle for / struggle against / struggle with
For two centuries the two countries struggled against each other to control this part.
They struggled for their motherland.
The old man struggled with Lei Feng.
4. be used for / be used as/ be used to do
The paper is used for newspaper.
Bamboo can be used for building.
The living-room was used as a laboratory.
The fork is used as a tool.
The fork is used to turn over the soil.
4. in al / at all/ after all/above all
* in all 总计,总共。= together
There are about 25,000 people attending the meeting.
In all, there are two hundred people present.
* at all 用于否定结构及疑问结构,加强语气,“根本,全然” 之义。在肯定句中往往用否定的之义。
I don’t agree with you at all.
I was surprised at his coming at all.
* after all 毕竟,终竟;别忘了
He failed after all/
After all your birth is only two weeks away.
* above all 最重要的,首先。
We must work hard, but above all we must believe in ourselves.
5. the other day/some day/one day/another day
The other day I watched someone cleaning his car in the street.
You will pay for it some day.
One day, an old man was walking down the street.
We are going to visit the temple one day next month.
I will see you again another day.
6. be used as / be used for / be used to / used to
* be used as 被当作…
The living-room was used as a laboratory.
The fork is used as a tool.
* be used for 被用于...方面
The paper is used for newspaper.
Bamboo can be used for building
* be used to 1) 被用来做; 2) 习惯于
The fork is used to turn over the soil.
She is used to the weather here now.
The students are used to getting up in the morning.
* used to 过去常常
They used to go to the river to have a swim.
* would 过去常常,但只表示过去经常发生的动作; used to 既可表示过去经常发生的动作,也可表示过去经常存在的状态.
There used to be a church in front of our school.
Our school is not what it used to be.
7. remain 用法小结
* remain vi. 逗留,留下,剩下
He has to remain in the hospital until he was better.
After the fire, very little remained of my house.
* remain link.v 仍然是,还是
He remained silent.
She remains unmarried.
Man remained a hunter for thousands of years.
8. lift语法小结
* lift n. 搭车,电梯
I hope that someone will offer me a lift home.
Can you give me a lift to the station?
Please take the lift to the earth floor?
* Vt. 举起,抬起,(烟雾)消散
The box is too heavy for me to carry.
This piece of good luck lifted her spirits.
The fog began to lift.
9. 关于主谓一致.
 "一致"(CONCORD或AGREEMENT)指句子成分之间或词语之间在语法形式上的协调关系。主谓一致指主语和谓语动词之间在"人称"和"数"方面的一致关系,这又叫做"主--动一致"(SUBJECT--VERB CONCORD)。
主语和随后的动词词组(即谓语动词)之间的一致关系对我们来说,掌握上往往有一定的困难,因为这种一致关系常为三种不同的原则所支配,即语法一致原则(GRAMMATICAL CONCORD),意义一致原则(NOTIONAL CONCORD)和就近原则(PRINCIPLE OF PROXIMITY)。
Both boys have their own merits.
Few students are really lazy.
Many people want to go.
Two girls were standing on the corner.
Each boy has his own book.
Every girl comes on time.
Either answer is correct.
Much effort is wasted.

有时,主语和谓语动词的一致关系并非取决于语法上的单、复数形式,而是取决于主语的单、复数意义:比如有时主语在语法形式上并非复数,但有复数意义,随后的动词便用复数;反之,主语在语法形式上是复数,而在意义上可视为单数,随后的动词也用单数。这种一致关系叫做意义一致 。例如:
The government have asked the country to decide by a vote.
Fifteen miles seems like a long walk to me.
Fifty-six dollars was stolen from the cash register.
Either my brothers or my father is coming.
Only one out of five were present.
No one except hi own supporters agree with him.
Neither Julia nor I am going.
英语中有一些疾病名称是以-s结尾的,如 arthritis(关节炎),bronchitis (支气管炎),rickets (软骨病),mumps (腮腺炎),diabetes(糖尿病)等,这类名词通常作单数用。例如:
Mumps is a kind of infectious disease.
Arthritis is a disease causing pain and swelling in the joints of the body.
Phlebitis(静脉炎) is a swollen condition of the blood vessels.
Generally measles(麻疹) occurs in children.
Measles are sometimes caused by a tapeworm.
Rickets is /are caused by malnutrition.
Darts is essentially a free and easy game.
Marbles is one of the oldest of games and was not confined to children.
Cards are not allowed here.
当darts, marbles等用于作这些游戏所用的镖或弹子等意义时,其复数形式仍作复数用。例如:
Three darts are thrown at each turn.
Marbles vary in kind and quality.
Physics is an important subject in middle schools.
Acoustics is the science of sound.
Mathematics is the study of numbers.
Tactics is an important study for the soldier.
Athletics is a required course for students of all grades.
My mathematics(运算能力) is/are rather shaky.
Athletics(体育运动) have been greatly promoted at this college.
The acoustics(音响效果) in the new concert hall are faultless.
The tactics(策略) employed in this campaign were above reproach(无可指责).
The economics(经济效率) of the project are still being considered.
某些以-s结尾的地理名称,如果是国名,如the United States,the United Nations,the Netherlands等,尽管带有复数词尾,但系单一政治实体,故作单数用。例如:
The United States is a country of people with varied orgins.
In early January 1976 the Netherlands was hit by its worst storm since 1953.
The West Indies,apart from the Bahamas,are commonly divided into two parts.The Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉) have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.
The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance.
The Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉大瀑布) are perhaps the most famous waterfall in the world.
The sugar-gongs are not in the sugar bowl.
Joe's new trousers are black and white.
如果带有单位词,则由单位词的单、复数形式决定动词的单、复数形式。 例如:
One pair of scissors isn't enough.
Two pairs of pliers,one large and one small,are missing from my tool box.
英语中还有一些以-s结尾的名词,如archives(档案),arms(武器),clothes(衣服),contents(内容,目录),eaves(屋檐),fireworks(烟火),goods(货物), minutes(记录),morals(道德,品行),remains(遗体),stairs(楼梯), suburbs (郊区),thanks(谢意),wages(工资)等,通常作复数。例如:
The archives of this society are kept in the basement.
The contents of this book are most fascinating.
High wages often result in high prices.
His thanks were most profuse.
His whereabouts(行踪) were/was known only to his personal staff.
The dramatics(舞台艺术) of the performance were/was marvellous.
The clippings of the hedges are usually burnt.
The sweepings of the godown(仓库) have been disposed of.
Good tidings have cheered them up.
The tidings has come a little too late.
A barracks was stormed(袭击) by the enemy troops.
Two barracks in the suburbs(郊外) have been surrounded.
A headquarters was set up to direct the operation(指挥作战).
Their headquarters are in Paris.
The only means to achieve success is to appeal to arms(诉诸武力).
All means have been tried out to increase agricultural production.

What's the odds? (有什么要紧?相当于What does it matter?)
The odds are against us.(我们成功的机会很小。相当于We are not likely to succeed.)
His remains lie in the churchyard.
The martyr's remains were buried at the foot of the hill.
Here is the remains of a temple.
The remains of the meal were/was fed to the dog.
集体名词(COLLECTIVE NOUN),如government, committee, team, group等,在意义上是复数,而在语法形式上是单数。以这类名词做主语主谓一致问题往往在于对"语法一致"和"意义一致"两种原则的选择。这种选择通常遵循以下原则:
a committee, etc of +复数名词

有些集体名词,如police, people, cattle, militia, poultry(家禽),vermin(害虫)等,通常作复数,用复数动词。例如:
Domestic cattle provide us with milk, beef and hides.
Such vermin as bugs and rats are hard to get rid of.
有一些集体名词,如foliage, machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise (商品),通常作不可数名词,随后的动词用单数。例如:
The merchandise has arrived undamaged.
All the machinery in the factory is made in China.
有一些集体名词,如audience, committee,class(班级),crew(全体船员或机组人员), family, government, public(公众)等,既可作单数,也可作复数用。如将各该名词所表示的集体视为一个整体,则动词用单数。例如:
The group (or platoon or squad) of soldiers is a top-notch fighting unit.
That group (or platoon or squad) of soldiers have the best ratings of individual performance.
That herd of cows and calves is the healthiest the farm has had in some time.
That herd of cows and calves are moving toward the sheds by twos and threes.

4.a committee, etc of +复数名词
如果主语是由"a committee of /a panel of /a (the) board of +复数名词"构成,随后的动词通常用单数。例如:
A committee of five men and three women is to consider the matter.
A panel of distinguished people has been chosen to udge this competition.It si meeting tomorrow.
The board of directors is responsible for the management of the firm.
本部分阐述以并列结构作主语(COORDINATED SUBJECT)、以表示数量概念的名词词组(NOUN PHRASE OF AMOUNT OR QUANTITY)做主语、以名词性分句(NOMINAL CLAUSE) 作主语以及其他方面的主谓一致问题。
由and/both ...and连接的并列主语
由and或both...and 连接的并列主语,如果意义为复数,谓语动词用复数。例如:
The fishing and the hunting in Arizona were good that year.
Both Pauline and her son Bob have gone fishing in Canada.
Rain, hail and wind have caused an estimated $22,000,000 damage to crops and livestock.
Ham and eggs is a good breakfast.
The hammer and sickle was flying from a tall flagpole.
The secretary and treasureer is absent.
Good and bad taste are inculcated by example.
What I say and think are no business of yours.
在上述两例中,good and bad taste = good taste and bad taste;
What I say and think = what say and what I think。
当and连接的并列名词词组带有each, every ,或者many a 等限定词时,随后的动词通常用单数。例如:
Every boy and every girl in this room is entitled to a copy.
Many a man and woman in this community finds himself or herself in need.
His younger brother and the subsequent editor of his collected papers was /were with him at his death-bed.
Your fairness and impartiality has/have been much appreciated.

由or, nor, either...or, neither...nor, not only...but also连接的并列主语作主语,随后的动词形式通常按照“就近原则”处理。例如:
My sisters or my brother is likely to be at home.
Either her father or her mother calls for her every afternoon.
Either my father or my brothers are coming.
Neither the Kansas players nor the coach was overconfident.
Neither the Kansas coach nor the players were confident of victory.
Not only the switches but also the old wiring has been changed.
Have a question regarding Grammar, Vocabulary or some-thing else?

主语+as much as, etc
当主语后面跟有由as much as, rather than, more than, no less than等引导的从属结构时,随后的动词形式依主语本身的单数而定。例如:
Some of the workers as much as the manager were responsible for the loss.
His brother rather than his parents is to blame.
My wife, more than anyone else in the family, is anxious to go there again.
Man, no less than the lower forms of life, is the product of the evolutionary process(进化过程).

主语+as well as, etc
当主语后面跟有由as well as, in addition to ,with, along with, together with, except等引导的词组时,其后的动词形式也取决于主语本身的形式。例如:
The manager with some workers was working during the holidays.
The father, as well as his sons, is going to enroll.
Bill, together with his sisters ,was hurt in the accident.
The truck along with all its contents was destroyed.
The barn, in addition to the house, was burned.
No one except two girls was late for dinner.
英语中有一些表示数量概念的名词词组。数量概念分两类一类是确定数量,如three months, five kilos, six quarts 等;另一类是非确定数量,如all of ...,some of...,none of...,enough of ...等。如果用这类名词词组作主语,往往产生主谓一致问题。
The treasurer thought that sixty-five dollars was not too much to ask.
Six months is too short a time, General Westmoreland warned.
Three miles was too long a distance for Freedman to run.
Five hours is needed to complete the outline.
There were six silver dollars in each of the stockings.
Two thirds of the swampland(沼泽地) has been reclaimed(开垦).
Over sixty per cent of the city was destroyed in the war.
Thirty-five per cent of the doctors were women.
Forty minus fifteen (40-15) leaves twenty-five.
Forty divided by eight (40/8) is five.
Seven and five (7+5) makes/make twelve.
Five times eight (5+8) is /are forty.
d)如果主语由“one in /one out of +复数名词”构成,在正式语体中,动词用单数;在非正式语体中,动词也可按“就近原则”用复数。例如:
One in ten students has failed the exam.
One out of twenty was badly damaged.
One in ten students have failed the exam.
a)如果主语是all of ...,some of ...,none of ...,half of ...,most of ...等表示非确定数量的名词词组,其后的动词形式依of-词组中的名词类别而定。例如:
Most of the money was recovered by Deputy Player.
Most of the members were there.
All of the cargo was lost.
All of the crew were saved.
Some of the money has been stolen.
None but the best coffee is good enough.
None of my friends ever come(s) to see me.
Half of the building was damaged in the explosion.
Half of the students are girls.
b)如果主语是由“lots of, heaps of, loads of, scads of, plenty of+名词”构成表示“许许多多”等概念时,随后动词的单、复数形式也依of-词组中名词类别而定。例如:
Lots of food is going to waste.
lots of people are waiting outside.
Loads of milk has been distributed among the children.
Loads of apples have been picked.
Plenty of the sugar is imported from Cuba.
Plenty of the men are already here.
c)如果主语是由“a portion of ,a series of ,a pile of ,a panel of+名词”构成,不管名词类别有何,动词通常用单数。例如:
A substantial portion of the reports is missing.
A series of accidents has been reported.
Apile of logs was set beside the hearth(炉边).
d)如果主语是由“a kind/sort/type of ,this kind/sort/type of +名词”构成,动词用单数。例如:
There is a kind of rose in the garden, which fills the air with fragrance when May comes.
This kind of man annoys me.
This kind/sort of apples is highly priced.
That type of men is dangerous.
These kinds of men annoy me.
Those types/sorts of machines are up to date.
e)如果主语是由“many a+名词”或“more than one +名词”构成,其意义虽属多数,但随后的动词仍遵循“语法一致”原则,用单数。例如:
Many a man has done his duty.
More than one game was lost.
f)如果主语由“an average of / a majority of+复数名词”构成,而且明确表示多数个体概念,随后的动词用复数;如果这类主语不表示多数个体概念,则动词用单数。比较:
An average of 25 persons apply each month.
An average of 25 applications a month is not unusual.
A majority of the town's younger men are moving to the city.
A majority of three votes to one was recorded.
由what, who, why, how, whether等wh-词引导的名词性分句作主语,其后的动词通常用单数。例如:
What caused the accident is a complete mystery.
What caused the accident and who was responsible for it remain a mystery to us.
What was real to him were the details of his life.
What are often regarded as poisonous fungi(毒菌子) are sometimes safely edible.

Increasing their wages has raised the crew's morale.
Reading Ibsen(阅读易卜生剧本) and solving quadratic equation(解二次方程) are entirely different assignments.
关系分句(RELATIVE CLAUSE)中谓语动词单、复数形式通常依关系代词(RELATIVE PRONOUN)先行项(ANTECEDENT)的形式而定。这里特别要讲以下在“one of+复数名词+关系分句”中,关系分句动词的单、复数问题。
在“one of+复数名词+关系分句”结构中,关系分句动词通常依照语法一致原则用复数形式。例如:
Joan is one of those people who go out of thier way to be helpful.
I am one of those people who by the general opinion of the world are counted both infamous and unhappy.
Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths.
My worthy Friend Sir Roger is one of those who is no only ar peace within himself,but beloved and esteemed by all about him.
如果在这类结构之前有定冠词the或者有the only 等限定词和强调词时,关系分句动词形式依one而定,用单数。例如:
Selfishness is the one of her many faults which defears itself.
Keves is the only one of the players who has learned all the players.
He is the only one of those boys who is willing to take on another assignment.
在分裂句(SLEFT SENTENCE)中,that/who-分句的动词形式通常依先行项而定。这里要特别讲一下在“It is I/me+who/that-分句”中的动词形式问题。
在“It is I+who-分句”中,who-分句动词现在时在人称和数的形式上应与I保持一致。例如:It is I who am to blame.
但在非正式语体中,分裂句中心成分(FOCUS ELEMENT)可用宾格代词me。知识,随后的that-分句动词通常用第三人称单数例如:
It is me that is to blame.
It is me that was injured in the accident.
There are three toutes you can take.
There is a note left on the desk.
当用作实义主语的名词词组是个并列结构时(COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION),只要第一个并列成分(COORDINATE ELEMENT)不是复数,谓语动词便可用单数。例如:
There's more grace and less carelessness.
1. 两个或两个以上做主语的单数名词用and连接,谓语用复数.
Tom and Dick are good friends.
A singer and dancer was present at the party.
The worker and writer is talking to the students。
Bread and butter tastes good.
( a needle and thread, a horse and cart, a watch and chain, a coat and tie, truth and honesty,
medical help and cure)
2. 用 and 连接的两个名词若被 no, each, every, many a 修饰,则谓语动词用单数。
No bird and no beast is seen in the bare island.
Many a boy and many a girl has made such a funny experiment.
At Christmas each boy and each girl is given a present.
3. 主语后有as well as, like, with, together with, but, except, besides,等,谓语应于前面主语保持一致.
A professor, together with some students, was sent to help in the work.
No one but the teachers is allowed to use the room.
4. 两个主语由not only…but also, or, either…or, neither…nor 等连接时,谓语动词与第二个主语保持一致.
Either he or I am to go there.
Are either you or he going to attend the meeting?
5. 一些集合名词做主语,如果看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数;如果指其中的成员,谓语用复数.但people, police, cattle等只能用复数.
My family is a big family.
My family are listening to the radio.
The police are trying to catch the thief.
6. 表示时间、重量、长度等名词,尽管是复数形式,但作为一个整体看,谓语还是用单数。
Five minutes is enough.
One dollar and seventy eight cents is what she has.
7.all 作为主语,代表人物时,一般用作复数;代表整个事件或情况时,一般 看作单数。
All what I want is a good dictionary.
All were silent. 人人都缄口无言。万籁俱寂。
All were out of danger.
8. 形容词加定冠词 the 表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。
What a live the poor were living!
The young are happy to give their seats to the old.
9.Who, which, that 作定语从句的主语时,其谓语取决于先行词。
Those who want to go should sign your names here.
He is one of the students who have passed the exam.
He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam.
Step 5 Language and practice
SB Page 40, Part3, Part4, Part5.
Step 6 Workbook
Do all the exercises.
Finish off all the exercises.
Revise the language in this unit.




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