SBIII Unit 3 Australia

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1. camp A.c/u 1)营地 (1) They were sent to a refugee camp.
(2)He insisted on making camp down by the river.
2)野营,夜鹰生活。(1) A summer camp is held in our school every year.
(2) 翻译:◎1。他坚持在那条河下游扎营。 1)put up a tent 扎营 I dislike camping here. 2)野营,露营 We hope to go camping in the bush.
“去从事某项活动”有两种方法:1)go cycling to the West hills 2)go out for a ride
译成英语 ◎2。去钓鱼,去爬山 去散步;去野餐;去郊游
2.shade树荫,荫凉处 1)I like to ehjoy the cool,sitting in the shade of a tree.
2)The tree will give us some shade from the sun.
3.用take,go t填空。 ◎3。Which road are you going to ________ to the market?
◎4.We appear to be ________ the wrong way.
Truck 1)path 小路。 A track winds its way through my village. 2)(人、动物、车辆行走时留下的)踪迹,足迹
4.A.填介词◎5.1. Look out ____ cars while crossing the road.
B.用take care 转换句型:5.2.Be careful not to knock your head against the wall.
5.beyond(介词) 1。在。。。那边 I can’t see anything behind the river because of the fog.
2.out of 超过。。。范围 1)The boy is beyond control.
2)The car is beyond repair.
3)The city has changed beyond all recognition.
6.fix up 1.put up set up 搭起 On arriving there,they fixed up a tent,made a fire and cooked dinner.
2.arrange 安排 1)It is up to fix up the meeting.
2)We were fixed up for the night at a hotel
译出划线词的中文意思:◎6。He fix a shelf to the wall .________
◎ 7.Let’s fix a date and place for his wedding.________
◎ 8.He is having his old house fix (up).________
◎ 9.The boy sat still,fixing his eyes on the screen
7.(句型转换) ◎10。It can damage your car badly.=It can______great damage _______your car.
◎ 11.Don’t tie it to the old branch.________
8.not…without 表示“肯定”。Don’t drive past cars that have stopped in the bush without stopping.=Do stop while driving past cars that have stopped in the bush.
1) die of thirst 译:◎12。去丛林野营,要带足够的水,否则你会渴死。
2) get sunburnt 晒黑 译:◎13。在外面走时,一定要带太阳帽,否则你会晒黑。
Reading I
1.level 1.水平面,水平高度 1)This city lies 2000 metres above sea level.
2)The level of the river has risen.
2.(知识,技术。文明等达到的)水平,程度 1)The traing center specializes in English teaching at all levels.
2)Our goal is to raise the technical level of the workers as soon as possible.
2. 难句解释 The first people crossed (on) a great land bridge into Australia from Asia.=Shanghai is known as the base of China’s industry.!____ ____ 2.___ ___ ___ ____.
3. deveplop:form gradually 形成 1)develop unusual way of life 2)develop a strong system of society 译:◎14。这个地方已发展成旅游中心。
◎ 15。努力培养学生的听说技能
◎ 16。进一步开发核能
◎ 17。在暗室里冲洗胶片
4.Hand sth down=pass sth down (从上代)把。。。传下去(给后代)
eg.1.This custom has been handed down since the 18th century.
2.In poor-families,clothes may be handed down from one child to the next.
译:◎18。艰苦朴素(hand work and plain living)的传统应代代相传。
5.yet 1)然而 (1)This is a strange yet true story.
(2).I have slept 8 hours,yet I’m still sleepy.
2).so far 直到现在 (1)I haven’t heard from her yet.
(2).This is the largest precious stone yet discovered.
6.curious 1) eager to know 富于好奇心的,渴望知道的 be curious about; be curious to do (极想) eg.(1) The boy is curious about everything around him.
(2).I am curious to know the result of the exam.
2)strange 奇怪的 The man looks curious with his hair dyed green.
构词法:a)adv-done(行为动词) eg.a curiously-造型奇特的公园 a simply-equipped office 一个设备简陋的办公室
b)adj-doing(系动词) eg. A good-looking young man nice-tasting dishes
7.experience adj.有经验的 be experienced in/at sth/doing
eg.1)Mr Li is an experienced teacher. 2)He is experienced in/at repairing TV sets,and is skilled at dealing with all kinds of the problems.
8.starve 1)(cause to)suffer hunger vt/vi (使)挨饿 2)die of hunger 饿死 starve to death
eg.1.She is starving herself to try to lose weight.
2.In Afrca millions of people are starving.
9.Make up v.1)组成 译:◎20。农民占中国人口将近70%。
2)编造,虚构 译:I have no idea whether he is telling the truth or making up lies.
3) 化妆,打扮 She took an hour to make (herself)up before the Party.
4) 配制 The doctor made up a bottle of cough medicine for you.
解释:◎22.I can’t make out who the figure(人影) in the dark. ________
◎ 23.What a strange girl she is! I can’t make her out. ________
10.take sth as one’s own 把。。。占为己有 He was charged with taking the public property as his own. intended for=be meant for 1)为。。。而设立,写,使用等 2)打算给。。。某人
eg.In Australia education was intended for white settlers only.
译:1。This book is intended for beginners in English.
2.This gift was intended for your sister ,not you.
12.rather than 1)而不是 A rather than B A,B同结构 2)不愿意 rather than do
eg.1.Now I am thirsty rather than tired.
2.I think that Tom,rather than you, is to be praised.
3.Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad,I sold them at half price.
13.改错 ◎25..As much work is remained to be done, I can’t go camping along with you.
◎26..Persuaded by my wife to give up smoking, I threw away the remained cigaraettes.
1.Australia is as old as time. 澳大利亚的古老如悠悠岁月。
2.◎26.1(转换)This village is separated from the outside world.____ ___ ___
2.译成汉语:We feel cut off from the lod people’s world.
3.改错 1。It is high time we lay the table for dinner.
2.I have lain the eggs laid by hens into the box.
3.He is said to have laid in bed for a whole day.
4.feed 1)养活vt. 2)喂(动物、婴儿、病人等) feed sb on sth; feed sth to sb. 3)feed on (动物)以。。。为主食 eg.1.The boy is too little to feed himself.
2.What do you feed pigs on?
3.Cattle feed on hay in winter.
5.Give birth to =have 生。。。(孩子) eg.My wife is going to give birth to a baby.
6.Cover vt.1)覆盖 2)涵盖 3。走(多少路程) 4。占。。。(多大面积) 5。采访
译:1.She covered her face with her hands with fear.
2.Her research covers a wide field.
3.They had covered 50 kilometres by sunset.
7.In 在。。。方面 eg.1.China is large in area and rich in resources.
2.The TV tower is 86 metres in height.
8.倍数表示法 1)A 倍数as adj/adv as B 2)S+V+倍数 as many/much +n +状语as…在有上下文的情况下,可省略第二个as 及以下的部分。
33.In the battle I shot 20 enemy soliders;he shot twice as many.
34.---Is this book worth the price? ---es,I will spent twice as much.
9.precious adl 1)贵重的 I can’t accept such a precious gift.
2)珍重的,宝贵的 1.This book keeps a record of my precious memories.
2.Nothing is more precious than time. (特殊用法) 1)fade 退色 The colour of the T-shirt runs easily.
2)continue in a direction(道路)延伸。Highway 312 runs past my home town on the east.
11.Keep sb out (of +地方) prevent sb from entering eg. 1.Emperer Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall with purpose of keeping the enemy out of the country.
2.Danger! Keep out!
12.round up:collect animals or people by driving them together 把。。。赶拢,使聚集
eg.1。I am lost how to round up the sheep on the hill side.
2.Cattle here to be rounded up and counted.
13.competition 1)竞赛 contest 1)竞争,角逐 We are in competition with several firms for the contract.(合同)
14share vt. 刮(脸,胡子)常与off连用。He promised to share his beard off if he lost the bet.(打赌)
15.argue 1)express opposite opinions 争论,辩论 vi.argue about sth with sb
2)主张,认为 argue that cl
35.She arguaged that our attempt would be a waste of time.
Argument 1)辩论,争论 eg.1.I suggest settling the problem by argument.
2.They are having a heated argument about price.
2)论据,论点 There are enough arguments that the cure for cancer is effective.
A组(1-8) keep,catch,shave,make,argue,fix up,lose,steal
B组(9-16)cover(两次),get,discover,find,intend,round up,develop
36.__________camp in the valley,we nearly were washed away in a storm.
37.________out of the meeting hall without a permit,I had to stand outside ,waiting.
38________in a traffic jam,the bus was delayed for a whole hour.
39.While ________ his beard,I made a cut in his face.
40.Even if ________ for the night in a four-star hotel,they won’t express statisfaction,I think.
41.Caught ________precious stones in the jewelry shop,he was beaten black and blue.
42.He voted a gainst the decision,________ that it wouldn’t work in practice.
43.A hurricane hit the city of Ningbo and did great damage. Facing the terrible scene,the mayor looked serious and stood ________there.
44.The boy lay on the grassland,with a coat ________his stomach.
45.Mr Li got home by shanghai from Xian only ________that his mother had starved to death.
46.The young worker repaired the damage to the ship in the burning sun all day,thus ________sunburnt.
47.The new airport ________an area of 20,000 square metres is under construction.
48.Is this the oldest cave painting yet ________?
49.Next week we will make a tour of Shanghai which ________a complete system of industry.
50.________the whole class.It is time to go back to the school.
51.The streets of the town were never________for heavy traffic.So all the drivers must take the new road which goes around it.
1. He insisted on making camp down by the river.
2. go fishing/boating/climbing; go for a walk/picnic/an outing
3. take 4.going
5.We followed the tracks he had left through the bush.
5.1.for 5.2.Take care 6.固定、安装 7。确定 8。Repair 9.stare at,to 11.fasten
12.Don’t go camping in the bush without plenty of water,or you’ll die of thirst.
13.Don’t walk outside without a sun hat,or you’ll get burnt.
14.The place has developed into a tourist center.
15.Make great efforts to develop the listening and speaking skills of the students
16.develop nuclear energy further
17.develop films in the darkroom
18.The tradition of hard work and plain living should be handed down from one generation to another.
19.If we remain in the carve,we will either die of cold or starved to death.
20.Peasants make up 70% of China’s population.
21.The medical team is made up of 10 men doctors and 2 women nurses.
22.recognize 23.understand
24.I prefer to starve rather than give in to him.
25.B.remains D.together 26.D remaining 26.1. is cut off from
27.I advise feeding pigs on the remaining food.
28.Congratulating you on giving birth to a fat baby.
29.The square covers an area of 20,000 square metres.
30.I will be sent to cover the medical conference.
31.This river is 3 times as long as that one.
32.We’ve produced twice as much steel this year as we did last year.
33.My hometown lies on the south bank of the Changjiang River ,where has a pleasant climate. Rice and wheat are mainly grown here. It’s a place rich in fish and rice. Highway312 runs past my hometown on the east and two railways meet here .It’s very convenient to get my hometown.
34.I don’t intend to argue about this problem with you.
36.Having made 37.Kept 38.Caught 39.shaving 40.fixed up 41.stealing 42.arguing 43.lost 44.covering find 46.getting 47.covering 48.discovered 49.has developed 50.Round up 51.intended




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