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1. ◎Captain Cook is preparing for his first expedition.=1)__________ 2)____________
◎解释:3) We are always prepared for anything to happen. =____________
4) I’m prepared to act on your advice. __________
2.store1)vt/c 储备,存贮 (1)store food for the winter. (2)store information in a computer
2)stores:goods for a special purpose 用品、备用品、补偿品 a good (large)store of c/u大量的 例 1)He uses his car mostly for buying stores. 2)There are a good store of books in the cupboard.
3.order vt.ask for goods or service 1)定购 2)点(菜、饮料等)叫(车) book vt.预定(座位,房间,票等)
译:1)They ordered 2000 books from the publishing house.
2)What drinks do you want to order?
3)Shall I order you a taxi?
4.解释 ◎5)take proper food for this expedition ________
6)do the experiment in the proper way.________
7)It was discovered that he was not a proper doctor. ________
5.fall ill =get ill/sick (点动词)生病、病倒 It is a week since she fell ill. adj 1)有生命的,活的 作定语,修饰动植物 2)adj/adv (电视、广播)现场直播的
1) Now live fish sell well in the present markets.
2)It was a live broadcast ,not a recording.
◎用 live,living,alive,lively填空。8)The soldier was still ______though wounded badly.
9)English is a ________ language.
10)To my surprise,he caught a tiger ________.
11)He is one of the greatest writers ________ .
12)They are experimenting on a _______ mouse.
13)The concert will be broadcast ________ .
14)Mr Li always makes his lessons ________ and interesting.
15)She is a ________ girl and popular with everyone.
7.(转) ◎16)They will provide us with eggs and meat. =They will provide ________________.
解释:◎17)He had to provide for a big family. =________
18)I can’t provide for his education.
8.译:◎19)变质__________ 20)挨饿__________ 21)发狂(疯)__________
22)发生故障,出错__________ 23)他羞得满脸通红。_____________
9.otherwise or (else) 否则。◎23.2)Work twice as harder,otherwise you ________(fall) behind.
24)I ran all the way to the school.otherwise I ________(be) late.
10.◎写出其宾语从句,应用that (should) do 的动词 24)要求____________ 25)建议________ ________ 26)命令 ______ ______ 27)坚持要________
11.inside(反义词 outside) 1)prep 在。。。里面,在…内部 2)adv 里面,在屋内 3)n.内部,里面
1) The pressure inside the container is larger than that outside it.
2) There is nobody inside.
3) The box is painted blue on the inside and red on the outside.
4) Clean the inside of ship with vinegar.
复习 suffer vt 1) 遭受,蒙受 译:◎28)在地震里遭受重大损失.
2)vi.受苦,受折磨 He suddenly died and didn’t suffer.
3)suffer from (1)因。。。受苦 (2)患。。。病 eg. She suffers from loss of memory.
Her daughter is suffering from cancer,which wornes all her family.
Reading I
1.(了解)local adj.地方的,本地的 1)We should respect the local customs.
2)I listen to the local news everyday. for sth 花钱买 2)支付。。。费用; pay sth back; pay sb back 偿还;pay off sth 还清
◎ 31)买这本书你化了多少钱?
◎ 32)我愿意支付他的旅行费用。
◎ 33)你能不能在两三天后把钱还给我?
◎ 34)我无法还清所欠的债务。
3.Skill c.技能;技巧 improve the students’ listening and speaking skills
skilled A.熟练的 1)We are in great need of many skilled workers.
2)He is skilled at/in dealing with economic problems.
B.需要技术的。 I’m unfit for a skilled job.
4.break out (战争、罢工、瘟病等)爆发;(火灾,争吵等)发生;
◎ 译 35)Nnfluenza(流感)usually breaks out in winter.
◎ 36)昨晚那家工厂发生了一场火灾,并迅速向附近街道蔓延。
Cf.break into vt.1)闯入 2)突然(哭笑等起来) break in vi.1)闯入 2)打断别人讲话;插嘴
练习:用上面的词组填空:◎37)After returning home I found my house __________.
◎ 38)He kept __________with the silly questions.
◎ 39)I wonder why you __________laughter in class.
◎ 40)It won’t be long before rioting(骚乱)__________in the country.
5.sail 1)travl in a ship vi.航行 (1)The boat sailed up the river against the wind.
(2)He sailed with the navy to Canada.
2)start a voyage 起航 sail for =set sail for . eg.Our ship is sailing from Shanghai for London at dawn.
6.up and down prep/adv (上上下下、来来回回)
1)I won’t have you up and down.
2)He was upset,walking up and down the hall.
7.chart vt.1)make a map of 绘制。。。海图或地图 He charted the coasts of the two islands,cut off by a narrow channel.
2)mark…on the map 将。。。标在海图或地图上 Be sure to chart the dangerous hidden rocks .
n.1)(航海或航空用的)地图 2)图表。曲线图 A.a chart of price changes B.a temperature chart of a patient
8.take…by surprise 1) attack…suddenly 对。。。突然袭击 2)surprise sb 使人大吃一惊
1) They decided to take the enemy by surprise at dusk(黄昏)。
2) He suddenly appeared at the door,which took me by surprise.
9.seize 译.◎41)他一把抓住我的衣领(colar).
◎ 42.抓住机遇,发展生产
◎ 43。占领那个城堡
◎ 44。夺取政权,接管城市
10.Set up home :buy a house and move into it with his wife. 成家
After graduation she settled in the USA and set up home in New York.
11.majoy adj. 1)greater(数量,程度,价值)较大的The majoy of the job is done by hand.
2)important ,first-class 重大的,第一流的 (1) Tourism is a majoy industry.
(2)He is a majoy artist.
vi.主修。。。(学科 He chose to majoy in geography this term. 主修学生 He is an English major.他是英语系学生。
12.With/for the purpose of 带着。。。目的,为了 I gave two concerts with the purpose of cpllecting meney for the earthquake-striken areas.
译 ◎45。我从北京远道而来是为了讨教如何学英语。
46)He stepped on my foot on purpose,not by accident.
13.exist vi.存在(不用进行时)Don’t be silly.Such a thing can’t exist.
Existence u 存在。 1)Do you believe in the existence of God.
2)The new country came into existence in 1951.
14.(转)◎47)This room is twice as big as that one._________________
48)This building is 20 metres high.___________
49)The ship is extremely suitable for an expedition=This is ____________an expedition.
15.load vt.装载 load sth into /onto (车。船等)with sth;be loaded with 载有
1) Be careful while loading the piano into the trick.
2) The bus is loaded with 50 passengers.
16.解释 1) He went to work in plain clothes. 2)The story is written in plain English.
3)He lives a plain life.
17.set out 1)set off 出发,动身 2)set out to do sth=set about doing sth:begin to do with a particular aim.着手;开始
译:1)The doctors set out to measure the brain volumes of different people in order to find out why some people lose their ability to think and reason at a rather early age.
1.find 发现 1)find 从句 2)find+o+c doing 3)find it adj/n to do
done that 从句
(to be)+表语
eg.1)I find him to be the right man for the job.
2)I found myself at hospital.
◎ 51)She found her home town ________(change) greatly.
◎ 52)At that time I found someone ________(whisper) in the corner.
◎ 53)The factory is found ________(pour) the polluted water into the river every day.
转:I find it difficult to settle the problem.=I find the problem difficult to setle.
改错:◎54)She thought her duty to bring joy everywhere with her dancing.
◎ 55)His expanation made the text much easier to be understood.
2.disaster 灾难,灾害 c. 1)Thousands of people died in the disaster.
2)Natural disasters cost my country 0.5 billion dallors every year.
用适当的介词填空:◎56)The conference ended ________ the National Anthem(国歌)。
◎ 57)The chairman of the meeting ended his speech ________ saying “Thank you.”
◎ 58)The project ended ________failure for luck of money.
3.解释 1)throw guns and chains over the side of the ship =throw guns and chains out of the ship.
2)beach the ship on the shore=pull the ship up onto the shore 把船拖上岸
4.Pass by 1)pass by (sb/place)经过vt/vi When the film star passed by (us),we gave her an admiring look.
2)pass sb/sth by pay no attention to 忽视,避开,不追究。Eg.1)We can’t pass by every mistake in the composition. 2)It appeared that he tried to pas the problem by.
5.celebrate 庆祝(节日、生日、事件等) celebration 1)庆祝 2)庆祝大会、庆典
eg.1)Today is her birthday,so we are going to celebrate it.
2)How do you plan to celebrate National Day?
3) He is a celebrated writer.
4) A reception will be held in celebration of the 50 birthday of the People’s Republic of China. passing through (表示线路)。途径,通过
1) We flew to Japan by Siberia.
2) We came by country roads,not by the highway.
介词填空:◎60)We swam ________ the Pacific to England.
◎ 61)He entered the park ________the main gate.
◎ 62)He threw the can ________ the wall.
◎ 63)He looked ________his shoulder at the lady many times.
补充短语:at sea 在海上,在航行中; at the sea 在海边; fight war with 与。。。交战;
go to sea=join a ship 当水手;go to the sea 到海边去;declare war on sb 向。。。宣战
用下列动词的适当形式填空。 run,astonish,celebrate,stand,rise,load,exist,defend,set,fall,pass by, sink,head,be,major.
◎ 64._________ the return of Mucuo to our motherland is the main event to which the people across the country pay much attention.
◎ 65.I remember clearly ________ out of the limited stores.
◎ 66.What seemed ________ to the people across the world was that the NATO(北约),without permission from the UN,started a war in Yugoslavia on the problem of kosovo.
◎ 67。The soldier ________ to his feet with difficulty for the purpose of ________ the medical supplies into the truck before the enemy arrived.
◎ 68.Though ________ by a great many soldiers,the castle was seized in a short time.
◎ 69.It is reported that there are no living things ________ on the moon.
◎ 70.How long is it since he ________ill?
◎ 71.What is the ship due ________sail for Daliang?
◎ 72.Did you find a lady ________ for the station,with a baby in her arms?
◎ 73.I used to lie on the grassland,looking at clouds ________in the sky.
◎ 74.The ship which hit the hidden rocks didn’t ________immediately;it floated for a while.
◎ 75.I insist on my son ________ in nuclear physics.
◎ 76.Are you suggestion that I ________(not) suitable for the job?
1.get ready for 2.make preparations for ready for willing to
4.2.You ‘d better book a plane ticket for Paris in advance.
5.suitable 6.connect 7.real
8.aliv/living 10.alive 11.alive 14.lively
15.lively 16.eggs and meat for us money to
19.go bad 20.go hungry 21.go mad 22.go wrong
23.He went red with shame turned 23.2.will fall 24.otherwise
28.suffer serious damage in the earthquake.
29.suffer great pain 30.suffer from cold and hungry
31.How much do you pay for this book?
32.I’m willing to pay for his trip.
33.Can you pay me back the money in a couple days?
34.I can’t pay off all the debts that I owe.
36.Last night a big fire broke out in the streets nearby.
37.broke into/had been broken into 38.breaking in 39.broke into 40.breaks out
41.He seized me by the colar.
42.seize chance and develop production 43.seize that castle
44.seize power and take over the city
45.I came all the way from Beijing with the purpose of askingfor advice on how to learn English.
47.twice the size of 48.The building is 20 metres on height. 49.very fit
50.Teachers have set out to cure the students of their bad habits.
51.changed 52.shispering 53.pouring 54.thought∧it her duty understood—understand 56.with
59.The day when Macao will return to our motherland is well worth celebrating.
60.across 62.over/at 63.over 64.Celebrating 65.running
66.astonishing 67.rose 68.defended 69.existing 70.fell set 72.heading 73.passing by 74.sink 75.majoying not




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