
中学英语教学资源网英语教案改错专题指导 手机版

New York, London, Paris and other big city are nice and 1. ________
excited places to live in. There are many interesting things 2. ________
to see and to do them. You can go to various kinds of museums 3. ________
and place of interest. You can also go to the theatre and 4. ________
do some shopping. But there are lot of problems, too. 5. ________
There are too many people and the cost of living is low. 6. ________
Every year people move to big cities to find jobs and study 7. ________
at good colleges. But sometimes their wishes won't come true. 8. ________
Also, too many people make that hard to keep cities safe and 9. ________
clean. So think about the problems after you move to big cities. 10. ________
1. city → cities。cities前面有other修饰, 表示泛指, 应该用名词的复数形式。2. excited → exciting。excited意为"兴奋的;激动的";exciting意为"使人兴奋的;激动人心的"。 3. 去掉them。此处的动词不定式在句子中作定语,动词不定式与所修饰的名词有逻辑动宾关系,故them是多余的词。4. place → places。旅游胜地不止一处,故place应用复数。
5. lot → lots或lot前面加a。a lot of和lots of都是固定短语,意为"许多"。 6. low → high。根据上下文,此处应该表示"生活费用高"。 7. and → or。此处表示选择关系。 8. 本行无错。 9. that → it。it在句子中作形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式。 10. after → before。 根据上文可知,作者是在劝告人们,在搬入大城市以前要考虑以下这些问题,即:人多、生活费用高、找工作难,等等。
Here are two types of cars may some day take 1. ________
a place of today's big cars. If everyone drives such 2. ________
cars in the future, there will be little pollution in 3. ________
the air. There will also be more space for parking 4. ________
cars in cities, and the street will be less crowded. 5. ________
Three such cars can be fit in the space now needed 6. ________
by one car of the usual size. The little cars will spend 7. ________
much less to own and drive. Drive will be safer, too, 8. ________
though these little cars can go only 65 kilometers per 9. ________
hour. But they will not be any use for long trips. 10. ________
1. may前加that / which。这是由关系代词that或which引导的定语从句,关系代词在从句中作主语。 2. a→the。take the place of是固定短语,意为"代替"。3. little→less。根据语义,此处表示未来的汽车比现在的汽车造成的空气污染少。另外,下句中的more space和less crowded也是很好的提示。4. 本行无错。5. street→streets。此处表示不止一条街道,所以,street应该用复数形式。6. 去掉be。此处的fit是动词,应该去掉be
7. spend→cost。spend的主语常指人,cost的主语常指物。8. Drive→Driving。此处是动名词作主语。 9. though→as / because。此处表示因果关系,而非让步关系。10. any前加of。这是固定句型,be of any use相当于be any useful。
Dear Elli,
May I ask you two questions? As a senior student, I like make 1. ________
friends with people and I do my best to get on well to everyone. 2. ________
But last week I found that one of my friend said 3. ________
to others that she hated me. She didn't want 4. ________
to be my friend any way. Now she has started 5. ________
making fun of me because of I'm fat.I am kind 6. ________
to her but why can't she be friend towards me? 7. ________
The other question is how lose weight. Do I have 8. ________
to do more exercise? Use pills? And do you know any other 9. ________
better way?Would you please give me some advices. 10. ________
1. make→making或在make前加to。like后可用动名词或动词不定式作宾语,此处没有差别。 2. 第二个to→ with。get on well with是固定词组,意为"与......相处得好"。3. friend→friends。one of后面的名词应该用复数形式,表示"......之一"。 4.本行无错。 5. way→more。not any more是固定短语,意为"不再"。6. 去掉第二个of 。此处是because引导的原因状语从句,而because of后面接名词性短语。7. friend→friendly。这里应该用形容词作表语,friendly意为"友好的"。 8. how后面加to。此处是"疑问词+动词不定式"作表语。 9. And→Or。此处表选择关系。 10. advices→advice。advice在此处是不可数名词,没有复数形式。
While visiting France, we decide to do some shopping. 1. ________
Not far the hotel there was a shop with all kinds 2. ________
of clothing hang up. When we went into the shop, 3. ________
a woman came up and asked that she could help us, 4. ________
so we said that we would like to look around by ourselves. 5. ________
She looked at us rather strange. Not having found 6. ________
anything we need, we thanked the woman and 7. ________
left. Suddenly my husband started to laugh, 8. ________
pointing to a small sign, which reading in English: 9. ________
"DRY-CLEANING SHOP. Please smoke here." 10. ________
1. decide→decided。由下文可知,参观法国是过去的行为,应该用动词的一般过去式。2. the前加from。far from是固定词组,意为"离......远"。 3. hang→hanging。with all kinds of clothing hanging up构成"with+名词+现在分词"的独立主格结构。4. that→if / whether。根据语义,此处应该用表示"是否"的连词。5. 去掉so。当一位女士走上前问能否帮助我们做点什么时,我们说我们只想自己四处看看。此句是when引导的时间状语从句,主句前不应该再用连词so。 6. strange→strangely。应该用副词strangely修饰动词looked。7. need→needed。 此处的need是实义动词,应该用其过去式。 8. 本行无错。 9. reading→read。过去式read是定语从句中的谓语动词。 10. smoke前面加don't。根据常识,干洗店内是不允许吸烟的。
With the rapid development of society, great changes have been 1. ________
taken place in family life. Many years ago, people considered them 2. ________
rich to own radios, sewing machines and watches. Most people live in 3. ________
crowded houses. When they went out, they had to walk and go by bike. 4. ________
Nowadays, life is more better than it was in the past. Many ordinary 5. ________
families have color TV sets, washing machine, mobile phones and 6. ________
the other modern equipment. People can often go traveling by train or 7. ________
plane and some even car. You can see high buildings everywhere. 8. ________
The rich prefers to buy a flat far from the busy city. 9. ________
No one can imagine what a great change we will have. 10. ________
1. 去掉been。take place意为"发生",属不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。 2. them→it。consider作"认为"解,it作形式宾语,动词不定式作真正的宾语。
3. live→lived。由上下文可知,此处指过去,应该用一般过去时态。 4. and→or。过去人们出行,或者步行,或者骑自行车。此处表示选择关系。5. more→much。much用来修饰形容词的比较级,表示"......得多"。6. machine→machines。由本句语义可知,此处的名词应该用复数形式。 7. 去掉the。此处的other modern equipment表示泛指,如加上冠词,则表示特指。 8. car前加by。本行and的作用是连接一个句子,省略了谓语部分,但此处的by不能省略,否则,语义表达不清。9. prefers→prefer。rich, poor, old, young, wounded, disabled等形容词前加定冠词时,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。10. 本行无错。
Skiing is my favorite sport, even though I had only skied for four days1. ________
in my whole life! Last year my father promised that because my brother 2. ________
Victor did well in his exams, he would bring us for a special holiday. 3. ________
When Victor got straight A's, Dad said, "I promised a special holiday. 4. ________
I think I should keep my words." Victor's dream was to see real 5. ________
snow. So we flew to Seoul at Christmas vacation, and then took 6. ________
a bus to Muju Resort. As we climb up the mountain, we saw 7. ________
some snow on the trees. We began to play snow! No one in my 8. ________
family had ever touched snow before. We were all like the little children. 9. ________
We picked it up, made snowballs, and threw it at each other. 10. ________
1. had→have。主句谓语动词是一般现在时态,所以,状语从句的谓语动词应该是现在完成时态,不可能是过去完成时态。 2. because→ if。在that引导的宾语从句中,又包含一个条件状语从句。在爸爸许诺时,考试还没进行,所以,应该用if引导条件状语从句。3. bring→take。此处的take表示"带我们去",不能用bring。4. 本行无错。5. words→word。keep one's word是固定词组,意为"遵守诺言"。6. at→for。for Christmas vacation意为"去度圣诞假期"。7. climb→climbed。应该用动词的一般过去时态。8. play后面加with。play with snow意为"玩雪"。
9. 去掉the。little children表示泛指,其前面不用定冠词。10. 第二个it→them。此处的them指的是snowballs,而不是snow。
Attention, please, everyone. I have an announcement to take. 1. ________
We will pay a visit the museum on October 1st. 2. ________
I think you'll be interesting in it. In the course of the visit 3. ________
the guide will give us an account of the past or the development 4. ________
of our city. She will say something about the advancing workers, 5. ________
including some teacher. We will see many pictures there. 6. ________
I'm sure of that we can learn a lot. After the visit, we'll 7. ________
have a discussion in group and each of us should write a 8. ________
composition. We are to start out at 7:00 correctly. We should 9. ________
gather on time at our school gate. Thank you. 10. ________
1. take→make。 have an announcement to make是固定搭配,意为"发表通知"。2. visit后面加to。此处的visit是名词,pay a visit to the museum意为"参观博物馆"。 3. interesting→interested。be interested in意为"对......感兴趣",其主语常是人。 4. or→and。由上下文可知,导游既介绍了城市的历史,又介绍了城市的发展。所以,应该使用并列连词and。5. advancing→advanced。表示"先进工作
6. teacher→teachers。根据语义,此处的名词应该用复数形式。7. 去掉of。 be sure of后面常接名词、代词或动名词;此处的sure后接从句,则去掉of。8. group→groups。 in groups是固定短语,意为"分组地"。 9. correctly→sharp。表示"准时地",用副词sharp。10. 本行无错。
Dear classmates,
Now I'd like to tell you why I learn English. I often read 1. ________
English loudly and try to learn something important by 2. ________
heart, which help me remember it easily and form the 3. ________
good habit of thinking in English. I listen to a lot and talk 4. ________
with others in English. In this way, I am improved my 5. ________
speaking English. I keep a diary in English every day,so 6. ________
my written English is becoming better and better. I also try my 7. ________
best to master some necessary grammar. By this mean, I can 8. ________
express me in English correctly. That's the way I have been 9. ________
learning English. I hope it will useful to you. Thank you. 10. ________
1. why→how。下文讲的是学习英语的方法,而不是学习英语的原因,故用how引导宾语从句。2. loudly→aloud。read aloud是固定搭配,意为"朗读"。
3. help→helps。which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个主句。所以,从句中的动词应该用单数形式。 4. 去掉to。a lot作listen的状语,不需要to;listen to构成固定搭配时,其后面应该有宾语。
5. am→have。此处应该用动词的现在完成时态。6. speaking→spoken。spoken English意为"英语口语"。7. 本行无错。 8. mean → means。means意为"方法;手段",单复数形式相同。9. me→myself。express oneself是固定搭配,意为"表达自己的意思"。 10. will后面加be。句子的谓语动词不完整,形容词useful前面应该有动词be。
A man with two badly burned ear went to see 1. ________
his doctor. "What has happened on you?"asked the 2. ________
doctor. "Well, my wife is ironing while 3. ________
I was watching a ball game on TV. She put the 4. ________
hot iron near the telephone then my phone 5. ________
rang. I called the iron instead of the phone." 6. ________
The doctor nodded with a shrug of his shoulders. "But what did 7. ________
happened to other ear?" The man said, "Hardly had 8. ________
I hanged up when the same person called up 9. ________
again." The doctor can't help laughing when he heard this. 10. ________
1. ear→ears。由下文可知,这位男士的两只耳朵都烫伤了,故该名词用复数形式。2. on→to。 happen to sb.是固定短语,意为"某人发生了某事"。3. is→was。动词的过去进行时态表示熨衣服的动作当时正在进行。4. 本行无错。5. then→when。when表示动作的突然性,意为"正在这时"。 6. called→answered。表示"接电话"时,动词用answer, 而不用call。7. 去掉did。医生问另一只耳朵又发生了什么事,疑问词作主语,用陈述语序即可。 8. other前加the。表示两者之中的另一个时,用the other。9 . hanged→hung。表示"挂断电话"时,hang的过去式是hung。 10. can't→couldn't。全文时态一致,应该用一般过去时态。




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