Units 11-12语言点

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Units 11-12 日常会话考点、热点练与析

本期日常会话考点与热点的主题是怎样表达"愿望"(Expressing wishes)和怎样表达"相信"和"怀疑"(Expressing beliefs and doubts)。请做下面的练习题,再阅读题后的答案与简析。
Multiple choice
1. -Surely you can turn to Jacob for help.
- ________ Jacob is the last person I can rely on.
A. Get out of it!
B. There's no need for you to remind me.
C. Good idea!
D. But it's hard for me to trouble him.
2. -I've been working in the garden all the morning.
-You must be thirsty.
-Yes, ________
A. You've guessed it.
B. Beg your pardon?
C. I'm dying for a Coke.
D. I really wish to have a rest.
3. -Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?
-Of course. ________ , sir.
A. Make yourself at home
B. Enjoy yourself
C. It doesn't matter
D. Take your time
4. -I'd like to take a week's holiday.
- ________ , we're too busy.
A. Don't worry
B. Don't mention it
C. Forget it
D. Pardon me
5. -Could I ask you a rather personal question?
- ________
A. Yes, don't worry.
B. Of course, go ahead.
C. Yes, help yourself.
D. Of course, why not?
6. -I believe we've met somewhere before.
-No, ________ .
A. it isn't the same
B. it can't be true
C. I don't think so
D. I'd rather not
7. -I'd like to buy some of the Cock Year stamps.
-I'm afraid they've been sold out.
- ________
A. Oh, great!
B. Oh, what a shame!
C. All the same.
D. Doesn't matter.
8. -I think Brazilian team will win the championship in the game.
- ________ French team plays even better.
A. I don't hope so.
B. There's no doubt.
C. Do you really think so?
D. You're completely wrong!
1. A。Get out of it!的意思是"别瞎说了!",与后面的"the last person I can rely on"(我最不能依靠的人)在逻辑上一致。
2. C。从前面的"You must be thirsty."可知,这里关注的问题是"渴不渴"的问题,只有C(我真想喝一罐可乐)符合语境。D(我真想休息一会儿)所答非所问。
3. D。前者想多看一会儿菜单,后者回答"Of course",表示同意;与之逻辑相一致的只有Take your time"别急;慢慢看"。It doesn't matter. 通常用于回答Sorry.。
4. C。前者想休假,后者回答说"忘了这事吧",因为"we're too busy",没时间。若选A,则后面应该是"you may take a few days off some weeks later"之类的内容。其余两项显然不合语境。
5. B。意思是"当然可以,请问吧"。Help yourself意思是"随便吃",不合语境;其余两项是汉式英语。
6. C。其含义是"我想我们过去没有见过面"。而B项的内容"这不可能是真的"在此显得有些没有礼貌。
7. B。What a shame! = What a pity! D选项看起来是对的,其实它所表达的含义并不恰当:专门来买邮票,听说没有了,倒像没事似的,至少不是最佳选项。
8. C。这是反问句,表明答话者不相信结果会是那样,这点可以从后面的内容(法国队踢得更好)推知。

Units 11-12 重点短语归纳

1. put forward表示"提出"、"建议"、"推荐"、"提名"。
Mr Liu put forward several interesting plans. 刘先生提出了几项令人感兴趣的计划。
2. rely on表示"依赖"、"依靠",其中on可以用upon替代,强调主观上的选择或依托。
You must rely on your own efforts to do it. 你必须依靠自己的努力来完成它。
3. in store表示"就要到来"、"必将发生"、"准备着"、"贮藏着",是介词短语。
We have a surprise in store for you. 我们有一个你意想不到的消息。
Who knows what the future has in store for us? 谁知道未来等待我们的是什么?
4. in common表示"共同"、"公有"、"共用",是介词短语,后面与with连用时,表示"与......一样"。
They both have nothing in common. 他们俩毫无共同之处。
5. set foot表示"到达"、"进入"、"踏上",后面常与in或on连用。
They were filled with joy when they set foot on Chinese soil in late May. 他们在五月底踏上中国的土地时兴奋不已。
He said he would never set foot in that office again. 他说他永远不再踏进那个办公室了。
6. map out表示"安排"、"拟定"、"制定(计划)"。
I like to map out the whole week in advance. 我喜欢预先把整整一周的事做出安排。
7. in the field of... 表示"在......领域"。
He is an outstanding scholar in the field of linguistics. 他是语言学领域的一名杰出学者。
8. cut up表示"使受苦"、"切碎"。
Jane was really cut up when her husband abandoned her. 在丈夫抛弃她之后,珍简直痛苦极了。
9. set out表示"出发"、"动身"、"着手"、"开始"。
She set out to work as soon as she entered the office. 她一进办公室就开始工作。
10. throw light on... 表示"使......显得非常清楚",其中on可以用upon替代。
The information can throw light on the mystery of Dr Brown. 这个信息可以解开布朗医生之谜。



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