Expressing Beliefs and Doubts

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I. Summary of Useful Expressions
(A) expressing beliefs
I believe the future of our country will be much better. 我相信我们祖国的明天会更美好。
Generally, I believe in you, but I can't believe what you said just now. 通常,我信任你,但是我不能相信你刚才说的话。
I can trust his account of what happened. 我可以相信他对发生的事所作的叙述。
I feel confident of his ability to cure her disease. 我相信他有能力治愈她的疾病。
I think your report is true. 我相信你的报告是真实的。
I'm convinced of his honesty. 我相信他是诚实的。
It is credible that pandas will appear in this area. 熊猫会在这个地区出没,这是可信的。
I have complete faith in what he said. 我完全相信他的话。
I have full confidence that he will keep his promise. 我完全相信他会信守诺言。
I think the news is believable. 我认为这个消息是可信的。
It is my belief that there are living creatures in some other planets. 我相信在别的星球上也有生物存在。
OK, I take your word. 好吧,我相信你的话。
I never doubt his ability. 我从不怀疑他的能力。
(B) expressing disbeliefs / doubts
I doubt that the boss will put our salary up. 我怀疑老板会给我们加薪。
There's some doubts as to whether they'll get any evidence for the case. 他们是否会为此案子找到证据值得怀疑。
I don't believe / trust your explanations. 我不相信你的解释。
I think the result is hard to believe. 我觉得这个结果很难令人相信。
I have little confidence in what the newspapers say. 我不大相信报纸上说的。
You must be joking. 你一定是在开玩笑。
The result is too good to be true. 哪有这么好的结果。
It's fool's trick to trust your words. 傻瓜才会相信你的话呢。
How is that possible? 那怎么可能呢?
You are not serious, are you? 你不是认真的,是吧?
II. A Sample Dialogue
A: It is said in the newspaper that we must be cautious(谨慎的) about earthquakes nowadays.
B: I have little confidence in what the newspapers say.
A: Why?
B: They're always exaggerating(夸大)things.
A: However, we'd better be more careful in case we suffer from it too much.
B: Whatever you say, I'll doubt that any earthquake would happen in such areas as ours because it's impossible for any earthquake to occur in such geological structure of the area, as much as I know.



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