Unit 8 First aid 语言要点 |
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Language tips Lesson 29 1. Chen Wei and Susan are walking down the street when they saw an accident.陈伟和苏珊正沿着街道向前走,就在这时他们看到了一个交通事故。 ▲down在此处是介词,相当于along。 We went on down the road. 我们沿着路向前走。 I was walking down the street when I met Tom, an old friend of mine. 我正在街上走,遇见汤姆,我的一位老朋友 And then she saw her mother coming down the path. 她看到她母亲沿着小路走过来。 ▲ down的原意是“向下”,“沿着,,,往下” He fell down the stairs.他从梯上晒了下来。 Tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks.幸福的泪水沿着她的脸颊流下来。 He took my temperature and pulse and looked down my throat. 他给我量了体温,号了脉,然后看了我的喉咙。 ▲ when在本句中是并列连词,意为“就在这(那)时”,所连接的是一个并列句,不能理解为是一个时间状语从句。 I was just coming along to see you when I ran into Wilson. 我正要来看你,就在这时我撞见了威尔逊。 He was about to go when it began to rain. 他正要走,天下起雨来了。 2. Look! That girl has fallen off her bicycle. A child ran into the street and knocked off her bicycle. ▲ fall off 意为“从,,,摔下来”,此处 off是介词。 That child fell off the table and hurt his leg.这小孩从桌上摔下来,伤了腿。 The bird was seen to fall off the tree and struck the ground heavily.有人看到那只鸟从树上摔了下来,种种地摔在地上。 ▲ fall off可作“减少”,“越来越少”。 Their enthusiasm seems to be falling off a bit.他们的热情似乎有点减退。 His supporters were falling off. 支持他的人越来越少了。 Supplies fell off rapidly in that year.那一年的供应迅速减少。 Membership of the club has fallen off this year.今年该俱乐部的成员减少了。 ▲run into the street在本句中意为“冲到街上”,run into是一个词组,有“与。。。相撞”之意。 It was dark and he ran into a tree.天太黑,他撞到一棵树上。 I ran my head into the glass the door; it hurt badly.我的头撞到玻璃门上,疼得厉害。 This lamp-post looks as if it’s been run into by a bus.这个电灯杆看上去似乎被公共汽车撞过。 ▲ run into还有“偶然遇见(某人)”,“遇到(困难,危险)”之意。 You never know whom you’ll run into at a big meeting. 在大型的会议上常常碰到你意想不到的熟人。 I hope that the climbers don’t run into a snow-storm halfway up.我希望登山者不要在半山腰遇到暴风雪。 If you travel alone in the forest,you may run into danger.如果你独自在森林里走,你会遇到危险的。 ▲ run into也可作“达到某个数量” His income runs into six figures or more.他的收入达到六位数字也许还不止。 Months ran into years and still the book was not finished.这本书有几个月写到几年还没有写完。 The wealth they took with them ran into hundreds of millions.他们带走的钱财多得以亿计。 ▲ knock…off。。。此处作“把,,,从,,,上撞下来”解释,常见的意思有“磕掉(烟灰),削掉(价钱)”。 He knocked the ash off his pipe before he went on.他把烟灰磕掉,然后继续往下说。 They knocked off 1000 dollars from the price.他们把价钱削减了1000美元。 My father determined to knock off smoking.我父亲决心戒烟。 ▲ knock off亦可说“停工”,“下班”解释。 Let’s knock off our work and have a rest.咱们停下来休息一下吧。 When they knocked off,she fetched them food and water.他们休息时,他给他们送来了吃的和水。 It’s time to knock off. 现在该下班了。 3.Come and help!I think she must be injured.快来帮忙,我想她肯定受伤了。 ▲ injure意为“受伤”既可指身体受伤,也可指精神上受到伤害。 He injured an arm in a car accident. 他在一场车祸中伤了一只手臂。 He had had his leg injured trying to save a mate from a fall of coal.他在煤矿倒塌时为救一个同伴而伤了腿。 I hope I didn’t injure her feelings. 我希望我没有伤害她的感情。 He was a bit injured in his pride when he heard the words.她听了这些话,自尊心受到一点伤害。 ▲injured可用作名词,作“伤员”解释,可被数词所修饰,当复数看待,但不能在词尾加 -s The injured were taken to hospital.伤员已经被送往医院。 ▲ injured是过去分词作形容词用,意为“受委屈的”,“受伤害的”。 She had an injured look.她显出一种受了伤害的样子。 The boy spoke in an injured voice.这孩子的声音显得受了委屈。 4.She’s not moving.But she’s breathing. I think she hit her head when she fell.We must carry her to the side of the road.她不动了,但她在呼吸。我想她跌下来时撞到了头部。我们必须把她抬到路边的安全地方。 ▲hit意为“碰撞”、“打”、“击中”,说“脑袋撞在某物上”,一般说hit one’s head on/against sth.很少说 One’s head hits… She hit her forehead against the wall when she fell.她倒下时,前额撞在墙上。 The bullet hit him in the chest.子弹击中了他的胸膛。 One of the stones hit the window.有一块石头打中了窗子。 ▲ hit可引伸为“使遭受(自然灾害、损失、痛苦等)。 A powerful earthquake hit the city.这座城市遭受了一次强烈地震。 The death of her dog has hit Mrs Page hard.儿子的死使佩奇太太悲痛欲绝。 I still remember a hurricane that hit us thirty years ago.我还记得三十年前袭击我们的一次飓风。 ▲ hit还引伸为“猜中”,“达到”,“碰到”之意。 You’ve hit it.你猜中了。 The new train can hit 120 mph. 这种新型火车时速可达120英里。 This idea hit me when I woke up this morning.今天早上我醒来,突然产生了这个想法。 【注】beat也有“打”,“击”之意,但多指反复的击打,并可表示心脏的脉搏的跳动,打败对方等意思,而hit则无此意。 Their team beat ours by a large score. 他们队以很高的比分打败了我们对。 Hie heart was beating fast at the news.听到这消息,她的心跳得很快。 The rain was beating on the windows雨点敲打着窗子。 5.No! Leave her where she is.You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt. We must get help.别动他!让她留在原地。如果有人伤得利害,你不能动他,我们必须取得帮助。 ▲ leave在这里是及物动词,作“让某人或某物处于某种状态”,后面常跟形容词,分词作宾语补足语,或从句。 I’m sorry I”ve left some of your questions unanswered. 很抱歉,你有些问题我没有回答。 That’ll leave the whole morning free,won’t it? 这样我们整个上午就有空了,是吧。 They walked off and left me sitting there all by myself. 他们走掉了,让我孤零零一个人坐在那里。 His letter left me feeling pretty bad.他的信使我感到相当难受。 Don’t touch my writing table,leave it as it is.别动我的写字台,就让它照原样放着。 【注】间或也可用于被动结构。 All the while they were left in the dark about the case. 这事他们一直被蒙在鼓里。 ▲ where she is 是地点状语从句。地点状语从句通常以 where或wherever开始,与关系副词where引导的定语从句不同的是,地点状语从句前面没有先行词。 We should go where we are needed.我们应该到需要我们的地方去。 This is the school where I used to study.这是我过去学习过的学校。 She has gone home where she will stay for a week.她回家了,她将在家呆一个星期。 6.I’ll go to that shop and see if they have a telephone. Yes,do that. I'll stay here with the girl.我去那家商店看看是否有电话。去吧,我看着那女孩。 ▲do that用来表示同一主语所做的前面已提到过的动作,有时也可用do so或do it “Bon kicked the ball several times.” “He always does that/does so/does it when he wants to attractattention.” “鲍伯将门踢了好几下”,“他想引起别人注意时总想这样干”。 “Did you play cards before meal?””No,I never did that.”你吃饭前打牌了吗?不,我绝没打过。 【注】如果被替代的部分是不定式、现在分词、动名词等非谓语形式,则用do so或 doing so来替代。 He had promised to pay, but failed to do so.他答应过付款,但没付。 “Peter hunts rabbits.” “yes,I have noticed him doing so.” “彼得总是猎野兔”。 “是的,我已注意到了”。 They decided not to go.To do so would have made things very difficult.他们决定不去了。要是去了情况就非常不妙了。 【注】描述不同场合的某种具体动作时,用do it更好些。 John is playing pingpong. He always does it in the morning.约翰正在打乒乓球。她总是早上打。 7.How is she? She’s beginning to move a little.她怎么样?她开始动了。 ▲How is sb.是问候语。如How are you? How is your father?等。 ▲ begin 是动词,后面既可接不定式,也可接动名词,如果后接的动词所表示的动作是有意志的,即主语的有意识的行为,则用不定式或动名词都可以,如果是无意志的。如(know, like, understand)等,则通常用不定式。 He began to write/writing a book.他开始写一本书。 He began to understand it.他开始明白了。 ▲ 一般说来,接不定式时多强调新情况的发生(如本句),动作是否持续下去则不考虑。接动名词时,对新动作本身注意较多,而且这一动作还将持续一段时间。 She begins to look old.她看起来有点开始老了。 They have begun building the house.他们已开始建造房子了。 ▲但上述说法的界线不十分清楚,在很多情况下,两种结构都可以用,意思差别不大。 When did you begin to learn /learning English?你什么时候开始学英语的? He began to pace/pacing in the room.他开始在房间里踱来踱去。 ▲当begin 用于进行时态时,后面通常只用不定式。 The medicine is beginning to show its effect.这药开始起作用了。 I’m glad you are beginning to see it.我很高兴你开始明白起来了。 They are beginning to improve the road.他们开始修路。 ▲ 如果主语不是由表示人的名词或代词充当,begin后通常用不定式。 The water began to boil.谁开始沸腾起来。 8.What happened to me? Take it easy! I’ve just called the First Aid Centre. We’ll stay here with you until help comes.我出了什么事?别紧张,我刚刚跟急救中心通了电话,我们要和你在一起直到有人来帮助。 ▲happen to意为“(某人)发生了什么事”或“(某物)发生了什么情况”,to在这里是介词,后接表示人或物的名词或代词。 What finally happened to the boy?这男孩最后怎样了? I don’t see your television set.What’s happened to it?我没看到你的电视机。到哪儿去了? If anything should happen to him,that would be too bad.万一他要发生什么事就糟了。 What happened to your leg?你的腿怎么了? ▲ Take it easy. 意为“别着急”,“别过累”,是安慰人家的用语,相当于 Don’t worry. Now no use getting nervous. Take it easy.现在紧张无用,心放开一点。 Your blood pressure is still not normal.You’ll have to take things easy for a while.你的血压还不正常,一段时间里你还不能太累。 You’ve been working so hard for several months. You must take it easy and relax over the weekend.你们这样紧张的干了几个月,周末应该放松点,休息一下。 He told me to take things easy and not to worry about getting back to work他让我别着急,不要为回来上班发愁。 9.Where doesit hurt?My knee hurts,my foot hurts and my head too.你什么地方痛?我的膝盖痛,脚也痛,头也痛。 ▲ Hurt在本句中是不及物动词,意为“疼痛” Does your leg still hurt?你的腿还疼吗? Are you hurting? Not a bit.你疼吗?一点不疼。 It doesn’t hurt at all when the needles are inserted.进针时一点不疼。 ▲ Hurt 作及物动词用时意为“使受伤”,“伤害(别人的感情)”“使不高兴” I was afraid of hurting their feelings. 我害怕伤他们的感情。 He was hurt in a traffic accident.在一次交通事故中他受了伤。 I hurt my leg while playing football.我踢足球是伤了腿。 ▲ Hurt也可作“损害”“危害”解释。 It won’t hurt you to miss breakfast for once.一次不吃早饭不会对你有损害。 It wouldn’t hurt him to give fifty pounds to the fund.给基金会捐50英镑对她不算什么。 10.Don’t try to get up.You shouldn’t get up if you are badly hurt.I ought to go home.I have to cook supper for my grandmother.别起来,你伤得很厉害,不能起来。 ▲ ought是情态动词,作“应该”解释,与should同义。但语气比should重,含有“按道理应该。。。”之意。当我们用should时,我们说的是自己的主观看法,如本句 You shouldn’t get up.这是说话者自己的看法。但Ought to更多的I ought to go home.是客观情况的要求,请细读下列例句,体会Should和ought to的区别。 You should/ought to go and see Mary sometime.你应该什么时候去看看玛丽。(两者均可) We ought to go and see Mary tomorrow, but I don’t think we will .明天按理我们应该去看看玛丽,但是我认为我们不会。(不能用should,should表示主观愿望,一方面原意作某事,同时有说不准备做,显得前后矛盾。) 11.Don’t worry about that.Right now you need to stay still until help comes.别为那事着急。现在你需要静躺直到有人来帮助。 ▲ right now意为“现在”,“此刻” I say,” Make up your mind right now.”“现在就下决心,”我说。 Right now you should listen attentively to the teacher.现在你应该认真听老师讲课。 ▲ 请注意比较right away 和 just now, 前者意为“立刻”,相当于at once或immediately,后者意为“刚才”,常与过去时态连用。 I’ll return the book right away.我能立刻就还书。 I saw a cat rushing out of the house with a mouse in its mouth just now.刚才我看见一只猫嘴叼着一只老鼠从屋里冲了出去。 ▲ worry about意为“为。。。而发愁/着急” So there is nothing to worry about any more.因此,再也没有什么事发愁了。 Today he doesn’t have to worry about making a living.现在他不用为生活发愁了。 ▲ 有时也可跟Over引起的短语。 Don’t worry over me.I’m all right,I’ll get along.不用为我发愁。我没事,我会好的。 There is no need to worry over such a side-issue.没有必要为这样的枝节问题发愁了。 ▲ 常可用过去分词作表语,后仍接介词About We are all worried about you.我们都为你发愁。 I told him I was worried about the children not being back.我告诉他,孩子们没回来,我很着急。 ▲Still 此处是形容词,作“静止的”,“不动的”解释All sounds are still.万籁俱寂。 The soldier stood still except that his lips were moving.这战士一动不动的站着,除了他的嘴唇还在动。 ▲ Still如放在行为动词之前,则作副词用,意为“仍然”。 I still couldn’t decide, so I asked George what he thought.我还是不能决定,所以就问乔知他怎么想的。 Will you still love me when I’m old and grey?当我年老了,头发灰白了,你还爱我吗? Lesson 30 1. First aid is the science of giving medical care to a person before a doctor can be found. Anyone with the write knowledge can give the first aid;you don’t have to be a doctor.急救是在找到医生之前对病人进行医疗救护的科学。任何有正确的急救知识的人都可以进行急救;不一定非得是一个医生才行。 ▲first aid意为“急救”,指对危重病人进行的紧急抢救,与动词do,give,或offer相搭配,构成do/give/offer first aid to sb的结构。. Mary was badly injured in the match. First aid was offered at once.玛丽在比赛中受了重伤。人们立即对她进行急救。 Tom hurt his arm during the volleyball match, and some of us gave him first aid.汤姆在排球赛中上了胳膊,我们几个人对她进行了急救。 ▲aid意为“帮助”在本单元中作名词用,常和介词to连用,意为“帮助”,“助手”。 Let me lend my aid to you.让我来帮助你。 I hope this book will be a great aid to English composition.我希望这本书对英文作文大有帮助。 【注】如果介词后为动名词,则介词应用in或for I give you an aid for solving problems.我帮助你解决问题。 A dictionary is an important aid in learning a foreign language.词典是学习外语的重要工具。 ▲aid也可作动词用,意为帮助、援助,相当于help,但help是普通用语,而aid则显得较为庄重,不常用。 They encouraged and aided him in his scientific studies.他们鼓励帮助他进行科学研究。 At Christmas, many organizations aid the poor.在圣诞节期间很多组织帮助穷人。 ▲have to 与 must都有“必须”之意,在肯定句中,意思相差不大但它们的否定式(mustn’t 和 don’t have to)在意思上差别很大。mustn’t 含有禁止的意思,表示“不得做某事”,而don’t have to则表示“不必作某事”,相当于needn’t do sth. You mustn’t tell Mary about it.你绝不能把此事告诉玛丽。 You don’t have to tell Mary about it.你不必把此事告诉玛丽。 Must I hand in my composition before supper? No, you don’t have to.我一定要在晚饭前交作文吗?不不必。 He mustn’t find out what’s happening.不能让他知道发生了什么事。 2. First aid,if it is quickly and correctly given ,can save a person’s life.There are three important things to do if someone has had an accident.如果施救及时,并且正确,急救是可以挽救生命的。如果某人出了事故,那么就要做以下三件重要的事情。 ▲ to do在这里作定语修饰things,不定式作定语时,有时与被修饰的名词有一种逻辑上的动宾关系。 I have a lot of work to do today.今天我有很多工作要做。 Here is a book for you to read.这儿有一本书给你读。 【注】当构成不定式的动词是不及物动词时,常需加一个词。 He needs a room to live in.它需要有一间房子住。 Is he a man to depend on?它是一个可以依靠的人吗? 【注】有时作定语的不定式与被修饰的名词不构成这种逻辑上的动宾关系。 The next train to arrive is from Nanjing.下一列到站的火车来自南京。 He was always the last to leave.他总是最后一个离开。 3. Check that the person can breathe. Open the mouth and make sure that there is no food at the back of the mouth.检查一下,看看这个人能不能呼吸。掰开嘴,看看口腔后部有没有食物堵住。 ▲check与 make sure在本句中意思基本相同,意为“核查”,“弄确实”。 Will you check these figures?这些数字你检查一遍好吗? The reports were still being checked.报告还在审查。 Preparing the lessons and checking the pupils’ homework took a great deal of time.备课和批改学生作业要花很多时间。 Let’s make sure that it has been finished.让我们搞清楚这工作是否确实已经完成。 Have you made sure of the time of the train?火车开车时间你搞清楚了吗? I have made sure that he is a hard-working man.我已经了解清楚他是一个勤奋的人。 【注】与sure构成的词组还有for sure,“毫无疑问”,“确实”,sure enough,“显然”,“果真”。 I can’t say I know it for sure.我不敢说我对此是全然知晓。 We said things would turn out well, and sure enough they did.我们说情况会变好的,果然如此。 4.If the person is not breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once.If this is not done within five minutes,the person will die. ▲within作“在。。。之内”解释,比in更为正式,如果表示在一段时间之内,within可用于过去时,现在时或将来时,而in后接一段时间时常作“在。。。之后”解释,只用于将来时,故放在将来时态中表示“在一段时间之内”,美国英语里较多地使用inside。 I’ll be back within/inside half an hour.半小时内我就回来。 The job will be finished in a week.这工作一周后完成。 The job will be finished within a week.这工作一周内完成。 She will be back in an hour.他一小时后回来。 She will be back within an hour.他一小时内回来。 【注】在过去时中,in和within后接一段时间时,都表示“在一段时间内”。 The best thing is to use the mouth-to-mouth way. Lay the person on his/her back, close his/her nose with your fingers and breathe into his /her month.Repeat this as often as is necessary. ▲lay是即物动词,意为“放”,“置”,注意不要和lie的过去式lay混淆,后者意为“躺”,是不及物动词。 The girl lay on the grass,looking at the blue sky and thinking.这女孩躺在草地上,看这蓝色的天空沉思着。 Granny laid a bag of rice on the table, panting.奶奶把一袋米放在桌上,气喘吁吁。 Presently he laid the paper carefully folded across his knees and closed his eyes.不久他把这张报纸仔细对折好,放在膝盖上,合上了眼睛。 The books have lain here ever since they were laid here.这些书放在这里之日起,一直在这里未动过。 I have lain awake all night thinking of this.我想着这事,一夜没睡着。 Mother laid her baby gently on the bed.母亲把婴儿轻轻的放在床上。 Please lay these planks along, not across. 请把木板顺着放,别横着放。 He lay unconscious on the bettle ground for hours before we finally found him他在战场上昏迷不行的躺了几个钟头,最后我们才找到他。 .▲as often as is possible意为“尽量多次”,这是一个比较状语从句,第二个as后面的从句可以看作是省去了it。还可以说as often as possible Please come as early as possible tomorrow morning.明天早晨请尽可能早点来。 It is not so cold as it was yesterday.今天不像昨天那么冷。 He got up as late as his brother.他同他弟弟起的一样迟。 You can explain grammar points in Chinese as much as is necessary.你可以根据需要,用汉语来解释语法点。 6.If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding. If a person loses one third of his/her blood, he/she may die.如果一个人流血不止,你必须想法止住血,一个人如果失血占他(他)血的三分之一,他(她)可能会死去。 ▲one third意为“三分之一”。在英语中,分数的分子用基数词,分母用序数词表达,当分子超过1时,在分母的序数词后加-s。 one fifth五分之一,three eighths八分之三,如果分数作主语,则要看它代表可数名词还是不可数名词,如代表可数名词的复数,则谓语动词用复数形式,否则谓语动词用单数形式。 Two thirds of the students in our class are League members.我们班上三分之二的学生是共青团员。 More than two thirds of the surface of the earth is covered by water.地球表面三分之二多的面积被水覆盖。 One third of the rivers in that country have been polluted.那个县三分之一的河流被污染了。 One third of the water has been polluted.三分之一的水被污染了。 ▲ bleed作“流血”解时是不及物动词。 His nose bled last night.昨晚他鼻出血。 The cut on his finger was bleeding.她手指上的伤口在出血。 ▲ bleed可作及物动词,意为“放血”。 Doctors used to bleed people when they were sick.过去人们生病时,医生给他们放血。 ▲ bleed可引申为“感到极其难受”。 My heart bled for the poor unhappy children.我为那些贫苦不幸的孩子感到难过。 7.Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there. If it is possible, hold up the part of the body which is bleeding.把手帕压在出血点上,并按住不动,如有可能,就把出血的那个部位抬起来。 ▲ hold在本句中作“按”,“握着”解释。 Uncle Wang held my hand and tried to comfort me.王大爷握住我的手,设法安慰我。 Please hold this wheel a moment so that it doesn’t turn.请把住轮子别让她转。 I held him by the arm.我抓住他的胳膊。 ▲ hold up 在这里意为“把,,,抬起来”或“举起”。 Hold up your arm so that the cut won’t bleed.把胳膊抬起来这样伤口就不会出血。 He held up the map so it could be seen more clearly.他举起地图,这样我们可以看得更清楚些。 The students who wished to speak held up their hands.想发言的学生举起了手。 ▲ hold up的常见意思还有“耽误”,“使停顿”。 The train was held up for an hour by the accident.这个事故是火车晚点了一个钟头。 The steel strike may hold up production for several months.铸铁业罢工可能是生产停顿几个月。 Pretty soon we were held up for lack of material.不久由于缺乏材料,我们进行不下去了。 ▲ hold up亦可作“抢劫”,“拦截”。 That bank has been held up three times.那家银行已遭劫三次。 8.Many common injuries happen every day in the home. All parents should know some first aid. Children can often get ill suddenly and they also have a lot of accidents. Here is some advice for dealing with common injuries.每天家里会发生一些常见的外伤事故,所有家长都应该懂得一点急救知识。孩子们常常会突然得病,也可能出许多事故。 下面是有关处理常见外伤的建议。 ▲advice作“忠告(意见)”解释时为不可数名词,常与on连用。 Marx gave some good advice on how to learn a foreign language如何学外语马克思提出了一些很好的建议。. Let me give you a piece of good advice.我要给你一个忠告。 Mr Brown gave me some advice on how to repair the old car.布朗先生对如何修好这辆旧车向我提出了一些建议。 【注】有时我们在阅读中看到advice的复数形式,这时advice是可数名词,作“消息或报道”解释。 They receive advices from foreign countries every week.他们每周都从国外收到消息。 Advices were just received from our Washington correspondent.刚刚收到本报驻华盛顿记者的最新报道。 ▲ 此处作“处理“,”应付“解释。 How shall we deal with this problem?这问题我们该如何处理呢? He won’t be able to deal with all kinds of complicated situations.他应付不了各种复杂的情况。 The question will soon be dealt with.这问题很快就会得到处理。 ▲deal with是一个常见的词组,其意思还有“相处"”对待“,”论述“,”涉及“等 This book deals with life in the United States这本书说的是美国的生活情况。 Deal fairly with your students.对学生要公正。 That man is impossible to deal with.这人无法相处。 The subject isn’t very well dealt with in his latest book.他在新书里没有很好的论述这个问题。 We have dealt with that firm for many years.我们和这家公司做了多年的买卖。 I”ll get someone else to deal with them.我去找另一个人来对付他们。 9.Animal bites. If you are bitten by an animal, wash the wound under cold running water. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.动物咬伤。如果被动物咬伤,就把伤口放在冷的自来水下冲洗。然后尽快看医生。 ▲ bite作名词用时,意为“咬伤“。 His face was covered with insect bites.她的脸上到处都是虫咬的痕迹。 He cured 46 victims of snake bite last month alone.他仅上个月就治愈了46例蛇咬伤者。 ▲ bite也可作“吃一口”,“随便吃点东西”。 He took a bite at the apple.她咬了一口苹果。 I haven’t had a bite since this morning.从早晨到现在我还没有吃过一点东西。 This is tasty.Have a bite of it.这很好吃,吃一口吧。 “You’ll wait and have a bite with us,” she insisted.她坚持说,“你等一下和我们一起吃点东西”。 ▲ bite作动词用时意为“咬”,既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。 A mosquito just bit me.一只蚊子刚咬了我一口。 I bit my tongue yesterday and it is painful.昨天我咬着了舌头现在还疼。 Unless you wear boots, you may get bitten by snakes.除非你穿鞋子,否则会被蛇咬。 The dog has bitten a hole in my trousers.狗在我裤子上咬了一个洞。 ▲ bite可用于引伸意义,意为“对。。。感兴趣”。“辛辣”,“冻坏”。 I tried to sell him my old car but he wouldn’t bite.我想把我的旧车卖给他,但他不感兴趣。 She loves to make biting remarks.她喜欢发表尖刻的评论。 The biting cold froze the sailor’s hand.刺骨的寒冷冻僵了水手的手。 His fingers were bitten by the frost.她的手指被霜冻坏了。 10.Burns.Cool the area of skin at once. Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for several minutes. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn. See a doctor if a child has been burned or if more than 10% of the body has been burned.烧伤。立即让烧伤的皮肤冷却,让它在冷水龙头下冲洗几分钟。在烧伤的皮肤上放一块清洁的干布。如果小孩烧伤了,或(大人)烧伤面积达到10%以上,那么就必须去看医生。 ▲ cool 在本句中作动词用,意为“使变冷”。既可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。 The rain has cooled the air.雨使空气凉爽了。 Open the window to cool the room.打开窗子让屋子凉些。 Let your tea cool a little before you drink it.让茶凉一点再喝。 ▲ cool用作引伸意义时指“冷静下来”。 By that time her enthusiasm had cooled.到那时,她的热情也冷却下来了。 A heated argument can be settled better if both sides cool down first.如果双方先冷静下来,一场激烈的争论会解决得好些。 I tried to cool her down but she was still very angry when she left.想使她冷静下来,但她走的时候人很愤怒。 ▲ cool也可以作形容词用,意为“凉快”,“冷静”,“冷淡”。 Let’s sit in the shade and get cool.让我们坐到阴凉处,凉快一下。 I knew I had to keep cool.我知道我必须保持冷静。 He seemed so cool I feared I had offended him.他看上去非常冷淡,我恐怕在什么地方冒犯了他。 His play received a cool response from the public.公众对她的话剧反映冷淡。 ▲ over在此处作“(紧贴着)在上面”解释,不能看作“在。。。上方”。 Spread a cloth over the table.把布铺在桌上。 And she bent forward, and her fine light hair fell over her cheeks.她向前探出身子,她的浅色的美丽头发遮住了脸颊。 Ink spilled over the book.墨水泼在书上。 He spread a handkerchief over his face to keep the flies off.他把手帕遮在脸上挡开苍蝇。 11.Cuts.For a simple cut, it is only necessary to wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth.刀伤。对于简单的伤口,只需要将刀伤的部位冲洗一下,弄干,然后盖上一块清洁的干布就行了。 ▲ for在本句中作“对于”解释。 I have no ear for music.我对音乐一窍不通。 Don’t you think I’m rather young for such a task? 你是否认为我做这事太年轻了? You are not suited for the kind of work you’re doing.你不适合做你现在做得这样工作。 I was just thinking it was a fine night for a walk.我刚才在想这个晚上出去散步真好。 12.This passage doesn’t contain enough information for you to do first aid correctly! You have to study with a teacher. However, after a few hours of study ,you’ll manage to know enough to save other people’s lives.这篇短文包含的知识并不足以让你正确的进行急救!你还必须跟老师学习。然而,经过几个小时的学习之后,你就会获得足够的知识去抢救别人的生命。 ▲本段中两次出现enough这个词,第一个enough是形容词,作定语修饰information,第二个enough是名词作宾语。 ▲ 作名词用enough可作主语,宾语。作主语时,其主谓关系应遵循意义一致的原则,如果所代表的名词为复数意义,谓语动词用复数形式,反之用单数形式。 Enough has been said on this subject.关于这个问题说的已足够了。 “Do you need more chairs?””No,I think there are enough to go round.”你们还需要椅子吗?不要了,我想够用了。 When enough of the tree is chopped away,the tree falls.当树身被砍得够深时,树就倒了。 He couldn’t earn enough to keep a family of four.他挣的钱不够养活一个四口之家。 ▲ 作形容词用。Enough作定语时,在不少情况下,放在被修饰名词之前或之后都可以。 We have enough money(money enough) to buy a new car.我们有足够的钱买一辆新汽车。 We haven’t enough time(time enough) to catch the train now.我们没有足够的时间去赶火车了。 ▲作副词用时,可修饰形容词,副词或动词,紧接在所修饰的词之后。 I felt that I was not yet strong enough to travel.我感到我的身体不够强壮,不适于旅游。 I didn’t know him well enough.We didn’t get on together.我们没有共过事。 Have you played enough?你玩够了吗? 【注】在口语中,enough可作程度状语,用于修饰谓语动词,不过这个谓语动词多为否定式。 I don’t like you enough.我非常喜欢你。(怎么喜欢都不够) I just can’t thank you enough.我非常感激你。(怎么感激都不够) ▲ manage意为“设法(终于)完成(某件困难的事)”。多跟不定式。 He managed to escape to South America.他终于设法逃到了南美。 We managed to get what we wanted,anyhow.不管怎么样,我们终于得到了我们所需要的。 The ground was very dirty,but he managed to clean it.地上很脏,但他设法打扫干净了。 ▲ manage也可作不及物动词,可译为“能办到,设法解决”“勉强维持” the box is very heavy, but I can manage.这箱子很重,但我能对付。 ▲ 有时manage后面可以跟名词或代词,意为“设法做到”,“拿得动”,“吃得下” I can’t manage another mouthful. 我一口也吃不下。 If you are to get away, I can manage money. 如果你要走,我可以想法筹钱。 I think we can manage that somehow. 我想我们能够做到哪件事。 ▲ manage后面有时跟一个介词短语引起的状语。 Can you manage on your own? 你靠自己能对付吗? That’s really sweet of you, but I shall manage all right by myself. 你真好,但我自己能解决。 The ladder isn’t quite so long as thought, but I think I can manage with it. 这梯子不像我原先想象的那么长,但我想我用它能对付。 13.If everyone in the country knew first aid,many lives would be saved.如果每个国民都懂得急救,那么许多人的生命是可以挽救得了的。 ▲本句条件句中谓语动词用过去时,主句用Would+动词原形,是虚拟语气的一种形式,所表示的内容与现在事实相反,即不可能每个国民都懂急救知识,故称虚拟语气。 If I were free ,I would go to the cinema.如果我有空,我就去看电影。(实际是我没空) If it rained now,we would not go out.如果现在下雨,我们就不会出去。(事实上不在下雨。) If I knew the answer to the question,I would tell you.如果我知道问题的答案,我当然会告诉你。(实际我不知) ▲ 如果表示的内容是与过去事实相反,则条件从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时,主句中的谓语动词用would+have +过去分词。 If you had got up earlier,you would have caught the train.如果你早点起床,你就会赶上火车了。 If it had been fine last weekend,I would have gone on vacation.要使上周末天气好的话,我就会去度假了。 I wouldn’t have known all the facts if I hadn’t been told.如果不告诉我,我不会知道所有这些事实的。 ▲ 如果表示与将来可能的情况相反,则条件从句中的谓语动词用过去式,也可以用should+动词原形,或were to+动词原形,主句中的谓语动词形式用would+动词原形。 If I should see her,what would I say to her?如果我能见到他,我对他说什么呢? If he were to come,I might have time to see him.只要他来,我可能有时间见他。 14.Read the notice”Safety in the home”.Then find pictures that go with the pieces of advice.读“家庭安全须知”。然后找出与这些建议相配的图画。 ▲ go with此处作“与,,,相配”解释。 A yellow blouse goes with her blonde hair.黄色短上衣和她的淡黄色头发很相称。 Mary’s blue dress goes with her eyes.玛丽的蓝色衣服与她的眼睛相配。 Certain kinds of wine go with certain kinds of food.某些酒与某些饭食相配。 Potatoes don’t go with ice cream.土豆和冰激凌不相配。 ▲ go with可作“伴随”,“与。。。持同一看法”。 The children went to Spain with their parents.孩子们随父母到西班牙去了。 Can a singular verb go with a plural noun?单数动词能与复数名词一起用吗? We were delighted to find that a large rock garden went with the house.我们欣喜的发现随房子一起出售的还有一个假山庭院。 I agree with much of of what you say,but I cannot go all the way with you.你说的我很多都同意,但能全部同意。 15.Certain things in the home can be dangerous,especially if you have young children.在家庭中,特别是在有小孩的家庭中,某些东西可能是有危险的。 ▲certain作定语时意为“某个”“某些”,即可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词,修饰单数可数名词时用a certain I’m prepared to make certain concessions.我已准备好了作出一些让步。 There has been a certain amount of improvement in his health.她的健康状况有一定程度的好转。 He makes a certain profit from his business but he’ll never be rich.他在做生意中赚了一些钱,但他不会富起来。 ▲certain作表语时意为“有把握,肯定”,后接of,,about引起的短语或从句。 Are you certain of what you say?你对你说的话有把握吗? I’m not certain whether he’ll come.我没有把握他是否会来 。 We are certain that he’ll get over his illness.我们肯定他会恢复健康。 ▲ certain后可接不定式。 You are certain to be happy with them.跟他们在一起你肯定会感到快乐。 He is certain to return.他肯定会回来的。 ▲ especially与状语或同位语连用时,常置于句首或句末,表示强调,意为“特别是”。 I like the country,especially in spring.我喜欢乡村,特别是春天。 Especially in Brazil,the Negroes have played a most important role in the development of the nation.特别是在巴西,黑人在国家的发展中起了很重要的作用。 Noise is unpleasant,especially when you are going to sleep.噪音很讨厌,特别是当你要睡着的时候。 16.ELECTRICITY Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t touch them. FIRES Put guards round fires. 电:确保电线安全,不要让小孩触摸电线。 火炉:火炉周围要有防护装置。 ▲make sure后面接了两个宾语从句。一般说来,引导宾语从句的连接词that可以省略,但如果谓语动词后有两个或两个以上并列的宾语从句,第二个及其后并列的宾语从句的连接词不能省略,以免引起误解。 I forgot (that )my research paper was due on Tuesday and that my teacher had said he would not accept late papers.我忘记了星期二该教研究论文,我也忘了老师曾说过他不接受迟交的论文。 Tom told Alice(that) he would go to see her on Sunday and that she had better not go out.汤姆对艾利斯说他要在星期日去看他,并叫他最好别外出。 ▲guard此处作“防护装置”解释,作此解释时常和其他词构成合成名词。 如mudguard挡泥板,fireguard防火装置等。 A fireguard prevents children getting near the fire.防火装置可阻止儿童靠近火源。 Miners wear a helmet as a guard against falling rocks.矿工戴着头盔作为防护以抵挡下落的石块。 17.GAS FIRES If you are using one of these,check that a window is open. COOKING If a pan of oil catches fire,turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly. 燃气炉火:如果你使用一种燃气炉火,注意要让一扇窗户开着。 烹饪:如果油锅着火,要把煤气关上,并迅速盖上锅盖。 ▲ catch fire意为“着火“,侧重与动作,并不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。 As the wood is wet,it won’t catch fire.木头是湿的,点不着。 Straw catches fire easily.稻草很容易着火。 The house caught fire while we were away.我们不在的时候房子着了火。 【注】be on fire 也有“着火”之意,但侧重于燃烧的过程,可以和表示一段时间的状语连用,其中的on意为“在。。。过程中”。 The building had been on fire for half an hour when the firemen arrived.当消防队员赶到时,大楼已烧了半个小时。 18.POISONS Don’t pour poisons into other containers,for example,empty bottles.Keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of child. 有毒物品:不要把有毒物品倒入其他容器(空瓶),要把毒品放在小孩够不着的高架上。 ▲out of the reach或out of one’s reach意为“够不着,拿不到”也可以说beyond one’s reach,此处reach是名词,意为“手所及的范围”,其反义词组是within one’s reach。 Put the bottle of weed-killer out of the reach of children.把那瓶除草剂放在孩子们拿不到的地方。 The village is within reach of London.该村就在伦敦附近。 There are shops within easy reach of the house.这个房子附近就有几家商店。 I’d like to have my reference book within my reach.我喜欢把参考书放在我顺手可取的地方。 Granny put the fish out of the reach of the cat.奶奶把鱼放在猫够不着的地方。 In those days London was not within the reach of most people living as far north as Sheffield and Manchester.在那些日子里,大多数住在北方的,如设菲尔德,曼彻斯特地区的人们很难到达伦敦。 19.LADDERS Don’t use them on a wet floor.Get someone to hold the ladder for you.Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder.Get down first and move the ladder.梯子:不要在湿地板上使用梯子。请别人帮你扶助梯子。站在梯子上不要侧着身子伸手去取东西,要先下来把梯子挪动一下。 ▲ Reach在本句中是动词,意为“伸手可取” He reached out his hand for the ruler I offered him.他伸出手去接我给他的尺子。 By standing on tip-toe,I managed to reach the button.我踮起脚才勉强触摸到电钮。 She wasn’t tall enough to reach the branches.她个子不够高,碰不着那些树枝。 She had to reach her hand across the table to pass it on to me.她只好把手伸过桌子,把它传给我。 ▲ Sideways是副词,意为“向旁边”,“侧着身子” He fell off the ladder when he reached out for the lamp sideways.她侧身去取电灯的时候从梯子摔了下来。 She was so fat that she could only get through the door sideways.她太胖了,只好侧身子过门 20.WATER Make sure that young children cannot get close to pools,lakes,and rivers by themselves.水:务必不要让小孩独自去池塘,湖边或江边。 ▲ get close to 意为“到。。。近旁” She got close to the boy to see what he was doing.她走到孩子近旁,看看他在做些什么。 Tom and Huck got close to the bottom of the cave and found a large and heavy box.汤姆和哈克走进洞底发现一只又大又沉的箱子。 ▲ by oneself意为“独自地”“单独地”,作状语。 A girl should not go out by herself at night.一个女孩晚上不应单独外出。 “You should do your homework all by yourselves.”said the teacher.老师说:“你们应该独立完成作业。” The little child wanted to eat by himself.这个小孩想要自己吃东西。 【注】by oneself意为“亲自地”,“独自地”,for oneself意为“为自己”,of oneself作“自动地”解释,to oneself是“暗自”的意思。 Do you have anything to say for yourself?你有什么要为自己说的吗? The machine works of itself.这机器自动工作。 “This is not what I want”she said to herself.“这不是我所要的。”他心里想。 Language record In this unit I have learned to say in English: Useful Expressions: 受了重(轻)伤 别紧张 对某人进行急救 呆着别动 够不着 口对口的呼吸 误喝农药 让某人扶住梯子 Sentences: 1. 让她留在原地。 2.我膝盖疼。 3.根据需要尽量多次重复这个动作。 4.这儿有几条关于处理普通创伤的意见。 5. 若每个公民都懂得急救,那么许多人的生命是可以挽救的了。 6. 如果你感冒了,你该喝大量的水。 7.我们没必要这么匆忙,汽车还得半小时才能到这儿。 |
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