口语:At a Bank 在银行

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Banking hours are usually from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Sometimes you can't get service in a bank unless you have an account there.
1. A: I'd like to change these pesos, please.
B: How do you want them?
A: It doesn't make any difference.
B: Do you want anything else?
A: Yes, I'd like to open an account.
2. A: Would you cash these travelers' checks, please?
B: How would you like them?
A: In ten dollar bills, please.
B: Is there anything else?
A: Yes, I'd like to know how to send money to France.
3. A: Could you change these for me, please?
B: What would you like?
A: Twenties and some smaller bills, please.
B: Anything else?
A: Yes. Could you tell me my balance (余额)? Here's my account number.



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