Unit 9 Saving the earth 语言要点

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Language tips
Lesson 33
1.Jackie is talking to Yang Pei about a conference which Jackie has just been to.杰克正和杨蓓谈论他出席过的一次会议。
▲ conference 意为“会议”,一般是指大型的正式的会议,有重要的事情在会上讨论,如政治,经济等。如 a press conference年会,a roundtable conference圆桌会议,同样作“会议”解释的还有两个词即 congress 和meeting,前者通常指各地或各方代表参加的国家政治性会议,后者是普通用语,可指任何会议。例:
The conference on international economic problems met in Geneva.关于国际经济问题的会议在日内瓦召开。
Our headmaster has just been to a conference on educational work.我们校长刚出席教育工作会议会来
There will soon be elections to our congress.国会很快就要举行选举。
I’m sorry I have to go.I have a meeting to attend.对不起,我得走了,我有一个会议出席。
2.What was the conference like? Very interesting. It was called” Saving the earth”and it was all about the damage that is being caused to the world.这次会议开的怎么样?很有意思,会议叫做“拯救地球”大会,讨论有关对世界造成的破坏的问题。
▲在本句中that is being caused to the earth是一个定语从句修饰damage。从句中的谓语动词is being caused是现在进行时态的被动语态。例:
The building that is being built is the library of our school.正在建造的那幢大楼是我们学校的图书馆。
The lecture that is being given by Professor White is about the history of American literature.怀特教授现在所作的演讲是关于美国文学史的。
The problem is being discussed by a group of experts.这个问题目前正由一个专家组讨论。
▲ What is (was)…like是询问某人对某事的看法,要求对方作出简单的评价或描述外表等。例:
What’s your chemistry teacher like? He is an ordinary little man with thick glasses.你们化学老师是怎样一个人?他相貌平常,矮个子,戴深度近视眼镜。
What’s the city of Hangzhou like? Very beautiful. 杭州城怎么样?很美。
What’s the dictionary like? A pocket one. Simple but clear. 那种字典怎么样?是一种袖珍词典,简单但明了。
▲damage 与 destroy 。本句中的 damage是名词,作“损坏,损害”解释,不可数,意指损伤或降低物的价值,一般是指部分性的损坏。例:
The accident did very little damage to either car.事故给两辆车造成的损害很小。
An early frost damaged the crops.早霜损害了庄稼。
How much must I pay for the damage?我要为这损坏赔多少钱?
【注】damage也可作“赔偿费”解释,这时是可数名词。例 :
The court ordered him to pay£1500 damages to the person he had hurt.法庭宣判他付1500英镑的赔偿费给被他伤害的人。
He claimed£5000damages from his employers for the loss of his right arm while at work.由于在工作中失去了右臂,他要求他的雇主付5000英镑的赔偿金。
▲ Damage也可作动词用,意思与作名词时相同。例:
The gale damaged several houses.大风损坏了几间房子。
Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of her long illness.长期生病对好他的心脏有所损害。
▲上面讲的是damage的意思和用法,下面我们讨论destroy的用法及与damage的区别。Destroy只能作动词用,本意是“摧毁,毁掉,消灭”,其表示的损害程度远大于 damage,一般指较大损害且已不能被挽救或修理。例:
An atom bomb would destroy a city.一颗原子弹可以毁掉一个城市。
All his hopes were destroyed.他所有的希望都破灭了。
Works of art, historical monuments and priceless historical records were destroyed.艺术作品,历史纪念碑和珍贵的历史记录都被毁坏了。
3. What did you do at the meeting? Well, we listened to lectures about pollution, agriculture, nuclear waste, radiation and so on.你们在会上做了些什么?我们听了些关于污染,农业核废料,辐射等的报告。
It’s a good idea to hold such conferences. Yes. If we go on polluting the world, it won’t be fit for us to live in.开这样的会是一个好主意。是的,如果我们继续污染这个世界,那么这个世界就不适合我们生活了。
▲ Hold此处意为“举行”,指举行会议,展览,仪式,示威游行,考试,比赛等。
The exhibition will be held from Monday to Wednesday.展览会将在星期一至星期三举行。
When is the examination to be held?考试什么时候举行?
These contents were held from time to time in various parts of England and on the continent.这些比赛不时在英国各地和欧洲大陆举行。
▲be fit for“合适,称职”此处fit是形容词,后接for引起的介词短语和不定式。
He is not fit to be a member of this club.作为这个俱乐部的成员,他不合适。
She is not fit to live by herself.她不适合单独生活。
The manager is not fit for his position.经理不称职。
I should say she wasn’t fit to do anything of the sort.我要说她不适合作这种事情。
▲ fit也可作定语。例:
We must decide on a fit time and place for the meeting.我们必须决定在一个适当的时间和地点召开会议。
He is not a fit person to decide what should be done。 他不是一个决定作什么事情的合适人选。
Grass is a fit food for cows; it is not fit for men.草是牛的合适的食物,但不是给人吃的。
▲ Fit也可作“健康,身体好”解释。例:
I should have written yesterday, but I was not fit.我应该昨天写的,但我身体不适。
He is fit enough to run twice that distance.他非常健康,能跑这个距离的两倍。
These days he looks fitter than I’ve ever seen him.这些天他看上去比任何时候都健康。
▲ Fit也可作动词用,意为“使合适,适(大,小)合身”。例:
The dress fit her perfectly.那衣服穿在她身上合适极了。
His behavior doesn’t fit his important new position.他的行为与他所居的这新的重要职位不相适合。
【注】fit和suit都可作动词,都是“合适”之意,但意思有所不同。如果说Your clothes fit you.那是说衣服尺码合适,不大不小;要是说Your clothes suit you.那是说你穿的衣服好看,款式和花色都合适。例:
Red and black are colours that suit me very well.红黑两色是很适合我的颜色。
Do you think this style suits me?你觉得这种款色适合我穿吗?
These shoes don’t fit me---Have you got a larger size?这鞋我穿这不合适—你们有大一点的吗?
4.I agree with you.We have got to do something about pollution. It’s getting worse. Yes,it certainly is.If people don’t stop polluting the seas and rivers there will be no fish left.我同意你的观点,我们必须对污染采取措施,情况越来越糟。是的,如果人们继续污染海洋和河流,鱼类就会没有了。
▲ have got to do sth.相当于 have to do sth.意为“不得不,必须”,当我们谈论一件我们有义务去做的事时,用Have got to do sth.,在口语中更为常见。例:
Sorry,I’ve got to go now.很抱歉,我得走了。
“I've got to go”“Oh,do you?”“得走了”“啊,是吗?”
You’ve just got to help me.你一定得给我帮助。
▲left的用法:left意为“剩下的,没有用完的,依然存在的”,一般用在名词或复合不定代词后,常见于 there+be的句型结构中。例:
There are two pieces of bread left, if you are hungry.你要是饿了,那里还有两块面包。
There’s nothing left in the fridge.冰箱里没剩下什么东西。
I haven’t got any money left.我没有剩下什么钱了。
After the fire,only two people were left alive.大火之后,只有两个人活着。
There is not anything left in the room.屋里什么也没剩下。
5.That’s quite true.We’ve got to think of ways changing people’s habits. Well,what else did you hear about at the meeting?对。我们得想办法改变人们的习惯。在会议上你还听到了什么?
▲再说else 的用法,else用在 anybody, everything, somewhere和其他所有由 any-,every-,some-,no-,开始及由-body,-one,-thing,-where,结尾的词后。在正式文体中,all后也可用 else。例:
Nobody else understands me as well as you do.别人没有一个像你这麽了解我的。
It’s too crowded here,let’s go somewhere else.这儿太拥挤了,咱们到别的地方去吧。
Would you like anything else to drink?你还要喝点别的什么吗?
When all else fails, pray.当一切别的都不行时,祈祷吧。
▲ Else的所有格形式是 else’s
You will have to borrow someone else’s car.I’m using mine你得另借别人的汽车。我的汽车我还要用呢。
▲ else 除用于上述词外,还可以用在疑问词后,但一般不用于which和when之后。例:
Who else ordered beer?还有谁要了啤酒?
Where else did you go besides Qingdao?除了青岛,你还去了什么地方?
▲else还可以与little和(not) much连用。例:
Little else is known about this man’s life.关于此人的生平,别的就知道得很少了。
There isn’t much else to do now except wait.现在除了等待以外,也没有什么其他的办法了。
▲ or else“否则的话,要不就是”
The book must be here,or else you’ve lost it.这本书肯定在这儿,要不就是你弄丢了。
He must be joking,or else he’s mad.他肯定是在开玩笑,要不就是疯了。
Dress warmly,or else you’ll catch cold.穿暖和一些,否则会感冒的。
【注】or else可用于句未,表示威胁。例:
You must go there quickly or else you will not be back in time.你得赶快到那里去,否则就不能及时回家。
You’d better stop hitting my brother, or else…你小子别再打我弟弟了,要不然,,,
6.There was a good talk about the increase in the world’s population. If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left for us next century!
That’s a problem we Chinese must pay special attention to.如果人口不断迅速增长,那么到了下个世纪,我们将只有立足之地了。那是我们中国人必须特别注意的一个问题。
▲ keep doing sth.此处表示“继续做某事”,相当于Go on doing sth.。
They kept on working after dark.天黑后,他们继续工作。
If the factory keeps polluting the river, there will be no fish left for us to eat.如果这家工厂继续污染这条河,那么我们就不会有鱼吃了。
▲在很多情况下,keep doing sth.与Keep on doing sth.意思相同,即“老是/不断做某事”,含有重复的意思,只不过后者更强调动作的反复性。
You keep on making the same mistake.你老是犯同样的错误。
He kept on wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.她老是用手背擦眼睛。
He kept on blowing his horn.他不断地按喇叭。
Will you please keep sitting where you are?请继续坐在原位上好吗?
▲ standing room意为“站着的空间/地方,余地,机会”,在这里是不可数名词。
The table takes too much room.这种桌子占的地方太多。
Can you make room on that shelf for some more books?你能在那个书架上腾出些地方再放些书吗?
He needs room to develop his skill as a painter.他需要有机会来提高他的绘画技术。
There is much room for improvement in your work.你的工作大又改进的余地。
Lesson 34
1. The area of desert in the world is growing every year. Many parts of the world,which once had large populations and produced plenty of crops,have become deserts.世界上沙漠的面积每年都在扩大,许多地区曾经人口众多,五谷丰登,而今却成了沙漠。
▲many和plenty of都作“许多”解释,前者只修饰可数名词,而后者既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词;前者一般用于疑问句,否定句和条件句中,如用在肯定句中,多用于句首修饰主语或作主语;后者一般只用于肯定句,在疑问句和否定句中用enough取而代之。
Many men, many minds.人多智慧多。
Many of us were too tired to go further.我们中很多人太疲劳了,再也走不动了。
【注】many a修饰单数名词,但具有复数含义。
Many a ship has been wrecked on those rocks.很多船只在这些礁石上毁坏。
Many a man has tried it before. 过去尝试过的已不止一个人了。
There are plenty of rooms in the hotel. 这家旅馆里有许多房间。
There’s plenty of time. 有许多时间。
2. Dunhuang in China,deep in the heart of the Gebi Desert, was once a great city.中国的敦煌,现在戈壁滩的腹地,曾经是一个大城市。
▲ Once作“曾经”,“一度”解,用于过去时态。
He once knew her but they are no longer friends.他曾经认识她,但现在不再是朋友了。
No one remembers that once popular singer.没人能记起这个曾经红极一时的歌星。
This crime fiction was once very popular, but nobody reads it today.这部侦探小说一度很受欢迎,可是现在没人看了。
I once went round the world.我曾周游过世界。
▲ Once可作连词用,引导状语从句。意为“一旦”。
Most boys like to swim once they have learned how.男孩一学会游泳,多半都喜欢上了。
Once you hesitate, you are lost.一犹豫,你就完了。
Once you begin, you must continue.一旦开始你就得继续下去。
Once you have take the examination, you’ll be able to relax. 一旦考过,你就可以轻松一下了。
▲ Once可作“一次,一回”解
I saw him once and and never again.我见过他一回,以后再也没见过。
I’m going to tell you once.我只能告诉你一回。
3. Cattle are once cause of the problem. In good years, farmers increse the numbers of their cattle.造成戈壁滩的原因之一是牲畜问题。年景好时,农民就增加牲畜饲养的头数。
▲cattle意为“牲畜”,主要指牛,亦可作“羊”解,是复数。如 cattle and sheep牛和羊,不可说 a cattle,而要说one head of cattle 二十头牛说 twenty head of cattle, head of在指多头牛时可省去。例:
He has twenty (head of) cattle on the farm.他在农场养了二十头牛。
Cattle were allowed to graze on the village common.牛群被允许在村里的公共用地上吃草。
These cattle are from Holland.这些牛来自荷兰。
Rearing cattle is an important branch of agriculture.畜牧业是农业的重要组成部分。
【注】养牛既可说 keep cattle,也可说rear cattle ,如 keep a large herd of cattle意为“养一大群牛”,贩卖牛(牲口),可说 trade/deal in cattle或 carry on a trade in cattle
▲ Cause此处作名词,意为“原因,起因”,是可数名词。例:
We can’t get rid of war unless we get rid of the causes of war.除非我们能去除战争的根源,否则我们不能消灭战争。
What was the cause of these misunderstandings?这些误解的原因是什么?
The cause of the fire was a cigarette end.火灾的起因是一个香烟头。
No one could guess the cause.没人能猜出原因。
▲ Cause可用作动词,意为“引起,导致”,后可接双宾语。
The operation caused the patient much pain.手术给病人造成了很大的痛苦。
I’m afraid I am causing you much trouble.我担心我给你增添了许多麻烦。
▲ Cause可接不定式作宾补。如:
The lightning caused the baby to cry..闪电把孩子吓哭了。
What caused him to change his mind?是什么使他改变了主意?
4. Then one year, the rains fail to come.The farmers don’t want to kill any of their cattle,so the cattle eat all the grass and anything that grows on poorer land.然后有一年没有下雨。农民又不想把牲畜杀掉,所以牲畜就把草以及更加贫瘠的土地上长出的任何东西都吃掉了。
▲fail是动词,意为“没有能够”,表示“没有能够做某事”。常用 fail to do sth.
She didn’t work hard at her lessons so she failed to pass all the exams.他不努力学习功课,所以各门功课考试都不及格。
I have just failed to see Watt.He was out.我没能见到瓦特。他出去了。
He did very well,but he failed to break the record.他表现得很出色,但没有破纪录。
He didn’t fail to keep his word.他没有忘了遵守诺言。
The car failed to climb the hill.汽车没能爬上小山。
▲ Fail后面也可接名词或代词,意为“使失望,无助于”等。例:
His courage failed him in the end.最后,他失去了勇气。
His friends failed him when he most needed them.当他最需要朋友时,他们却使他失望了。
The teacher failed me on the written paper.老师给我的笔试卷打了不及格。
▲ Fail也可作不及物动词用,意为“失败,倒闭,身体变弱”等》
When money is in short supply, many businesses fail.当缺乏资金来源时,许多企业就要倒闭。
He has been failing in health for the last two years.近两年来,他的体质每况愈下。
His eyesight is failing.他的视力正在下降。
Last year the crops failed.去年庄稼歉收。
5. If this continues for several years,the grass never grows again and the land becomes a desert.One suggested answer is for farmers to limit the numbers of their cattle.这种情况如果继续几年,那么,草就再也长不出来,土地也就变成了沙漠,有人提出解决的办法是让农民限制饲养牲畜的数量。
▲suggested是过去分词作定语,修饰 answer,动词is后是 不定式的复合结构作表语用,其中farmers是不定式 to limit the numbers of their cattle的逻辑主语。
▲ Desert在这里是名词,意为“ 沙漠”,“一片沙漠”是 a desert,多片沙漠是 deserts。在一般情况下,desert前要有定冠词the,介词用in。
Few kinds of plants grow in the desert.仅有几种植物在沙漠上生长。
It’s a story about an Arab in the desert.这是一个生活在沙漠地区的阿拉伯人的故事
An Arab was walking alone through the desert when he met two men.一个阿拉伯人在独自穿越沙漠时遇到了两个人。
6. Another problem is that good soil is gradually lost.When trees are cut down,there is nothing to hold the soil in place on the hillside.另外一个问题就是沃土逐渐流失,树木被砍伐了,山坡上就没有什么东西能够把土壤保持住了。
▲ Hold在此处意为“保持住”,相当于 keep,其后常跟复合宾语,可有形容词,副词,介词短语等构成。
Hold yourself for a moment while I take your photograph.不要动,我给你照张像,
Hold yourself upright when you walk.走路时身体要挺直。
Would you please hold the door open for me?劳驾你给我把门拉开好吗?
We’ve held the job open for him for two weeks now.我们已将这个工作位置为他保留两周了。
▲ in place是固定词组,意为“在原来的地方”。如:
I like everything to be in place.我喜欢一切东西都放在原来的地方。
I hope you leave all the books in the library in place.。我希望你把所有的书放在图书馆原来的地方。
The picture is not in place on the wall. 这幅画不在墙上原来的地方
I wish you would keep things in their places. Where is my hat? 但愿你能把东西放在原来的地方,我的帽子呢?
7. So when it rains, soil is washed down the hills and into the rivers. Strong winds can also blow away the valuable soil that is on the top of the fields.因此,下雨时土壤从山上被冲刷下来,流到河里去了。大风也能把田地表面的肥沃土壤刮走。
▲动词wash在这里作“冲刷,水冲来”后常接副词away ,down,out,up等,也常用被动语态。
The bank has washed away.河岸已冲垮。
The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks.洪水把河岸大部分的泥土冲走了。
Big logs are washed up every day on the west coast. 洪水把河岸每天都有大圆木被冲上海滩。
Heavy rain washed out three important roads overnight. 大雨一夜之间冲毁了三条重要道路。
▲ 此处blow作及物动词用,意为“吹,刮”。例:
The wind nearly blew me off my feet.风几乎把我刮倒了。
A strong wind blew down the tree.一阵大风把这棵树刮倒了。
Every time he tried to light his pipe,the wind blew the match out.每次他点烟斗时,风都把火柴吹灭了。
The wind blew away the clothes that were hanging on the line.风把绳上晾的衣服刮走了。
▲ Blow还有“(用口)吹,(号角)吹响”的意思。
His soup was too hot, so he blew on it.汤太烫了,所以他吹了吹。
Tom blew his horn to amuse his young brother.汤姆吹起喇叭逗他的小弟弟。
The pipe makes a noise when you blow through it.你往馆子里吹气,它就会出声。
▲ Blow也可作“爆炸”解。
On our trip to Florida, one of our tires blew out.在去佛罗里达的途中,我们的轮胎爆了一个。
8. Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage.空气污染来自工厂,电站和汽车。电站发出的烟雾中所含的化学物质造成了很大的破坏。
▲ Chemical可作形容词也可作名词,在本句中作名词用,意思是“化学制品,化学药品”,是可数名词。例:
They like experimenting with new chemicals.他们喜欢用新的化学药品做实验。
He mixed chemicals in a test tube.他把化学药品混合在试管里。
▲ Chemical作形容词用时“化学的,用化学方法得到的”。例:
A chemical change takes place in paper when it burns.纸燃烧时发生化学变化。
John works in a chemical works.约翰在一家化工厂工作。
chemical fibre化学纤维
chemical weapons化学武器
chemical fertilizer化肥
chemical composition化学成分
chemical reaction化学反应
chemical symbols化学符号
【注】chemical的同根词还有 chemistry化学学科 chemist化学家(师),药剂师
9. They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind,before falling to the ground in the rain.这些化学物质可以随风飘走几百英里,然后才随雨水降落地面。
▲ 此处before作连词用意为“……(之后)才”
It was a long time before I got to sleep again.过了很久,我才又睡着。
It will be five years before we meet again.我们要过五年才能再相间。
It was going to be some time before he could see his father again.还要过一段时间他才能见到他父亲。
He had to be called two or three times before he would come to his dinner.再喊他二、三次他才来吃饭。
▲ Before还有一个惯用法,相当于not,意思是“还没有……就”
He bought a new car before he sold the old one.(=He had not sold the old car,but he bought a new one.)他旧车没卖就买了新车。
She went to class before she had prepared her lessons.(=She had not prepared her lesson, but she went to class)她没备课就去上课。
⑴I didn’t know any English before I came here.我来这儿以前不懂英语。
⑵I didn’t know any English until I came here.我知道到了这儿才开始懂英语。
【注】例 ⑴只是陈述句“以前不懂英语”这样一个事实,不涉及后来是否懂。而例⑵则着重后来的变化情况,即开始懂得英语。
10. But this “chemical rain” gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes.In Germany,over 50% of the country’s trees had been damaged by the year 1986.但是这种“化学雨”逐渐摧毁森林里的树木,杀死湖泊中的鱼。到1986年,在德国,全国已有过半数的树木被摧毁。
▲ 关于名词所有格。英语中的名词所有格是在名词的词尾加’s ,修饰另一个词,作定语,表示所有关系,故称所有格。
英语中的名词所有格是在单数名词的词尾加‘s,如Mike’s pen,his father’s bike等。以 s结尾的单数名词或专有名词加’或’s,构成所有格。如 Engels’(s) procise, Jones’(s) desk, the boss’(s) order等。以–s或-es结尾的复数名词只加 ’ ,如two hours’ ride, the workers’suggestion 等。不规则复数名词在词尾加’s,复合名词的所有格在最后一个名词后加’s。
▲ 名词所有格的用法:主要用于表示有生命的东西。如:
the chairman’s speech主席的讲话。
the bird’s song 鸟的鸣叫
Tom’s car 汤姆的汽车。
New Year’s Day元旦
A mile’s distance一英里的距离
China’s industry中国的工业
Ten dollars’ value十美元的价值
The river’s bank河岸
The moon’s light月光
Today’s newspaper今天的报纸
the book’s cover书的封面
industry’s development工业的发展
science’s wonders科学的奇迹
11. Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia.污染空气的严重事故不时地在发生。1986年俄罗斯一座河电站发生过一次严重事故。
▲time and (time) again意为“一再”,也可说 again and again。如:
He had asked himself that question time and again.他一次又一次地问自己这个问题。
The child was told time and time again not to go near the railway.这孩子一次又一次地被告知不要走近铁路。
I’ve told you time and again not to touch the vase.我不止一次的告诉过你不要碰那只花瓶。
12.A cloud of radiation crossed the whole of Europe.It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as aresult of illnesses caused by this accident.一团带有辐射的尘埃穿越了整个欧洲。据说,在俄罗斯有125000人由于这次事故引起的疾病而死亡。
▲ as a result of 与 on the result of同意,表示“由于…的结果”,前者较常用。
As a result of what we saw,we decided to change the rules.鉴于我们所看到的情况,我们决定更改规则。
He was late for school as a result of snow.由于下雪,他上课迟到了。
【注】as a result of 与as a result意思不同,前者后接原因,后者接结果。比较下列句子:
He didn’t work hard at his lessons,as a result, he failed in the exam.他没有努力学习,结果考试不及格。
He failed in the exam as a result of not working hard at his lessons.他考试不及格,是由于他不努力学习。
We had to stay at home as a result of the heavy rain.由于下大雨,我们不得不呆在家里。
It was raining heavily, as a result, we had to stay at home.雨下得很大,结果,我们不得不呆在家里。
13.In 1984there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gas covered the town of Bhopal. Over 25000 people were killed that night, and hundreds of thousands of people were injured.Many of the injured lost their sights.1984年印度一家工厂发生了一起严重的事故,一团有危险的气体笼罩着波普尔市,当晚就又25000多人死亡,有成千上万人受伤,受伤者中有许多人双目失明。
▲the injured 指受伤的人, injured是过去分词,相当于一个形容词。英语中形容词前加定冠词表示一类人或事物。
the poor穷人 the rich富人 the young年轻人 the old老年人 the blind盲人
The rich are not always happy.富人并不总是幸福的。
The young are the hope of the country.年轻人是国家的希望。
The old will be replaced by the new.旧的东西将被新的东西代替。
Respect the old and love the young.尊老爱幼。
【注】以 –ed结尾的形容词,可以指一类人,也可指一个人。如: The unemployed had to make a living by themselves.失业的人不得不自谋生计。
In those days most of the employed were poorly paid.在那些日子里,大多数受雇者工资很低。
14.Water pollution is caused by waste from factories and cities. Oceans are able to clean themselves ,but certain seas,once they become dirty,are not able to do so.水的污染是由于工厂和城市的废物而引起的。大洋能够自身清除污染,但是某些海域一旦被污染,却没有自身清污能力。
▲ Clean作动词时意为“打扫,弄干净”。
Please clean the blackboard.清擦黑板。
Please clean the windows as I can hardly see out.请把窗子擦干净,我几乎看不见外面了。
I must have this suit cleaned.我得把这套衣服拿去洗一下。
▲请注意clean与 clear 作动词时的区别,clean意为“打扫干净”,而 clear意为“(把不必要的东西)拿走”,“清除”。例:
Clear these things from the table, please.请把桌上的东西收走。
Whose job is to clear snow from the road?把路上的雪清除掉的是谁的工作?
We must clear the room before our guests arrived.在客人到来之前我们必须把房间腾出来。
▲ Clear作不及物动词时意为“晴朗起来”。
It is clearing gradually.天慢慢放晴了。
We spent an hour in the airports waiting for the weather to clear.我们在机场等了一个钟头等后天晴。
▲clean和 clear作形容词时意思也不一样。Clean意为“清洁的”,clear意为“清晰的”。
15.One example is the Mediterranean which lies between Europe and Africa. It has only one narrow entrance to the ocean in the west.位于欧洲和非洲之间的地中海就是一个例子。它只在西部有一个狭窄的通往大洋的入口。
▲ lie是不及物动词,意为“位于”,“在。。。处”
The Straits of Dover lie between France and England.多佛海峡位于英国和法国之间。
The town lies to the north of the city.这个镇在城的北边。
Their village lies at the foot of the mountain.他们的村子位于山脚下。
【注】lie的过去式是lay,过去分词是lain,要特别注意lie的过去式lay与另一个动词原形 lay(放、置)的区别,后者是及物动词,其过去式和过去分词是laid。
An oil pipe is being laid between the two cities.在两座城市之间正在铺设一条油管。
An oil pipe lies between the two cities.两座城市之间有一条油管。
They laid him gently down on the bed.他们把他轻轻的放在床上。
He was lying on the bed,reading.他躺在床上看书。
A bridge is to be laid across the river.河上将要架一座桥。
A bridge is lying across the river.河上有一座桥。
16.One quarter of the shores of the Mediterranean are polluted and are no longer safe for swimming, as a lot of diseases are present in the water. In most places it is not safe to eat the fish.四分之一的地中海海岸被污染了,而且由于水中带有大量病菌,所以在水中游泳就不再安全了。大多数地方,吃鱼也不保险。
▲ one quarter意为“四分之一”,作主语,分数作主语时,其单复数问题主要看该分数所代表的是不是复数名词,如是复数名词,则谓语动词用复数形式,反之用单数形式。
Two thirds of the water is polluted.三分之二的水被污染了。
Three fourths of the students are League members.四分之三的学生是共青团员。
Two thirds of the surface of the earth is covered by water.地球表面三分之二的面积被水覆盖。
▲ present是形容词,与be动词连用,表示“有。。。存在”,“出席”。
Oxygen is present in the air.空气中有氧气。
Lead is present in some gasoline.有些汽油中含有铅。
How many people were present at the meeting?有多少人出席了会议?
He was the only Englishman present.他是在场的唯一的一位英国人。
Carbon is present in many minerals.很多矿物质里含有碳。
17.Lakes also have the same problems. Lake Baikal in Asia was once the cleanest in the world, with over 700 different kinds of plants and animals lives.湖泊也存在同样的问题。亚洲的贝加尔湖曾经是世界上最清洁的湖,湖里有700多种植物和动物。
▲ 此处介词with表示“有”,“具有”。
Who is that girl with yellow hair and dark eyes?那个黄头发黑眼睛的女孩是谁?
He was a little gentleman, with glasses.他是一个小个子的先生,戴着眼镜。
He was fat with a little black moustache.他是个留着一小撮黑胡须的胖子。
I painted a girl with a pigtail.我画了个梳辫子的姑娘
18.Now,however,the waters of this great lake,which is also the world’s deepest (over 1740 meters) have been dirtied by waste from a chemical factory.而如今这个大湖,也是世界上最深的湖(1740多米深),湖水已被一家化工厂的废物污染了。
Paper纸 papers报纸
green 绿色 greens绿色蔬菜
ash灰 ashes废墟
glass 玻璃 glasses眼镜
sand 沙 sands沙滩
cloth 布 clothes衣服
iron 铁 irons镣铐
snow 雪 snows积雪
▲ dirty在本句中作动词用,意为“弄脏”,在英语中,词类是可以转换的。形容词可转换成动词,名词也可转换成动词。
Mr Smith pencilled a note and left it on the table.史密斯先生用铅笔写了张条子留在桌子。
I slowed down the car as the traffic light became red.红灯亮了,我减慢车速。
When the film began to be shown the hall quieted down.电影开始放映时,大厅里安静下来。
It was very cold this morning,but it seems to be warming up.今天早晨很冷,但现在好像暖和起来了。
Please warm up the cold meat.请把冷肉热一下。
19.In 1989 an oil tanker hit a rock off the northwest coast of Alaska,35,000 tons of oil poured into the sea.1989年,一艘油轮在阿拉斯加西北海岸的海面上触礁,36,000吨油倾入大海。
The rain came pouring down.大雨倾盆而下。
The crowd were pouring out of the football ground.人群从足球场蜂拥而出。
Fresh fruit came pouring in from these areas.从这些地区运来大批新鲜水果。
He was so worried that sweat began to pour down his face.他是那样着急,汗开始沿着她的面颊流淌下来。
▲ pour可作及物动词用,意为“倾,倒”。
Let me pour you another cup of coffee.我再给你倒杯茶吧。
Then you pour some water over it.然后你就在上面浇些花。
▲ Pour可引申为“倾吐”,“讲述”等。
She poured out her troubles.她倾诉了心头的烦恼。
Then she poured out her tale of misfortune..然后他讲述了自己不幸遭遇。
20.The accident was one of the worst in history.More than 34,000 birds and 10,000 animals were killed,4800 square kilometers of ocean were polluted.这是历史上最严重的事故之一,34,000多只鸟和10,000多头动物死亡,4,800平方公里的海洋受到污染。
▲one of 后面通常接复数名词,意为“。。。之一”,本句中的the worst 后面省去了accidents以避免重复。
Lesson 35
1. Three billion years after life began,the earth is now the home to many different kinds living---perhaps five to ten million kinds.生命开始30亿年以后,现在的地球是许多种不同生物的生息之地—也许有500万到1000万种。
▲after是连词,在这里引导一个时间状语从句,其前面的three billion years是一个名词性的短语作状语,修饰began。
Two days after he returned home,he went out again.他回家两天以后,又出去了。
It was three weeks after she left that I found the money she had left to me.在她离开三周以后,我才发现她留给我的钱。
【注】由after引导的时间状语从句,在更多情况下是被副词所修饰,我们常见的结构有 soon after,shortly after,long after
Shortly after I came home,I got a telephone call saying the manager of our company had an accident.我到家不久就接到了一个电话说我们公司的经理出了车祸。
Soon after I left school, heavy rain came pouring down.我离开学校不久,大雨就倾盆而下。
▲ home在本句中的意思“动植物的生息之地”。
The home of the panda is China. 熊猫的产地是中国。
Australia is the home of kangaroos.澳大利亚是袋鼠的产地。
2. However, many of these are dying out.It is thought that between the years1550 and 1950 an average of one kind of living thing died out each year.然而其中许多正在走向灭绝,据认为在1550年到1950年之间平均每年就有一种生物灭绝。
▲ die out意为“绝种”,“灭绝”,“不复存在”。
Many old customs are gradually dying out.有许多旧的风俗习惯正在逐渐消亡。
These animals have already died out.这些动物已经绝种。
The fire died out。火熄灭了。
That style of music died out ten years ago.那种音乐十年前就听不到了。
Elephants would die out if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.如果允许人类随意射杀大象,这种动物就会灭绝。
▲ an average of是一个固定词组,意为“平均有。。。”后一般跟数次 。
An average of ten students are absent each day.每天平均有十名学生缺席。
The new car factory will produce an average of 200,000 cars each year.这个新汽车厂每年平均将生产20万辆汽车。
An average of 4 people were killed or injured in the traffic accidents each day last year.去年平均每天有4人在车祸中丧生或受伤.
3.By 1985 this had risen to one per day. Between 1980 and 2000 we may lose another half a million different kinds of living things. 到1985年,这个数字上升到每天灭绝一种.在1980到2000年之间我们可能会再失去50万种不同的生物.
▲ by用来引导时间状语时,意为”到…时侯为止”, “在…时侯之前”,句中的谓语动词用完成时态,如引导的是过去的时间状语,谓语动词用过去完成时态,如引导的是将来的时间状语,则用将来完成时态.
By the end of last year,we had learned 1000 English words.到去年年底为止,我们已学会了1000英语单词.
By next Friday,I shall have finished the work.到下周五,我将完成这项工作.
Surely Robert must have returned by now.现在罗伯特肯定已经回来了.
By then he was more than fifty years of age.到那时,他已经五十多岁了.
You must be hungry by this time.现在你肯定饿了.
By next morning,he was nearly through with it.到第二天早晨,他差不多完成了.
▲ another意为”另一”,当和数词连用时,作”还”,”再”,”又”解释.
Alice continued to remain in London for another four or five days.艾利斯在伦敦又呆了四五天.
The strike may last another six months.罢工可能还要持续六个月.
Where shall we be in another ten years?再过十年以后我们会在哪里?
▲per day 意为”每天”,相当于each day
4.There are many reasons for animals dying out,but the most important one is the part that humans have played.动物的灭绝有很多原因,但是最重要的原因是人类所起的作用.
The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.洪水的原因完全在于那场暴雨.
The reason that (why) he died was lack of medical care.他的死亡原因是医治不够.
▲当前面有the reason或the reason why时,后面一般不应用because引导从句,而应用that来引导表语从句.
The reason for my absence was that I was ill.我缺席的原因是我病了.
The reason why he was late was that he had to send his mother to hospital.他迟到的原因是他必须送母亲去医院.
▲the part that humans have played意为”人类所起的作用”. That是关系代词,引导定语从句修饰 the part,词组play a part作”起作用”解释.
They are playing an increasingly important part in in safeguarding the peace.他们对保卫和平起着越来越重要的作用.
The part played by religion was very great.宗教所起的作用是很大的.
Especially in Brazil, the Negroes have played a most important part in the development of the nation.特别在巴西,黑人在国家的发展中起着最重要的作用.
Such strikes have played an important part in the development of the trade union movement.这种罢工对工会运动的发展已经起到了重要的作用.
▲human是可数名词,a human或 a human being指一个人,复数形式是 humans,也可以说 human beings
In the story human beings were replaced by robots.这个故事中,人被机器人取代.
Wolves will not usually attack humans.狼通常不会向人进攻/
5.First,many animals have been killed for food.Second, many of the places where these animals used to live have been destroyed.首先,许多动物被捕杀供食用,其次,动物原先居住的很多地方被毁坏了.
▲ 介词for在此处表示目的
①We went to the bar for a drink.我们去酒吧喝酒.
②Is that cake for eating or just for looking at?那蛋糕是吃的还是仅用来看的?
③An altimeter is used for measuring height above sea-level.高度计是用来测量海拔高度的.
④Robert is going to get material for a new book..罗伯特准备为写一本新书去收集材料.
⑤They made her go to the hospital for a check-up.他们使她去医院作了一次检查.
【注】for表示目的时,后接名词,不接动名词,但是当 for后面表示的是某物的用途时,可接动名词短语.如例句②③
6.Dry lands have been watered. Wet landshave been turned into fields.Forests have been cleared.旱地被灌溉了.湿地变成了田野.树林被砍伐光了.
▲ land表示”陆地”,”土地”时是不可数名词,表示”地产”,”田产”时可用复数形式,表示”国家”,”地区”时,也是可数名词.
They owned both houses and lands.他们拥有房地产.
These lands belong to my elder brother.这些地方是我哥哥的.
Workers of all lands,unite.全世界无产者,联合起来.
He has visited many distant lands.他到过许多遥远的国家.
▲ water此处用作动词,意为”浇水”, “灌溉”.
A new reservoir has been built to water 80 percent of the farmland.新修了一座水库,是百分之八十的农田都得到灌溉.
The Shanxi plain is watered by the Fen River which runs through it.山西平元由流经这里的汾河灌溉.
▲ water可用作不及物动词,意为 “流出泪水”. “流口水”
The smoke made her eyes water.烟把她的眼泪都熏出来了.
The food smells good,it makes my mouth water.这食品味真香,使我都流口水了.
▲ clear此处作 “清除”解.
7.Much land has either been changed to farmland or used for building.Polluted rivers and lakes have also been a cause of death.许多土地或被变成了农田,或用来造房.污染的河流和湖泊也是动物灭绝的原因.
▲ either…or表示选择关系,意为 “或者…或者…”,其连接的语法结构必须相同,如本句连接动词,当其连接名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词采取就近原则.
Either the shirts or the sweater is a good buy.买衬衫或买毛衣都是很合算的.
Either Tom or his brothers have to shovel the snow.要么汤姆,要么他的兄弟们必须去铲雪.
Are either you or I t go now?要么是你走,要么我走,是吗?
▲polluted在这里是过去分词作定语修饰rivers and lakes
8.One example of an animal in danger is the tiger.There are three types of tiger living in China,the South China, the Northeastern,and the Bengal..老虎就是濒危动物的一个例子,中国的老虎有三种:华南虎,东北虎和孟加拉虎.
▲ in danger意为 “在危险之中”,意指处境危险, dangerous是形容词,意为 “危险的”,指给别人带来危险.
My father was warned by the neighbors that we were in great danger.邻居警告我父亲,我们处境很危险.
The man is a dangerous criminal.此人是个危险的罪犯.
He was in danger of losing his life.他有生命危险.
It was really very dangerous, you might have injured him seriously…这确实很危险,你可能会伤着他.
【注】danger指 “危险”,用于一般概念时是不可数名词,如指具体危险或造成危险的事物,则是可数名词.
The young child did not realize the danger of playing on the road.孩子不知道在路上玩耍的危险.
That man is a danger to society.此人对社会是一个危险.
There is danger in climbing a high mountain.爬山是有危险的.
Narrow,winding roads are a danger to drivers.狭窄,弯曲的道路对司机来说是一种危险.
The sign says”Danger!”Falling rocks.”那标牌上写着 “危险,石块下落”
In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in China.Many of the forests where they lived were destroyed.目前在中国留存的老虎总数可能只有400只,它们曾赖以生存的森林有许多已经遭到破坏.
▲ in all意为 “总共”, “总的说来”
Six boys and two girls,that’s eight in all.六个男孩两个女孩总共八个.
There were about 800 people in all.总共有八百多人.
In all you’ve done quite a good job.总之,你干得不错.
▲no more than后接数词时,作“仅仅”,“只不过”解释,相当于only。
He is a boy of no more than five.他只是一个五岁的孩子。
I have no more than five yuan.我只有五块钱。
【注】no more than 相当于only, not more than相当于 at most”
The boats are not more than 45 feet long.这些船至多有45英尺长。
9.Also,tigers were hunted and killed until in many areas the entire population had disappeared.而且老虎遭到捕杀,在很多地区已经完全绝迹。
▲ 此处population是指动物,即老虎。例 the elephant population in Kenya肯尼亚的大象数。
10.In 1900there were about 100,000 tigers in Asia. In 1970 when the shooting of tigers was stopped there were just 5,000 left.在1900年,亚洲大约有10万只老虎,到1970年禁止射杀老虎时,只剩下5000只了.
▲the shooting of tigers表示 “射杀老虎”,这里介词 of并不表示所有关系,而是表示动宾关系,主要是与某些表示动作的名词\动名词或形容词连用.
It was a waste of money.这是浪费钱.
The writing of the letter took me three hours.写这封信花了我三个小时.
She listened to his description of Tibet.她倾听他对西藏的描述.
They were not very watchful of the traffic lights.他们并不很注意红绿灯.
We had to be mindful of every step we took on the slippery path.我们必须当心在泥泞的路上所走的每一步.
▲ of也可以表示同位关系,主要是与名词连用.
The city of Edinburgh has seen some strange scenes in its history.爱丁堡城经历过历史上的一些奇事.
He wrote under the name of Raquel Welch.他用勒戈尔.韦尔什的名字写作.
It is the month of May and the flowers are in full bloom.现在是五月,鲜花盛开.
In rushed a giant of a French officer.冲进来一个大个子法国军官.
She was a mere slip of a girl.Could she do that?她还只是一个小姑娘,能做那种事?
11.In India,however,the population of tigers has increased from 2,000 in 1972 to about 5,000 in 1989.Perhaps the same progress can be made in China.然而,在印度老虎的数量增加了,1972年有2,000只,1989年增加到了5,000只.也可能取得同样的进展.
▲ make progress表示 “有进展”, “进步”, “好转”.
①I am glad that you are making so great a progress in English.你在英语方面取得这么大的进步我很高兴.
②During these years the labour movement of the United States has made great progresses.这些年来,美国的工人运动已取得巨大进展.
The disease makes rapid progress.病情好转得很快.
Jane is still sick in hospital,but she’s making progress.简有病仍在住院,但她正慢慢好起来.
They were making slow progress with the construction of that new road.他们在建造新路上进展缓慢.
Are you making any progress with your report?你的报告有进展吗?
【注】progress作 “进步”, “进展”解释时,是不可数名词,但有时前面可带a,或用复数.如例句 ①②,表示 “在…方面有进展”, 用介词 with
12. Last Monday our class went on an organized trip to a forest to study the wildlife.We travelled by bus.It took us two and a half hours to get to the forest.上星期一,我们班进行了一次有组织的旅游,到森林里去研究野生生物.我们坐公共汽车去的,到森林去花了我们两个半小时.
▲trip 前面常与on连用.例 go on a trip,be on a trip,后面接to,around,for,of等介词短语.
Some students in Class Two have gone away on a short trip.二班有些学生外出作短途旅行去了.
The Smiths are planning to go on a trip to China.斯密斯一家正安排去中国旅行.
---Where is Robert?---He is on a trip in Japan.罗伯特到哪儿去了? 他在日本旅行.
She wants to make a trip to Hangzhou.她希望去杭州旅行.
If I had money,I would take a trip around the world for at least one time.如果我有钱,我至少要环游世界一次.
We shall have a trip of observation.我们将作一次观光旅行.
▲表示整数再加半说法: 先说整数,再用and 连接a half. 例: 一只苹果可说 one and a half apples,也可说one apple and a half,或an apple and a half
13. When we arrived, we were given printed question papers. We had to fill in the answers in our notebooks.我们到达时, 领到了一些印制好了的问答试卷,我们必须把答案写在笔记本里。
▲ printed question papers 制好了的问答试卷 printed是过去分词作定语修饰papers,单个的过去分词作定语时放在被修饰的名词之前,相当于一个形容词。例:
the given papers
an unknown plant
a well known writer
a fallen tree
There is nobody wounded.没有人受伤。
He is one of those invited.他是那些被邀请的人之一。
▲ fill in“填写,填入”
Fill in the blanks with the proper words.在空格上填上适当的词。
Fill in your name and address here.在这儿填上你的姓名和地址。
There are one or two lines more on this application which you must fill in.这张申请表上还有一二行你必须填上。
▲ fill in填满,填掉
The men filled in the hole with dirt.那些人用泥土把洞填满了。
▲ fill in暂时代替
Can you fill in for Steve tonight as he’s ill? 他病了。你能否今晚代他以一下?
---Have you got a new secretary?---No,she is just filling in until Miss Brown gets back from her holidays.你们又雇了一位新秘书?不,她是临时代的,布朗小姐度假去了。
14. The purpose of the trip was to record all the wildlife and plants that we could find in the forest.Whenever we found an unknown plant,we had to describe it in our notebooks.这次旅行的目的是把我们在森林里所发现的野生植物都记录下来。每当我们发现一种不认识的植物时,我们就必须在笔记本里加以描绘。
▲ Whenever引导时间状语从句,相当于 every time 或 each time。例:
Father used to give me some money whenever he came to see me.爸爸每次来看我时,都给我一些钱。
I go to the theatre whenever I get the chance.我一有机会,就去剧场看戏。
Whenever he stayed home in the evening,he went to bed early.
Whenever she looked at Lonny, she smiled.
▲ Whenever也可作“在任何……的时候”
Come and see me whenever you want to.
I told him to come back whenever he wants to.我告诉他无论什么时候只要他想回来都可以回来。
Use the simple verb whenever possible.只要有可能就应用简单的动词。
Robbie had arranged for this man to come whenever needed.
15. If none of us knew the name of the plant,we wrote “unknown”in our notebooks.如果我们中无人知道这种植物的名称,我们就在笔记本里写上“名称不详”。
▲none是代词,相当于 no one 或 not any, 常同of 连用,构成 none of… 的结构。None作为可数名词用时,指三者或三者以上,用作主语时,谓动用单复数都可以。 none 作为不可数名词用时,谓动用单数,none在句中一般作主语或宾语,不作定语。例:
None of her money is left.她的钱都没剩下。
None of the answers are (is) right.
None of my friends ever come (comes) to see me.我没有一个朋友来看我。
She had none of her mother’s beauty.
None of this bread looks fresh.
【注】none of 后接的复数名词,必须是三个以上,如指两个,则用neither。例:
I have three sisters,none of them are at home.
I have two sisters,neither of them is at home.
【注】在none of+名词的结构中,none不能被 no one/nobody 或 nothing替代,如我们可以说None of the books are (is) his,但不可以说Nothing/No one of the books is his.
【注】None but+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。例:
None but fools believe him.除非傻瓜才相信他。
16. The gate into the forest was open,so we entered it.We all started looking for new types of plant.森林入口处的大门敞开着,所以我们就走了进去,大家都开始寻找新的植物品种。
▲ enter 是及物动词,意为“进入”, enter后不用介词。
It never entered my mind that he could be a thief.
She entered the room without making a sound.她一声不响地进了屋。
It has been two years since I entered the university.
The bullet entered the bone.
▲ enter也可作不及物动词。
Please do not enter without knocking on the door.没有敲门请不要进来。
He rose as she entered.
▲ enter也可作为“参加,到里面工作”
I refused to enter the discussion.我拒绝参加讨论。
If you plan to enter the diplomatic corps,study history and foreign languages.
▲ enter into也可表示“开始谈话(讨论),谈(细节),缔结(契约,婚姻)”
Britain has entered into a new trade agreement with our country.英国和我国达成了一项新的贸易协定。
The factory entered into the production of TV set last year.
They entered into the particulars of the project.
Our chief competitor wishes to enter into dealing with the firm.
▲ enter (oneself/one’s name )for“报名参加比赛,考试”
Jim entered himself for the competition.
I wanted to enter my name for the high jump.我想报名参加跳高比赛。
How many people entered for the game?
I shall enter Tom for the 100-meter race.
17. Sun Yao,our monitor and I remembered a programme that a well-known film director had made about the forest.She had shown pictures of a plant that had recently been discovered.我们的班长孙尧和我记起了一位著名的导演所制作的一个有关森林的节目。她给我们看了一种新近发现的植物的图片。
▲这两个句子都是含有定语从句的复合句,在第一个句子中,关系代词that引导的定语从句修饰programme,that在从句中作谓语had made的宾语,故可以省去,在第二句中 that 引导的定语从句修饰plant ,that在从句中作主语,故不能省去。
▲ programme 在本句中作“节目”解释, programme一词多义,还可作“活动计划,日程,纲领,程序设计”。例:
Last night’s programme was a great success.昨晚的节目非常成功。
Today’s programme includes a tour of the Statue of Liberty.今晚的活动计划包括游览自由女神像。
The hospital building programme has been delayed by lack of money.
This university has an excellent English programme.
A programmer is a person who prepares a computer programme.
18. She had not said,however,where it could be found.She said it was a well-kept secret.We decided to try and find this plant.但她没说可在哪里找到这种植物,并说这是严格保密的,我们决定努力去寻找这种植物。
He found/discovered that the whole story was a lie.他发现整个故事是个谎言。
He found/discovered that she was excited.
We’ve found/discovered oil under the North Sea.
Wilhelm Rontgen discovered X rays.
19. We had our picnic lunch in the forest next to a fallen tree. After lunch we put some water into a bottle and did tests to see if it was polluted.中午我们在一颗倒下的大树旁野餐。饭后我们把一些水装入瓶子检验水是否被污染。
▲ a fallen tree 一颗倒下的树,fallen是过去分词作定语。
▲ 前位修饰:单个的过去分词作定语时放在被修饰的名词之前。
The broken glass has been thrown outside.
The wounded soldier lay on the ground, unable to move. 那伤员躺在地上,不能动弹。
【注】单个的过去分词作定语修饰复合不定代词something,everything,anything,nothing,nobody 等或指示代词those时,要放在这些词之后。
He is one of those involved.
Is there anything unsolved?有什么问题没解决吗?
There’s almost nothing changed since I left the town two years ago.
The book written by him is very popular.
This is a letter written in blue ink.这是一封用蓝墨水写的信。
The girl dressed in red is my daughter.
lost time---time which is lost
a well-known artist---an artist who is well-known
▲ 不及物动词的过去分词作定语时,可改为动词为完成式或动词为表示状态的的定语从句。例:
a returned soldier---a soldier who has returned
retired workers---workers who have retired
20. We were all very interested to see the results. In fact, the water was not at all polluted.In the afternoon, we all went off separately to look for new plants.我们大家都很有兴趣地看了检验结果。实际上这里的水根本没有受到污染,下午我们分头去找新的植物。
▲ at all一般用在否定句和疑问句中,强调疑问和否定语气,意为“根本,完全,究竟”。
I can’t see anything at all on the Emperor.
I had no difficulty at all in answering those questions.我回答那些问题毫无难处。
There is nothing interesting at all in his speech.Is he coming to the meeting at all?
▲ at all也可以用于条件句,意为“(如果)真的,确实”。例:
He will be very happy if he marries her at all.
If you are busy at all,we might come to talk to you sometime next week.如果你确实很忙,我们在下周某个时候来跟你说。
If one loses his way at night at all,he can recognize his direction by looking at the Big Dipper.
▲ at all用于肯定句时表示说话人的某种情绪,也可以起强调作用,意为“真的,竟然”。例:
It was with a great effort that he spoke at all.他开口说话竟然那么费劲。
He was old and slow and it took him quite some time to find the elephant at all.
They were very happy just to have a job at all.
21. At five o’clock we started walking back to the entrance to the forest. Suddenly someone said,”Has anyone seen SunYao? He must be lost!”五点钟,我们开始往回走,到森林的入口处去。突然有人说:“有没有谁看见孙尧?他肯定迷路了。”
▲ Must在这里表示推测,语气很肯定。例:
Tom must be in the reading room.
He must be out of his mind to say that.
I must look funny in this hat.我戴这顶帽子一顶很滑稽。
▲ 如果要推测过去或现在已经发生的事,Must后应跟完成式。例:
You must have seen him yesterday.
It must have been the coffee that kept me awake.一定是喝了那咖啡,使我睡不着。
▲ must be doing/must have been doing用来推测现在正在进行的或此刻前一直在进行的动作。
You must be joking.你一定是在开玩笑吧。
Philip thought Ross must be looking forward to his return.
They must have been enjoying themselves.
▲用must be表示推测时,反意问句要用be的适当形式,不用must。例:
It must be Xiao Wang, isn’t it?
They must be new students, aren’t they?他们一定是新生,是吗?
▲ 当must+完成式表示推测时,反意问句要用have 或 has。例:
You must have seen the film,haven’t you?
He must have been to the Great Wall,hasn’t he?他一定去过长城,是吗?
He must have gone to Shanghai yesterday, didn’t he?
She must have attended the meeting yesterday evening, didn’t she?她昨晚一定参加了会议,是吗?
▲ 表示“某处的入口处”,entrance后接介词to一般不用of,类似的词还有:
key to the door
answer to the question
wire to the starter
22. Three of us walked back about one kilometer and found Sun Yao. He was busy measuring a plant and taking photographs of it.我们中有三人往回走了一公里发现了孙尧。他正忙着给一棵植物量尺寸,拍照片。
▲ 表示“忙于做某事”,用be busy doing sth.。例:
She was busy writing out sums upon the blackboard.
Dr. Bethune was busy operating on the wounded soldiers.白求恩大夫忙着给伤员动手术。
▲ be busy后可以跟介词短语,常见的介词有at,about,over,with等。例:
What have you been busy about today?
He was busy day and night with conferences.
He pretended to be suddenly busy with some work.
Today I have been busy over your book.今天我一直忙着看你的书。
▲ Busy也可以作动词用,意为“使自己忙于……”。例:
Afterwards, she began to busy herself with some sewing beside the fire.
Smith pretends to busy himself writing.他假装忙着写作。
To forget his trouble,he busied himself with answering letters.
▲ Busy有时作“热闹,来往的人很多”解释。例:
The shops are very busy before Christmas.
This is one of the busiest underground stations on London.
Our guide then took us into the busy part of the city.
23. Pointing to the young plant,he asked me if that was the type of plant we had seen in the film.
▲ 这是一个复合句,if引导的是一个宾语从句,在宾语从句中又包含一个定语从句, we had seen in the film修饰 plant,省去了关系代词that,句首的是一个分词短语做状语,表示一个伴随动作。现在分词在句中作伴随状语很常见。例如:
He came running and shouting.他边跑边喊着跑了过来。
The old man sat by the window,staring and thinking.
Passing by the house,he saw a girl playing the piano.他经过那房子时,看见一个女孩在弹钢琴。
Being ill,he couldn’t attend the meeting.他因病不能参加会议。
Turning to the left, you’ll find a bookstore.向左转,你会看到一个书店。
His father died, leaving him nothing.他父亲去世了,什么也没留下。
▲ 现在分词做状语时,其逻辑主语即是句子的主语。但有些分词短语成为习惯用语,用来修饰整个句子。如:generally speaking一般说来, strictly speaking严格说来, judging from从……判断,considering everything把一切考虑在内。例:
Frankly speaking,Idn’t like the book.坦率的说,我不喜欢这书。
Considering everything,it is worth trying.通盘考虑,值得一试。
Judging from her face,she must be ill.从脸色看,她一定病了。
24. To my joy,the plant did look exactly like what we were looking for.All of us felt very happy.使我们高兴的是,这种植物跟我们要找的那种确实是一模一样,我们都感到非常高兴。
▲ to one’s joy, 意为“使人高兴的是”,类似的结构还有to one’s surprise,使人惊奇的是to one’s sorrow, 使人悲伤的是to one’s relief使人欣慰的是。例:
To her great joy,she found her lost necklace.使她高兴的是,她找到了丢失的项链。
To the surprise of all the teachers present, the little girl spoke very good English. 使所有在场老师惊奇的是,这个女孩英语讲的很好。
To her parents’ relief, she passed the college entrance examination. 使她父母欣慰的是,她通过了高考。

Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
对世界造成的破坏 立足之地
(世界)适合于我们居住 尤其注意……
限制牲畜的头数 使…保留在原来的
濒危的动物 一个保守得很好的秘密
1. 假如我们吃了被污染的水果,我们会生病。
2. 这种鱼不宜于食用。




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