Unit 10 At the shop 语言要点

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Language tips
Lesson 37
1. There seems to be something wrong with it.
There 除了和be连用表示 “有”的意思外, 还可以和 seem,appear,live,stand等连用。 e.g. There seems to be no question about it. 这件事好像没有问题了。
There stands a beautiful mountain near the village.
Once there lived a tiger in a forest.
2. run vi. 意思是(染料,颜色等)渗开,扩散,褪去。
e.g. The colour of the trousers ran.
The color of this T-shirt runs easily.
The road runs along the river.
How often do the buses run here.?
He runs faster than I.
John runs the factory.
相关短语: run across 偶然遇见 run after 追赶 run away 逃走
run into 与…相撞 run out of 用完
I ran across Mr Wang in the street.
The police ran after that thief.
At the sight of the police, the thief ran away.
When he was walking in the street, he ran into a car.
I’ve run out of my ink.
His money ran out.
3. or else 意思是”否则”, 相当于otherwise, or else 后的分句常省略, 其语气变为恐吓.
e.g. Get up or else you will be late.
Do as I tell you, or else.
He must be joking, or else he’s mad.
4. I’m not that foolish. 句中的副词that 相当于so. 意思是”那样,那么”
The problem isn’t that easy.
He cannot walk that far.
I only can tell you that much.
5. It looks as if it hasn’t been washed following the instructions.
It looks as if…. 看来似乎…, 看来好像.. as if 引导的是表语从句.
e.g. It looks as if I will have to turn to him.
It looks as if he doesn’t know the cause.
句中的following the instruction 作方式状语, 相当于according to the instructions
follow 意思是 “按照…行事”
I followed his advice.
You should do things following the rules.
6. fault n. – sth that makes a person . thing imperfect (可数名词) 缺陷,毛病,瑕疵
She loves me in spite of all my faults. 虽然我有种种缺点,她仍然爱我.
Her only fault is excessive shyness. 她唯一的缺点就是过分害羞.
There is a fault in the electrical system. 电路系统有了毛病.
at fault – in the wrong state ,at a loss 出错,茫然
My memory was at fault.
find fault with ---complain 抱怨,挑剔, 对…吹毛求疵
I have no fault to find with your work. 我对你的工作无可挑剔.
(不可数名称) 过失, 过错---- responsibility for being done
Whose fault is it that we are late?
The fault lies with you, not with me. 错在你,不在我.
vt. 挑剔,吹毛求疵
No one could fault his performance.
7. I insisted that you give me my money back.
insist 意思是 “坚持要求…” 其后跟that 从句用虚拟语气, 从句的谓语动词用 “should + 动词原形” 或 原形动词.
e.g. The doctor insisted that John give up smoking.
He insisted that I not go there with them.
I insisted that she should lend me the novel.
insist on/upon +n. /doing sth
He insisted on his correctness.
She insisted on going there.
We insisted on his coming to the party.
另外,insist还可作“主张,坚持,坚称”解。 其后跟that 从句用陈述语气。
e.g .He insisted that he was right.
He insisted that he had seen Jim somewhere.
8. change … for…把…换成 I want to change the smaller TV set for a bigger one.
The teacher changed his TV set for a computer.
change…into…把…变成 Change water into ice.
Vt. 兑换,更换,改变 Can you change a 50-yuan note?
When you go abroad, you’d better change Renminbi into dollars.
Lesson 38
1. serve vt. ,vi 意思是“接待,服侍,招呼”,例如:
How can we serve you? 需要我们为你服务吗?
Are you being served? 有没有人过来照料你?
也可作“为 。。。服务, 效力,为。。。工作”等解。例如:
She served the family as a cook for 10 years.
We will serve our country and our people all our heart and soul.
His brother is serving in the army now.
还可作“端出, 等候某人吃饭”解。例如:
They usually serve tea at 3:00. 他们经常在三点钟供应茶水。
Dinner is served。 晚餐已经准备好了。
serve的名词形式为 service ,意思是“服务, 贡献,功劳”。 例如:
He was rewarded for his service to our city. 他因对本市的贡献而获奖。
You need the services of a doctor.
The service in the hotel is very good.
2. try...on 意思是“试穿 (衣服,鞋帽), on 是副词。
I tried the cap on, it was all right.
You should try on the shoes before you buy them.
Do you like them? Try them on.
3. judge vi 意思是(根据。。。)判断。例如:
I judge that he is the best for the job.
She couldn’t judge whether he was telling the truth.
Judging by (from) his accent, he is from the south.
也可作“审判,判决” 解。例如:
Who will judge the next case?
The court judged him guilty. 法庭判他有罪。
judge 作名词时, 意思是“法官,裁判,鉴定家” 例如:
He is a High Court judge.
She is a judge of a speech contest. 她是一场演讲比赛的裁判。
judge的名词形式为:judgement。意思是“判断力, 判断,判决,”等。
My personal judgement is that he is to blame.
He is a man of poor judgemant.
9. I just didn’t wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note.
1) didn’t wish 是表示说这句话之前“不想, ” 而 不是现在, 所以用一般过去式。
e.g。 I didn’t know you were John.
I thought you would come。
――Your phone number again? I didn’t quite catch it.
―― It’s 9568442.
2) put sb to the trouble of doing sth 意思是“让某人感到为难去干某事” , 例如:
I’m sorry to have put you to the trouble of helping my son.
He put me to the trouble of copying the report. 他让我抄写这份报告, 给我添了许多麻烦。
另外,ask for trouble 自找麻烦 look for trouble 招灾惹祸
take trouble to do sth 费力做某事 get sb into trouble 使某人陷入困境
10. I apologize.= I am very sorry.
apologize vi. apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉
You must apologize to her for what you have done.
I must apologize for not being able to meet you.
其名词是apology, 短语make an apology to sb for sth
11.Is anything the matter? =What’s wrong?
12. change n. 意思是“零钱”。例如:
That’s ten dollars, and here’s your change.
-Can you give some change for this one hundred dollars?
-Sorry, I’m short of change myself.
13. To sell such a suit as that to a millionaire! Tod’s a fool.
=How foolish of Tod to sell such a cheap suit as that to a millionaire!
这种不定式短语单独使用时,常表示惊异。气愤。祝愿等情绪,相当于一个由what、how 引起的感叹句。
e.g. To think you should say so! 真想不到你会说出这种话。
To ask such easy questions! 竟然问这样一些简单的问题。
14. Ah, here’s the thing I’m after. =Ah, here’s the suit I’m looking for.
be after 意思是“想得到某物” , “追捕, 搜寻”。例如:
Jim is after another job. 吉姆在找另一份工作。
This is the very book I’m after.
The police are after the murderer.
The cat is after the rat.
15. Do me a favor to put on this suit.
Do sb a favor / do a favor for sb意思是“帮某人一个忙”,是请人帮忙的客套用语。 如果表示请人帮忙做某事时,则用 do sb the favour to do sth, 且the 不可改为a。例如:
Will you do me the favor to work out the problem?
I will do him the favor to carry the box.
Will you do me a favor?
We all want to do him a favor.
另外, in favor of 支持 ask a favor of 拜托 in favor 得宠
16.They fit very well.
fit vi。 ---be the right shape and size for sb 合适,合身 
e.g. Those shoes doesn’t fit me. 
   Her coat fits exactly.  
adj. –suitable 常作表语, 意思是适宜,合适, 适当
be fit for sb/ sth be fit to do sth
The food was not fit for human consumption/ not fit to eat. 这食物不适宜吃.
adj. –in good heath 健康的
World-class athletes are extremely fit.
He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day.
17. But wait till you see what we’ll make for you to your own measure.
make … to one’s own measure 意思是 “根据某人的尺寸做…”
e.g. It seems that the coat is made to your own measure.
I want to make a pair of shoes to my own measure.
18.You can trust us,sir.
trust vt. 意思是 “信任,信赖”
e.g. You shouldn’t trust that man.
Don’t trust me, but trust your own judgement.
trust sb to do sth “放心托付某人做…”
You might trust her to do the work.
trust that…. 相信….
I trust that you will enjoy your trip.
Everything went all right, I trust. 我想一切都顺利吧.
也可作 “寄希望于…, 指望, 托付, 委托”
You can’t trust the buses to run on time. 你别指望公共汽车会准时行驶.
I can’t trust her with my car. 我不能托她保管我的车.
trust 作名词用时, 可作 “信赖, 信任”解. 是不可数名词, 常与in 连用.
Please put trust in her. 请信任她.
I have no trust in him. 我不信任他.
believe 意思也是 “相信’”. 但主要指相信某人的话, 若指信任某人的品格或信仰理论则用believe in.
They believed you’re right.
I don’t believe that they can win the game.
We believe in Marxism.我们信仰马克思主义理论.
19. depend on / upon 意思是 “取决于…” “视…而定” , 但不用进行时态, 也不可用被动语态.
The time of departure depends on the weather . 出发时间视天气而定.
Whether he will go depends on your decision. 他是否去那儿取决于你的决定.
还可作 “依靠, 依赖”
You can’t depend on your parents forever.
He depends upon his uncle for his school fees after his father’s death. 父亲死后, 他依靠叔父张罗学费.
depend on + wh从句
Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.
When I go home depends on when we finish the task.
20. I can’t order these clothes, unless you can wait some time, or change this note.
order vt . 意思是 “订购”. 例如:
They ordered a meal.
He ordered a book from the publisher for himself.
其基本意思是 “命令”. 例如:
The chairman ordered silence.
The naughty boy was ordered out of the room.
order + that从句, 从句的谓语动词用 “should+动词原形” 或 “动词原形”.
The doctor ordered that I should take a rest for a week.
The teacher ordered that we hand in our exercise books after class.
作为名词, 意思是 “订购, 订货”, 或 “指示,命令”
He gave the bookstore an order for the book.
The lady placed an order for a baby-bed at that department.
He gave orders that the work should be started at once.
His order is that we all should go there at once.
in order 有顺序的 out of order 杂乱的
in apple-pie order整整齐齐 a tall order 难完成的事
21.drop in 顺便到…, 偶尔访问.
drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人 drop in at some place 顺便拜访某地
She dropped in on me yesterday.
If I have time, I’ll drop in at your house.
drop in for sth 顺便讨东西
As it was very hot yesterday, a few children dropped in for some water.
drop in to do sth 顺便做某事
Yesterday some friends dropped in to see me.
22. show sb out 引领某人出去 Please show this gentleman out.
show sb in / show sb into sth 引领某人进入 We were shown into the living-room.
show sb around/round sth 带某人参观某地 He showed us around the big factory.
show off 炫耀,卖弄 The mother likes to show off her daughters.
Lesson 39
1.She did the buttons in such a way that one at the bottom was not done up.
do up意思是 “绑, 系, 扣上”, 例如:
Do your skirt up. 把你裙子上的扣子扣好.
The shirt does up at the side. 那件衬衫从侧面扣扣子.
还可作 “包…, 捆…,” “梳理, 整理”, “打扮”等解.
You are good at doing up things.
She is doing her hair up.
He did himself up for the party.
2. What’s worse , this wine was not at all suitable for drinking with a meal.
1) what’s worse “更糟糕的是”, 在句中用作插入语, 起着承上启下的作用.
What’s worse, he fell ill.
What was worse, it began to rain.
2) be suitable for sb/sth/doing 适合于…, 宜于.
These magazines are suitable for women to read.
The place is suitable for a party.
This kind of plant is suitable for eating.
3. Finally, he did not give her the right change, but keep back five pounds.
keep back “保留,留下, 扣下”
They keep back twenty yuan from my salary for insurance. 他们每月从我的工资中扣下二十元钱作为保险费.
If you keep back my pay, I’ll fire you. 如果你扣我的报酬,我将炒你的鱿鱼.
也可作 “使…后退或离开, 隐瞒, 抑制” 等解.
The police kept the crowd back, because there was danger.由于有危险,警察让群众后退。
I kept the bad news back from her.
4. No matter 的用法
no matter 是连词词组, 作“不论, 不管”解,常用于表示让步的状语从句中, 常用于下列的句型中: No matter what (who, when, how, where etc.) + 主句 例如:
No matter what he said, I didn’t believe him.
No matter how proud he was, he was afraid to face me.
No matter where he goes, he’s welcome.
No matter + whether, how many, how much, whose…
No matter how much I have to pay, I’ll take it.
No matter whether you have time or not, you must go there.
No matter + 特殊疑问词 结构引导的从句, 可以放在主句之前,也可放在之后
Don’t open the door, no matter who knocks it.= No matter who knocks the door, don’t open it
No matter whose box it is, it will be kept until the owner returns.= It will be kept until the owner returns, no matter whose box it is.

Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
服装店 店员/ 营业员
依靠/信赖 帮某人一个忙
买套衣服 凭衣服来判断顾客
扣最下边的纽扣 被门钩住




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