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1. happen to 后面接指人或物的名词(代词)时,表示"某人(某物)发生了什么事"、"某人(某物)怎么了",其中to是介词。
happen to后面接动词原形时,表示"碰巧"、"恰好",其中to 是不定式符号。例如:
What has happened to him? 他出什么事了?
What has happened to your computer? 你的电脑怎么了?
All the lights happened to go out. 所有的电灯碰巧熄灭了。
I happened to see her in the city yesterday. 昨天我碰巧在城里看见了她。
2. keep in touch with... 表示"与......保持联系",强调状态,可以与一段时间连用。
get in touch with... 表示"与......取得联系",强调动作,通常不能与一段时间连用。
lose touch with... 表示"与......失去联系",强调动作,通常不能与一段时间连用。
be out of touch with... 表示"与......失去联系",强调状态,可以与一段时间连用。例如:
I have kept in touch with my friends for ten years.十年来我一直和我的朋友们保持联系。
As soon as I get there, I'll get in touch with you.我一到那儿就会和你取得联系。
We have lost touch with him. 我们已经和他失去联系了。
I have been out of touch with them for years.我已经和他们失去联系多年了。
3. be prepared for... 表示"为......做好准备",在prepared前加well,表示"为......做好了充分准备",强调状态。
be prepared to... 表示"准备好......",后面接动词原形。
prepare for... 表示"为......做准备",强调动作。例如:
We are prepared for the worst.我们为应付最坏的情况做好了准备。
He is prepared to have a talk with the manager. 他准备好了要和经理谈一谈。
I am preparing for the get-together of the old classmates. 我正在为这次老同学聚会做准备。

Units 6-7 日常会话考点与热点练与析

前两期,我们对进行预测(Making predictions)和谈论假想的情景(Talking about imaginary situations)这两个话题在英语中的常见表达法进行了学习。本期将对其考点与热点问题进行专题练习。请做下面的单项填空题,并阅读题后的参考答案与简析。
1. -Will you go abroad after graduation?
- ________
A. Who told you that?
B. It depends.
C. Maybe you're right.
D. And you?
2. - ________ , what would the villagers do?
- They would do nothing but wait for the soldiers to come and rescue them.
A. If they meet a big flood
B. If it was a flood
C. Should there be a flood
D. When they had met a flood
3. - ________
-I don't think he would have been so upset.
A. Do you think he'll win?
B. Where has he gone on earth?
C. He must feel too tired.
D. What if he hadn't failed in the competition?
4. - ________
-But it turned out to be fine!
A. The weather bureau predicted rain for that day.
B. How's your baby?
C. We had an unpleasant journey because of rain.
D. I thought your dog got ill.
5. -I accepted his invitation and joined in their weekend party.
- ________ if you had refused it?
A. What would be the result
B. What would have been the result
C. Who would have invited you
D. Do you think it's right
6. -Imagine you won a big lottery, how would you deal with it?
- ________ I'd use it for my further study abroad.
A. Really?
B. It's impossible!
C. Me?
D. Maybe you're right.
7. -His demand might have been turned down. He looks unhappy.
- ________
A. I guess so.
B. Nonsense.
C. No, he mustn't have been turned down.
D. No, it can't have.
8. - Strong is still sleeping. It's already 9 o'clock.
- ________
A. So he did.
B. He might sleep well last night.
C. You might have predicted it.
D. He must have stayed up.
9. - Wang Yifu is in the best condition.
- ________
A. No, he's possible to win the championship.
B. Yes, he's likely to win the championship.
C. Yes, he's impossible to win the championship.
D. No, you're wrong. He's won the championship.
10. -Supposing you were on a desert island, what would you do?
- ________ , but I think I would try to live on.
A. If so
B. Yes, I would
C. Hard to say
D. Well, of course
1. B。It depends. 的意思是"那要看情况而定。"
2. C。这是省略if的虚拟条件句(主、谓要倒装)。
洪水只能用"是否有(即存在)"来表示,所以要用There be句型,故选项B不妥。
3. D。这是一个虚拟假设句。从后面的答语可知这是对"他要是在比赛中不失败"的假设。
4. A。后一句中的it turned out to be fine的意思是"结果是个晴天",所以前一句应该是关于天气预报的内容。
5. B。这是与过去事实相反的虚拟假设。C尽管时态一致,但在意思和逻辑上讲不通。
6. C。"Me?"在此是表假设的反问句。而"Really?"
7. A。也可以说"I think / consider so."等。C有语法错误,应说"can't have..."。D项语法无误,但与语境(He looks unhappy.)不符。
8. D。对过去事情的推断,应用"情态动词+have +V-ed"的形式表示。
9. B。只有此选项符合语境(王义夫处于良好的状态)。
10. C。完整的形式是"It's hard to say."(这很难说)。与前面的假设以及后面的内容(尤其是转折词but)在逻辑上相符。




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