Unit 16 Useful expressions语言要点

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1. do well in
do well in= be good at: 擅长于;做得好。He did well in the exam. 他考试考得好。 He’s doing well in the navy. 他在海军里干得很出色。
2. make up one's mind下决心
其中的mind为可数名词。 在make up one's mind的后面通常可跟不定式复合结构,when/ what/how to do等。如:He hasn't made up his mind when to start.他还没有决定什么时候出发。They made up their mind that they would buy a new house once Larry changed jobs. ▲译:是我们下决心的时候了。
3. come up抬头;上升
The sun has come up. 太阳以经升上来了。译: Why don't you come up to New York for the weekend? Come up to the front of the room so everyone can see you. The sun was coming up by the time I finished the duty.
4. make up 组成
常用被动语态: The whole book is made up of these three stories.(= These three stories make up the whole book.) A machine is made up of many different parts. 机器是由许多不同的零件构成的。▲译: 上衣和裤子组成套装。
5. on (the ) average 平均起来
通常作状语: On average she receives 5 letters each day. The price of apples is about four yuan per kg on average. 苹果的价格平均每公斤4元左右。
6. at a time每次;一次,
Don't try to do everything at once; take it a bit at a time. 不要什么事情都一块干,要一次做一点。 对比: at one time一度;从前,如:At one time I used to do exercises every morning. 我有一段时间每天早上进行锻炼。 at the time在那时;在那段时间里,如:I agreed at the time but later I changed my mind. 我当时同意了,可后来又改变了主意。at any time 随时: You may use my library at any time. 你任何时候都可以用我的书房。at times 有时;偶尔: At times I go out to the beach. 有时候我到海滩去。
7. beg one’s pardon
⑴used when politely saying sorry because you have just made a mistake: I do beg your pardon, I thought you were someone else. ⑵ used to politely ask someone to repeat something because you did not hear it: "Beg pardon, I didn't quite catch your meaning. "

Sentence patterns
1. I wish I could go to the seaside today.
在wish 后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词用过去时,是虚拟语气,表示与现在的事实相反,或者难以实现。I wish the weather were better. 我希望天气会更好一些。 I wish I were a bird. I wish the air were not so polluted around here.
对比: I wish I knew the answer. (But I don’t know the answer)
I wish I had known the answer. (But I didn’t.)

Language tips
1.Take a deep breath and I’ll time you.
take a deep breath 深呼吸 相当于breathe deeply 如: He took a deep breath and jumped into the river. 他深深地吸了口气,跳进河中。我们还有hold one’s breath屏息;catch one’s breath松一口气等。
句中的time是动词,测定……的时间;记录……的时间: I timed him the 5000 meter race at the sports meet. 运动会上,我为他的五千米计时。time还可作“安排”解: He timed his journey so that he could arrive at the hotel before dark. 他安排好他旅程,以便能在天黑以前到达饭店。
2. Most of the oceans contain 35 parts of salt per thousand parts of water. That is 3.5% by weight.That is 3.5% by weight. 大多数海洋每一千份水中含35份盐,按重量计就是3.5%。
掌握介词by按照;依照: This kind of oil is sold by weight. I’m paid by the hour.
3. The surface water is warm, and it can reach up to 25°c or even 29°c.
reach up to 高达,On one wall there is a bookcase that reaches up to the ceiling. 注意reach 的其他用法。Your letter reached me this morning. His farmland reaches to the river. I will reach him by telephone. He reached out his hand for a piece of a cake.
4. How does sea water stay clean? 海水是怎样保持清洁的呢?
这里stay是持续不变;保持的意思: The weather stays fine. 天气继续放晴。How can you stay so cool, calm and collected after such a hot argument? 这样一场激烈的争论过后,你怎么还能保持如此心平气和,镇静自若?
5. The squid lives in the dark at a great depth at the bottom of the ocean. 鱿鱼生活在海底深部的黑暗处,它可以长到15米长。
注意本句中的几个介词, 又如: Plant the seeds at a depth of ten centimetres. 词组in the dark: Be careful if you're walking home in the dark. before dark: You can go out, but make sure you come home before dark. after dark (at night): Some of my friends won't go out after dark.
6. The sperm whale does not feed on small fish like other whales. 和其它鲸鱼不一样,巨头鲸是不以小鱼为食的。
注意feed的搭配: feed sth to sb: Please feed the food to the baby in small pieces.| feed sb on sth: Most people feed parrots on nuts.
7. 掌握几个单词的用法:
⑴The answer is that seaweeds produce various chemicals that help keep the sea water clean. various各种各样的(different kinds of): Beijing is filled with people from various parts of China. 北京充满着来自全国各地的人们。名词是variety, 如: Coral is not a plant but a variety of animal life of different shapes and bright colors. 珊瑚并不是植物,而是形状不同,色彩斑谰的动物变体。Is this a new variety of apples? 这是苹果的新品种吗?
⑵These fishes provide the main food for whales.掌握 provide sth. for sb. 或 provide sb. with. sth. 相当于supply sth. to sb.或 supply sb. with sth. 如: They provided food and clothes for the sufferers. 他们向受难者提供食物和衣服。The media supplies lots of information to us every day. 大众媒体每天提供给我们很多信息。

Ellipsis 省略
为了避免重复,突出关键词语并使上、下文紧密连接, 一个句子中有时一个或更多的成分会被省略掉,这样的句子称为省略句。根据省略的成分,省略大体可分为如下几种:
⑴省略主语 Haven’t seen you for ages!
⑵省略谓语或谓语的一部分 Anything you want?
⑶省略宾语 Well , it’s hard to tell.
⑷其他句子成分的省略 If possible, I should like to have two copies of it. 可能的话,我希望有两本。
---Would you like to go with me? --- I’d be glad to.
--- Shall we be late? --- I hope not.
Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
1.从岩石上潜进海里 2.深深地吸一口气
3.上来换气 4.约低于海平面395米
5.每次、一次 6.省略
7.划掉 8.形状不同,色彩斑斓的动物变体
9.不足60米的深度 10.数量极多的
11.位于澳大利亚的东北沿海 12.减慢到正常速度的一半




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