Improving Reading Speed

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

"I read very slowly."
"I tend to read the same line over and over again."
"I have loads(负担) of readings to do and I don't think I could finish them."
Do these comments sound familiar to you? If yes, don't feel bad because you are reading in a foreign language. When people read in a foreign language, they don't often have enough confidence(自信) in their textual interpretation(解释); and therefore, they usually read more slowly than they do in their own language. After these words of comfort and reassurance(放心), of course, you still want to improve your reading speed. Before you read on, consider the following:
Factors that reduce reading rate
1. Word-by-word reading.
2. Slow recognition and response to the material.
3. Reading aloud.
4. Lack of practice in reading!
5. Fear of losing comprehension causing the person to read more slowly.
6. Habitual slow reading, in which the person cannot read faster because he or she has always read slowly.
How fast do you read?
It is important to measure your reading speed before and after your practice in speed reading so that you know how much you have achieved (达到). To do so:
1. Choose two reading passages of about the same length and the same difficulty level.
2. Use one passage before practice and the other after.
3. Get a stopwatch ready.
4. Read the passage.
5. Record the time you took to finish the passage.
If you read a passage with comprehension questions, you may also check and see how well you have understood it. After you have recorded your pre-practice reading speed, you may start practicing. Remember: You may use any reading materials available, and you may practice anywhere you like. Now, are you ready for some tips?
Tips on improving your reading speed
1. Identify a purpose for your reading and try to achieve that purpose in your reading.
2. Ignore(忽略) the word(s) or part(s) that you do not understand.
3. Don't read back! This will slow you down. Just go on reading, bearing the passage title in mind.
4. Don't let your eyes stay on the same line for more than 5 seconds.
5. Try to identify one main idea from one paragraph. (Of course some paragraphs may contain more than one main idea, whereas in other case, one main idea could be expressed in several paragraphs.)
6. Try reading several words, a phrase, or even a sentence at a time.
7. Read nouns and verbs only.
8. Read the first sentence. Often the first sentence of each paragraph states the main idea of that paragraph, while the other sentences elaborate(阐述) on that idea, you can skim read by just reading the first sentences.
With the help of these tips, practice as much and as often as you can. Don't forget to measure your reading speed at the end to see whether you can read faster.



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