Unit 17 Useful expressions 语言要点

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1. talk of 谈论,议论
We often talked of you during the holiday.
He talked again of writing a play for us.
2. out of work 没有工作,失业
His mother has been out of work for half a year.他的母亲失业已有半年。in work 有工作
Is her husband in work?
3. keep fit 保持健康
To keep fit, we must take plenty of exercise.
She goes to keep-fit classes and does exercises every morning.

Sentence patterns
But some people don’t want good agricultural land to be built on.
The general ordered the bridge to be built at once. Your shoes need to be washed. They are too dirty. I’m glad to be invited to your party. I don't like myself to be talked about.我不喜欢被别人议论。

Language tips
1. The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area.城里大多数人都希望促进这一地区工业的发展。
the majority做主语时,谓语由of后的名词决定。如:The majority of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health. 大多数医生认为吸烟有害健康。
2. I think our manager will persuade the government to let him build a new factory. 我想经理会说服政府让他建新厂的。
persuade意思是:说服;劝导;使相信: 1)跟带to的不定式: I have persuaded him to give up smoking.我已说服了他戒烟。2)跟into+分词和名词:I persuaded him into doing it.我说服他去做这件事。He tried to persuade her but failed.他试图说服她,但是没有成功。3)跟that从句: I persuaded Robert that the journey was too dangerous and he didn't go.我对罗伯特说那个旅行太危险,他被说服了,所以没有去。
3. It's quite likely that a decision will be made before the end of the year. 有可能年底前就要作出决定。
The manager is likely to make a decision soon. =It is likely that the manager will make a decision soon. =It is possible that the manager will make a decision soon.
译:他姐姐不可能来参加会议。His sister is not likely to come to the meeting
4. In the greenhouse, computer controls the watering of the plants as well as the light and the temperature. 在温室里,计算机既控制作物的灌溉,还控制光照和温度。
as well as 在表示“不但......而且......”这一意思时与not only…but also…同义,但侧重点不一样。as well as 侧重前项,not only…but also…侧重后项。
My English teacher can speak Japanese as well as French. =My English teacher can not only speak French but also Japanese.(两句重点都在Japanese上) 另外,当as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词跟前一个主语一致,而not only…but also…连接两个主语时,则根据就近原则: My friend as well as his parents is going to California. Not only you but also he is wrong. as well 用于句末时,相当于too,意为“也”。如:She is not only a good teacher, she is a good mother as well.他不但是个好老师,还是个好妈妈。
5. This is a waste of money, energy and material. waste是不可数名词,但是可以和a连用,意思是“浪费”、“滥用”。如:It's a waste of time to wait any longer.再等下去是白费时间。又:poisonous waste from the chemical works 化工厂的有毒废弃物;The waste from the factory was taken away in trucks.
6. The possibility that the majority of the labour force will work at home is often discussed. 人们经常讲论大多数劳力将会在家里工作的可能性。
掌握possibility的用法:Is it a possibility that you will work abroad? 你有可能去国外工作吗?There is no possibility of his coming. 他不可能来。What are the possibilities? 有哪些可能发生的情况?
7. It is possible to work out whether you will save or lose money by increasing the temperature by 1℃. 温度增加一度你会赚钱还是蚀本,计算机就可能算得出来。
increase to增长到…:Please increase the temperature to 80℃.请把温度增加到80度。increase by增加了……:The number of the students in this school has increased by 1500 to 5000.这个学校的学生人数增加了1500,已经到5000人了。
8. In the fields of education, health and research, computers will continue to play an important part. 在教育、卫生和科研领域里,计算机将会继续发挥重要作用。
part角色play the part of (在戏中)扮演: Which part do you play? 你演哪一个角色? The part of Hamlet was played by Laurence Olivier. 哈姆莱特一角是由劳伦斯·奥立弗扮演的。 play an important part in 引伸为“在...中起重要作用”,如:Women are now playing an important part in socialist construction.
9. At present, many people in western countries spend too much money on new possessions that they do not need, such as lots of new clothes.
spend、cost和take这三个词都有“花费”的意思,它们的用法各自有其特点。cost的主语必须是物;spend的主语必须是人,而且spend常用于spend…on sth.这一结构中。take常用于it take sb.… to do sth.这个结构。例如:She spent a lot of money on books.她花了很多钱来买书。Her books have cost her a lot of money.她的书花了很多钱。It takes her a lot of money to buy these books.那些书花了她很多钱。
10. Many people, both young and old, are against this expensive way of life.
be against意思是“反对”,“赞成”的类似表达法是“be for”。如:Every one in his office is against(for) his suggestion. 他办公室里的每个人都反对(赞成)他的建议
11. Take health for example. 以医疗卫生为例。
take ...for example意思是“以…为例”:Take Mrs. Wang for example, she is too eager to help others.以王夫人为例,她非常乐于助人。
12. Meanwhile, they will do their best to produce more energy from the wind and sun. 同时,他们不得不竭尽全力来开发风以用太阳能。
meanwhile是个副词,译作“在这期间,与此同时”,相当于“during the period of time", 如:Mother was cooking meanwhile I was doing my homework.妈妈在做饭,与此同时,我在做作业。常见的短语in the meanwhile 意思是“与此同时,在此期间”,如:In the meanwhile, I'll go for a few days to Shanghai.同时,我还要去上海几日。
13. 掌握几个单词的用法:
(1) satisfy满足;使满意 vt. This work does not satisfy me. 这件工作我不满意。 She was not satisfied with that answer. The story has a satisfying ending. Bruce gave us a satisfied smile. 满足人民需要: satisfy the people's needs;满足欲望 satisfy one's desire
(2) fairly a)相当地The coffee is fairly hot. He paints fairly well. b)公平地You should treat your students fairly.
(3) need需要,必要 n. There's a growing need for new housing in this area. The doctor says I am in need of a holiday. There's no need (for you) to come if you don't want to. 需要,必要 v. This soup needs more salt. You need a lot of patience to do this work. My coat needs mending/needs to be mended. I need you to help me. 需要,必要 aux.v. -- Need we go so soon? --- No, we needn't. You needn't talk so loud. You needn't have told him the news; he knew it already.
(4) youth青年时期 In his youth he was fond of collecting stamps. 青年;小伙子Youth today are different from 100 years ago. That long-haired youth has no manners. 注意数:the youth of a nation 一个国家的青年们;a youth of twenty 一个二十岁的青年

1. 定义:用作同位语的从句,叫同位语从句,它一般跟在某些名词的后面,用以说明或解释前面的名词。
2. 同位语从句的先行词常是:news, idea, fact, belief, possibility, problem, hope, question等
3. 引导同位语从句的连词有:that, whether以及 when, why, where, how
例如:I have no idea when Jack will be back.
We were glad to hear the news that our volleyball team had won again.
He can’t answer the question how he got the money.
4. 注意同位语从句和定语从句的区别:
The news (that) you heard is not true.(定语从句)
The news that our team has won the game excited the whole class.(同位语从句)
Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
1.大多数劳力 2.遍及全世界
3.控制作物的生长条件 4.失业
5.身体好,保持健康 6.在某人的个人生活中
7.努力 8.温度增加1度
9.在教育领域 10.利用风生产能量
11.用其腿部着落 12.执行指令
13.把付诸实施 14.谈论、议论




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