新高一下册词组(Unit 18-22)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Unit 18
1. in relation to 与…有关系
relate to
2. lie off western coast of … 位于…西海岸
lie in/ on/ to the south of … / the southern part of…
3. make a living from sth/ doing sth/ by doing sth 依靠...过活
live on sth
4. be made up of 由...组成
5. make up 构成
make up for 弥补
6. be surrounded by/ with 由...环绕
7. the same size as 和...面积一样大
8. a mild sea climate 温和的海洋气候
9. be famous/ well-known for 因...而出名
10. an area of ... ...的面积
11. on the voyage 在航海旅行
12. take possession of 占有,占据
in one’s possession/ in the possession of sb
be in possession of
13. sign an agreement (with sb) (与...)签署协议
as a sign of 作为...的象征
14. be celebrated as 作为...庆祝
15. national holiday/ song/ flag/ day 国假日/国歌/国旗/国庆日
16. have a population of 有...的人口
17. total population 总人口
total area 总面积
18. an official language 官方语
19. at an early age 很小时候
20. be marked with 用…作标记
21. turn to sth/ doing sth 开始干,求助于,转向
22. ship to 用船运到某地
23. be of great importance/ 很重要
be of good quality 质量上乘
be of no use 无用
24. outdoor/ indoor activities 户外/ 室内活动
25. go sailing/ camping/ hiking/ fishing/ swimming/ boating
26. import and export business 进出口贸易
Unit 19
1. have a effect on/ have effects on
2. environmental problem
3. together with
as well as
4. traditional }agriculture/ industry/ education/ techniques...
5. ...percent of sth
6. over time/ over the years/ over the past week
7. as... as possible
8. save time
9. advanced level/ learner/ study
10. bring in
11. in the 1980s
12. international exchange
13. harm the environment
14. be harmful to
15. depend on
16. the shortage of
17. be short of
18. stand for
19. protect... from
20. in other words
21. a variety of = various
22. make good money
23. research on/ into
24. practical guide
25. at the right time of the year
26. go against
27. year after year
28. intend to do
Unit 20.
1. wish n/v wish to do/wish sb to do
wish sb sth wish that ---- My wish has come true
Cf 比较 hope &expect
2. play a part/role in扮...角色/ 起...作用
3. plan sth/ to do/ doing 计划...
make/ have plans for 为...制定计划
4. use different techniques用各种技巧
5. intend to do sth 想要做...
6. be famous for... 因...而出名
7. appear on the stage出现在舞台
8. make fun of/ play a joke on/ laugh at 取笑,开玩笑
9. It is fun to do/ that...做...很有趣
for fun 取乐,逗乐
10. roar with laughter开怀大笑
8.speak with an accent讲话带口音
11. even if/though 即使,尽管
12. be certain of/ about 对...确定
to do
13. act out a situation during their shows表演一情景
14. (have...) in common (with...) 与...有共同点
15. make use of 利用
16. a flow of
17. entertain sb with sth用娱乐某人
18. date back to/date from追溯到
19. applaud for为—鼓掌
20. appreciate sth/doing sth欣赏/感激
21. with the intention of 带—目的/打算
22. enrich one life丰富某人的生活
23. the suffering people受苦的人
24. a friend of my mother’s我母亲的一朋友
25. play four musical instruments弹四种乐器
26. be on such good terms with 与----关系好
27. a danger to
28. in surprise
29. at the interview
30. in the other direction 从另一方向来
in all directions四面八方
31. look on sb/ sth as
Unit 21

1. in a hurry 匆忙的
2. vary from culture to culture
3. look directly into one’s eyes直视着某人
4. rest one’s head on the back of one’s hand 把头靠在手背上
5. get through difficult situations
6. feel down 感到闷闷不乐
7. put .. in order 按顺序排放
8. tear down 拆除,拆毁
9. make up a story 编故事
10. the correct answer to this questions
11. give sb a hand 帮助某人
12. ahead of 更前,更早
13. hold up 举起,拿起
14. make a face 做鬼脸
15. fold one's arm 合拢手臂
16. do somebody a favour 帮助别人
17. thumb up 横竖起大拇指
18. make eye-contact 眼神接触
19. shake one’s fist 挥动拳头
20. wave one’s hand 挥手
21. pat one’s stomach 拍肚皮
22. shrug one’s shoulder 耸肩
23. communicate with people
24. make a circle 画一个圆圈
25. get confused 变得困惑
26. avoid doing sth 避免做某事
27. lean forward 向前靠
28. roll one’s eyes 翻动眼睛
29. can’t help doing sth 忍不住做某事
30. feel like doing sth 想做某事
31. keep one’s finger crossed 叠起手指
32. as to 至于,关于
33. nod one’s head 点头
34. make a gesture 做一个手势
35. give somebody a hand 帮助某人
36. end up doing sth 以。。结束
37. go ahead
38.hang one’s head 低



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