Teaching plan for Unit6 Good manners

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Unit 6 Good manners
I.Teaching aims and demands
1 learn about good table manners
2 learn to make apology
3 learn to express your gratitude
4 make a contrast study on table manners in Chinese and Western cultures
5 be a student with good manners
2.Function: 道歉和致谢(Apologising and Expressing thanks)
Excuse me. Forgive me.
I'm (very/so/terribly) sorry. That's all right./That's OK./No problem.
I apologize for... Oh, well that's life.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
Oops. Sorry about that.
Thank you. It's beautiful.
interrupt; apologise; fault; introduce; apology; forgive; culture manner(s);
impression; toast; behave; napkin; roll; dessert; unfold; lap; damp ;cloth;
custom; starter; pray; course ;breast; flesh; bone; raise; advice; spirit; impolite;
mix; wing; extra ;childhood; stare; disabled
Vocabulary (2)
Drinks: orange juice, milk, cola/coke /fruit juice, beer, water, tea, coffee
Colors: red, green, yellow, blue, orange, black, purple, pink, gray, white,
dark green, light blue, gold, silver
Miscellaneous: restaurant, meal, toy, shop, hamburger, sweet, sour, spicy,
delicious. too, fresh, stale, cold, hot, warm,
Vocabulary arranged as meals:
Chinese breakfast: porridge, noodles cakes, baozi, milk, eggs, dumplings
Lunch: meat, vege, fried rice, bread
dinner: a big meal with meat and vege
Drinks: coke, fruit juice, water, tea,
Other food: ice cream, chocolate, candy
4.Grammar :the Attributive Clause(3)
II .Key sentences
1Express your gratitude. 2 The man who greeted me is my teacher.
3Write a than-you letter 4 make use of the expressions
5May I interrupt you for a moment? 6 I am terribly sorry.
7What does Bill say to apologize for taking the bike without telling Cliff?
8Just ask me next time if you want to use the bike, will you?
9I guess it wasn't really your fault, was it?
10You are looking for two seats to sit down, but there are none.
11People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time
12Knowing them will help you make a good impression.
13Having good manners means knowing how to drink a toast and how to behave at table.
14The knife and fork that are closest to your plate are a little bit
15Dinner starts with a small fish. 16Some people pray before they start eating.
17You get a bowl of soup-but only one bowl and never ask for a second serving.
18It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.
18When drinking to someone's health, you raise your glasses.
19They follow the fashion of the day.
20Although good manners make you look good, you do not need to worry about
21Laying the table for a dinner in Western countries and in China is not the same.
22Make a list of things on a Western dinner table.
23Chinese people prefer using chopsticks instead of forks and knives.
24The extra information can be left out. 25I wish you all the best.
26Some good manners to keep in mind
27 make jokes about disabled people
28What a surprise to see you!
29drink too much alcohol
30take turns playing different roles in the discussion
Unit 6 Good Manners
Period 1.Warning –up and Listening
Teaching Aims and Demands:
① To learn some expression of apologies and response properly to apologies.
② To listen focusing on key words and important sentences
Step 1 .Warming up:To invite two pairs to play two short plays.
First, Situation 1
Because today is A’s birthday, she wants to invite B to her birthday party. In the morning, A meets B on the way to the school. A invites B, but B’s father have told B that he must look after B’s younger brother at night. So B can’t go to A’s party. B apologizes for it and wish A happy birthday.
Situation ②
Between class, A is running around the classroom. At that time, B drops his pen and A steps on it and breaks it.
Step 2 Look at the 4 pictures on the page 36.
1) What do you think is happening in every picture?
2) Can you make a dialogue for every picture?
Complete the dialogues with proper words according to the situation given.
Step 3 Discuss in groups, What are good manners?
After discussion, fill in the next table
Good manners Bad manners
Do you think you are a person with good manners? Can you tell us a story as an example?
Step3 .Listening.
1) Listen to the tape with this question How many times does Bill apologize?
2) Listen to the tape for the second time, summarize two problems
3) Listen to the tape for the last time and fill in the blanks. Check
the answers and exercise the expressions of apology.
4) Workbook: Listening
Ⅲ.Homework: Make two dialogues with your partner about apologies.

Period 2. Speaking and Talking
Teaching Aims and Demands:
①To use the expressions of apologies and possible answers freely through
some situations.
①To distinguish what good manners are and what bad manners are
.Step 1Speaking. Practice different expressions.
For example:” Forgive me, I’m very sorry!” is quite formal. While “Oops, Sorry about that” is a very informal way. To help students understand that in what situations they should use formal expression and in what situations they should use informal expressions.
In these exercise, Ss have to imagine themselves at a party. Everyone is very polite. They should talk to each other politely and make excuse when troubling others. Then ask Ss to work in groups and consider the following three situations.
Sample: Dialogue 1
A: Aren’t you going to introduce me to him?
B: Oh, forgive me. I didn’t know you hadn’t met. Danna, this is Alex.
A: Hi, Alex. Nice to meet you!
Choose three groups to reports.
Step 2Talking
1) Read the following situations carefully
2) Divide the whole class into 6groups. Every two groups make a
dialogue. One is Pros and the other is Cons. Every group should list their
opinions to try their best to persuade the other group. Discuss in groups.
3) According to their opinions, two groups make a dialogue. They
should be against the opinions of the other group and give their opinions.
1) Choose one of the situations in Talking to write a dialogue
2) Preview Reading
Period 3. Reading ⑴
Teaching Aims and Demands:
① To get to know the western talk manners
② To compare Chinese table manners with western table manners
③ Improve the reading ability of the Ss, especially the skills of
summarizing and scanning.
Step 1 Warming up
1) Teacher tells a story of a Chinese at a western dinner party who
made a fool of himself due to the lack of cultural background.
The story is: Once a Chinese was invited to an American dinner party. When
he saw the napkin on the table, he tied it around his neck just as Chinese parents do to their children when they’re fed. As a result, he made a fool of himself.
2) Teacher then presents the tools on the table and shows how to put
these knives and forks and how to use them. Then ask one student to imitate.
3) Brainstorming Judge these manners. Which are good and which are bad.
◇Can you speak with your mouth full?
◇Can you use your hand to take food from the plate?
◇Is it polite to touch the glasses when you toast?
◇Is it polite to persuade others to drink up after toasting?
4) Do Pre-reading, discuss in groups
Situations Rules for being polite in Chinese culture
At a dinner party
Greeting your teacher
Receiving a birthday present
Paying a visit to a friend’s house
Ask three Ss to finish this table.
Step 2 Reading
① Ss do scanning for exercise 2( 3minutes for scanning)
In what order will the following dishes be served at a western dinner party
dessert drink main course starter sou
summarize the main idea of every paragraph (答案见教参P136)
② With following questions, listen to the tape and read carefully.
1). Instead of a hot, damp cloth, napkin is often seen at the Chinese
dinner party nowadays. What sign do you think it implies? How can you use it?
2). What do soft drinks refer to? Is white or red wine a soft drink?
3). Do people say anything or keep silent when drinking to one’s health or
drinking a toast? What do you usually do if you drink a toast?
Ask some Ss to answer these questions and do exercise 3
1). Do practice on P116-117
2). Preview languages study and grammar 
I finished reading the book which my father gave me for my birthday.
The car, which had been parked in front of our house for more than a week , was stolen.
Paula, whose husband lives in London, lives alone on the fourth floor.
My sister Ellen, whom you saw yesterday at the party, is a nurse.
This morning Andrew , whose mother is a doctor, told me about his new teacher.
The meeting will be held in the dining hall, where more than 150 guests can be seated.
My father works for a company which has its head office in a big city.
Lisa will always remember her childhood , when she lived with her aunt in the mountain village.
Period 4. Reading ⑵
Teaching Aims and Demands:
① To learn some useful expressions about table manners.
② To learn some useful words and sentences
Step 1 Carefully Reading
1). Explain some words and expressions( apologize, table manners,
impression) (See the teacher’s book in P121-122,P127-128)
2). Analyze some complex sentences( In China, you sometimes get a hot,
damp cloth, to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the
custom in Western countries). (See the teacher’s book in P121-122)
3). Sum up the text
Finish the exercise 2 on P40
①custom A.. long, thing, curly strips of pasta; usually used in
Chinese and Italian cooking
②toast B. a pair of thing sticks which people in China and Far
East use to eat their food with
③breast C. slightly wet
④dishes D. center.
⑤middle E. a practice followed by people of a particular group or region
⑥damp F. a utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food
⑦chopsticks G. the supper part of your chest; the front part of a bird’s body
⑧tender H. the hard parts inside your body and all the animals’
which together form the skeleton
⑨spirits I. Food that is prepared in a particular style
⑩noodles J. easy to cut or chew; sb.or sth that is tender expresses
gentle and caring feelings
⑾spoon K. the act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of or to
the health of a person or thing
⑿bones L. strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky and Chinese Maotai
Step 2 Post-reading
1. Discussion:
We are very familiar with table manners in China. But in those years,
table manners are slowly changed. Can you point out which manners are also
changed? Give some examples.
2. Ask some groups to report
Step 3
① Finish the exercise 2 on P40 and check the answer (ask
one student to show his answer).
② Check the answers on P116-117

Write a short passage about the discussion.

Period 5 Language Study and Grammar
Teaching Aims and Demands:
① To learn word formation and the meaning of prefixes, such as in-,
im-, un-, non-
② To consolidate the Attributive Clauses, both restrictive and
non-restrictive through some exercises.

Step 1.
① Explain the formation of the word and the function of prefixes.
② Do exercise on P40 to point out which of the following words have
negative prefixes.
Nonstop unfold incorrect important understand
Invite unlucky impossible uniform interesting
③ Matching exercise
Un- smoking
Non- possible
Dis- able
Im- like
Answer: unable, non-smoking, dislike, impossible
④ Blank- filling with the above words( using Restrictive Attributive
Clauses for example)
1). This is a nonsmoking room. You’d better go to the smoking room, which
is ten meters on your right.
2). The boy who is unable to finish his work on time felt a bit sorry for
3). Tom and Jack are the only ones in theirs class who dislike football.
4). It sounds impossible that the little boy who looks so shy in class
would be so brave to catch a pick-pocket on bus yesterday.
Step 2. Give some examples of Restrictive Attributive Clauses and
Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.
① Let Ss distinguish which of the following sentences are
Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributives Clauses.
Non-restrictive: Lijiang, where I was born , is beautiful.
John, who speaks Spanish, works there. Restrictive:
The village where I was born is beautiful.
People who speak Spanish work there.
②Explain the differences between Restrictive and Non-restrictive
Attributive Clauses.
③Fill the blanks of this passage with Restrictive and
In Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with the mouth
closed; not letting any of the food fall off the plate; using the knife
only for cutting; and not trying to take food across the table. In other
parts of the world there are also rules⑴________,but they are not the same
as those of Britain. Indeed, the things⑵________are the things⑶________.In
Arabia, for example, the people at a feast(宴会)take pieces of food with
their fingers and belch loudly⑷______.
In the Western countries there are differences between table
manners⑸________.In North America it is polite to eat up meat and then put
the knife down, take the fork in the right hand and eat with it. Most
European people, like the British, keep the fork in the left hand and the
knife in the right all the time when they are eating food⑹_____. In the
British Isles and Scandinavia(Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland)special
knives and forks are used for eating fish. In France, Belgium and Italy,
however, it is correct to keep the same knife for every course⑺______.
Table manners of course have changed with time. The earliest meals were
also the simplest⑻_______, and everyone took his food from the animal or
bird⑼______.The women waited on the warriors(武士)and afterwards ate the
Table manners did not always include quiet behavior. Quarrels often
took place at table, an in the 17th century King Louis XIV of France
ordered that only the knives⑾_______should be used to prevent people from
stabbing each other while they were eating.
Homework: Finish the exercise On P41 and grammar on P118.

Language Study and Grammar
Teaching Aims and Demands:
① To learn word formation and the meaning of prefixes, such as in-,
im-, un-, non-
② To consolidate the Attributive Clauses, both restrictive and
non-restrictive through some exercises.
Step 1.
① Explain the formation of the word and the function of prefixes.
② Do exercise on P40 to point out which of the following words have
negative prefixes.
Nonstop unfold incorrect important understand
Invite unlucky impossible uniform interesting
③ Matching exercise
Un- smoking
Non- possible
Dis- able
Im- like
Answer: unable, non-smoking, dislike, impossible
④ Blank- filling with the above words( using Restrictive Attributive
Clauses for example)
1). This is a nonsmoking room. You’d better go to the smoking room, which
is ten meters on your right.
2). The boy who is unable to finish his work on time felt a bit sorry for
3). Tom and Jack are the only ones in theirs class who dislike football.
4). It sounds impossible that the little boy who looks so shy in class
would be so brave to catch a pick-pocket on bus yesterday.
Step 2. Give some examples of Restrictive Attributive Clauses and
Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.
① Let Ss distinguish which of the following sentences are
Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributives Clauses.
Lijiang, where I was born , is beautiful.
John, who speaks Spanish, works there.
The village where I was born is beautiful.
People who speak Spanish work there.
②Explain the differences between Restrictive and Non-restrictive
Attributive Clauses.
③ Fill the blanks of this passage with Restrictive and
In Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with the mouth
closed; not letting any of the food fall off the plate; using the knife
only for cutting; and not trying to take food across the table. In other
parts of the world there are also rules⑴________,but they are not the same
as those of Britain. Indeed, the things⑵________are the things⑶________.In
Arabia, for example, the people at a feast(宴会)take pieces of food with
their fingers and belch loudly⑷______.
In the Western countries there are differences between table
manners⑸________.In North America it is polite to eat up meat and then put
the knife down, take the fork in the right hand and eat with it. Most
European people, like the British, keep the fork in the left hand and the
knife in the right all the time when they are eating food⑹_____. In the
British Isles and Scandinavia(Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland)special
knives and forks are used for eating fish. In France, Belgium and Italy,
however, it is correct to keep the same knife for every course⑺______.
Table manners of course have changed with time. The earliest meals were
also the simplest⑻_______, and everyone took his food from the animal or
bird⑼______.The women waited on the warriors(武士)and afterwards ate the
Table manners did not always include quiet behavior. Quarrels often
took place at table, an in the 17th century King Louis XIV of France
ordered that only the knives⑾_______should be used to prevent people from
stabbing each other while they were eating.
Homework: Finish the exercise On P41 and grammar on P118.
Period 6. Integrating Skills
Teaching Aims and Demands:
① Deepen the format of letter
② To know the structure of a thank-you letter
③ To enable the Ss to write a thank-you letter by studying the samples.

Step 1. Warming-up
Lead-in. Writing a thank-you also conveys someone’s politeness or good
manners, so when we receive other’s help or gifts, we should write him a
thank-you letter.
Step 2. Reading
1. Scanning
1). Ask Ss to read the text quickly, and then answer this question:
Why does Amy Zhang thank Sam and Jenny?
2). Ask one student to answer this question
2. Carefully reading
1). Ask Ss to listen to the tape, and imitate the intonation
2). Explain language points: (some important phrases and sentence
think of: ①考虑,关心 ②想起,记得 ③想一想,想象
例:I thought of my hometown when I saw the beautiful scenery.
Be busy with… 忙于做……
例: I am busy with drawing from Monday to Friday.
It is time to… 是时间做……(注意与it is time that…的区别)
例: It is time to go to bed.
After explanation, finish the exercises on P42

Structure of a thank-you letter
Paragraph 1 Thank the people of what they did for you. Give some details about what you liked.
Paragraph 2 Tell the people something about yourself and the things
you are doing now.
Paragraph 3 Ask the people for some details about themselves and
what they are doing now. Close the letter by repeating your thanks.
Step 3 Listen to the tape with this question.
How many countries are mentioned in this passage?
Give Ss five minutes to read the passage and fill the blanks on P119.
nswer other questions.
Read the information on P119-120. Write a thank-you letter to the boy. Pay
more attention to the structure of the thank-you letter.
Answers to Exercise1 P118
The bus which/that often takes the children to school, is owned by the company .
The man is Mr Fisher , who works in the bank.
The woman who/whom you saw in my office yesterday is a scientist.
The lady who is getting off the bus is Helen Jones.
The painting which/that was destroyed in the fire was a Turner.
The policeman who/that directs the traffic here is Mr Wang’s son.
A friend of yours is going to visit an Arab family . Give him some advice about what he/she should and shouldn’t do.
If you are visiting a country in the Middle East / an Arab country, you should know that some customs are quite different from ours . First , when you meet your friend at the airport, you can greet each other by embracing and kissing each other.
When your host invites you to his house, you should be careful not to say that you like a painting or other thing in their house very much.If you do that , your Arab friend will have the feeling that he should give it to you.
In which country do people have rules of behaviour about hands?What are the roles ?
Many countries have rules about hands . Westerners shake hands when they meet. Americans and Europeans want to give, and get, a strong handshake. Your hand should be strong and not soft or wet. People in Thailand put their hands together and bow their heads when they greet you. Finally , with Indians you should never use your left hand for greeting, eating, drinking or smoking.
Blowing your nose at the table or spitting isn’t very polite. What should be a good solution?
In many Western countries you can blow your nose at the table (if you urn away from the table), but perhaps it is better to excuse yourself for a moment and go to the bathroom to blow your nose and wash your hands.
Bad manners in different countries
In Western countries
Asking women how old they are .
Asking people how much money they make.
Talking with your mouth full of food.
In China
Blowing your nose at the table.
Talking loudly in public places
Pushing to get onto the train first
Writing: Thank a teacher for his help
I am sending you this card to thank you for all the extra time you spend to help me catch up with my lessons after my illness. My parents and I are grateful for the evenings after school that you helped me with my maths. Without your help it would have been very difficult to catch up and get good marks in the mid-term exam.
At this moment I am very busy with my studies . Thanks to your help, I could not only catch up with maths, but I now also more enjoy the other subjects that were very tough for me before, such as chemistry and physics. I really enjoy going to school now.
How about you ? I hope your mother is feeling better. I heard you spend a month in your hometown to take care of her. But if you helped her as well as you helped me with my maths, then I am sure she must be feeling much better.
Thank you again for all your time, and I wish you all the best.
Yours , William Chen
Thank your parents for their loving support
Dear Mom and Dad,
Yesterday I received your long letter of November 28th . I was looking forward to that letter and want to thank you for it. But not only should I thank you for your letter, I feel you are the most wonderful parents in the world. If I look around me, I see some students hardly ever hear from their parents. And when I think about you, my heart fills with warmth . So I want to thank you for all your loving support.
Your letters always make me very happy especially when photos are enclosed . I can only send you a short letter today and promise I will write more, later this week. At this moment we are very busy preparing for the term exam.
So, how are things at home? I hope Mother’s work in the office is going well. Last time you wrote about the new project that would start . I think working on that job must be very exciting. I suppose everybody already starts thinking about the Spring Festival. Of course , I will be home for that.
Well, thank you again and all the best for the folks back home.
Emily Zhang
Thank your best friend for being a good friend
October 18th
Dear Lewis,
I am writing you this short letter thank you for being such a great pal. We have known each other for such a long time, and been friends for many years. I know I can count on you , no matter what happens . I think that is really something.
I am in Senior One now, and still have a few more years to go. My studies are going fine. I actually like many of our books much better than what we studied at the Junior High school. My results are also very good . I may even think about going to university, after finishing high school.
What have you been doing lately? Is everything OK with you? Write me sometimes when you have time. You can also send me an email if you like. My new email address is xstian 1989@sohu.com.cn.
Thanks again and I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Hunter Tian
Thank your classmate for a birthday present
October 27th
Dear Jennifer,
Thank you ever so much for the wonderful present you gave me for my birthday last Wednesday. It was nice of you to come and see me , and I was so surprised that you had bought me a present. When I opened it I saw it was just the kind of thing I had always wanted. I like the colours and the shape of the frame. I will probably hang it in my bedroom, or on the empty wall near the book case in the liviing room. It was so nice of you .
Actually, all afternoon and evening friends called me or made visits. It was a very busy day. These days of the weekend give me some time to write some short letters, and enjoy my presents and start reading the book that my neighbour gave me.
How about you? Have you finished the book report for Mr Gao? You told me last week you had started piano lessons . I would like to come over some time and hear you play.
Well, I don’t want to make it too long today. I have to run to the post office and get this letter posted.
Thanks again for the present and hope to see you soon.
Kathy Huang
1. http://henson.austin.apple.com/edres/ellesson/elem-goodmanners.shtml
2. http://hebang.sosoo.net/westermanners.asp#5.%20Table%20Manners
3. http://english.bhes.tpc.edu.tw/report/table_manners.asp
4. http://www.nychinatown.com/chinese_table_manners(1).htm
5. http://www.cnta.com/lyen/tips/travel%20guide/table%20manners.htm




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