g1Unit 17 Famous Women

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be known for, keep doing sth, inspire, admire, quality, sled, threaten, lie down, drop out, at the top of, be thankful for, else, optimistic, in good health, go down, expedition, solo, make a decision, value, allow, lead to, come to terms(with …), discipline, happen, self-improvement, scholarship, responsible, respectful, fight for
(1)It has often been said that…
(2)She makes it possible to…
(3)Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.
(4)There was nothing that could stop Oprah.
The rules of subject-verb agreement

be known for因…而出名
be famous for 因…而著称
be known as 作为…而出名
be famous as 作为…而著称
be known to sb.为某人所知
eg .① Tom is famous as an artist.
②.It’s well known to us that he is famous for drawing horses.
试题:Scotland has many lakes and mountains, and is famous ____ its beautiful countryside.
A. to B. as C. by D. for
解析 因空格后有its, 若是不定冠词a, 则应考虑B选项, 此处答案为D, 意为“它因美丽的乡村而著称”。

(2) put up
① 举起,打开 ② 进行 ③ 建造,搭起 ④ 提高 ⑤ 张贴, 公布
试题:The wind became too strong, I had to put my tent ____.
A. up B. down C. on D. off
解析 put down 放下;拒绝;镇压
put on 穿上;假装;上演
put off推迟
答案 A

n.雪橇 vt.用雪橇运送 vi.乘雪橇
sled sledding sledded
refer referring referred
prefer preferring preferred
occur occurring occurred

1) adj.别的,其他的(置于疑问代词、不定代词后)
eg. ①.I’ve said I’m sorry, what else can I say?我已经说了 对不起,你还让我说什麽?
②.I’ve taken somebody else’s hat(=some other person’s hat.)我拿了别人的帽子。
eg. When else can we meet?我们可在其他什麽时候见面?

1) (u. n. )价值,重要性, 等价, 公平的代价(for)
eg.① This book is of great value.
= This book is very valuable.
②.We got value for our money. 我们的钱花的很值。
2)(c. n. /u. n.)价格,价值,交易价值
eg. The value of the American dollar has fallen.美金价格下跌了。
eg.I valued the car £10,000.我估这车值1万英镑。
注: 这辆车价值1万英镑。
The car is valued at £10,000.(正确)
The car is worth £10,000.( 正确)
The car values £10,000.( 错误 )
eg. I’ve always valued your friendship.我一向珍惜与你的友谊。

(6)allow vt.允许,准许
1)allow/permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
2)allow/permit (sb’s) doing sth. 允许(某人)做某事
3)allow sb. sth. 允许某人某事
4)allow sb. in/out 允许某人进入/出去
试题:The manager has ____ to improve the working conditions in the company.
A. accepted B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed
解析 accept 后不接不定式;allow 后也不接to do , 只说 allow doing/allow sb. to do, permit 和allow 相同。
答案 D
5)agree to do sth. 同意做某事
(7)lead to 通向,导致
eg.1. His carelessness led to his failure. 他的粗心导致了失败。
2. All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。
试题:Too much work and too little rest leads____.
A. illness B. disease C. to illness D. to be ill
解析 lead to “导致”,其中to 为介词,故选C。
答案 C

1)respect vt.尊敬,尊重
eg. He was such a selfless man, everybody respected him.
eg. Please allow me to express warm welcome to our respected friends.
eg.Students ought to show respect for their teachers.
3)短语:show/have respect for 对。。。表示尊敬(尊重)
试题:No girl who ____ herself would go out dressed like that.
A. expected B. respected C. liked D. enjoyed
解析 本句的大意是:能够自重的女孩子不会穿那样的服装外出,expect:期待,期望;like:喜欢;enjoy:喜欢, 娱乐;故答案为 B。
答案 B

(9)fight for
fight against 为反对….而斗争
fight with 同….斗争(同fight against)
eg.1.Britain fought with France against Germany in the Second World War.
2. The workers are fighting for their rights.
改错:You should be ready to fight for difficulties.
解析 应把for 改为against,意思是“你应当准备同困难作斗争”。

1.famous, popular
popular adj 大众的,流行的,受欢迎的
eg.popular songs=pop songs 流行歌曲
Popular science readings 科普读物
famous adj 著名的,出名的
eg. a place famous for its hot springs 以温泉出名的地方
试题:Fill in the blank with famous or popular.
The food is ____ with westerners.
解析 该句应译为“事物应该是受到西方人的欢迎”,所以此空格应填popular.

2.solo; alone; lonely
1)solo 1.n.独奏曲;独唱;单独表演
2)alone adj./adv. 独自,单独
3)lonely adj. 指人孤独寂寞;指地方荒无人烟;有着浓厚的伤感色彩。
试题:She lives alone ,but she doesn’t feel lonely.
4)value, price短语:1.all alone 独自,独立
2.leave/let…alone 听任,别打扰
3.let alone 更不用说
eg.The baby can’t even walk, let alone run.
注:alone 是个表语形容词。
eg. a lonely man(正确)
an alone man(错误)

3.value, price, cost 价值,价
1)value 常指物品本身的价值,有时也被用作“价格”,随市场行情而改变,因此在这种意义上一物的value 常指依赖于人的主观看法。
2)price 指价格,指商品出售时所定的价钱,尤指卖主所要求的价钱。
3)cost 指原价、成本,包括对某物所付出的一切费用、时间、劳力等的代价。
eg.1.Living costs are higher in cities than in the country.
2.The price is too high for its value.

4.lie lied lied lying 撒谎
lie lay lain lying 躺,位于
lay laid laid laying 放,搁,产卵,下蛋

5. at , on 和by
(1)at 用来表示某一时刻。如:
at dawn 在黎明
at six 在6点钟
at midnight 在午夜
at 4:30 在30分
(2)on 用来表示在星期几或上、具体某一天。如:
on Monday 在星期一
on 4 June 在6月4日
on Christmas Day 在圣诞节那一天
at night 在晚上
at Christmas 在对话节期间(不仅当天)
at Easter 在复活节期间(不仅当天)
on the morning/afternoon/evening/night of a certain date
  We arrived on the morning of the sixth.我们在6号早上到达。
(3)by a time /date :在某一时刻或在某一日期前。如:
The train starts at 6:10,so you had better be at the station by 6:10 .
另外,by 常常和完在时态连用。如:
By the end of July, I’ll have read all those books.

6..journey, trip 和 travel
(1)journey 适用范围很广,可指陆海空的旅行,常指距离远的旅行;trip指短时间、短距离的旅行,两者通常互换用,常与其搭配的动词有 make, take , go on 等。如:
The journey from Wuhan to Shanghai took me three days by ship.
They will make a journey/trip to Hong Kong . 他们将去香港旅行。
Have a pleasant journey/trip!祝你旅途快!
(2)travel 泛指旅游,前面一般不用冠词,复数形式travels 多指旅行经历,前面不能用many 和其他数词修饰。通常情况下,journey 和trip 强调往返性,而 travel 不侧重往返性,可以是单程旅行。如:
He likes travel very much .他非常喜欢旅游。
He wrote a book about his travels in South Africa.他写了一本有关他在南非旅行经历的书。

(1)across 通常指从表面“穿过”,“穿越”,与介词on 有关,常用在 field, street, road, square,
river, bridge 等词的前面。如:
They swam across the river in the dark.他们在黑暗中游过这条河。
(2)through 指从内部“穿过”,与介词in 有关,常用在wood, forest, crowd, valley, difficulties 等词的前面。如:Can you see it through the hole? 你能从这洞口中看到它吗?
Go through the woods and you’ll see a river. 穿过这片森林,你就能看见一条河。
8.think of ,think about 和think over
(1)作“考虑”或“想起”解时,think of 和think about 同义,可以互换。但作“对……有看法”或“评价”解时,只能用 think of 。作“仔细考虑”解时,只能用think over 。如:I am thinking about/of persuading Dad to stop smoking。
What do you think of the pop star?你认为这位流行歌星如何?
Think the problem over.仔细考虑一下这个问题。
(2)前两个短语是“动词+介词”结构,不能拆开使用,宾语必须置于介词后,而think over 是“动词+介词+副词”结构,可拆开使用,作宾语的名词置于副词 over 前的均可,但作宾语的代词必须置于over 之前。如:
I’m thinking of /about going abroad, but I haven’t decided yet.
Think it over, please.请仔细考虑一下这件事。(不能写成:Think over it ,please.)

9. used to , would
(1)used to 表示“过去常常”有“过去如此,现在不这样”含意。可以表示一种习惯也可以表示一种状态。如:
Today’s Shanghai is quite different from what it used to be .
I don’t smoke these days, but I used to 。 我现在不抽烟,但我以前常常抽。
(2)would 强调过去一段时间在与过去另一段时间相比之下经常发生的动作,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,用法比较单一。意思是“总是”,“总要”。如“
On Sunday he would go to call on the old man when he was young.

10. to , till/until
(1)作介词时,to 可以用于时间和地点之前; till/until 只用于时间之前。可以用from …to 或from…till/until结构。如:
They worked from five to ten/from five till ten .他们从5工作到10点。
但如果句中没有 from ,就要用 till/until 而不用 to :
Let’s start now and work till dark.。让我们现在开始工作一直到天黑。(这里不能用to .)
(2)till/until 常用在否定句中,其句为not … until/till, 意为“直到……才”。通常与非延续性动词连用,强调主句所表示的状态或情景直到until/till 所表示的时间才发生。如:
We didn’t get home till 2a.m. 我们一直到凌晨两点钟长到家。
He usually pays me on Friday but last week he didn’t pay me till the following Monday.他一般在星期五付给我钱,但一星期他一直到第二周的星期一才把钱给我。
(3)till/until 也常用作时间连词。如:
We’ll stay here till it stops raining . 我们将要呆在这里直到雨停了。
Go on till you come to the level crossing . 一直走到火车道口的地方。
注意:如果省略了you come to , 那么就要用to 来代替 till :
Go on to the level crossing. 一直走到火车道口的地方。
(4)用于句首时,多用until, 而不用 till .如:
Until you told me ,I had heard nothing of what happened.

No further explanation has been given by them so far 。
Bread and butter is what little John enjoys.小约翰喜欢吃涂有黄油的面包。
(主语加虽有and ,但应作为一个整体看待,即“涂了黄油的面包”。
Not only the parents but also James longs for a chance to visit China 。

Six months is too short a time to learn a language . 六个月时间太短,不能学会一门语言。
Twenty dollars is what he needs. 20美元是他所需要的。
(2)主语后跟with (together with ), as well as ,like ,but ,besides, except, rather than 等引导的词组时,谓语动词的数随主语而定。
Tom ,together with me is in the same class . 汤姆和我是同班同学。
No one except (but)you knows about the matter. 除了你没人知道这件事。
(3)当主语是each , every one of … ,everyone, someone, something ,anyone , anything ,
none, nothing ,another, neither, little, a little ,much 等,谓语动词用单数。
Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it .世上无难事,只怕有心人。
Much of what you have said has nothing to do with the topic. 你所说的大多与题目无关。
(4)单数名词作主语,若前面被many a ,more than one 等词修饰时,谓语动词用单数。如:
Many a pupil is busy preparing their lessons. 许多学生在准备他们的功课。
More than one example is necessary to make the students understand this rule clearly .
(5)当中心词是 all, some , any , enough, most , half , the rest , the great part of 等时,其主谓一致一般遵循意义一致原则:如果所指为复数意义,动词用复数;如果所指为单数意义支,动词则用单数。
Half of the building was damaged in the hurricane. 在飓风中这栋建筑物有一半遭到损坏。
Half of the books were written in Chinese. 这些书有一半是用汉语写的。
(6)由并列连词 either…or…,neither…nor…,not only …but also …,not…but …等连接两个主语时,谓语动词与后一个主语一致。
Either you or I am going to be sent there.. 你和我都要被派往那儿去。
Not the teacher but his two classmates have helped to settle it .
(7)a number of 与 the number of
a number of 表示“许多”,修饰可数名词,谓语动词用复数,可以用great, large 等修饰;the number of 意为“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数。如:
A great number of university students have volunteered to work in the west region of China.许多大学生已申请到中国西部去工作。
The number of university students who volunteer to work in the west region of China is increasing .申请到中国西部去工作的大学生数目正在增加。
(8)下列短语与单数名词连用时,谓语动词用单数。A great deal of ,a lot of ,lots of ,
plenty of ,a quantity of ,quantities of ,a large amount of 等。
A large amount of money is spent on food every year.
(9)由and 连接的两个单数名词作主语,若名词前有 every, each, no, many a 等修饰时,谓语动词用单数。
Every boy and every girl of the school takes an active part in physical training. 学校的一位男女生都积极参加健身。
No teacher and no student is admitted to the information center except on weekdays .只有在周末老师和学生才充许到信息中心。
(10)单复数相同的名词,如sheep , fish , deer ,swine , means 等作主语时,谓语动词的数必须根据具体意义而定。
The sheep is drinking there .那只绵羊正在那儿饮水。
The sheep are very fat .这些绵羊很肥。

(一)saying what he prefers
1.Do you like swimming more ? 你比较喜欢游泳吗?
2.Do you prefer the black pen or the blue pen? 你喜欢黑钢笔还是蓝钢笔?
3.Do you prefer to do the work all by yourself? 你宁愿一个人来做这项工作吗?
4.Which would you prefer, big or small? 你较喜欢哪一个,大的还是小的?
5.Would you prefer sending an e-mail to her ? 你更愿意给她发封电子邮件吗?
6.Would you rather stay here or go back home ? 你宁愿留在这儿,还是回家?
7.Which do you like better? 你更喜欢哪一个?
8.You like tea better than coffee, right ? 你喜欢茶胜过咖啡吗?
9.What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢哪一个科目?
10. Do you like football more than basketball ? 你最喜欢足球胜过篮球吗?

(二)Saying what you prefer
1.I like the red one better. 我更喜欢红色的。
2.I enjoy watching football match more than any other match..
3.His one is better for me .这个对我来说更好些。-
4. Collecting stamps is more fun to me .集邮对我来说更有趣。
5.I find Chinese dishes more to my taste.我觉得中餐更合我的口味。
6.I would prefer to go out for a picnic, if possible .
7.In my opinion, the best thing is to have a good rest .
8.I would rather watch TV at home .我宁愿呆在家里看电视。
9.My favorite English song is yesterday once more .




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