Unit 24 Useful expressions语言要点

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1. congratulate … on … 祝贺
I'd like to congratulate you on your successful performance. 对你们成功的演出,我表示热烈的祝贺。I want to congratulate you with all my heart on your good work in these two years. 我衷心地祝贺你在这两年中的出色表现。We congratulated him on having passed the examination.我们祝贺他通过了考核。可以用复数名词congratulations来表达祝贺,如:Congratulations on your success.祝你成功!
2. insist on 坚持; 坚持认为; 坚决要求
I insist on telling him how great you were. 我一定要告诉他你是多么了不起。I insist on his coming.我坚持要他来。She insists on my going with her.她坚决要我陪她一起去。
3. help … out 帮助某人坚决困难
Tom helps out in the store after school. 汤姆放学后帮店里做事。I've often helped Bob out when he's been in difficulties. 当鲍勃有困难时,我经常帮忙。
4. play a trick on … 捉弄 …
The children played a trick on their teacher. 孩子们捉弄了他们的老师。
动词trick常与into连用, 表示欺骗;坑人: He tricked me into giving him the money. 他哄骗我给了他钱。

Sentence patterns
I wish you every success in the future. 祝你未来一切成功。
I wish you + 名词/形容词,是用来表示“祝愿”的交际用语,常用在比较正式的场合。如:I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快! I wish you all the happiness. 祝你幸福。 I wish you success/luck/victory. 祝你成功/好运/胜利。 I wish you happy. 祝你快乐。
我们可以用I hope加一个宾语从句来表示同样的意思。如:I hope (that) you have a good journey. 祝你旅途愉快。 但是如果用I wish加that引导的宾语从句则表达一种虚拟,是一种愿望,很有可能无法实现,后面要用虚拟语气。如:I wish you could fly back to me! 但愿你能飞回到我身边! I wish you had told me earlier. 你要是早点告诉我就好了。

Language tips
1. I'm afraid I'm still not very good at it, though. 不过,恐怕我的汉语还是不够好。
It's hard work. I enjoy it, though. 这是件艰难的工作, 可是我还是喜欢它。I've a bit of headache. It's nothing much, though. 我有一点头痛, 不过并不厉害。He said he would come, he didn't, though. 他说他要来, 可是他并没有来。
2. It was a real pity! 太可惜了。
It's a pity that… 是表示遗憾的交际用语。这里的it是形式主语, 如: It's a pity that you didn't come. 很遗憾你没能来。It's a pity that you have to go so soon. 真遗憾你这么快就得走了。It was a pity that the weather was so bad. 天气这样恶劣, 真遗憾。
3. What a shame! 真遗憾!
= what a pity! 表示“遗憾”。What a shame +that从句 = It's a pity+ that从句。还可以跟不定式短语。如:---I can't go with you tomorrow. ---What a shame! What a shame that you have to leave so soon! 你这么早就走,真是遗憾!What a shame to treat you like that!
那样对待你,真是太不象话了!掌握shame的其它用法: Have you no shame? 你没有羞耻感吗? When his teacher told his parents about his behavior, he felt great shame.当老师告诉他父母他的行为时,他感到非常羞愧。He hung his head in shame.他因羞愧而低头。
4. Mr Brain has just heard Zheng Jie playing the piano in a concert.
hear sb doing sth表示听到某人正在做某事,强调动作正在发生;hear sb do sth表示听到某人做了某事,强调动作已经完成。如:I heard her sing.我听过她唱歌。(她唱过歌了) I heard her singing.我听到她在唱歌。(她正在唱歌) Last night he woke and heard the wind blowing. 昨晚我醒来,听到风在刮着。
5. Fortunately people want to come and hear me play, but I am getting very tired of travelling. 幸运的是,人们都想来听我演奏,但是我对旅行感到厌倦了。
be tired of sth 对……感到厌烦 = be no longer interested in,如:He is tired of living in the country. 住在乡下他已经感到厌倦了。I'm tired of the same food for breakfast every morning. 每天早上吃同样的食物,我已经感到厌倦了。Stop talking, please. I'm tired of your conversation.别说了,我讨厌你们的谈话。
6. It will be open to children with disabilities. 这所学校要对残疾儿童开放。
be open to sb 为谁开办,如:a school opened to the adults 成人学校;a library opened to students 为学生开的图书馆。The town gardens must be open to the public free of charge.
城里的花园应该对公众免费开放。我们还学过The new road will soon be opened to traffic.这条新马路不久就可通车。
7. None of the banks I spoke to were interested. 我去找过的银行中没有一家感兴趣。
none of...词组,表示“在……中没有一个(人、物)”。当这个词做主语时,后面的谓语动词既可以用单数,也可以用复数。但侧重表示“所有的人/物都不……”,即一个整体概念时,多用复数形式,而在表示“其中一个也不……”时,用单数形式更多些。例如:None of us are perfect. 我们大家都不是十全十美的。None of us is from Beijing. 我们这些人中没一个是北京人。None of the instruments are made in China. 这些乐器全都不是中国造的。None of the knowledge is valuable. 这种知识毫无价值。
8. You see, the school will be expensive to run and we shall need a lot of good teachers.
经营学校、公司等机构常用动词run: run a school办学校; run a company办公司
9. If I continue to play a lot of concerts over the next five year, I may be able to start a small    school. 如果在今后的五年内我连续举办一些音乐会,那么,我也许能够开办一个小型的学校。
start在这里作及物动词是“开始、创办事业”的意思。如:start one's journey 开始旅途;start work开始工作; start a business 创立事业; start a car 发动汽车
10. Could I drop in at your house after the concert, or would that be too late? 我可不可以在音乐会开完后去你家拜访?那会不会太晚了?
drop in 顺便来访,一般含有“没有事先通知,不速之客”的意思。drop in at…,拜访某家,drop in on sb.拜访某人:Uncle Tom often dropped in when he was in town. 汤姆叔叔来城里时常到我家来。Let's drop in at Mary's house. 咱们到玛丽家去看看吧!I'll drop in on my grandma this weekend. 这个周末我要去看看我奶奶。
11. Is he expecting you? 他是在等你吗?
本句expect表示“期待某人会来、某事会发生”。例如:I'II expect you for supper at six o 'clock sharp.我盼望你6点整来吃晚饭。I expect David home at 7 o'clock. 我期望大卫七点钟回家。虽然expect和wait for都有“等待”的含义,但expect主要指心理状态(it's a state of mind),有“期盼”的意思;而wait for则是一种行动(a real activity),指什么都不干,专门等待的意思如:expecting a telephone call 等电话; expects rain on Sunday 等待星期天下雨; The officer expected his men to do their duty. 军官期望他的部下尽职。
12. He just asked me to come round for supper. 他只是叫我过来吃晚饭。
come around 顺便到。如:Come around and see me this evening! 今晚来看看我!还可用come over:Would you like to come over? 你想过来吗?
13. Don't remind him. It was nothing. 不要向他提起这件事了。那是微不足道的。
remind后常跟of 短语remind sb of sth使某人想起某事。本句中的Don't remind him是Don't remind him of it的省略。例如:The play reminds me of the war years. 这个剧使我想起了战争年代。The photo reminded her of college days. 这张照片使她回想起了大学里的日子
remind还可以做“提醒”讲,后面可以跟名词、代词、不定式复合结构或跟宾语从句。例如:If I forget, please remind me. 要是我忘记了,请提醒我。Remind me to write to Mother. 提醒我给妈妈写信。
14. And you will have another supporter in me. 你还有另一个支持者,就是我。
in 在这里是“在…身上,在…上”,表示同一性(指supporter与me 是同一人)。如:You will always have a good friend in me. 我将永远是你的一位好朋友。
15. Let's drink to...是祝酒时的用语,介词to 后面跟名词,表示“为(某事)干杯”的意思,常用在不太正式的场合。比如: Let's drink to the health of Mr Brown. 让我们为布朗先生的健康干杯! Now, let's drink to the friendship between our two teams. 现在,为咱们两队的友谊,干杯!

Spring coming on, the trees turned green.
Our work having been finished, we went home.
The signal given, the bus started.
It being Sunday, the library was closed.
There being no buses, we had to walk home.
The key having been lost, he could not enter the room.
With the child leading the way, they had no trouble in finding the house.
Time permitting, we’ll visit the Summer Palace.
I have bought a new coat, the old one being worn out.
Liu Hulan died for the people, her deeds touching the hearts of millions of people.
The meeting over, we left the room. | The boys were making a snowman, hands red with the cold. | He sat there thinking, with his head ob his hand. | Flag on shoulder, the soldier rushed to the top of the building.
The tower looked beautiful with all the lights on.
Language record
In this unit I have learned to say in English:
Useful Expressions:
1.祝贺 2.祝……成功
3.捉弄 4.远道而来
5.混合式学校 6.核对号码
7.按……家的门铃 8.叫……过来吃晚饭
9.弹钢琴 10.以绘画谋生
11.开支票 12.给……找到资助




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