Unit 1 Good friends备课资料

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Unit 1 Good friends
1.What should a good friend be like?
What + be + sth / sb + like ?是用来询问某事/某人的有关情况的句型,多译为“...怎么样?”;如果主语是人时,则针对人的相貌或品行提问,多译为“...是...的一个人”。
What is the weather like today in Jinchang? It is windy here.
What was the American film like? Very interesting.
What is the new English teacher like?
What should your girl friend be like? She should be beautiful and honest.
2.I hate hiking and I'm not into classical music.
(1)hate=not like 不喜欢,不愿意,后接不定式或动名词。接不定式时表示一种具体的概念,指一时性的或特定的具体行动。接动名词形式时,表示一种笼统概念,指经常性的事,一般倾向,有时两种形式可以混用无太大区别。如:
I hate speaking before a big audience. I hate to say so,but really I have no time to go with you.
(2)注意classical music前没有冠词。用可数n.泛指某一类事物时,名词前不加冠词,如:
He likes cars,houses,music and drink.
2.Rock music is OK,and so is skiing.
(1)so/nor +be(助动词或情态动词)+主语,表示上下文叙述情形相同。若前面是否定句,就要用neither或者nor连接。如:I like playing basketball,so does he. I didn't go there,nor did Mary.
If you go to the cncert this evening, so will I and my parents. My father has never been to Britain, nor has my mother.
She is a student from that middle school. So am I.
(2)so+主语+be/助动词 /情态动词,主谓语不倒装,用于对上文的进一步的肯定或确认。如:
--The students work hard.--So they do. I thought they should finish the work before nine o'clock and so they did.
--I thought yoou wre a scientist. --So I am. --John did well in this examination. --So he did.
(3) 主语+be /助动词/情态动词+so 表示一人按照另一人的要求做了某事,译为“照办了”
My English teacher told me to hand out the papers he had marked,and I did so.
His mother wanted him to finish his homework right away but the boy didn't want to do so.
(4)So it is(或was)with. . . / It is / was the same with sb 表示上下文叙述内容相同,主要用于上下是不同的谓语或有肯定也有否定的情况。如: He is a student and studies in No.1 Middle School.So it is with her.
--He is quite lazy and never works hard at his lessons. --So it is with his elder sister.
3.Chuch is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.
so that 和so...that (1)so that可引导目的状语从句,从句中的谓语动词通常和can、may、shall等情态动词连用。另外,so that也可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果”,其前通常有逗号。试比较:
①They set out early so that they might arrive on time.他们早早出发为的是按时到达。 (目的状语从句)
②They closed the windows so that he shouldn't catch cold.他们关了窗,以便使他免受 凤寒之苦。(目的状语从句)
③He did not plan his time well,so that he didn't finish the work in time
④It was raining,so that we could not go out.当时正下雨,所以我们没能出去。(结果状语从句)
so + many/few+复数可数名词 + that…
+ much/little + 不可数名词
①He ran so quickly that I couldn't catch up with him.他跑得很快,以致于我赶不上他。
②Jack is so smart a boy that he can work out difficult maths problems quickly. 杰克很聪明,因而他能很快的解出数学难题。
③l've had so many falls that I'm Hack and blue aU over.我跌了这么多跤,以致于浑身青一块紫一块。
④There is so much room in the hall that it can hold many people.大厅里有很大的空间,因此能容纳很多人。
⑤So angry was Tom's mother at the news that she could hardly say a word.
4.He realizes that he hasn't been a very good friend,because he has always been thinking about himself.
(1)has/have been doing是现在成进行时的形式。现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时刻开始,一直延续到现在,有肯恩给刚刚结束,也有可能继续下去,它强调动作的连续性。而线在完成时表示动作发生在过去,现在已经结束,强调兑现在的影响和结果。如: I have been reading the book. I have read the book.
He has been writing the book recently. I don't know when he will finish it.
I have realized my mistake. Finally I realized what he meant. She realized her dream to be a doctor.
(3)"always"这个表示“经常”的频度时间状语与进行时连用,给现在的动作或过去的动作披上一层感情色彩,这个用法并不强调动作正在进行,试比较:He came home late. She was always coming home late.
5.Even though Wilson is just a volleyball,he bcomes fond of Wilson.
(1)词句中even though意为“即使......,尽管......”,用来引导让步状语从句,可置于主句前,也可置于主句后。如:
Even though you say so,I don't believe it.
He had to find ways that would make it possible for him to speak,read and write,even if/even though he could later only move the fingers of one hand.
(2)"becomes fond of"喜欢上,侧重于“不喜欢”到“喜欢”之间的转化。“be fond of"喜欢......,只是描写存在的状态。两个短语都为系表结构。如:When did you become fond of country music? I have been fond of country music for several years.
6.Chuck learns that we need friends to share happiness and suorrow,and that it is important to have someone to care about.He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.查克懂得了我们需要朋友来分享快乐,分担痛苦,并且能有一个自己关心的人是重要的。他也懂得以前应该多关心一下朋友。
(1)第一句中,谓语动词learn后跟两个that宾语从句,第二个宾语从句中,是由不定式作真正主语,it作形式主语的句型,即“It+be+adj.+(for /of sb.)to do sth."这种结构主要是为了是句子保持平衡,以避免头重脚轻。
It's difficult for us to pass CET4. It's important for us to learn English well. It' necessary for you to think carefully before you act.
It's kind of you to say so. It was foolish of him to give up the work. It's kind of you to help me.
(2) 在英语中,若构成 S + be + adj + to do 这一形式时,不定式常用主动形式表示被动意义。不定式和它前面所修饰的名词或代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系,又和该句的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系。
I have got a letter to write. I have many questions to answer. The books are difficult to read and heavy to carry.
She has several children to look after. Please give me a pen to write with.
(3)should have done 表示“本该做某事而没做”,含有责备、惋惜的意思。
You should have finished your homework at five o'clock. Jerry should have kept her word; I wonder why she changed her mind.
We shouldn't have told him the bad news. You see, he now is very sad.
1.through和 across
①Can you see it through the hole? 你能从这洞口看见它吗?
②Go through the woods and you'll see a river.穿过这片树林,你就能看见一条河。
③They swam across the river in the dark他们在黑暗中游过河。
2.alone 和 lonely
alone用作形容词,充当表语或后置定语,意为“独自的,单独的”。用作副词时修饰谓语动词作状语用。但 alore偶而也作“孤独”之意解。而 lonely只有形容词词性,可作前置定语也可作表语,作表语时指一种感觉,具有感情色彩,表示主观上因缺少朋友或独自一人而感到“孤独寂寞”,“冷清’,作定语时常修饰地点词,意为“偏僻的”,“荒凉阿’。如:
I am alone,but I never feel lonely. 我独居但我并无冷清之感。
The old man lives alone in the lonely small mountain village.那老人独自一人生活在荒凉的山村里。
3. one day, some day, the other day 和 another day
(l)one day= on a day past or future过去某一天;将来有一天;指几天前的一天也可用the other day;将来有一天,还可以用 some day,但some day只用于将来时态。如:
One day / On the other day his teacher askal ban to the teacbe office for workbook.有一天老师叫他去办公室取作业本。
Though we failed many times,we will succeed one day/some day.虽然我们失败了许多次,但总有一天我们会成功的。
(2)anothar day意为“改日,改天”,在句中作状语,指近期的某一天。I'll come to see you another day.我改日再来看你。
another day也可以表示过去某一动作或状态延续的“又一天”。 He stayed there for another day.他在那儿又呆了一天。
4.think of, think about和 think over
(l)作“考虑”或“想起”解时,think of和think about同义,可以互相替换。但作“对有...看法”或“评价”解时,只能用think of如:What do you think of the pop star?(认为这位流行歌星如何?)作“仔细考虑”解时,只能用think over。
(2)前两个短语是“动词+介词”结构,不能拆开使用,宾语必须置于介词后,而think over是“动词+副词”结构,可以拆开使用,作宾语的名词置于副调over前后均可,但作宾语的人称代词必须置于over之前。如:
①I'm thinking of/about persuading Dad to stop smoking. 我在考虑说服爸爸戒烟。
②What do you think of(不用 about)our English teacher?你对我们的英语老师有何看法?
③Think the problem over. = Think over the problem.仔细考虑一下这个问题。
④Think it over,please.(不能写成:Think over it.please. 请仔细考虑一下这件事。
⑤I'm thinking of/about going abroad,but I haven't decided yet. 我正考虑出国,但还没作出决定。
5. loud, aloud, loudly由作副词时的区别
①Please read the story aloud.请朗读这个故事。
②--What did you say? --Oh, nothing, I was just thinking aloud. “你说什么?”“哦,没说什么,我只是在自言自语。”
(2)loud的意思是“大声地”、“高声地”、“响亮地”。在动词后面,一般用loud,不用loudly,在非正式谈话中尤其如此。常与 Ioud连用的动词有talk, speak, shout, laugh等。如:
①He then laughed loud.然后他放声大笑。 ②Don't talk so loud.不要那么大声讲话。(此句中的loud可用loudly代替。)
(3)loudly的意思是“高声地”;有时可与 loud通用,但更多地含有“喧闹”的意味。
①Someone knocked loudly at the door.有人大声地敲门。
②When they were arguing,they talked so loudly that the people in the next room could hear every word.




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