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Ⅰ、构成:主语 + have/has +动词的过去分词+其它
just, never, ever (放在句中:即have/has 之后,实义动词之前),before,
⑴、I have already had breakfast.
⑵、Have you ever milked a cow?
⑶、I haven’t finished my homework yet.
⑷、She has just arrived.
⑸、I have never heard of that before.
+ 时间段;since + 时间点或since + 句子:
⑴、We have studied English for over 2 years.
⑵、We have studied English since 2002.
⑶、Tom has lived here since he moved to our village.
Ⅲ、特别注意:㈠、只有延续性动词才能和表一段时间的时间状语连用,如:be, have,
know, live, work, study, learn, teach, speak, talk, draw, wait, wear, walk,
⑴、I have worked here for 3 years/since 3 years ago.
⑵、He has known the singer since 5 months ago/for 5 months.
⑶、They have lived here since 1990/for 14 years.
㈡、短暂性动词不能和表一段时间的时间状语连用。如:come, go, arrive, reach, see,
hear, close, leave, begin, start, lose, buy, close, fall, join, die, get
短暂性动词 延续性动词 短暂性动词 延续性动词
fall asleep (ill) be asleep (ill) get to know know
begin, start be on open be open
buy have get up be up
die be dead go out be out
arrive, come be here, be in join be in, be a +名词
finish, end be over leave, move be away, be out of
borrow keep
Exercises: 根据上句写同义句:
1. She died two years ago.
= She has ________ __________ for 2 years.
= It is two years since she _______.
2. He borrowed a book 3 days ago.
= He _________ _________ a book for 3 years.
= It’s 3 days since he _________ a book.。
3. I bought a pen five days ago. = I _________ _________ a pen for 5 days.
4. My brother joined the army one year ago.
= My brother ________ _________ a soldier since one year ago.
= My brother ________ ________ in the army for 1 year.
= It ______ one year since my brother _________ the army.
5. My shop opened 3 days . = My shop ________ _________ _________ for 3 days.
6. He came back a week ago.
= He _______ ________ _________ for a week.
= It ________ a week since he _______ back.
7. She left here 2 days ago. = She _______ ________ _______ for 2 days.
8. She arrived 2 days ago. = She _______ ________ ________ for 2 days.
I haven’t seen him since 1997.
She hasn’t left home all his life.
㈣、对一段时间提问用how long.如:
I have lived here for 20 years. = _______ ________ have you lived here?
㈤、have/has been to 〔到(去)过某地〕与have/has gone to 〔到某地去了〕
Where is Jim? He ________ ________ _________ Beijing.
Where ________ you _________? I ________ ________ ________ Wuhan.
Where ________ she ________ ? She ________ ________ ________ Shanghai?
Translate the following sentences into Chinese
1、 他来这儿五天了。
2、 电影放映十分钟了。
3、 他曾三次到过北京。
4、 我从没去过长城。
5、 我借这本书两星期了。
6、 他们离开武汉四天了。
7、 他到哪儿去了? 到深圳去了。
8、 我父亲入党(the Party)十年了。
作者邮箱: shuyijun.89@163.com



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