2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之二(SBⅠ-Units 3-4)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

A. a little / little, between/among , still/yet/already, while.
B.except/except for/but, fly, love, not a/not any, through/ across, travel/journey/trip.
A.in English, written English, more or less, come about, the same…as / the same…that, for example /such as.
B. see sb. off , by bus, say“Hi”to, see sb. doing sth, be about to +inf., take off , for miles and miles, nothing except/nothing but
1.“主语+ have +(修饰语:no, little, some, much, great 等)+difficulty/ trouble+in+doing sth.”
2. I’d like to do something.
3. How about……?(=What about…?)
4. It is/was + adj .+ inf.
How + 形容词/副词+主语+谓语!
6. take与时间短语连用时有三种句型结构
Would you please say that again?
Sorry, I didn’t quite follow you.
Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said.
What do you mean?
What do you mean by that?
What dose this word mean?
What’s the meaning of this word?
Good luck(to you).
Wish you good luck/success.
May you succeed.
Have a nice /good time.
Have a good trip to Guang zhou.
—Have a nice weekend.
—The same to you.
—Happy birthday to you.
—Thank you.
1. pronounce t. i. 发……音;发音。名词形式为pronunciation.
①How do you puonounce the word?这个单词你怎么发音?
②This letter in the word doesn’t pronounce. 这个单词中的这个字母不发音。
2. however adv. 然而;但是。表示转折,起承上启下的作用。本身具有相对的独立性,通常逗号与句子其他部分隔开。
①He likes singing. He can’t sing very well, however. 他喜欢唱歌,然而唱不好。
②He didn’t agree with me ; however, he said nothing.他不同意我的看法,但他什么也没说。
3. follow t.
We followed the professor into the lab . 我们跟着教授走进了实验室。
Would you please say it again? I can’t follow you. 请再说一遍好吗?我没听懂。
4. know about/of : have information concerning 听说(关于……的事情);知道;了解。
Know vt. : have in mind as the result of experience or because one has learned 认识,知道。
①I don’t know the writer , but I know about him.我不认识那位作家,但我听说过他。
②I know him ,but I don’t know about him. 我认识他,但我并不了解他。
5.more or less 或多或少;大体上;大约。
①—How far is your family away from here?你家离这里多远?
—Ten kilometres ,more or less.大约10公里。
②The work is more or less finished. 这项工作大体上完成了。
6.come about: happen 产生;发生。相当于不及物动词,和happen, take place一样无被动语态。
①How did this accident come about ?这事故怎么发生的?
②I don’t know how the quarrel came about.我不知道怎么发生的争吵。
7. stay link-v. 保持;维持。后面通常接形容词作表语。
①The weather stays fine for three days. 天气好了3天了。
②The shop stayed open till six o’clock. 这家商店营业到6点。
8. a great/good many: a large number of许多。修饰可数名词复数。
I’m quite busy. I have a great many things to do. 我很忙,我有很多事要做。
若复数名词前有限定词或其修饰的为代词时,应加of .
①A great many of the books have been sold out. 已经卖了很多书了。
②A great many of them are out of work.他们很多人失业了。
9. and so on : etc 等等。用来表示列举,但又不一一列出。
He knows five foreign languages, English, French, Japanese and so on.他懂5种外语,如英语、法语、日语等等。
10. explain t. 说明;解释;讲解。
①He explained why he was late.他说明了迟到的原因。
②Please explain this exercise to me . 请把这个练习给我讲一讲。
11. separate
(1)adj. 分离的;分开的。
My little son wants a separate room. 我小儿子想要个单词。
(2) t. ; vi. 使分开;分离;隔开。常与from 搭配。
①Separate the bad apples from the good ones.把坏苹果和好的分开。
②England is separated from France by the Channel.英吉利海峡把英国和法国分隔开。
③We talked until midnight and then separated.我们一直谈到半夜,然后才分手。
12. in prep. 在……之后。用于“将来一段时间之后”。
① Your birthday is in two weeks’ time .你的生日还有两周。
② I’ll finish the work in 3 days/in 3 days’ time. 这两项工作我3天后完成。
① I’ll be back in 3 days.3天后我回来.
② I’ll be back after the New year. 新年后我回来。
13. when conj. (就在)这时、那时。用作并列连词,不能置于句首。
① I was listening to music when I heard someone knocking at the door. 我正在听音乐,这时听到有人敲门。
② I’ll call on you tomorrow, when I’ll explain it to you. 明于我去看你,那时我再向你说明那件事情。
14. by prep. 乘……。用来表示方式,其后的名词为单数,且不加冠词。
例如 by bike/bus/ car /taxi/train//road/railway/land/boat/ship/ water/ sea/
但:“步行”用on foot.
注意:若表示交通工具的名词前有限定词,则将by 改作in 或on.
in one’s/the car/ bus/plane etc.
on the bike
15. but prep. 除…之外。与except同义,除了的部分与其他部分不在一个范围内,不具有一致性。except适用场合较多,but 主要用于带有nothing/nobody/no one/all 等不定代词的句子。
①No one except/but you was late.除你之外没有迟到。(你迟到了)
②We all went to see a film yesterday evening except/but you.除你之外作天晚上我们都去看电影了。(你没去)
③That window is open except in winter .除冬天外那窗户一直开着。(冬天不开)另外,but后可接不不定式。如果句子前面有实义动词do及其变化形式时,不定式不带to; 否则不定式带to .
①I did nothing yesterday evening but watch TV。昨天晚上除看电视外我什么也没干。
②He had no choice but to leave.他只得离开。
注意:besides 也是介词,意为“除……之外(还有)”。除了的部分和其他部分在同一个范围内,具有一致性。
①We all went to see a film yesterday evening besides you.除你之外昨天晚上我们也都去看电影了。(你和我们都去了)
②Who is going there with Tom besides you? 除你之外还有谁和汤姆一起去?
16.price n. 价格。常用结构:
(1)at a high/low price以高价/低价
He is very happy because he bought a new car at a low price.因为低价买了一部新车,所有他很高兴。
—Your new car only cost you 20,000 dollars. It’s really cheap.你的新车只花了2万美元,真便宜。
—Yes, the price is very low indeed.是啊价格确实很低。
(3)提问price 时应用what(多少) 。
What’s the price of that dress?那件衣服多少钱?相当于:How much is that dress?/How much 需用what提问“多少”的还有population/area/size/length/width/height/weight等名词。
17. destroy t.毁坏;破坏;毁灭。
①Don’t destroy the box .It may be useful.不要弄坏这个盒子,可能还有用。
②The whole building was badly desdtroyed by the fire.整幢楼房都被大火严重烧毁了。
18.see…off 为…送行。
① Is anybody seeing you off ?有人送你吗?
②Tomorrdow I must go to the airport to see my brother off .明天我得到机场为我哥哥送行。
(1)the (United)States美国。
(2)for the first time第一次。
(3)take /have an exam 参加考试。
(5)written/spoken English英语书面语/口语。
(6)answer/key to………的答案/钥匙。
(7)in the same way 以同样的方式;用同样的方法。
(8)bring in 带进来;引入;吸收.
(9)one’s own/native language某人的母语/本族语。
(10)ask(sb.)for sth .(向某人)要……。
(12)go on holidays去度假
(13)take a taxi/bus /train/plane/lift乘出租车/汽车/火车/飞机/电梯。
(14)have a nice/good /wonderful/pleasant time过得输快;玩得开心。
(15)have a nice/good/pleasant trip/journey旅途愉快;一路顺风。
(16)in the middle of 在……的中央/中心。
(17)by the river 在河边。
(18)all night /day long整夜/整天;all the year round 整年;一年到头。
(19)shout at 朝/向……大喊。
(20)take off 起飞;land着/登陆。
(21)move on 继续移动/迁移。
(22)be made from/of 由……制成的。
(23)get/be back 回来。
(24)a friend of mine (名词性物主代词)我的一位朋友。
a friend of my father’s (名词所有格)我父亲的一位朋友。
1. have/find + difficulty/trouble + (in)doing sth ./ with sth.
There be + difficulty/trouble + (in) doing sth./with sth.
其中的difficulty和trouble为不可数名词;doing前的介词in 可省略。
①I have some difficulty(in)pronouncing some English words.有些英语单词我发音有困难。
②Everyone in the town knew him; so we had no difficulty(in) finding his house。镇上所有的人都认识他,所有我们毫不费力就找到了他的家。
③The boy had little difficulty with maths.这孩子学数学没困难。
④There was much difficulty (in) finding him.好不容易才找到他。
2. would like 想要;愿意;希望。用来表示愿望,常用结构:
(1)would like sth.
Would you like some beer?想喝点啤酒吗?
(2)would like to do sth.愿意、想要做某事。
①He’d like to go there but he is too busy.他想到那里去,但太忙了 。
②I would/should like to study medicine and become a doctor.我想学医当医生。
—Would you like to drink some beer? 想喝点啤酒吗?
—Yes ,I’d like to .好吧,喝点。
(3)would like sb.to do sth.想要、希望别人做某事。并不是主语做。
①I would like her to stay in the company.我希望她留在公司里。
②I’d like you to lend some money to him.我想要你借点钱给他。
3.the same (…)as…和/同……一样。same之前总是带定冠词
①Jenny looks the same as before.詹妮看起来和以前一样。
②He is the same age as his wife.他和他妻子同龄。
③I have the same opinion as you(have).我和你意见一致。
4.I’m sorry(that)…很抱歉……。是自认为表现欠妥或做事失误时的道歉用语,其后的从句说明道歉的内容和原因。
①I’m sorry I can’t answer the question.对不起我不会回答这个问题。
②I’m sorry that I broke your glass.很抱歉我把你的杯子打破了。
5. Do give her my regards.请一定代我她问好。
助动词 do 及其变化形式可在肯定句中用来强调动词,意为“务必;一定;的确;真的”,加强了句子的语气。
①Do be careful! 一定要小心
② I do like you.我真的喜欢你。
③She does work very hard.她学习确实很努力。
④—Why didn’t you tell him?你为什么不告诉他?
—I did tell him.我告诉他了。
6.The same to you : I wish you the same .希望您也如此。
①— Have a good time.祝你愉快。
—The same to you.祝你愉快。
②—Merry Christmas and Happy New year. 祝你圣诞快乐、新年幸福。
—The same to you .祝你也快乐、幸福。
但:—Happy birthday to you.祝你生日快乐。
—Thank you.谢谢。
如果双方同一天生日,就用The same to you.
7.say “Hi/Hello”to somebody 向某人问候。
类似的还有:say“Yes/OK/No”to sb./sth.同意/不同意……
say“Good-bye”to sb.向某人告别。
Say“Sorry”to sb .向某人道歉。
After saying “Good-bye”to us, he left hurriedly.和我们道别之后,他匆匆离开了。
8.be about to do sth. 正要、即将做某事。是将来时的一种表达方式,表示最近的将来。
①I was about to go to bed when he called.我正要去睡觉,这时他打来了电话。
②When I saw Tom, he was about to get on the bus.我看到汤姆,他正要上汽车。
注意:be about to 通常不用于带有具体时间状语的句子,但可用be going to 表示。
①Hurry up! They are about to start.快点!他们就要走了。
②Hurry up! They are going to start at 10 o’clock.快点!
9.see sb. doing sth . 看到某人正在做某事(看到动作的一部分。)
see sb. do sth . 看到某人做过某事(看到了动作的全过程。)
①I saw him crossing the treet.我看到他正在过马路。
②I saw him cross the street.我看到他过了马路。
当用到不定式作宾语补足语时,不定式不带to .但在被动句中不定式须带to 。
He was seen to fall suddenly from the tree.人们看到他突然从树上掉了下来。
10.Isn’t it easier to stay in the same place ?留在原地难道不更舒服一些吗?
① Don’t you know my address?难道你不知道我的地址吗?
②Can’t you speak English?你难道不会说英语吗?
③Isn’t it happy to live with us ?莫非和我们生活在一起不快乐?
11.It takes sb. some time to do sth .做某事花某人时间。其中的It 是形式主语。代替后面的不定式(短语)。
①It will take us a whole week to travel through the forest. 穿过这片森林得用我们一整周时间。
②It took them 3 days to finish the work.干完这项工作用了他们3天时间。
1. We all write _____, even when there’s not much to say.(94年高考题)
A.now and then B.by and by
C.step by step D.more or less
解题思路:根据选项,B项意为“不久”,C项是“逐渐地”,D项是“或多或少”的意思,根据句子意思B、C、D不合题意,而A项now and then意为“不时”“有时”,相当于sometimes,from time to time,根据关键信息even when there’s not much to say 的提示,故选 A。
2.If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any diffic-ulty,_____ great it is .(95年高考题)
A. what B.how C.however D.Whatever
解题思路: 全句意思是:“无论困难多大,只要我们有坚强的意志都能克服”,根据题意,是考查让步状语从句,排除A、B项,C、D 选择,D项whatever不修饰形容词,只有however修饰形容词,“无论多么……”的意思,故选 C。
3._______mother will wait for him to have dinner together(97年高考题)
A.However late is he B.However late he is
C.However is he late D.However he is late
解题思路:根据句子的结构与选项,本题考查however 引导的让步状语从句的语序,其语序应是“however+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语+其他,”故选 B。
4.I don’t really work here;I ______until the new secretary arrives(94年高考题)
A.just helped out B.have just helped out
C.am just helping out D.will just helped out
解题思路:根据题意,I don’t really work here 是关键信息,从而推出“我是在这里帮忙,一直到新秘书来。现在进行时是表示在现阶段或讲话的时刻正在进行的动作。”
5.The whole family_______to Guangzhou for holidays tomorrow.
A.is going B. are going C.goes D.went
解题思路:根据题中tomorrow这个关键信息,本题应用将来时态,the whole family表示整个家里的人,强调个体,其谓语动词用复数,故选B。
进行时表将来在英语中多用于移位动词:go ,come, arrive, leave,start 等词。
1.botany A.astonish B.nobody C.done D.stone
2.major A.mayer B.manager C.garage D.grey
3.captain A.certain B.curtain C.mountain D.said
4.owner A.allow B.crowded C.coat D.flower
5.seize A.practise B.increase C.raise D.horse
6. The Arab insisted that he_______never_______the camel.
A.should,see B.has,seen C.had,seen D.was,seen
7. He was all_______when he began his new job.
A.at sea B.at the sea C.by sea D.on the sea
8. You’ll suffer one day_______your insolence(无礼)?
A.for B.from C.of D.about
9. I suggest_______it in a different way.
A.to do B.doing C.do D.done
10. When the dog attacked me,I_______myself with a stick.
A.defended B.defeated C.guarded D.protected
11. The castle was taken_______surprise.
A.in B.by C.to D.with
12. The Americans_______the British in 1781.
A.defeated B.beated C.won D.gained
13. After the war Cook married and_______home in London.
A.set up B.put up C.built D.founded
14. -Who told you about Dad’s illness?
-The doctor in_______.
A.connection B.turn C.public D.charge
15. -I have just had my watch repaired.
-How much did they_______for that?
A.cost B.charge C.spent D.take
16. As well as_______his leg,he hurt his arm.
A.breaking B.break C.broke D.to break
17. Tom as well as his friends_______fond of music.
A.is B.are C.were D.have been
18. He came here_______purpose to borrow money from you.
A.for B.with C.to D.on
19. Madame Curie worked hard_______the unknown matter.
A.to hind B.for search of C.in search of D.in search
20. It is good manners to make_______for the old.
A.place B.seat C.room D.position
21. Early in the morning I often find the glass_______with little drops of water.
A.cover B.covering C.to cover D.covered
22. He heard of an elephant,but never saw_______.
A.that B.it C.one D.the one
23. The train is heading_______Beijing.
A.for B.to C.at D.from
24. Thus we had to_______getting rid of the smoke.
A.set out B.set off C.set up D.set about
25. Is this research centre_______you visited the modern equipment last year?
A.where B.that C.the one that D.the one where
A certain student passed all his examinations.Then he went to college to continue his 26 .There he put down his 27 for a course in geography,but after the first 28 ,he did not go to it any more.
The geography lecturer 29 that this student was always 30 and thought that he had changed to another course,so he was 31 when he saw the boy’s name on the 32 of students who wanted to take the geography 33 at the end of this year.
The lecturer had prepared a 34 examination paper,which followed his 35 very closely,and he was 36 to see how this student would answer the question.He 37 that the boy’s answers would be very bad,but when they 38 him soon after the exam and he examined them 39 ,he was able to find only ne small mistake in them. 40 this surprised him very much,he 41 the paper again and again but was 42 not able to find more than that one small mistake so he 43 for the student to question him about his work.
When the student came into the room and sat down,the lecturer said to him.“I 44 that you came to my first lecture and you have been absent from all the 45 .But now I have examined your 46 very carefully and I have been able to find only one small mistake in it.I am 47 to know your explanation for that.”
“Oh,I am very 48 about that mistake,”answered the student.“After the examination,I 49 what I ought to have 50 .I would not have made that mistake if I had not been confused(搞乱)by your first lecture.”
26.A.classes B.studies C.researches D.work
27.A.request B.lecture C.time D.sight
28.A.week B.lecture C.visit D.game
29.A.heard B.noticed C.wondered D.believed
30.A.absent B.late C.lazy D.careless
31.A.surprised B.angry C.pleased D.regretful
32.A.exam-papers B.list C.desk D.letters
33.A.subject B.test C.notes D.course
34.A.simple B.difficult C.secret D.strange
35.A.compositions B.reports C.lectures D.texts
36.A.sure B.worried C.glad D.eager
37.A.hoped B.discovered C.expected D.checked
38.A.showed B.gave C.handed D.reached
39.A.hurriedly B.carefully C.anxiously D.quickly
40.A.So B.But C.Though D.As
41.A.enjoy B.examined C.marked D.kept
42.A.still B.certainly C.even D.luckily
43.A.cared B.searched C.sent D.looked
44.A.promise B.know C.advise D.guess
45.A.others B.turn C.courses D.ones
46.A.lesson B.paper C.notebook D.exercises
47.A.disappointed B.easy C.satisfied D.curious
48.A.sorry B.sad C.nervous D.worried
49.A.realized B.understood C.remembered D.insisted
50.A.done B.made C.written D.got
Many people come to big cities without any aims.They often think that they will find work and excitement there.Some of them expect success in arts and in the theatre,but others just want to be in a place where there are always lot of activities.Many of them end up working as office workers or factory workers.Some end up without any job at all.
Lenny Leggs had been in Los Anegles for three years.He was brought up in a small town.He dropped out of school when he was fifteen.The next year he got on a bus to Los Angeles.He had only fifteen dollars in his pocket when he arrived in the city.He had good luck in the beginning.After a few weeks he got a job at a gas station.He kept the job nearly two years.Then the boss sold the station and Lenny was fired.He has been looking for a job for quite some time but can’t find any.Lenny sometimes thinks about going back home.But he stays on because he tells himself his luck will change tomorrow or the day after.
51. A lot of people coming to large cities_______.
A.cannot tell what they’ll do
B.can find a place with activity
C.are sure to find jobs
D.are to succeed in arts and in the theatre
52. What is the result to“some of the people”who come to big cities?
A.Most of the people become factory of office workers
B.They have succeeded in the theatre and in arts.
C.They can not find any kind of work in the end.
D.Some of them have to leave the big city and go back home.
53. Lenny Leggs left his native place to Los Angeles_______.
A.when he was seventeen years old
B.before he had finished school
C.when he had been brought up in his hometown
D.after he dropped out of school at the age of sixteen
54. At about 19,Lenny Leggs_______.
A.had a little money with him when he reached the city
B.found a job shortly after he got to Los Angeles
C.was hired by the boss to work at the gas station
D.was out of work in Los Angeles
55. Lenny Leggs stays on in the city after he lost his job because_______.
A.he is certain that the boss will find him a job
B.he got some dollars and needn’t look for a job in a hurry
C.he always hopes he’ll soon have good chances
D.he’s sure about finding work at any time
By now you have learned to plan and write a paragraph carefully so that it says what you think clearly and completely.But the job of writing a good paragraph does not end there.One more important step must be taken.Checking for careless mistakes.You must examine what you have written to make sure it is the best you can do and to get rid of mistakes you can find two things are important to remember;checking to make sure that your ideas are clearly presented,and checking closely for certain mistakes you may have missed.
First,read your paragraph aloud in order to hear how it sounds.This will help you find your mistakes in your paragraph.If you are embarrassed at the thought of reading your own paper aloud,find a quiet place,and read quietly to yourself,If you have no worry about reading aloud,it is often helpful to read to someone else—someone who can tell you if your paragraph should “make sense”and if you have any mistakes.
Second,read(aloud or silently)the paper through again several times-looking for a different type of mistake with each reading.You must read it a number times in order to catch all the mistakes you probably make.
56. When you are to write a paragraph,first_______.
A.you should check what has been written
B.you try to find the mistakes in your article
C.you should form a plan of what you are going to write about
D.you should read your paragraph aloud
57. “…checking closely for certain mistakes you may have missed”means“_______.”
A.examining carefully the mistakes which have not been in your article
B.looking at your mistakes on the paper very closely
C.going over your article and picking up the mistakes which you did not notice
D.missing the mistakes which you lost in your article
58. Read your article aloud before the public_______.
A.if you are mistaken
B.if you are brave enough
C.if you feel shy
D.no matter whether you are brave or not
59. “Make sense”means“_______”.
A.can be understandable   B.build up the sense of hearing
C.check up your mistakes   D.do without any mistake
60. The purpose of reading your paragraph several times is_______.
A.to find the grammatical mistakes
B.to form the logical idea as well as picking the mistakes in the article
C.only to see whether it sounds better
D.to make sure if your idea is clear enough
In 1801,Thomas Jefferson became President of the United States,which then included sixteen states that lay east of the Mississippi River,France controlled the large area in the centre of the continent,which was known as the Louisiana territory,and the land west of the Rocky Mountains was primarily under Spanish Control of the North west was disputed(争论)by England,Russia,Spain,and the United States.Jefferson,a leader with foresight,believed that it would do good to the United States to own the rich land.In addition,the port cities at the mouth the Mississippi River were controlled by France.Jefferson regarded this as possible danger to the U.S.economy and to national safety,so he went to Napoleon with an offer to buy the land.
Napoleon agreed to sell the land for $ 15 million,which ended up just a few cents an acre.He decided to give up his holdings in America,which he had just won from Spain,so that he could raise money to conquer(占领)all of Europe.
61. Thomas Jefferson bought the land for_______reasons.
A.1 B.w C.3 D.4
62. From the passage we know that the Louisiana Territory_______.
A.was under Spanish control
B.was the land east of the Mississippi River
C.lay west of the Rocky Mountains
D.formed the western part of the Mississippi valley
63. What is untrue according to the passage_______.
A.The land was rich
C.The land was first controlled by Spain
C.Thomas Jefferson was the president of the 18th century
D.Napoleon sold the land very cheaply
64. -Why did Napoleon agree to sell the land?
A.the land was very poor         B.it was an act of friendship
C.he wanted to get America’s support   D.he had the ambition(野心)for Europe
65. What is the title for the passage?
A.Thomas Jefferson’s Foresight      B.The Form of the U.S.A
C.The Louisiana Purchase(购买)      D.The Louisiana Territory
There is reason to believe that when teachers feel that certain child will do well in school,that child will in fact to do well.The self-fulfilling prophecy-a phenomenon(现象)by which people act as they are expected to-has been recorded in many different situations.
In the Oak School experiment,some teachers in the California elementary school were told at the beginning of the term that some of their pupils has shown unusual potential(潜力)for intellectual(智力的)growth.Actually,the children,who were called potential bloomers had been chosen aimlessly.There was certainly no basis for thinking that their IQs(智商)would rise any more than those of any other children.But on the tests several months or more later,many of the selected children-especially the first and second graders-showed unusual gains IQ scores.Besides,the teachers seemed to like the “bloomers”better.
66. According to the passage,these children experienced_______.
A.no change in their IQ scores   B.actual increase in IQ scores
C.several experiments        D.different situations
67. The gains of the“bloomers”were greatest if intellectual growth were chosen on_______.
A.third or fourth grade
B.six or seven grade
C.eighth or ninth grade
D.first or second grade
68. The children named as having potential for intellectual growth were chosen on_______.
A.the basis of their IQ scores
B.no basis
C.the basis of the teacher’s reports
D.the basis of their work in school
69. What does the author think of the phenomenon“the self-fulfilling prophecy”?_______.
A.He believes that it is true
B.He thinks that there is no basis
C.We don’t know
D.He doesn’t know
70. What do you think is the cause of the children’s increases in IQ scores? The increases of the children’s IQ scores is that_______.
A.the teachers liked the children
B.the children had shown unusual potential for intellectual growth
C.the pupils acted as they were expected to by their teachers
D.the pupils were in Grade One or Grade Two
John:My Boss told me you would never go to work again.
Mary: 71 .
John:I don’t know he let me never go to work again.
Mary:Did you usually go to work late?
John: 72 .
Mary:When you did your work, 73 .
Mary:How did you look at the clock on the wall.
John: 74 .
Mary:Could you use a computer?
John:No,I can only use a typewriter.
Mary:Well,I think I know why. You did not use your time well.You did not plan things
   well. 75 .
John:I see.I think I must work harder and learn to use a computer soon.
A.did you think about other things?
B.you did not learn new things.
C.Don’t tell a lie.
D.Every ten minutes.
E.Well,I often did.
F.It was a short time.
G.I can’t believe it.
76.It was a_______to see te animals that are found nowhere else in the world.
77.To d_______our motherland is our duties.
78.We always c_______National Day that first of October of every year.
79.S_______or swim,I will try.
80.Man is a t_______animal.
81.I saw six_______(商人)get on the ship.
82.Who has eaten the_______(饼干)on the table?
83.The thief forced a_______(通道)through the crowd and ran away.
84.The big boy took the_______(较大的)part of the apple.
85.They are“old hands”_______(熟练的)at their jobs.
  Tom loved the movies.He spent most of his time see 86._______
films,and often took afternoons off from work to go to 87._______
the movies.If there was a particularly good film on,
nothing could stop him go to see it. 88._______
  One day he was sitting in the movie theatre watched 89._______
his favorite movie stars in the screen when a young 90._______
woman steped into the theatre and came up to him.She was
dressed in a wedding gown and carrying some flowers. 91._______
“Tom”,she cried angry.“What are you doing here? Don’t 92._______
you know what day is?” 93._______
“Yes,of course I do.”he replies,“but I told you I’d 94._______
come only if there wasn’t good film on.” 95._______

76.astonishing 77.defend 78.celebrate 79.Sink 80.thinking 81.merchants 82.biscuit 83.passage 84.major 85.skilled 86.see-seeing 87.√ 88.go-going 89.watched-watching 90.in-on 91.steped-stepped 92.angry-angrily 93.is-it is 94.replies-replied 95.good-a good
Ⅵ.One possible version:
Always Ready to Help Others
On Children’s Day,Li Lei saw some children buying balloons.Thinking of his disabled classmate Wang Ping,for whom it wasn’t easy to come out to do the shopping,Li Lei chose four coloured balloons,on which he wrote:Celebrating Children’s Day.Then he went to Wang Ping’s home with the balloons,and gave them to him as a gift.After that,Li Lei took him to the celebrations in the park.When the celebrations were over,he took Wang Ping back home.
Such is Li Lei,a good Young Pioneer.He is always ready to help others,especially those disabled ones.




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