2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之九(SBⅠ-Units 17-18)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

nature invitation
alive accept
greatly worth
sick ball
common continue
similar include
increase valuable
disappear match
equipment recognize
period scene
research palace
protect diamond
paint thief
discription government
steal belt
pretty case
happiness exactly

at present 目前 year by year 年复一年
one day 有一天 after all 毕竟
call on 拜访(某人) day and night 日日夜夜
pay back 归还 at the most 至多
not…any more 不再
It is hoped…/Good luck with your trip.
used to do sth./That sounds a good idea.
would like/love to do sth.
I’m sorry I don’t think I know you.
It cost sb.100yuan.
She married a man with a lot of money.
I hope you weren’t ill.
Why are you making this journey?
Where are you travelling to?
How are you getting there?
How long will it take you to complete the trip?
What is the purpose of your new project?
We are trying to collect money for a wildlife project.
We want to …so that…
Excuse me, I’ve lost a case.I wonder if it’s been found.
Can you describe the case?
Yes, it’s.
Where have you been all these years?
What happened?
Have times been hard for you?
1.increase v.& n.(使……)增长/加

Travel can increase our knowledge of the world.
The number of students in this school has increased to 3,000.
The population of the area increased by 5% last year.
an increase in production/ number/population.
2.common adj.共同的;一般的;公共的
A great interest in music was common to them.
The common people in those days suffered a lot.
We work for the common good.
3.[辨析] alive/living/live/lively
The fish is still alive/living.那条鱼还活着。
Keep him alive, please.请让他活下去吧。
He is the only man alive in the accident.
a living plant 活的植物
The living will go on with the work of the dead.活着的人将继续死者的工作。
a live tiger 一只活老虎
a live show/broadcast/TV program
a lively child 活泼的孩子
a lively discription 生动的描述
a way of making one’s classes lively 使课堂生动的方法
4.[辨析] year by year/year after year
year by year(=every year)强调逐步转变的过程,“逐年(变化)”。
They liked the cold wet weather there and their number increased year by year.
The population increasing year by year.
Year after year(=for years)强调“逐年不断、重复,年年(重复)”。
Don’t plant the same crop in the same field year after year.

It is hoped that our team will win the game.
It is said that the strange old man is a great artist.
It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.
It is reported in the papers that the president of the U.S.A will arrive next Monday.
6.recognize vt.辨认出;承认
Do you recognize his hand writing ?
They recognized him to be a great leader.
He didn’t recognize that he had made a big mistake.
8.all adj .,adv.一切的,完全;n.一切
9.marry vi.vt.结婚,嫁或娶

She married very early/well.
Jane iis going to marry John.简就要嫁给约翰了。
—Is she married?她结婚了吗?
—Yes, she has been married for five years.
She was married to a doctor.她和一个医生结了婚。
He married his son to a rich lady.
10.continue v.继续
They rain continued for three days.雨连续了3天。
They continued their game after lunch.
He continued writing /to write late into the night.
The weather continued cold.天气持续寒冷。
题1 Shortly after the accident, two ______ police were sent to the spot to keep order.
A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of
分析: two 为关键词。数词及many, several, a few 等与dozen, hundred, thousand,million等词连用时,这些词一不能用复数,二不能接of。
题2 The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets_____.
A. was booked B. had been booked
C. were booked D. have been booked
题3 I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.(NMET 2002)
A. at last B. in case C. one again D. in time
分析:A、B、C、D四个短语意义各不相同,A“最后”;C“再一次”;D“及时”;B“以防;万一”。从句意来看,应选in case, 因为句子暗示“带一些钱以防(备用)”之意,相当于:I’ll bring some in case I need money.
题4 Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise.
,our minds are developed by learning.(上海 2000)
A. Probably B. Likely C. Similarly D. Generally
分析:句中是将our minds与our bodies相类比。因此,应用“相似地,类似地”。
题5 A new cinema _____ here. They hope to finish it next month.
A. will be built B. is built
C. has been built D. is being built
分析:由后句的“They hope to finish it next month”可知“新电影院在建”,即应用进行时态。又因为build同cinema之间存在被动关系,故应用被动语态的进行时。
题6 Jack London , for______ life had once been very hard, was successful later.
A. which B. whom C. whose D.that
分析:句意为:杰克•伦敦的生活曾一度非常艰难,但后来却相当成功。该句中间部分是一个非限制性定语从句,其中,介词for是由后边提前的,相当于whom life had once been very hard for,另外,life 在此作“生活”讲,为泛指的抽象名词,前边不需加什么词。
答案: B
题7 He changed his mind for the second time, after _____I refused ever to go out again.
A. what B. that C. all D. which
分析:after which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,which指代逗号前整个句意。
题8 You look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago. How do you_____ so young?
A. change B. grow C. become D. stay
题9 —Oh, it’s you! I_____ you.
—I’ve just had my hair cut,and I’m wearing new glasses.
A. didn’t recognize B. hadn’t recognized
C. haven’t recognized D. don’t recognize
题10 My uncle _____ until he was forty- five.(上海2000)
A. married B. did’t marry
C. was not marrying D. would marry
分析: marry 为终止性动作动词,故不能用行时,即不能选择选项C。当终止性动作动词同until连用时,应用其否定形式。
1.fortunate A.victory B.factory C.future D.beauty
2.glance A.ache B.balance C.plant D.base
3.cheer A.appear B.stare C.fire D.repair
4.delighted A.envy B.require C.ache D.sudden
5.fully A.future B.run C.busy D.put
6. Do you think he’ll do it_______?
A.in all  B.after all  C.at all  D.above all
7. In the darkness Tom stepped_______banana skin and_______.
A.on;fell over  B.in;fell down  C.to;fell down  D.on;fall over
8. I cheered so loudly at the match that I completely_______.
A.lost heart  B.lost weight  C.lose my way  D.lost my voice
9. I_______at my watch and________that it was time I left.
A.stared;knew  B.looked;saw  C.glared;recognized  D.glanced;realized
10. The first thing to do is_______breakfast.
A.have  B.to eat  C.to take  D.having
11. Children are lovely,but they_______be tiring.
A.can  B.must  C.will  D.should
12. By the time he was ten,he_______already_______his experiments.
A.was;doing  B.had;done  C.was;beginning  D.would;do
13. It was only when I reread his poems recently_______I began to appreciate their beauty.
A.until  B.that  C.then  D.so
14. The boy rushed out of the room and knocked_______me suddenly.
A.in  B.into  C.on  D.onto
15. The teaches are_______the term exams.
A.preparing for the students for    B.prepared the students for
C.ready the students for        D.preparing the students for
16. _______the good news,he jumped with joy.
A.When he heard  B.When hearing  C.on hearing  D.All of the three
17. It is our duty to_______our motherland against enemies.
A.defend  B.protect  C.guard  D.care
18. I lent her my camera just_______friendship.
A.out of  B.with  C.through  D.from
19. We were_______to find the children so happy in that kindergarten.
A.delighted  B.delighting  C.being delighted  D.delight
20. Fuel like oil and coal_______much heat.
A.give out  B.gives out  C.are given  D.give off
21. There_______more than one answer to your question.
A.is  B.is going to have  C.are  D.being
22. -How much money did you spend last month?
-As much as there_______.
A.were  B.has  C.was  D.have
23. Our aim and end_______the four modernizations.
A.is to realize  B.is to come true  C.realize  D.comes true
24. _______many times,but he still doesn’t know how to do it well.
A.Told  B.Being told  C.Having been told  D.He had been told
25. This is one of the problems.That_______.
A.badly need solving       B.much needs to be solved
C.badly needs solving      D.greatly need to solve
  Sun Wukong,in the guise of an overseas Chinese,Mr Sun,looked 26 the bus window and saw a Xian street scene entirely 27 from 28 he used to see in Changan.Not a 29 of the old Tang capital 30 .On the 31 of the imperial palaces and lords’ mansions, 32 he could remember, 33 tall buildings housing markets of all kinds,department stores,restaurants,beauty parlors,bookshops,groceries 34 many other stores. 35 interesting were the people who dressed 36 from the Changan people 37 the Tang days. Men 38 wore long robes,flowing sleeves and tall hats, 39 short tight clothes or uniforms of many kinds-army uniform,workers’ uniform,students’ uniform---some young men wore western dress. 40 long gown 41 long sleeves as the Tang ladies,they had dresses of different colours Chinese or foreign.No woman 42 a hair style like the Tang court ladies.Most of them 43 had short straight-combed or perm hair,or two short plaits,tied with ribbons,some had long hair flowing 44 shoulders and back. 45 impressed Wukong most was 46 everyone 47 to be busy---carrying bundles squeezing 48 the crowd or running to 49 a bus.They seemed to be rushing about all the time unlike the Changan people who were more leisurely.Why can’t they take life 50 like their forefathers in the Tang time.
26.A.at B.through C.like D.after
27.A.come B.differently C.far D.different
28.A.what B.which C.where D.when
29.A.back B.sense C.trace D.feeling
30.A.reminded B.remembered C.recided D.remained
31.A.side B.site C.sit D.set
32.A.what B.like C.as D.where
33.A.rose B.raised C.was D.standing
34.A.or B.including C.instead D.and
35.A.The most B.Most C.A most D.More
36.A.different B.difficult C.difficultly D.differently
37.A.on B.when C.in D.inside
38.A.no more B.not longer C.not more D.no longer
39.A.but B.and C.or D.while
40.A.Not B.Instead C.Instead of D.In place
41.A.or B.with C.for D.and
42.A.put on B.had on C.wore D.liked
43.A.either B.too C.also D.neither
44.A.on B.over C.against D.from
45.A.Which B.It C.What D.He
46.A.for B.that C.who D.what
47.A.likes B.seems C.looks D.is
48.A.to B.towards C.through D.in
49.A.see B.catch C.look for D.find
50.A.difficult B.easy C.hard D.easily
  When you read a story in English,do you read it for the story or for the English?This is a question that is not so foolish as it may seem.For I find that many students of English pay far more attention to the story than to the English. They read and enjoy and,for a long time afterwards,remember the story,but do not care to study the use of the words and phrases therein(在那里).For instance,they do not forget how the mystery of the eternal triangle(三角恋爱)is solved,but not remember a single sentence in the story and cannot tell what preposition is used before or after a certain word in the speech of a certain character.
  Of course,it is all right to read and enjoy and remember a story,and so long as one wants to know the story only,one need not bother about the language details,but the case is quite different for a student of English.I mean,a student of English is distinguished from(区别于)a liberature student or what is called the general reader. One ought to read carefully.Not only very carefully but also aloud,and that again and again,until you know the passage by heart and can recite it,as if it were your own.On the one hand,this will teach you many useful words and phrases;on the other hand it will help you avoid many mistakes in expression,and increase your vocabulary.
51. It seems that the passage is written by_______.
A.an American expert of English   B.a Chinese professor of English
C.an English linguist        D.a Chinese educationalist
52. When reading,many of the students of English are most interested in_______.
A.English language structure    B.special words and phrases
C.the eternal triangle       D.the development of a story
53. The difference between a student of English and a general reader is that_______.
A.the latter doesn’t understand language rules at all
B.the latter knows only some useful words and phrases
C.the former mainly studies language rules
D.the former is not interested in a story
54. The author’s successful experience in teaching is that_______.
A.we ought to read a passage as aloud as possible
B.we should learn a passage with our hearts
C.to recite a passage is more important than understand it only
D.we should read a passage as carefully as possible
  Wally worked in a shop that sold clocks.One day his next door neighbour,Harry, came into his shop.Harry was very stingy(吝啬).His stingness made Wally very angry. Wally said to him,“When are you going to buy a clock?”
  “Never,”Harry said,“I don’t need a clock.”
  “Everyone needs a clock,”Wally said,“How do you know when it is time to get up?”
  “The man who lives on the other side of me turns on his radio at seven o’clock for the news,”Harry said.“I hear the announcer say:The time is seven o’clock.Here is the news.”
  “OK.But how do you know when to go to work?”Wally wanted to know.
  “By the time I get out of bed,wash and shave,it’s half past seven,”Harry said.“By the time I’ve eaten my breakfast of toast(烤面包),jam and coffee,it’s eight o’clock,time to leave for the office.By the time I get to the bus station,it’s ten past eight.The bus arrives in a few minutes and by the time it gets to my shop,the time is half past eight.That’s the time I start work.”
  “OK.But how do you know when it’s time to go home?”Wally said,getting angry.
  “The factory bell rings”Harry told him.
  “How do you know when it’s time to go to bed?”
  The TV programmes come to an end.
  By now Wally was really angry.“OK,”he shouted.“Now tell me what would happen if you woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to know the time?”
  “That’s easy,”Harry said.“I’ve got a hammer.”
  “A hammer! What good is a hammer when you want to know the time?”
  “I’d use it to knock on your wall.You’d shout at me.What are you doing knocking on my wall at three o’clock in the morning?”
55. What did Harry come into Wally’s shop for?
A.To make him angry.        B.To see if Wally was in.
C.The passage doesn’t tell us.   D.To know what time it was then.
56. What did Wally want Harry to do?
A.To buy a clock.         B.To knock on his wall.
C.To take one of his clocks home. D.To tell what time it was.
57. Harry told Wally he’d use a hammer to_______.
A.tell him he had already known the time
B.wake him up and know the time from him
C.tell him he couldn’t go to sleep
D.tell him what time it was then
  A fine-looking gentleman sat down in the main dining room of an expensive hotel. He ordered a big meal and spent two hours enjoying himself very much.After the bill was presented,the man called the head waiter.
  “Ah,my friend,”he said,“that was a wonderful meal!Perhaps you remember that I was a guest at this hotel at this very same table just about a year ago.And at that time,just because I couldn’t pay the bill,you,sir,had me thrown out of this dining room in full view of all the other guests!”
  “My deepest apologies,sir”said the head waiter,“You understand.”“Oh,it’s quite all right!”said the gentleman,lighting his cigar.“But I’m afraid I’ll have to trouble you again.”
58. He called the head waiter_______.
A.so that he could tell the waiter he had no money
B.in order to praise him
C.to pay for the meal
D.to enjoy the meal together
59. The man told the waiter he had been thrown out of the dining room by the waiter because_______.
A.he wanted the waiter to answer for it
B.he wanted to tell him he could pay for the meal now
C.he tried to remind the waiter he wouldn’t pay for the meal a second time
D.he would never forget the sad story
60. The phrase“in full view of”means_______.
A.in the face of  B.because of  C.to make fun of  D.with the help of
61. What do you think was the result of the story?
A.The man paid for the meal.
B.The waiter apologized for his rude deeds.
C.The man was once again driven out of the hotel.
D.The owner of the hotel thanked him for his coming again.
Dear editor,
  Why do newspapers carry so many advertisements for electronic equipment?Last Sunday I counted ads for seven kinds of televisions and thirteen kinds of radios in the Atlanta Journal.Besides that,there were pages of ads for Citizens’ Band radios and tape recorders.
  Don’t you realize what electronic equipment is doing to our daily life? Everywhere you go you may hear loud music and advertisements over radios;this continual noise is ruining our ears.Husbands don’t talk to wives any more;they’re always watch the news or a ball game.Children ruin their eyes(not to mention their minds)with endless hours of watching not only the programes for children but those for grown-ups as well.And worse,hidden microphones find out about our private lives,and computers keep records of personal information about us.
  Enough is enough!I think limit the amount of advertising of electronic equipment in the Atlanta Joural,otherwise it will make life unbearable for us all.
Jason Collins
62. The Atlanta Joural is the name of_______.
A.a company doing advertisement business
B.a department store that sells electronic equipment
C.a magazine
D.a newspaper
63. Electronic equipment caused_______.
A.children to give up school education
B.wives to quarrel with their husbands every day
C.family members to break away from the family
D.children to ruin their eyes
64. It’s not mentioned but implied(暗示)in the passage that_______.
A.grown-ups also show much interest in children’s programes
B.watching too much television does great harm to children’s eyes
C.television has bad effects on both children and grown-ups
D.some kinds of electronic equipment cause serious social problem
65. Which of the following statements is true?
A.Newspaper editors haven’t realized the bad effects of electronic equipment
B.It’s not for money that newspapers published advertisements
C.The writer suggests that measures be taken to get rid of noise pollution
D.The writer is upset about modern technology.
  A few years after World War Ⅱ finished,scientists spoke with great eagerness about the use of nuclear power as source of energy.Within twenty years,they said, nuclear would take the place of coal,gas and oil as a“source”of power at home and in industry.This promise has never been carried out and there are serious doubts that it ever will be.Nuclear power plants are used to produce energy in some wealthier countries,but the cost is high.
  Although safety measures have been taken,radiation leaks(辐射汇漏)have taken place and workers have been killed or affected.The problem of getting rid of the nuclear waste has proved most difficult.There is a limit to the amount of waste materials which can be burned in the ground or poured on the sea-bed.These methods may also cause more problems.Waste materials polluted by radiation may remain dangerous for 200 years or more.
  It has no surprise that scientists have turned to the sun and the sea as sources of power.The sun shines day after day almost wastefully,provide us with energy far beyond all our needs.
66. The word“source”means_______.
A.place from which something comes   B.making use of
C.power plant             D.a form
67. The main idea of the first paragraph is that_______.
A.we can get nuclear power as much as possible
B.scientists are full of eagerness about nuclear energy
C.nuclear power is not going to be as what scientists have supposed
D.only rich countries can make good use of nuclear energy
68. Nuclear waste must be dealt with carefully,because_______.
A.it still gives off energy
B.it’s much more expensive than coal,gas and oil
C.it’s harmful to people’s health
D.it can burn easily
69. Which of the following statements is true?_______.
A.It’s impossible to get rid of nuclear waste
B.Most of the nuclear waste can be stored safely
C.Not all nuclear waste can be get rid of
D.Nuclear waste can be recycled and reused easily
70. The writer states the last paragraph with“It has no surprise…”in order to_______.
A.tell us the danger of nuclear power
B.show there is plenty of sunshine
C.show that the energy fo the sun can be made better use of
D.tell us why scientists lose interest in nuclear power
A: Excuse me,sir,I want to send a letter to my country.
B: To your country? 71 .
A: Oh,I’m sorry,Canada.How much is it?
B: Airmail or surface mail?
A: 72 .
B: Surface mail is slow.It takes about three weeks.If you send your letter by air,it
  will take only three days.
A: 73 I’ll send my letter by air then.
B: $ 6.00,if it’s not over weight.
A: If it’s over weight…?
B: If it is,you’ll pay extra.
A: OK, 74 .Is it over weight?
B: Yes,unfortunately,you’ll pay $ 8.00.
A: Fine.Here you are.
B: 75 Now,here are your stamps $*.00,put them on and drop the letter in the mailbox
  over there.
A: Thank you very much,Goodbye.
B: Goodbye.
A.Where are you from?
B.I see.
C.Thank you.
D.Here is the letter.
E.How do you like to mail it?
F.What country?
G.What’s the difference?
76.Once you lose your b_______,you’ll fell down.
77.You are f_______ to have such a good teacher.
78.The boy is old enough to go to the k_______.
79.You’ve won a great v_______.Please accept our congratulations.
80.You are lucky to e_______ punishment.
81.I’ll do whatever is _______(要求) of me.
82.Your visit _______(使欢呼) up the sick man.
83.He _______(瞥一眼) at his watch to know the exact time.
84.I lent you my camera just out of _______(友谊).
85.The _______(裁判员) at an athletic meeting must be fair to each.
  Without heat from the sun,our Earth will 86._______
be frozen,lifeless world.Heat from the sun 87._______
keeps the water on Earth from frozen all 88._______
the time.It helps plants and animals grow.
  The sun heats our air and makes change in the weather. 89._______
  The earth is very the right distance from 90._______
the sun to get the amount of heat we needed. 91._______
If it were a little close to the sun.Earth 92._______
would be too hot for life.If Earth were 93._______
nearer away from the sun,it would be 94._______
very cold and life would disappear. 95._______
  澳大利亚Brown小姐在中国工作一年后即将回国,你班将举行欢送会,你将代表(on behalf of)大家在会上发言,请写一篇讲话稿(100词左右),要点如下:
  2、回顾并赞扬在过去的一年中Brown小姐的英语教学工作以及和同学们一起参加的活动(party;English corner);
Miss Brown,
Teachers and classmates,
  We are here today holding a farewell meeting to say goodbye to Miss Brown,our Australian teacher…
76.balance  77.fortunate  78.kindergarten  79.victory  80.escape  81.required
82.cheered  83.glanced   84.friendship   85.judged
86.will-would  87.在be后加a  88.在from后加being  89.change-changes  90.very-just
91.needed-need 92.close-closer   93.√      94.nearer-farther  95.very-too
  In the past one year,we’ve enjoyed Miss Brown’s lessons very much,because she is good at making her lessons lively and interesting.With her help,we’ve improved our English,and we’ve learnt not only English but also have got to know Australia and understand the Australian people.We’ll never forget the evenings we spent with Miss Brown and the English corners in her presence.
  Here,I’ll again,on be half of my classmates,express our gratitude to Miss Brown,and wish her a pleasant journey on her way home.




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