2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之六(SBⅠ-Units 11-12)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

一、 单元考点提示
A enjoy, alone, lonely, think, life
B some,either,want,improve,about,prepare,difference/different,service
A no longer,instead of,be/get angry with sb.,be angry about/for sth.,be full of/fill…with,think well of,make fun of,from…to…,to the east/in the east/on the east,in the open air,make a record,eat up
B write to,ask for,pick up
1)“had better+不带to的不定式”结构
①肯定句 ②否定句 ③疑问句 ④反意疑问句
“Why not+不带to的不定式”
3)to be sure 其后通常跟that从句、不定式短语或介词短语。
4)it用作形式主语的句型是:It is/was+adj./n.+(for sb.)to do sth.句中不定式短语是真正的主语。
二、 考点精析与拓展
1.the coming…:the next 即将/正在到来的。
①—Hi,why are you so busy?你好,怎么那么忙?
—Because I’m preparing for the coming examination我正为快要到来的考试做准备
②We have decided to hold a sports meet during the coming autumn.我们已经决定今年秋季开运动会。
2.hear vt,;vi.
①Listen!I heard somebody knocking at the door.听!我听到有人敲门。
②Old Granny can’t hear very well.老奶奶听觉不好了。
(2)hear that(宾从)听说某事
①I heard that he had come back.我听说他回来了。
②I heard that we were going to Qingdao for a holiday.Is that true?听说我们要去青岛度假,是真的吗?
(3)hear of 听说;获悉。
①I have heard of him,though I don’t know him.尽管我不认识他,但我听说过他。
②They have never heard of American country music.他们从没听说过美国的乡村音乐。
③They have never heard American country music。他们从没听过美国的乡村音乐。
(4)hear from sb.收到某人的来信。
—Have you heard from Peter recently?最近收到彼得的信了吗?
—No,I haven’t heard from him for three months.没有。我已3个月没收到他的信了。
3、broadcast vt.;vi.广播;播放。过去式和过去分词均为broadcast。
①The BBC broadcasts every day.BBC每天都广播。
②The news was broadcast on the radio.这个消息是收音机里播送的。
4、in the 1950:in the 1950’s 20世纪50年代。介词也可用during。
early/late in the 1990s:in the early/late 1990’s。 20世纪90年代早期/晚期。
5、once more:once again再一次;又一次。
①Read after me once more.再跟我读一遍。
②I’d like to see him once more.我想再见他一面。
6、turn to 其中to为介词。
He turned to me and said hello to me.他转向我向我问好。
If you are in trouble,please turn to me.如果你有麻烦,请找我。
7、be angry with sb.生某人的气。
be angry at/about sth.因某事而生气。
①Don’t be angry with me for my being late?不要因为我迟到而生我的气。
②What are you angry about?你生什么气?
③He was angry at being kept waiting for so long.让他等了这么久,他很生气。
8.Think well/highly/much of 高度赞扬……;对……赞赏、印象好。
①All the teachers think well of Yang Pei.所有老师都对杨蓓印象很好。
②Our work was well thought of.我们的工作受到了高度评价。
反义词组为:think poorly/little/nothing of
9.make fun of取笑;嘲笑。
①It’s wrong to make fun of the blind.取笑盲人是不对的。
②It’s bad manners to make fun of a person who is in trouble.拿困境中的人开玩笑是不礼貌的。
10.remain link-v.保持;仍旧的。
①He remained silent at the meeting.在会上他一言不发。
②His books remain very new because he hardly read them。他的书仍然很新,因为他几乎没读。
11、keep doing sth.连续、持续地做某事。
①They kept sitting there for several hours.他们在那里连续坐了好几个小时。
②He kept asking silly questions.他不住地问些愚蠢的问题。
12、eat up 吃光;吃掉。
He was so hungry that he ate up all the cakes and none was left.他太饿了,把所有的蛋糕都吃完了,一点也没剩。
类似的短语还有:drink up喝光;喝净。/burn up 烧完;烧掉。/use up 用完;用尽。/clean up打扫干净。
13、go with 与……相配;适合。
I’d like a pair of shoes to go with my trousers.我想要一双和我的裤子相配的鞋。
14、advice建议;劝告。是不可数名词,“一条建议”应用a piece of advice。常用结构。
give sb.advice(on)/give advice给某人提(关于……的)建议;忠告某人。
ask(sb.)for advice征求(某人的)意见。
①Marx gave us some good advice on how to learn a foreign language.关于如何学好外语,马克思给我们提了些好建议。
②If you take /follow my advice,you’ll pass the exam.如果你听从我的建议,你会考试及格的。
③Let’s ask our teacher for some advice.咱们征求一下老师的意见吧。
15、pick up
The naughty boy picked up a stone and threw it at the dog.那调皮的孩子捡起块石头向狗扔去。
①I’ll pick you up at the school gate.我用车到校门口接你。
②On her way home,she went to the nursery to pick up her son.回家的路上,她顺便到托儿所接她儿子。
It’s easy for my radio to pick up VOA.我的收音机接收美国之音很容易。
16、such as 例如;诸如。用于列举同类的人或事物。
①Writers such as Lu Xun and Ba Jin are well-known to all.象鲁迅、巴金这样的作家是众所周知的。
②This summer we’re going to visit some places of interest,such as the Great wall,the Summer palace and the Imperial Palace.今年夏天我们要去参观一些名胜古迹,如长城,颐和园、故宫等。
注意:and so on 等等。用于并列成分之后。
Here you can buy oil,salt,sugar,vineger and so on.在这里可以买到油、盐、糖、醋等。
remain vi.逗留、保持;指人(也可指物)逗留在一定的场所,也指物保持原来的形状或状态。
stay 逗留;仅指人(不可用物)逗留在一定场所。
How many weeks shall you remain/stay here?你将在此地停留多久?
I shall remain/stay to see the end of the game.我将留下来看比赛的结果。
Let it remain as it is .听其自然.
It remained unharmed.它仍然无损。
after the fire, nothing remained to the house.大火过后,屋子所剩无几。
If you take two from four, two remains.四减二剩二。
18.含take 的词组
我们已学习了短语take part in. 有关take的常用短语还有许多,现列举出一些供同学们复习。
take a bath:洗个澡 take a taxi:打的
take off:脱去;起飞 take care of:照料
take exercise:运动 take away:拿走
take a look:看一看 take turns:轮流
take one’s time:慢慢做 take a photo:拍照
take one’s temperature:量休温 take a bus:乘公共汽车
take medicine:服药 take an interest in: 对……感兴趣
take a seat:就座 take the floor:起立发言
take a prize:获奖 take the chair:当主席
take place:发生 take hold of:握住
take a rest:休息一下 take in:收容
take fire:着火 take a drive:乘马车
take a nap:小睡一会儿(午觉) take a shower:洗个淋浴
take a trip:旅行 take a walk:散个步
19.On the air/in the air/by air/in the open air
on the air表示(用无线电、电视)播送节目。如:
What’s on the air this evening?
These programmes come on the air everyday. 这些节目每天广播。
其反义词为go off the air“停止广播”。如
This radio station goes off the air at midnight.这家广播电台于午夜停止广播。
in the air表示“在空中、在流传中、(问题,计划等)悬而未决(未确定的)、充满了(某种)气氛”。如:
There was dampness in the air.
Bofore the matter was publicly announced, it had long been in the air.
The plan is quite in the air.
The Spring Festival was in the air for weeks before.几周前就充满了春节的气氛。
by air 表示“乘飞机、由航空”。如
He went to Shanghai by air.
in the open air 表示“在户外、在露天里”。如:
People love life in the open air.
20.another day/the other day/some day/one day
another day 可表示近期将来的某一天,意为“改天”,也可表示过去将来某一动作或状态延续的“又一天”。如:
She is coming another day instead of today. 她今天不来,改天来。
You may do it another day.
He stayed there (for) another day/another two days after I lift.
the other day 相当于a few days ago,意为“几天前、某天、那天、不久前”,句中用一般过去时。如:
I met her in the street the other day.
I bought the watch the other day.
some day指将来“总有一天、有朝一日、终将、(日后)某一天”,谓语动词用一般将来时.如:
Your wishes will come true some day.
Some day you’ll have to pay for what you have done.
one day可以表示“(过去)某一天”,谓语动词常用一般过去式;也可表示“(将来)某一天”,这时可与some day互相代替,谓语常用一般将来时。如:
One day I went to see my first teacher ,but he happened to be out.
He will understand the teacher one day/some day.
①country music乡村音乐
pop music流行音乐
②on the radio在收音机里
on TV在电视里
③make a record做记录;录制唱片
④in the open air 在户外,在野外
⑤on the air:over the air 在广播
⑦write(a letter)to 给……写信
⑧tens of thousands of 成千上万的
1. no longer 不再。通常置于行为动词之前,动词be之后,偶尔也置于全句的末尾。
①He no longer lives here.他不住这里了。
②Don’t worry about her. After all she is no longer a child .别为她担心。毕竟她不再是个小孩子了。
③I shall wait no longer.我不等了。
no longer 常可相当于not…any longer. not 用来否定谓语, any longer 置于句末。上面的句子可分别改作:
①He don’t live here any longer.
②Don’t worry about her. After all she isn’t a child any longer.
③I shall not wait any longer.
注意:no more(相当于not…any more)也是“不再”的意思。no longer是把现在的情况和过去对比,时态以现在时为多,有时也用过去时或将来时;no more 指今后如何,通常用将来时态。
①I can no longer stand it.我再也受不了。
②I will go there no more.我再也不到那地方去了。
He is no more/no longer ill.他的病好了。
另外:涉及数量或程度时要用no more; 谈到时间表示once but not now(有一度、曾经那样,但现在不了时),要用no longer.
①There is no more bread.没有面包了。
②I no longer support the Conservative Party.我不再支持保守党了。(曾经支持过)
2. not just…but…:not only…but(also)…(also可省略)不仅/不但……而……。
①Not just you but he likes the country music very much.不但你,而且他也很喜欢乡村音乐。
②He can not just drive but repair a car.他不仅会开而且会修车。
③I like not just pop music but country music.我不仅喜欢流行音乐,而且喜欢乡村音乐。
④This book is not just interesting but also useful.这本书不但有趣而且有用。
⑤Lu Xun is famous not just in China but in the whole world.鲁迅不只在中国有名,而且在全世界都很著名。
3.……while playing the guitar.
①Be careful when(you are) crossing the street 过马路的时候要小心。
②While (he was)walking along the sands.Crusoe saw some footprints in the sand.克鲁索沿沙滩走着的时候,看到沙子上有些脚印。
③I won’t go to her party unless(I am) invited.要是不受到邀请,我就不去参加她的宴会。
④He knows many things though(he is)very young.他年龄不大,但知道的事不少。
(2)当从句为it is + adj.时,也常将it is省略掉。
①When (it is)possible,I’ll go to Beijing to see you.可能的时候,我将去北京看你。
②If (it is)necessary, I’ll come tomorrow.必要的话,明天我就来。
4.It is/was + adj. + for/of sb.+ to do sth.某人做某事是…….
该句的It 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式(短语),for/of sb.是不定式的逻辑主语。能用于该句型的形容词常有:(1)important/ unimportant/ necessary/ possible/ impossible/ hard/ difficult/ easy/ useful/ usual/ unusual等。这些形容词的后面常用for来表示不定式的逻辑主语。
①It’s important(for you)to learn English well.(你们)学好英语很重要。
②It’s not easy for them to finish the work within three hours.对他们来说3小时内完成这项工作很难。
(2)right/ wrong/ clever/ foolish/ stupid/ nice/ kind/ rude/ polite/ impolite等。这些形容词的后面常用of 介词短语表示不定式的逻辑主语。
①It’s kind of you to help us.你们帮助我们真是太好了。
②It’s impolite of a person to interrupt people while they are talking.打断别人谈话的人是不礼貌的。
5.so far迄今为止;到现在为止。通常用现在完成时连用,so far可置于句首、句中或句末。
①So far we have learned English for six years.到今年我们已经学了6年英语了。
②Your work has been good so far this year.今年迄今为止你的工作很出色。
③ We haven’t heard from Tom so far.至今我们还没收到汤姆的来信。
6.the + 比较级,the + 比较级 越……,就越……。
①The busier he is ,the happier he feels。越忙他越高兴。
②The harder you work, the greater progress you’ll make.你学习越努力,取得的进步就越大。
③The more hppily we live,the more we realize how much we owe to the Party。我们过得越幸福,就会更加认识到共产党的恩情。
④The more I hear, the more I laugh.越听我笑得越厉害。
7.Of + n.(抽象句词)相当于该名词相应的形容词,在句中可用作表语或补语。
能用于该句型的名词有:help/ use/ value/ importance等。其对应的形容词分别为:helpful/ useful/ valuable/ important.
①This book is of great use/ very useful.这本书很有用。
②His advice is of great value/ very valuable.他的建议很有价值。
③English is of great importance/ very important to us.英语对我们来说很重要。
题1(NMET 1998)
You’ll find this map of great___________ in helping you to get round London.
A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness
分析:C。“be of + 抽象名词”;句意为“你会发现这张地图对帮助你在伦敦旅游大有益处”,A,B 不合句意。D为可数名词。Value为抽象名词,意为“益处、价值”。
题2(上海 1998)
The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the________.
A.20 dollars remained . B.remaining 20 dollars.
C.remained 20 dollars. D.20 dollars to remain
分析:B。 remaining adj.剩下的。the remaining students剩下的学生。the remaining 11 seats 剩下的11个座位。
题3 Tom was disappointed that most of the guests_____ when he_____ at the party.
A.left; had arrived B.left; arrived
C.had left; had arrived D.had left; arrived
题4(NMET 2002)
I wonder why Jenny____ us recently. We should have heard from her by now.
A.hasn’t written B.doesn’t write
C.won’t write D.hadn’t written
题5(上海 1999)
Those T-shirts are usually $ 35 each, but today they have a _____ price of $ 19 in the Shopping Center.
A.regular B.special C.cheap D.particular
题6(NMET 2000)
It’s always diffcult being in a foreign country, ______ if you don’t speak the language.
A.extremely B.naturally C.basically D.especially
题7 It was about 600 years ago____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
A.that B.until C.before D.when
分析A。这是一个强调句,强调的部分是about 600 years ago.其结构为“it is+被强调部分that+剩余部分”。一般来讲,把it is...that...去掉之后原句应不改变原意。
题8 It is careless _______ you to do that.
A.for B.to C.of D.with
分析:C。此题考查动词不定式作主语。在这个结构中,只能用of或for介绍逻辑主语。由于本题介词后的逻辑主语 you可以与careless连用,即:You are careless.所以选C.如不能,则用for.
1.regret A.reuse B.recycle C.reread D.report
2.forget A.sort B.forbit C.sort D.forward
3.glove A.move B.lovely C.prove D.improve
4.technique A.character B.church C.teach D.touch
5.upwards A.warm B.law C.draw D.product
6. He_______me that I had done it before.
A.remembered  B.remided  C.reported  D.warns
7. The two strangers talked as if they_______friends for years.
A.should be  B.would be  C.have been  D.had been
8. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if_______.
A.breaks  B.has broken  C.were broken  D.had been broken
9. The boy is not old_______to school.
A.to go  B.enough not to go  C.enough to go  D.enough going
10. If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,_______great it is.
A.what  B.how  C.however  D.whatever
11. -Listen to me,please
-No.No matter_______you say,I won’t give up.
A.how  B.which  C.what  D.whatever
12. You may dress_______you please.
A.however  B.whenever  C.whoever  D.whichever
13. No matter_______I want to buy a car,I can’t afford one.
A.how hard  B.how much  C.what  D.however
14. He made a speech at the meeting,_______with folk music.
A.doing  B.dealing  C.to do  D.to deal
15. When and where and how to store the waste_______still a problem.
A.were  B.are  C.is  D.have been
16. Your must_______all your worries and have a good rest.
A.get out  B.get away  C.get rid of  D.get in
17. When the siol becomes too hard.we_______it_______.
A.break;up  B.break;down  C.break;into  D.break;out
18. If you continue to work like that,you’ll_______sooner or later.
A.break up  B.break down  C.fall down  D.turn down
19. -Are you going.
A.All depend  B.It all depends  C.That depends  D.B and C
20. He had a high fever when he was three,_______him completely blind.
A.to make  B.making  C.to leave  D.left
21. We should constantly_______advice from the masses.
A.seek  B.seek for  C.seek after  D.seek out
22. Much energy is wasted_______things that are thrown away.
A.to produce  B.producing  C.doing  D.making of
23. _______the old man used to climb the hill.
A.At a time  B.At one time  C.At no time  D.At the time
24. The lady_______a baby last night.It weighted seven pounds_______.
A.gave birth to;at birth       B.wore;by birth
C.had;by birth            D.come out;at birth
25. It will be four hours_______he arrives.
A.since  B.before  C.when  D.after
One evening a police officer was driving along a road.He was on 26 and was wearing 27 clothes.Suddenly,he saw two 28 running out of a building.He 29 someone shouting,“Help!Help!Stop thief!”The police officer was 30 ,that the two men were thieves.He knew he must 31 them.However,he was not only 32 uniform(制服)but also unarmed.He 33 that if he got out of his 34 and tried to arrest(逮捕)them at least one of the men would 35 escape.The police officer was facing a 36 problem.He knew that he 37 let men escape,but how 38 he arrest them?
He thought quickly and had 39 .It involved(含有)danger and it might not work,but he 40 to try.
He drove his car up to the men and stopped 41 them.Then he put his 42 out of the window and asked,“Do you want a lift?”
“Yes,yes,”answered the men,and 43 got into his car,“please take us to the 44 station,”they told him.
“Very good,”the police officer said and 45 off.After a few minutes,one of them 46 out,“But this isn’t the way to the railway station.Where are you going?”“I must go this way,”the police officer 47 .“There’s a big fire and traffic is held up.You don’t want to sit in a traffic jam(阻塞),do you?”
“No,no”the men 48 “Please take us the quickest way.”
The next 49 ,the police officer had pulled up at the police station.He jumped out,shouted for 50 ,and seconds later,the two thieves were arrested.
26.A.duty B.guard C.task D.work
27.A.special B.evening C.police D.plain
28.A.robbers B.cheats C.thieves D.men
29.A.listened B.heard C.felt D.noticed
30.A.told B.afraid C.sure D.warned
31.A.follow B.catch C.shoot D.grasp
32.A.in B.on C.fit D.dressing
33.A.knew B.learned C.found D.asked
34.A.car B.bus C.house D.office
35.A.never B.easily C.hardly D.seldom
36.A.heavy B.new C.strange D.difficult
37.A.daren’t B.mustn’t C.might D.shouldn’t
38.A.need B.would C.could D.did
39.A.a way B.an idea C.a try D.a method
40.A.failed B.had C.decide D.managed
41.A.after B.behind C.before D.beside
42.A.head B.hand C.arm D.cap
43.A.slowly B.quickly C.luckly D.suddenly
44.A.space B.police C.railway D.radio
45.A.set B.got C.rode D.drove
46.A.ran B.cried C.found D.got
47.A.laughed B.shouted C.explained D.thought
48.A.refused B.agreed C.offered D.smiled
49.A.moment B.day C.week D.month
50.A.fun B.help C.anger D.joy
202W. 56th street
New York N.Y. 10012
May 17, 1998
Dear Mr Anderson,
I’m not sure you’ll remember me,but we met in Bethany last year.It was at your daughter’s wedding.Her husband David is an old friend of mine,and I came from New York for the wedding.You and I had a pleasant talk and I told you a little about my job as a reporter for the New York Times.You said that I should get in touch with you if I ever decided to come back to Bethany.
At that time I did like to stay in New York,but since then I have changed my mind and now I’d like to get a job back in my hometown.My problem is this---I have been away now for so long (since 1988) that I have no job contacts (门路) in Bethany.That’s why I’m writing to you now.I would appreciate(感激)it if you could put me in touch with anyone who could help me and advise me.It cost me quite a long time to decide to write to you like this,but any suggestion you might have would be appreciated.
My best wishes to you and Mrs.Anderson.
Patrick Neal
51. Patrick Neal was not sure that Mr.Anderson would remember him because_______.
A.they had not seen each other for a long time
B.they had never written to each other
C.they had only met once before
D.they didn’t live in the same city
52. Patrick Neal had been invited to Anderson’s daughter’s wedding because_______.
A.he was one of Anderson’s friends  B.they had been neighbours
C.he knew Anderson’s daughter    D.he was a friend of Anderson’s son-in-law
53. Patrick had been away from his hometown_______.
A.for ten years           B.for less than nine years
C.since he met Anderson       D.since he worked as a reporter
54. Patrick Neal asked Anderson to_______.
A.find a better job for him
B.introduce someone who might help him get a job in Bethany
C.give some advice about his job
D.help him in his work
55. Why did Patrick Neal decide to get a job in Bethany?_______.
A.Because his best friend was living there
B.Because he was brought up there
C.Because he thought he might get a better job in his hometown
D.Because he wasn’t used to living in New York
A taxi hit a truck.A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom,who was a witness(证人).This is what they said:
The truck driver:I was driving from the airport towards Newtown.A cat ran across the road.So I slowed down,I didn’t stop.A taxi hit the back of my truck.Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt.
Taxi driver:I was driving behind a truck several miles from Newtown.The truck stopped suddenly.The driver didn’t give me a warning,I was driving very carefully,I didn’t expect to catch up with the truck,because there was two buses coming near from Newtown.My taxi hit the truck,and my glass cut my left hand.
Tom:I was walking in the street less than a mile from the airport.A truck was going to Newtown.About 200 feet behind the truck followed a taxi.It was going fast. When the truck slowed down.The taxi hit it.The taxi driver wasn’t looking at the truck,but something out of the window instead.My friend saw the accident,too.
Tom’s friend nodded when the policeman asked him whether what Tom said was right or not.
56. The accident happened_______.
A.in Newtown               B.at the airport
C.not far from Newtown          D.not far from the airport
57. In the taxi driver’s opinion,_______.
A.he caused the accident         B.a cat caused the accident
C.the truck driver caused the accident  D.it was caused by the two buses
58. Suppose Tom told the truth,the accident was maybe caused by_______.
A.the policeman             B.the taxi driver
C.the truck driver            D.the two buses from Newtown
59. If what Tom said was wrong_______.
A.it would be difficult for the policeman to find out the truth
B.it was easy for the policeman to find out the truth
C.we could infer that Tom was an honest man
D.we could infer that the policeman had done wrong
60. When Tom’s friend was asked something about the accident,_______.
A.he refused to express his opinion
B.he pretended to know nothing
C.he agreed with Tom
D.he didn’t know how to answer the policeman’s questions
The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was the ball.
In ancient Egypt,pitching stones was a favorite children’s game.But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child.Looking for something less dangerous to throw.The Egyptians made what were probably the first ball.
At first,balls were made of grass or leaves held together the first balls.Later they were made of piece of animal skin sewed together and stuffed(塞满)with feathers or hay.
Even though the Egyptians were warlike they found time for peaceful games.Before long they have developed a number of ball games each with its own set of rules. Perhaps they,played ball more for instruction than for fun.Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they need for war.
61. The ball was probably invented because_______.
A.throwing stones often caused injures  B.throwing stones was not fun
C.games with stones was not fun     D.rocks were too heavy to throw
62. The first balls were probably made of_______.
A.animal skins stuffed with rocks    B.twist(缠绕)of hay
C.hides stuffed with hay or feathers   D.grass and leaves tied with vines
63. This passage says that Egyptians played_______.
A.main different games with balls    B.many different kinds of game
C.only one ball game           D.different games with similar rules
64. The Egypians thought that ball playing was_______.
A.childish  B.difficult  C.not enjoyable  D.worthwhile
65. The best title for paragraph is_______.
A.The First Ball Games
B.How Egyptian Children Played Games
C.The Beginning of Sports
D.Egyptian Sports
Sixty-year-old grandmother,Fiona McFee,is going to stop woring next year and she decided to realize a childhood dream and sail around the coast of Scotland in a small boat.Thought the inside of the boat is very cosy it has no running water of electricty.Fiona says she can live without these things but she plans to take her small CD player,her hot water bottle and a bag of books to make sure life isn’t too uncomfortable.
We asked her if she was afraid of being at sea for so long.She said,“Well,I’m going to take a good compass.Anyway I’m not afraid of death because I love the sea---I just hope it love me,”Fiona certainly has plenty of energy;in her spare time she enjoys playing the piano,rock-climbing,canoeing and dancing.Though she is sixty,she doesn’t want to have a quiet life“I’m looking forward to having fun in the rest of my life and that’s exactly why I’d like to be a sailor for a white”.
66. The word “cosy” in the first paragraph means_______.
A.bright  B.dirty  C.comfortable  D.dark
67. When Fiona McFee said“I just hope it love me”,what she meant was_______.
A.of course,it loves me,since I love it
B.If I love it,it should love me
C.I hope it will bring me a safe sailing as a return for my love of it
D.I hope it will save my life when I am in time of danger
68. The reason why she would like to have the sail is that_______.
A.she thinks it will be very exciting
B.she likes sports and enjoys canoeing
C.she has decided to realize a childhood dream
D.she wants to be still active when she gets old
69. What kind of person would you say the old woman is?
A.Someone who doesn’t show what she is feeling
B.Someone who is very proud and sure of her success
C.Someone who dosen’t use her head much
D.Someone who is open,honest and brave
70. The best title for this paragraph is_______.
A.Life Begins at Sixty      B.A Round Coast Sail
B.An Old Woman Sailor      D.An Unsual Hobby(爱好)
A: Oh,we’ve got such a lot of homework again!
B: Yes, 71 .
A: I used to make a lot of models in my spare time,but I never have time now.
B: 72 By the way,have you finished your composition?
A: Yes. 73 I spent more than two and a half hours on it last night.
B: 74 I didn’t start it until half past eight last night because I had to do the
  physics exercises first 75 I’ll have to finish it tongight.
B.I used to watch TV a lot and I still spend a lot of time on it.
C.There wasn’t time to finish it.
D.I haven’t done it yet.
E.But it took me ages to write it.
F.And I used to watch TV a lot.But I’m too busy now with all this homework.
G.Terrible,isn’t it?
76.Man must conquer n_______.
77.On Saturdays they usually g_______ together and discuss some questions.
78.Many young people leave their villages to s_______ their fortune in cities.
79.Our teacher is skilled at using modern teaching t_______.
80.Don’t throw the r_______ everywhere.
81.They were _______(积极的) in politics.
82.Many materials like grass bottles should be _______(回收).
83.Putting on his rubber _______(手套) he began to give the operation.
84.First _______(分类) the books and then put them in place.
85.I love bread,freshly _______(烤).
  Last summer my wife and I went to visit 86._______
the town in that we both grew up.We hadn’t been 87._______
there about ten years.First,we went to the 88._______
neighborhood where my wife cost her childhood. 89._______
The house that she was born in still there.And 90._______
same neighbours still lived next door.They let 91._______
us to come in and have a cup of hot coffee. 92._______
Then we all went to see my old neighbourhood. 93._______
How a disappointment!(失望)It was all changed.All the 94._______
old houses I remembered were missed and in their 95._______
place were new ones,I didn’t know any of the people who live there.

76.nature   77.gathered  78.seed  79.techniques  80.rubbish  81.active
82.recycled  83.gloves   84.sort  85.baked
86.√   87.that-which   88.about-about for  89.cost-spent  90.still-was still
91.same-the same      92.去掉to      93.all-both   94.How-What
Ⅵ、One possible version:
March 6th, Saturday
This morning,I was walking down the road to the park when I saw a boy fall down from his bike to the ground.I hurried up to help him.And I found his left leg was hurt badly,I carried him onto his bike and took him to a hospital.In the hospital, while a doctor was examining him.I made a phone call to the boy’s parents.And soon they came.They thanked me again and again.Now the evening came,I had to say goodbye to them.When I walked home,I felt happy though I couldn’t go to the park today.




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