2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之三(SBⅠ-Units 5-6)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

A break,bring/take/fetch/carry,each/every,everyone,explain,in/after,keep,make
B agree,have on/wear/put on/dress/in,Let’s, mean,other/another/the other,result,
A in fact,a few of ,in order to/in order that, at all,make sure
B take a +noun, a great many, at least, all over
1.explain sth.to sb.
2.stop sb./sth.from doing sth.
3.so that 引导的从句
①How long… ? ②How far…?
③How often…? ④How soon…?
1.以why 打头的特殊疑问句就行为目的进行提问,用不定式来回答:
1)—Why do you sow cabbages?
—To feed my family.
2)—Why don’t you put the box in the sun?
—To stop the sun from burning the little plants.
3)—Why do you apply fertillizer to the plants?
—To make them grow big and strong.
2.口语中也可使用so that 引导的目的状语从句进行简略回答:
—Why do you water them?
—So that the soil won’t get too dry.
1.feed vt. 喂养;以……为。常用结构:
feed…with/on sth . feed sth . to
①She feeds her baby with /on cow’s milk./she feeds cow’s milk to her baby.她用牛奶喂孩子。
②I feed my cat with/on fish./I feed fish to my cat .我用鱼喂猫。
另外:feed (vi.)on 相当于live on , 意为“以……为主食”。
Sheep feed mainly on grass.羊以草为主食。
2.the rest 其余的人或物。可替代可数名词复数或不可数名词。作主语时,谓语动词数的形式应由替代的名词形式决定。
①These three books are mine.The rest are his .这三本书是我的,其余的是他的。
②Just give me a glass of the beer ; the rest is yours.给我一杯啤酒就行,其余的归你。
4. free adj.
Are you free tomorrow?明天你有空吗?
①Do you enjoy free medical care ?你享受免费医疗吗?
②—Why are you so happy?你怎么那么高兴?
—Because I got two free ticket. 我免费弄到两张票。
①The birds in the cage wish to be free.笼中之鸟盼望自由。
②You are free to say anything you want to at the meeting .会上你可以畅所欲言。
5.how long/how soon/how far/how often
(1)how long 多久。表示一段时间,句中的动词应是延续性的。是对for 或since等所表示的时间状语的提问。
—How long have you lived here ?你在这里住多久了?
①—For three years.3年了。
②—Since 1997.从1997年至今。
③—Since I graduated from college.从大学毕业至今。
(2)how soon (将来)多久;(过)多久(以后)。是对in 所表示的时间状语的提问。
—How soon can you finish the work?多久你能完成这工作?
—In three hours. 3小时后。
(3)how far 多远。用来提问距离。
—How far is your hometown from here?你家乡离这里多远?
—Twenty kilometres.20公里。
(4)how often(每隔)多久;多经常。用来提问频度。
—How often do you usually go home?你多久回家一次?
—Twice a month. 一个月两次。
6.take/have a look at 看一下。该动词短语比look at 更侧着于一次性动作,即“看一眼”。
Can I take/have a look at your new watch?我看一看你新买的手表好吗?
类似的短语还有:take /have a rest /an exam/a bath等。
7.put on /pull on/wear/have on /dress/in
(1)put on 和pull on 穿上;戴上。相当于及物动词,以衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的动作。put on 为普通用语;pull on多用于穿袜子、戴手套或比较随便地穿上。
①It’s cold outside.You’d better put on your hat.外面很冷,你最好戴上帽子。
②She put /pulled on her coat and went out of the room hurriedly.她穿上大衣,匆忙地走了。
(2)wear 和have on 穿着;戴着。相当于及物动词,有衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的状态。have on不用于进行时态。
①He always wears/has on black shoes.她一直穿着黑鞋。
②She is wearing/has on a red coat她穿着红大衣。
(3)dress 穿;戴。可用作及物动词,以人作宾语,即dress sb.(给某人穿衣);也可用作不及物动词。既可强调动作,又可表示状态,表示状态时常用be dressed in 结构。此外dress还可用作名词。
①Mary is dressing her daughter.玛丽正给她女儿穿衣服。
②She usually dresses well.她总是穿得很好。
③He is dressed in a black jacket.他穿着黑上衣。
(4)in 穿着;戴着。是介词,以衣物或表示颜色的名词作宾语,表示状态。构成的介词短词可作表语或定语。
①My brother is in a blue jacket.我弟弟穿着蓝上衣。
②The boy in a blue jacket is my brother.穿蓝上衣的孩子是我弟弟。
③My brother is in blue.我弟弟穿着蓝衣服。
8.do walking 步行。“do + 动名词”结构表示“干某事,有较灵活的译法。
do reading(读书)/washing(洗衣服)/cooking(做饭)/shopping
①The news is true.这条消息是真的。
②a piece of news 一条新闻;一则消息。two pieces of news 两条新闻;两则消息。several pieces of news几条新闻;几则消息。
10.agree 同意。常用桔构:
(1)agree on 对……取得一致意见或达成协议。主语必须是两者以上。也常用被动语态,表示“(某事)是大家都同意的”。
①They agreed on the date for the next meeting.对下次会议的日期他们达成了一致意见。
②At last,the plan was agreed on. 最后,这项计划通过了。
(2)agree to 同意;赞成。to 为介词,后接表示“建议;办法;计划”等名词。
①Do you agree to my plan?你同意我的计划吗?
②The headmaster has agreed to our suggestion for the holiday.校长同意了我们度假的建议。
(3)agree with同意;赞成。后接sb. 或what 从句。
I agree with you ,but I don’t agree with what he said.我同意你的意见,但我不同意他所说的。另外,agree with还有“与……相适应/相一致”的意思。
The climate here doesn’t agree with me .我不适应这里的气候。
(4)agree to do sth.同意、答应做某事。
Do you agree to go with us if we agree to lend you some money?
11.at (the) least 至少;最少。反义词组为at (the)most至多;最多。
—Mr Smith looks older than his real age.In fact,he is at (the)most 40 years old.史密斯先生很显老,实际上他最多40岁。
—Oh, really?I thought he was 50 years old at (the)least.噢,真的吗?我以为他至少50岁了。
12.Supply vt.供应;提供给。常用结构:
supply sb. with sth./supply sth. to sb.两种结构常常可以转换。
①The factory supplies us with some parts of the car.
The factory supplies some parts of the car to us.这家工厂为我们提供一些汽车零部件。
②The peasants supply vegetables to the city.
The peasants supply the city with vegetables.农民们为城市提供疏菜。
13. Plenty of 许多;大量。既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词。
①There is plenty of rain here in china.在中国这个地方雨量充足。
②Plenty of trees have been planted along the road.路旁种了很多树。
many a
a great/good many(of) +可数名词
(1) scores of
agreat/good/large number of
numbers of
a great/good deal of
(2) a large/great amount of +不可数名词
large/great amounts of
a lot of
lots of
(3) plenty of +可数或不可数名词
a large/great quantity of
large/great quantities of
①Knowledge begins with practice.知识来自实践。
②Let’s begin(this unit) with the words and expressions.咱们从单词和短语开始学(这个单元)。
(1)cover…with…(be covered with…)用……覆盖。
(2)by oneself独立地(做某事)。
(3)in fact 事实上。
(4)carry away带走;wash away冲走。
(5)cut down 砍倒;砍掉。
(6)knock down撞倒;打倒。
(7)break thd rule/law违反规定/法律;obey/keep/follow the rule/law遵守规定/法律。
(8)in the past (在)过去。
(9)grow up 成长;长大。
(10)go (out) for a drive/walk/picnic etc.驾车出游/去散步/去野餐等。
(11)on Monday/Sunday etc.在星期一/星期天等。
(12)grow to/increase to 增长到;增加到。
(13)all over China/the world全中国/全世界。
(14)far away 遥远。
(15)set up建立;成立。
1.so that 以便于;目的是为了。相当于in order that,引导目的状语从句。从句中常带有may/might;can/could;will/would/should等情态动词
①He got up early so that he might catch the first bus.他早起为的是赶上第一班车。
②I put on my glasses so that I could see more clearly.我戴上眼镜为的是看得清楚点。
③He spoke loud so that everyone could hear him.他大声说是为了让大家都能听到。
以上各句中的so that均可用in order that代替。
当so that从句的主语与主句主语一致时,常可简化为in order to或so as to 结构。
①He got up early in order to catch the first bus.
②I put on my glasses in order to see more clearly.
He spoke loud so that he could be heard by everyone.可转换为:He spoke loud in order to be heard by everyone.
注意:in order that/in order to 表示目的时,可置于句首;so that/so as to 表示目的时不能置于句首。
2.stop…from doing sth.阻止……做某事。stop也可换为prevent 或keep.
①Nothing can stop/prevent/keep us from doing that. 没有什么能阻止我们那样做
②This is the best way to stop/prevent/keep such a thing from
happening again.防止这样的事再次发生这是最好的办法。
I tried to stop/prevent him(from)smoking, but I failed.我试图劝他戒烟,但没成功。
但当用到动词keep时,from不能省略。因为省略后得到的是另一句型keep…doing sth.意为“使……不断地做某事”。
I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting for so long .很抱歉让你久等了。
3.make……do sth.使……做某事。做补语的不定式不带to,但在被动语态中则带to,即:be made to do sth.
The landlord made him work 12 hours a day.地主让他一天干12个小时的活。
被动式:He was made to work 12 hours a day(by the landlord).
与make意义相近的词还有let/have/get,但get的使用结构为:get…to do sth.
How can we get the trees to grow quicker?我们怎么能让树长快点呢?
4. How long have you had it?你买了多久了?
瞬时动词come/go/leave/start/arrive/buy/die/join/borrow/marry等不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。如how long, for 和 since所表示的时间。
不能说:He has died for 3 years.
而应说:He has been dead for 3 years/He died 3 years ago。It is 3 years since he died.
不能说:How long has he joined the army?
而应说:How long has he been in the army?/How long has he been a soldier?/How long is it since he joined the army?
5.Not all the parts of the car will be made in the factory.并非所有的汽车零件都在这个工厂里制造。
not 与总括词(即表示全部意义的词)连用,表示部分否定。not 有两个位置,可放在总括词前,也可用来否定谓语。不管总括词在句中作主语,还是作宾语、状语,都表示部分否定。
①Not all of them go in for sports.他们并不都喜欢运动。
相当于:All of them don’t go in for sports.
或:Some of them go in for sports,but others don’t.
②I don’t like both of the novels.这两部小说我并不都喜欢。
相当于:I like only of the novels.
③You can’t get this kind of vegetables everywhere.这种疏菜你并不是在哪里都能买到。
相当于:You can only get this kind of vegetables somewhere.
如果表示全部否定则应用:neither(两者)/none(多者)/no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere.
①None of them go /goes in for sports.他们都不喜欢运动。
②I like neither of the novels.这两部小说我都不喜欢。
③You can get this kind of vegetables nowhere.在哪里你也买不到这种疏菜。
6.spend vt.花费;用。其主语为“人”,宾语为“金钱”或“时间”;后面可搭配介词“on + 名词/代词”,或“in(可以省略) + 动名词”。
使用句式为:sb. + money/time + on sth./(in)doing sth.
①They spent 2000 yuan on the TV set./They spent 2000 yuan(in)buying the TV set.他们花了2000元这台买电视机。
②The writer spent 2 years(in) writing the novel./on the novel.这位作家花了两年时间写这部小说。
另外:“花钱”还常用以下两个句式:sb.+ pay money + for sth./sth.+cost sb.+money
①They paid 2000 yuan for the TV set.
②The TV set cost them 2000 yuan.
“花时间”还常用It takes sb. some time to do sth. 句式。
It took the writer 2 years to write the novel.
7.as…as possible:as…as one can尽可能地…….
①I’ll come back as soon as possible.我尽可能地……
②Get up as early as possible tomorrow morning. 明天早晨尽量早起。
 三、经典名题导解
1.If city noises_______ from increasing, people_______shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now .(92年高考题)
A. are not kept, will have to
B. are not kept,have to
C. do not keep, will have to
D. don’t not keep, have to
解题思路:本题题意为:“如果不阻止城市噪音的话,从现在起20年后人们将在吃饭的时候大声喊叫才能听见。”主句用主动语态,从句用被动语态,语态的确定就看与主语的关系,主动关系用主动语态,被动关系用被动语态。本题中“20 years from now”是关键,故用将来时态。
误点突破:B项时态不对,C项语态不对,D 项时态语态都不对,
2.Tom kept quiet about the accident______ lose his job.(90年高考题)
A.so not as to B.so as not to
C.so as to not D.not so as to
解题思路:根据题意与选项,不定式的否定式是not + 不定式,作目的状语的不定式的否定式则是:in order not to do ,so as not to do ,或not to do ,故此选B。表目的的不定式结构区别:in order to do ,to do 可放句首或句中,而so as to do 只能放句中。
误点突破:A、C、D项其否定词not 位置不对。
3.Jane was made________ the truck for a week as a punishment.(91年高考题)
A. to wash B.washing
C.wash D.to be washing
解题思路:在英语中的使役动词:make,let ,have,感官动词:see , notice, observe,watch,hear, feel等词 + 宾语 + 不带to 的不定式句型变为被动语态不定式符号不能省。例如:I often hear him read English.我常常听见他读英语。He is often heard to read English.故此要选答案A。
误点突破:B、D 项make后面无此搭配,C项不符合句子结构。
4.when Jack arrived he learned Mary______ for almost an hour.(92年高考题)
A.had gone B. had set off
C.had left D. had been away
解题思路:本题意为“当杰克到达时,他才知道玛丽走了几乎一个小时了”。根据题意此题应用延续性动语,因题后有一段时间状语。英语中要接一段时间,必须要用延续性动词,否则句子就错了。例如:错句:His grandfather died for five years.正句:His grandfather has been dead for five years.或:It is five years since his grandfather died.
误点突破:A、B、C答案均为瞬间动词,不能跟一段时间状语,故不能选 。
5.We agreed_____ here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.(95年高考题)
A.having met B. meeting
C.to meet D. to have met
解题思路:要表示“同意做某事”用agree to do sth agree 后只执着不定式的一般式,不接v-ing 词。单词agree还有如下的用法:agree with sb 同意某人的意见,agree to sth 同意某事,agree on sth。在某事上意见一致。
误点突破:A、B 答案不符合结构,不说agree doing sth,D答案是agree后不接不定式的完成式。
1.camp A.starve B.rather C.valley D.ash
2.beyond A.fence B.precious C.system D.determined
3.thirst A.thus B.faith C.breathe D.this
4.curious A.anxious B.precious C.various D.dangerous
5.birth A.iron B.surprise C.surface D.irrigate
6. -Do you think the plane will be on time?
-I don’t know.It_______be delayed by fog.
A.must  B.can  C.may  D.will
7. Johnny,you_______play with the knife.You_______hurt yourself.
A.won’t;can’t  B.mustn’t;may  C.shouldn’t;must  D.can’t;may
8. We_______for the night in the hotel.
A.fixed up  B.were fixed up  C.put up  D.fix on
9. Make sure you_______your cigarette end,or it might start a fire.
A.be out  B.go out  C.put out  D.set out
10. The English language is a_______language.
A.wide  B.used widely  C.widely used  D.used wide
11. They were very_______at repairing car.
A.good  B.expert  C.experienced  D.A,B and C
12. I can’t tell who it was intended_______?
A.for  B.to  C.by  D.in
13. I think,Tom,_______you,is to blame.
A.rather than  B.more than  C.instead of  D.other than
14. -What is_______area of China?
-China has_______area of 9600 thousand square kilometres.
A.the;an  B.a;the  C.a;an  D.the;the
15. We should_______the revolutionary tradition from generation to generation.
A.hand down  B.pass down  C.go down  D.A and B
16. This coat is_______but not_______for me.
A.fit,suitable  B.fit,fits  C.suit,suitable  D.suit,fit
17. He is known_______all_______a man of ability.
A.to;for  B.for;as  C.as;to  D.to;as
18. You must_______your attention upon what the teacher is saying.
A.set  B.pay  C.put  D.fix
19. The local government_______a new school.
A.runs  B.starts  C.begins  D.A and B
20. The smoke started us_______.
A.cough  B.to cough  C.coughed  D.coughing
21. The thief was caught_______my watch by a girl.
A.stealing  B.to steal  C.stolen  D.to be stolen
22. This room is_______that one.
A.three times as large as      B.as big twice as
C.twice bigger as          D.twice big than
23. We had to close the doors and windows in order to keep the cold______.
A.away  B.out  C.on  D.in
24. As a political leader,he should_______theory_______practice,and above all,he must know how to use it.
A.connect;with  B.join;to  C.come;into  D.throw into
25. The mother_______a baby last night.
A.gave birth to  B.had  C.bore  D.A,Band C
It was already late when we 26 off for the next town, 27 according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the hills.There was felt asure that we 28 find a bed for the night.Darkness fell soon after we left the village,but luckily we met 29 as we drove fast along the narrow road that 30 the hills.As we climbed 31 ,it became colder and began to rain,making 32 difficult sometimes to see the road.I asked John,my companion(同伴), 33 more slowly.
After we had travelled for about twenty miles,there was no 34 of the town which 35 on the map.We were beginning to get 36 .Then,without 37 ,the car stopped.A quick 38 showed that we had 39 of petrol(汽油).Although we had 40 food with us,only a few biscuits(饼干)and some chocolate,we decided 41 the night in the car.
Our meal was soon over.I 42 to go to sleep at once, 43 John,who was a poor sleeper,got out of 44 after a few minutes and went for a 45 up the hill.Soon he came running back.From the 46 of hill he had seen,in the valley below,the lights of the town we were 47 .We at once unloaded(卸下)all our luggage and, 48 a great effort, managed to 49 the car to the top of the hill.In less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town,where we 50 a hotel quite easily.
26.A.left B.started C.began D.made
27.A.where B.that C.which D.it
28.A.felt B.made C.were D.thought
29.A.someone B.no one C.anyone D.none
30.A.leading B.led C.led to D.leading to
31.A.up B.down C.harder D.higher
32.A.it B.us C.that D.this
33.A.drive B.driving C.drove D.to drive
34.A.sign B.sight C.signal D.lights
35.A.marked B.was marked C.lay D.was lain
36.A.interested B.worried C.excited D.tried
37.A.warning B.being warned C.a warn D.warns
38.A.examine B.examination C.search D.research
39.A.used B.given C.run out D.been run out
40.A.some B.a few C.a little D.little
41.A.spending B.staying for C.to spend D.to stay
42.A.wanted B.tried C.determined D.decided
43.A.thought B.and C.when D.but
44.A.the place B.the car C.the bed D.the seat
45.A.walk B.drive C.climbing D.running
46.A.foot B.side C.distance D.top
47.A.searching B.getting to C.driving D.looking for
48.A.by B.in C.with D.for
49.A.lift B.put C.push D.take
50.A.found B.booked C.found out D.stayed at
Whether the hair is long or short,it must be regularly brushed and regularly washed.For greasy(油腻的)hair,especially if the owner lives in a town,it may be necessary to wash the head every four to five days.Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer,but this is a matter for the individual to decide.
If a woman is not able to go to hairdressers very often,it is important that she chooses a style she can easily manage for herself,and this nearly always means that the first cut must be very standard.The same applies to(适用于)permanent waving(电烫).Ideally this should be carried out three or four times a year,so that the hair never gets out of hand.
One thing should be remembered though,that is whatever you apply to the head can have some effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care.Or you may use milder products.As for style,this must be studied according to what is the latest fashion and also to suit the individual at different times of her life.
Young people who has spots or skin troubles on their face should take particular care to ensure that the hair is both clean and does not come into contact with the affected piece of skin.Hair is very difficult to keep completely clean and therefore anyone running their hands through their hair and afterwards touching their face,or letting their hair fall over their faces,might spread infection from one place to another.Good hair does a lot to the effect of a face,so if you want to look charming(漂亮),please start with your hair.
51. According to the text,the most basic thing to do in hair care is_______.
A.to go to hairdressers very often
B.to choose better milder products for the hair
C.to wash and brush the hair regularly
D.to keep the hair away from the skin trouble
52. The best hair style can be achieved by_______.
A.having the hair done three or four times a year
B.following the latest fashion to suit one’s age
C.no combing the hair with hand
D.not applying anything strong to the head
53. The thing you wash your hair with must be_______.
A.used with care  B.very strong  C.extremely mild  D.fashionable
54. To prevent the hair from infecting the skin,we’d better_______.
A.keep the hair completely clean
B.wash the hair very often
C.have hair cut four times a year
D.avoid combing the hair with our hands
In order to learn to be one’s true self,it is necessary to get a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done on the world;critically(批判的)to inquire(查询)into a carefully to ponder(默想)over it;clearly to sift(细查,分析)it; and earnestly(用功地)to carry it out.
It matters not what you learn,but when you once learn a thing,you must never give it up until you have mastered it.It matters not what you inquire into,but when you inquire onto a thing,you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it.It matters not what you try to think out,but when you once try to think out a thing,you must never give it up until you have got what you want.It matters not what you try to sift out,but when you once try it sift out a thing,you must never give it up until you have sifted it out clearly and distinctly(清楚地).It matters not what you try to carry out,but when you once try to carry out a thing,you must never give it up until you have done it thoroughly and well.
If another man succeeds by one effort,you will use a hundred efforts.If another man succeeds by ten efforts,you will use a thousand efforts.
55. According to the writer,the final purpose of study is learn to_______.
A.be an expert  B.be one’s  C.succeed in one’s job  D.become rich
56. What we can learn from the article is“_______”.
A.it doesn’t matter what we learn
B.learning is unimportant
C.knowledge is unnecessary
D.thinking is of the least importance
57. The end of learning should be_______.
A.thought  B.inquiry  C.mastery  D.sifting
58. It’s believed in the article that another man’s success should_______.
A.not be considered       B.make us unhappy
C.cause one to stop trying   D.encourage us to make greater efforts
In Labrador,a country so cold that meat is preserved(保藏)by freezing it outdoors.Clarence Birdseye came to notice that meat which was frozen on the coldest days had a better flavor(风味)than meat frozen at other times.Being curious(好奇的), he studied preserved meats under the microscope(显微镜)and found that if meat were frozen quickly on a very cold day,ice crystals(晶体)did not have time to form long needles and the meat cells(细胞)were not damaged.
Birdseye believed that if he could freeze other foods very rapidly,the same thing might happen.But since there are no many days when the temperature drops 40 or 45 degrees below zero---even in Labrador---some way can get very cold without freezing,Birdseye spaced some cabbages in salt water and then exposed(暴露)them to freezing winds.The cabbages froze quickly.
Later,Birdseye invented a machine to freeze foods while they were very fresh. Today,stores sell a great variety of frozen foods,and some foods that were once popular only in certain districts or in season are now popular in known areas in any season.
59. meat which is frozen slowly_______.
A.does not go bad         B.is tastier
C.undergoes(遭受)cell damage   D.undergoes no cell damage
60. To freeze foods quickly,Birdseye experimented with_______.
A.a microscope          B.meat in salty water
C.cabbages            D.meat in freezing winds
61. Salty water_______.
A.freezes at 32℃         B.never gets cold
C.freezes quickly         D.gets very cold without freezing
62. Later,Birdseye invented_______.
A.a machine that would freeze foods quickly
B.a machine that would freeze foods slowly
C.a refrigerator
D.the icebox
The welcome which a Kurdish tribe(部落)gives a guest is not only hearty,but it is a bloody affair as well.On the outskirts(外边)of the villages a group of men hold a steer(小牛)ready to be killed,and as the guest comes up,one of the tribesmen stabs(刺)the animal in the throat.Then the steer is pulled across the road,leaving a stream of blood in its wake(痕迹).The guest then steps across the blood.The man who has killed the steer saws(锯)off the head of the animal and then throw it to the side of the road.The khan(可汗),or other ranking host(主人),turns to the guest,takes him by the hand,and say in a loud,ringing voice,“May that happen to the heads of all your enemies.”
The new arrival is now a member of the tribe.He has special rights too.Each tribeman would give his life to the defend(保护)him.Each man,woman,and child will satisfy his needs and show him respect.People of the Western would also want to receive their guests warmly,but the Western way of hospitality(好客)certainly seems far less extreme.
63. The best title for this article would be_______.
A.Tales of a Traveler        B.A Kurdish Welcome
C.A Kurdish Warning         D.An Impolite Welcome
64. To enter the village,a guest must_______.
A.stab the animal in the throat   B.pull the steer across the road
C.step across the trail of blood  D.cut off the head of the steer
65. After the meeting,the guest is entitled(给以权利)to_______.
A.each tribesman’s life in his defense
B.the respect of every member of the tribe
C.his choice of all of the villagers’ possessions
D.both A and B
66. According to this article,people of the Western would are_______.
A.not so interested in guess as the Kurds
B.less extreme in their hospitality than the Kurds
C.as cruel to animals as Kurds
D.inhospitable(不好客的)to strangers
The world’s population continues to grow.There’re about 4 billion of us on earth now.It could reach 6 billion by the end of the century and 11 billion in another 75 years.Experts have long been concerned(担心)about such growth.Where will we find food,water,jobs,houses,schools and health care for all these people?
A major new study shows that the situation may be changing.A large and rapid drop in the world’s birth rate has taken place during the past 10 years.Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago.This is happening in both developing and industrial nations.Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this.More men and women are waiting longer to get married.More women are going to school or working at jobs away from their home instead of having children.And more governments,especially in developing nations,now support family planning programs to reduce population growth.
China is one of the nations that have made great progress in reducing its population growth by about one half since 1970.China now urges each family to have no more than one child.And it hopes to reach zero population growth,the number of birth equaling the number of death,by the year 2,000.
Several nations in Europe already have fewer births than deaths.Experts said that these nations could face a serious shortage of workers in the future.
67. “Family planning programs”means_______.
A.economic policy(经济政策)in a country  B.economic policy in a family
C.TV programs for a family        D.birth control in a country
68. The world’s birth rate has dropped because_______.
A.people marry at a much later time
B.women would rather go to study or work than have children
C.both A and B
D.women would not like to have children
69. By the year 2000,the number of birth and the number of death in China will____.
A.be greatly different          B.be equal to each other
C.drop a great deal           D.become much larger
70. Sometime in the future,_______in Europe.
A.the number of retired people will become larger
B.more and more children will be born
C.fewer and fewer children will be born
D.they will be making a lot of money
(Mike meets Tom on the way to school.They’re talking about sports.)
Mike: Do you like sports?
Tom: Yes,71
Mike: 72
Tom: Table-tennis.We had a table tennis match with Class 3 yesterday.
Mike: 73
Tom: Oh,yes.We heat them at last.
Mike: 74
Tom: 3 to 2.75
Mike: Sorry.I don’t care much for table tennis.
A.What’s your favourite sport? B.but I’m going to practise some of them.
C.What was the score? D.That was a close game,wasn’t it?
E.Do you go in for basketball? F.and I’m good at some of them.
G.Why didn’t you go and watch it?
76.The problem is b_______ my power.
77.Time is p_______.We must make full use of it.
78.It is no use a_______ with him about it.
79.The pupils here often make a summer c_______.
80.They became e_______ at finding underground springs.
81.Put on a sun hat,or you’ll get_______(晒黑).
82.He has lost_______(信念)in his child.
83.Each of us has a_______(渴望)of knowledge.
84.You must be_______(饿得慌).
85.His accent is a_______(稀奇古怪地)bad one.
  Milan,the second largest city of Italy,has won a undesirable 86._______
world record.Of the 54 big cities studied the World Health Organization 87._______
and the United Nations,Milan was considered to have the worse air 88._______
  According to these 10-year of studies,the level of air pollution 89._______
in Milan is twice so high as the levels in Paris and Beijing and 90._______
three times that in Tokyo and London,and four times that in New 91._______
  The reason for Milan’s bad pollution,according to the scientists, 92._______
is that the city lies in a valley that hold back the poisonous gases. 93._______
Though Milan has taken some measures to reduce the level to pollution,but 94._______
the situation is still worried.People joke about each other, 95._______
“If you’re travelling to Milan,be sure to bring your gas mask.”
21-30 AABAD BCABC      31-40 DADAB BABCD
41-50 CBDBA DDCCA      51-60 CBAAB ACDCC
61-70 DABCD BDCBA      71-75 FADCG
76.beyond  77.precious  78.arguing  79.camp  80.experienced  81.sunburnt
82.faith  83.thirst   84.starving 85.curiously
86.a-an   87.studied-studied by   88.worse-worst       89.去掉of
90.so-as  91.that-those       92. √           93.hold-holds
94.去掉though or but          95.worried-worrying
One possible version:
Advertisements are useful to the manufacturers.With their help,the manufacturers can provide people with information about their new products,their good quality, their inexpensive prices,and their popularity.As a result,the goods might sell well will,which in turn,may greatly benefit the manufacturers.
Advertisements are also useful to the customers.They can tell people how to get a needed item which is exactly to their liking at the lowest price.Without advertisements,people might have spent more time or money before getting the item.
Sometimes,however,the products are not as good the advertisers claim them to be. So I don’t always trust them.And I never buy a thing just because an advertisement says that a famous football payer or a film star likes it.




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