2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之十二(SBⅠ-Units 23-24)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

A edge,effort,face,figure,mark,prefer
B advise,agree,develop,knock,research
A at breakfast,date from,in danger,make a good effort
B be busy with,give a talk,go against,now and then,point out ,turn over,year after year
1.I’d like(sb.)to(do sth.).
2.Can’t we do sth.?
3.How/what about^?
4.表示“在……方面花费(时间/金钱)”的句型:Sb:spends some time or money on sth.(in doing sth.)
5.it的句型是:It is/was + adj./n.+(for sb.)to do sth.
1.The White family are on holiday.
①The family is very large.这个家庭很大(人很多)。
Hearing the news,the whole family were very sad.听到这个消息,全家人都很伤心。
②Their class has only 30 students.他们班只有30名学生。
Their class are all from the south.他们全班都是南方人。
2.at breakfast在吃早饭;用早餐。
①He is still at work.他还在工作。
②She was at supper when I called on her yesterday.昨天我去看她时,她正在吃晚饭。
The heavy rain caused floods in the south in the summer of 1998.1998年夏天大雨在南方引起了洪涝灾害。
The village was flooed after the heavy rain.大雨过后那个村子被淹没了。
4.rise by 63 metres升高了63米。
①The number of machines they made this year has increased by 10 percent.今年他们制造的机器数量增长了10%。
②They have topped their planting plan by 3500 mu.他们超额3500亩完成了种植计划。
5.date from…date back to 可追溯到……;是……时代开始有的。
①My interest in stamp collecting dates from my childhood.从小我就对集邮感兴趣。
②That kind of dress dates from the 9th century.那种服装从19世纪就开始有了。
③The school dates back to 1949.这个学校的历史可追溯到1949年。
6.in danger处在危险之中。与out of danger(脱险)相对。
①The patient is in danger (of death).这病人处于(生命)危险中。
②The wounded soldier is out of danger now.伤员现在脱离危险了。
注意:dangerous 是形容词,意为“(对其他人或物)是危险的、有危害的”。
Smoking is dangerous. People who smoke a lot are in danger (of suffering from lung cancer).吸烟是有危害的。常吸烟的人有(患肺癌的)危险。
Put a mark where you have a question.有问题的地方做个记号。
①When you are reading,mark each new word with a red line.读书的时候,用红线标一下生词。
②He gave my father a paper,which was marked with my father’s name.他给父亲一张试卷,上面标着我父亲的名字。
8.face vt .面对;朝着;正视。
①He lives in a room whose window faces the south.他住在一个窗户朝南的房间里。
②You should face the difficulties bravely.你应该勇敢地面对/正视困难。
9.be busy with…忙于……。
①Bob has been busy with his preparation for the exam recently.鲍勃最近一直忙于准备考试。
②I am busy with my homework.我忙着做作业。
be busy 后面也常接doing sth,意为“忙着干某事”。
①Bob has been busy preparing for the exam recently.
②I’m busy doing my homework.
10.learn from…向……学习;学习……。
①Comrade Mao Zedong called on us to learn from comrade Li Feng.毛泽东同志号召我们向雷锋同志学习。
②He is a model worker whom we should all learn from.他是个模范工人,我们都应该向他学习。
11.knock…out of…从……中敲、打出……。
①The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth.这突然的一击打掉了他两颗牙。
②The diamond was knocked out of the ring when I dropped it.我把戒指掉了下去,镶着的钻石也碰了下来。
由knock所构成的短语还有:knock at 敲……/knock down 撞倒;击倒/knock against 撞击/knock into 撞倒……身上/knock over推翻。
12.point out 指出。
①The teacher examined my homework and pointed out a few mistakes.老师检查了我的作业并指出了几个错误。
②He pointed out that that“that”that I used was in the wrong place.他指出我用的那个that位置不对。
13.turn over翻转。
①Why didn’t you turn over the record?你怎么不把磁带翻过来?
②Turn the cake over,or it will be burnt.把蛋糕翻过来,要不然就烤糊了。
①The wheel turned slowly.车轮转动得很慢。
②turn right at the first crossing,and you’ll see the post office.在第一个十字路口向右拐,你就看到邮局了。
③They turned and ran away.他们转身就跑掉了。
e.g.①He turned his car to the left.他把汽车向左开去。
②The boy likes to turn pages and look at the pictures.这孩子喜欢翻书看图画。
①Winter is coming. The weather turns cold gradually.冬天来了,天气渐渐变冷了。
②He turned pale when he heard the news.听到这个消息,他脸都变白了。
①turn on/off开/关(电器、煤气等)。
③turn up/down开大/关小;调高/调低(音量、煤气等)。
④turn out 关掉;熄灭;证明。
⑤turn to翻到,转向。
14.go against 反对;违背;不利于。
①These actions went against the will of people.这些行动违背了人们的意思。
②The game is going against them.比赛渐渐地对他们不利。
go bad 变坏
go hungry挨饿
go through进过,穿过,做完
go up上涨,上升
与go搭配 go ahead开始(做某事),开始(讲话),进行,进度,用吧
短语 go by 时间过去,经过某地
go off 走开,消失,水电等断掉
go out 出去(灯火)熄灭
go over复习
Point out 指出
Point at 指着
Point to 指向
15. point …at…把……指向
make a point证明论点正确
to the point正中要害,恰到好处
如:①It’s rude to point your fingers at people.
②Please point out the mistakes in my composition.
③As he left,the hour hand of the clock pointed to twelve.
④Your answer is short and to the point.
year after year年复一年地,一年又一年地,强调每年重复
16. year by year一年一年地,逐年,强调逐年变化
如:①Year after year,I have had a birthday card from Tom.
②My daughter grows taller year by year.

agree to do 同意做某事
agree on商定,达成共识
17. with sb.(one’s views)/ what I said just now.
agree that clause
agreement 同意,协约
keep the homeland in the mind胸怀祖国
keep a/the secret保守秘密
keep seeds 保存种子
keep cows and sheep饲养牛羊
keep a diary记日记
①be on holiday在度假。
②on the edge of…在……的边上。
③burn sb./sth.烧伤;晒坏。
④all through a year.终年;整年。
⑤decide to do sth.决定、下决心做某事。
⑥make a good effort付出很大努力。
⑦get extra pay 得到额外的报酬。
⑧weather report天气预报。
⑨hang up挂起来。
⑩make wine酿酒。
○11now and then不时地。
○12 give a talk作报告。
1.feel like想要;愿意。多用于口语,后接名词或动名词形式。
would like想要;愿意。后接名词或不定式形式。
①I feel like/would like a cup of coffee.我想喝杯咖啡。
②Would you like to drink beer with me?Do you feel like drinking beer with me?和我喝点啤酒好吗?
③I feel like going for a walk after supper.I’d like to go for a walk after supper.晚饭后我想去散散步。
2.…each of which was 20 metres high.其中每个高达20米。
①They live in a house,the door of which faces the north.他们住的是一所门朝北的房子。
②China has hundreds of islands,the largest of which is Taiwan.中国有上千个岛屿,其中最大的是台湾。
③There are around 100 teachers in our school,most of whom are women.我们学校大约有100名教师,其中大多数是女教师。
1.Little Jim should love________ to the theatre this evening.
A. to be taken B. to take
C. being taken D. taking
精析:should love to 相当于should like to 或should prefer to 在表示“想要时”,其后通常接动词不定式形式,根据句意“小汤姆想要别人带他去影剧院”,此处应用不定式的被动形式,故选A。答案B的语态不对,在should love的后面不跟动词-ing形式,故也不选C、D。
2.—Exceuse me,is this Mr .Brown’s office?
—I’m sorry,but Mr.Brown________works here.He left about three years ago.(90年高考题)
A. not now B. no more
C. not still D. no longer
精析:根据题干的提示,Mr.Brown已不在此工作了,应选D,no longer相当于not…any longer,表示“不再”,它可以用在实义动词之前或连系动词、助动词之后,也可以放在句末,例如:He studied hand no longer after the examination.在考试之后,他再也不努力学习了。答案A、C不符合句意,不能选,答案B也表“不再”,相当于“not…any more”,通常用在句末,或者放在名词前作定语,还可单独用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能放在句中,故不能选。
3.He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of_______ hadn’t been cleaned at least a year.(90年高考题)
A.these B.those C.that D.which
精析:根据句意可以判断后面的分句是一个非限制性的定语从句,应选D,most of which指“十扇窗户中的大部分”,which指代windows,作介词of的宾语。分句与分句之间,必须有一个并列的连词,而选用these或those不符合这一原则,故不选答案A和B,在介词后面不用引导词that,指人时用whom,指物时用which.
4.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially
_____Father was away in France.(94年高考题)
A.as B.that C.during D.if
精析:此句意为“母亲很着急,因小艾丽斯病了,特别是她父亲还在法国的时候”,用as表示“当……的时候”,故选A。答案B不能表时间,答案C中的during是介词,在它后面只接名词,例如:during the class 在上课期间,during the day在白天,故不能选C,答案D表条件,不符合句意,故不选.
5.She thought I was talking about her daughter,_____, in fact,I was talking about my daughter.(95年高考题)
A.whom B.where C.which D.while
精析:从关键词“in fact”,我们可以看出,前后两个句子形成一种对比,表示的意思是:她认为我在讲她女儿,而实际上我在讲我女儿。连词while可表对比,故选D。whom,where,which引导定语从句,而实际上后面的句子不是定语从句,故都不能选。
6.He let me repeat his instruction__________sure that I understood what was ________after he went away.
A.to make;to be done B.making;doing
C.to make;to do D.making;to do
7.I was disappointed with the play. I had expected________to be much more interesting.
A.that B.this C.one D.it
精析:此题旨在考查学生是否掌握代词one、it和that的用法。横线上需用一个代词指代the play,是确切指代,所以选D项。
8.Fewer people are coming to his café________,though he has wished for more money_________.
A.day after day;day after day B.day by day;day by day
C.day after day;day by day D.day by day ;day after day
精析:此题旨在考查学生是否掌握了名词叠用作状语的用法。n. + by + n.表变化;n. + after + n.表重复。这句话意思是:“虽然他一天天地希望多赚钱,可客人一天比一天少。”所以选D项。

1.wolf A.frog B.post C.woman D.none
2.flat A.standard B.anynow C.aloud D.above
3.postman A.hotel B.oneself C.comfort D.welcome
4.blood A.flood B.book C.tooth D.food
5.standard A.backward B.department C.toward D.party
6. The China Daily is_______a newspaper.It helps us_______our English.
A.more than;to improve      B.rather than;improve
C.more than;improve       D.more than;improving
7. _______your English and you’ll find it helpful in the future.
A.Keep out  B.Keep to  C.Keep off  D.Keep up
8. _______his books are on electricity.
A.A good many  B.Very many  C.A great many  D.Many of
9. You’d better put a cover on the food in order to keep_______the flies.
A.up  B.out  C.in  D.down
10. I don’t like him very much,for he is very proud and always tries to_______.
A.show him in  B.show around  C.show off  D.show at
11. -What are you going to do_______Sunday afternoon?
-I’m going swimming,weather _______.
A.不填;permitting  B.on;permitted  C.on;permitting  D.in;permit
12. -Then it has no choice but_______.
A.lie down and asleep      B.lay down and sleep
C.to lie down and sleep     D.to lie down and be sleep
13. As soon as the_______man lay down,he_______.
A.tired;fell asleep       B.tiring;sleep
C.tiring;went to sleep     D.tired;was asleep
14. What caused the plants_______?
A.die  B.to die  C.dying  D.died
15. Your’d better to see a doctor_______your temperature_______.
A.to have;taken  B.having;done  C.get;measured  D.get;heard
16. Mother told me that snakes_______very cold.
A.are feeling  B.feel  C.feels  D.are felt
17. There is a lot of air in loose snow,_______helps to keep the cold out.
A.which  B.that  C.and this  D.A and C
18. Hard work usually_______success and failure_______carelessness.
A.lies in;leads to       B.leads to;lies in
C.brings to;lies in       D.depends on;leads to
19. Before liberation the poor_______that they could hardly support their families.
A.lived so hard life      B.lives so a hard life
C.led such hard life      D.led such a hard life
20. The room is________larger than the one he wants.
A.very  B.quite  C.rather  D.fairly
21. Time is precious.Every little time must_______.
A.be made better use of     B.make good use of
C.be made a better use     D.be made of
22. On the both sides of the street are trees_______.
A.every a few metres      B.every few metres
C.every other metres      D.each other metres
23. The animal hardly makes any movement,_______?
A.doesn’t it  B.does it  C.isn’t it  D.is it
24. It is said that he has_______singer.
A.become  B.got  C.turned  D.turned a
25. -Where shall we meet tomorrow?
-Well,I_______come to your house if you like?
A.could  B.might  C.should  D.would
Mrs White was a wealthy lady.She lived 26 in a large comfortable house where her children and grandchildren came to visit her 27 .However,she was 28 .She spent a lot of time thinking about her 29 and about her dead husband.Her children 30 about her and asked Dr Green to see her.
Mrs Green was an experienced doctor.She knew 31 people became set in their ways and don’t like to be 32 what to do.She decided to 33 Mrs White before she said anything.During the visit,Dr Green asked Mrs White to give her a 34 of the house,Mrs White was 35 her house and happily agreed.As they walked from room to room,Dr Green 36 that there were a lot of violets(紫罗兰)in every window.She asked,“ 37 do you have so many violets?”Mrs White replied,“I love these 38 and they 39 so fast that I have more and more.”When the tour of the house was over,Dr Green said,I have one 40 to make.Whenever you 41 a friend or a neighbor is 42 in bed or getting married, give 43 one of your violets.
Mrs White said 44 about the doctor’s advice and for a few months 45 the visit, she didn’t give away any of her violets.Then one day she was invited to the 46 of her neighbor’s daughter.She put a ribbon(丝带) 47 one of her potted plants and took it to the party.Later one of her friends was sick so she took a violet plant to him in the hospital. 48 she began to give more and more of her potted violets to her neighbors.Over the years she 49 so many that she became known as the 50 lady.
26.A.well B.alone C.quietly D.happily
27.A.seldom B.hardly C.frequently D.sometimes
28.A.unhappy B.delighted C.disappointed D.cheerful
29.A.money B.children C.big house D.old age
30.A.talked B.thought C.worried D.learned
31.A.sick B.old C.rich D.weak
32.A.told B.invited C.ordered D.wanted
33.A.go to treat B.come to see C.get to know D.refuse to examine
34.A.tour B.picture C.sight D.view
35.A.familiar with B.interested in C.anxious about D.proud of
36.A.watched B.noticed C.showed D.looked
37.A.How B.Where C.Why D.When
38.A.flowers B.rooms C.windows D.children
39.A.produce B.become C.make D.grow
40.A.decision B.suggestion C.preparation D.announcement
41.A.hear B.get C.want D.ask
42.A.said B.excited C.ill D.pleased
43.A.it B.them C.you D.me
44.A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something
45.A.during B.anything C.before D.until
46.A.celebration B.lecture C.graduation D.wedding
47.A.on B.in C.at D.to
48.A.Usually B.Continuously C.Gradually D.Regularly
49.A.sold out B.gave away C.grew up D.kept on
50.A.violet B.rich C.old D.famous
One morning Mrs Smith was driving after she had done shopping.When she drove near a rubbish dump,she noticed a microwave oven(微波炉)not far from the side of the road.
“Jone is a good electrician!”she said to herself.“Perhaps he can repair this. I’ll take it home and let him try.”
She picked up the oven and put it in the boot of her car.Then she drove on happily.A few kilometers later,she hears the siren(警报器)of a police car behind her,she looked in the driving mirror and saw a policeman waving to her to tell her to pull over and stop.
Mrs Smith was very puzzled.She slowed down at the side of the road.A traffic policeman got out of the police car and walked up to her.
“Can I see your driving licence and insurance certificate(保险证),please?”he asked her.He copied down details of her name,address and the number of the car.
“What’s wrong,officer?”Mrs Smith asked.
The policeman did not reply.He looked in the car and then at the back.
“Open the boot,please.”he said to Mrs Smith.
Mrs Smith was still puzzled.She opened the boot and pointed to the microwave oven.
“I found this old microwave oven a few minutes ago”she said.“I’m just taking it home to see if my husband can repair it.”
The policeman stared at her for a moment to see if she was telling the truth.
“That’s not a microwave oven.”he said at last.“That’s our radar set(雷达装置).It was the start of a speed trap.Do you mind if we have it back?”
Mrs Smith’s face turned red.“Oh”she said,“I’m very sorry,I wouldn’t have touched it if I’d known what it was.”
51. Why did Mrs Smith pick up the police’s radar set and want to take it home?
A.She had on microwave oven and wanted one.
B.She took it for a waste microwave oven.
C.She saw nobody ws looking.
D.She just wanted to steal it.
52. The underlined word “boot”in the third paragraph means_______.
A.the outer covering for the foot
B.the outer covering for the car
C.the place for luggage at the back of a car
D.the place for metal equipment for protection
53. Choose the right order of the events(事件)given in the passage.
a.The policeman wrote down Mrs Smith’s name,address and the car number.
b.Mrs Smith picked up a radar set and put it in the boot of her car.
c.The policeman took back the radar set.
d.Mrs Smith went shopping.
e.A policeman signed Mrs Smith to stop her car.
f.The policeman found the radar set in the boot of Mrs Smith’s car.
A.b,d,e,f,c,a  B.d,b,e,f,c,a  B.b,d,e,a,f,c  D.d,b,e,a,f,c
Americans have contributed to many art forms,but jazz,a type of music,is one of the art form that was started in the United States.Black Americans,who sang and played the music of their homeland,created jazz.
Jazz is a mixture of the music of Africa,the work songs te slaves sang,and religious(宗教)music.Improvisation is an important part of jazz.This means that the musicians make the music up as he go along,or create the music on the spot.This is why a jazz song might sound a little different each time it is played.
Jazz bands formed in the late 1800s.They played in bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South,especially New Orleans.New Orleans is an international seaport,and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz.
Jazz become more and more popular.By the 1920s,jazz was popular all over the United States.By the 1940s,you could hear jazz not only in clubs and bars,but in concert halls as well.Today,people from all over the world play jazz.Jazz musicians from the United States,Asia,Africa,South America,and Europe meet and share their music at festivals on very continent.In this way jazz continues to grow and change.
54. What can be the best title of the passage?_______.
A.American art forms         B.The development of jazz
C.The music of black Americans    D.The birthplace of jazz
55. Which of the following is true?
A.Jazz is now popular all over the world.
B.Jazz is now a kind of religious music.
C.Jazz is now played only in bars and clubs.
D.Jazz is now played a little differently sometimes.
56. From the text it can be inferred that_______.
A.New Orleans is the place where jazz was first produced.
B.the American people are all jazz lovers.
C.jazz is merely sung by the black when working.
D.jazz may become more popular as time goes on.
57. It took about_______years to make jazz popular in the United Stated.
A.200  B.120  C.80  D.40
Computer programmer David Jones earned £35,000 a year designing new computer games,yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a check card.Instead,he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18.
He worked for a small firm in Liverpool,where young people of his age are finding jobs.David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money.Though he has high payment,he cannot drive a car or get credit cards(信用卡).
David got his job four months ago,a year after leaving school with six O-levels (普通成绩)and working for a time in a computer shop.“I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs,”he said.
“I suppose £35,000 sounds a lot but I hope it will come to more than that this year.”He spends some of his money on records and clothes,and gives his mother 20 a week as he lives with his parents.But most of his spare time is spent working.
“Unfortunately,computing was nor part of our studies at school,”he said.“But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time.I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school.Most people in this business are fairly young,anyway.I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休)is a possibility.You never know when the market might disappear.”
58. Why is David so different from other young people of his age?
A.He earns an extremely high payment.   B.He has got a job.
C.He lives at home with his parents.   D.He does not go out much.
59. David’s greatest problem is that_______.
A.he can’t be treated as an adult(成年人)buy the bank
B.he can’t make as many games as he wished
C.he doesn’t know what to buy with the money
D.he is too young to drive a car
60. He was employed by the company because_______.
A.he had worked in a computer shop
B.he had written some computer programs
C.he is clever and works hard at his lessons
D.he had learned to use computers at school
61. He left school after taking six O-levels because_______.
A.he was afraid of getting too old to start computing
B.he did not enjoy school
C.he wanted to work with computers
D.he wanted to earn a lot of money
62. Why does David think he might retire early?
A.He thinks computer games might not always sell so well.
B.He wants to stop working when he is a millionaire.
C.One has to be young to write computer programs.
D.He thinks his firm might close down.
The results of the US/NATO bombing(轰炸)of Yugoslavia are to be judged by history.I shall not be the one to do it.But being in the center of actual events that are creating that history stay away from what is going on in my country.
First of all,the aim of the bombing was to prevent a human suffering in Kosovo. Today,after many days of frequent bombing,that aim is more distant than before.The bombing only brought tens of thousands of people running away from their homes.Not to mention the large number of the death and injury,buildings and factories.Suppose that the US/NATO really had a wish to prevent the human suffering,they should realize by now how wrong they thought the bombing would solve the problem.
So,what’s left? Back off or ground troops?But who is going to join the ground troops?It would take at least 200,000 armed soldiers,not the 20,000 that the US/NATO have prepared in Macedonia.It should also be clear that the Serbs(塞族)will not give up on Kosovo.
I live under continuous bombing for more than a week now.And it doesn’t frighten me any more.I don’t turn to the shelter(避难所)at the sound of warning.It’s the thought of ground troops that frightens me.Vietnam would seem like a picnic compares to bloodshed(流血事件)in Kosovo if the ground troops appear.Is that what the US/NATO wants?
63. Which of the following statements is true?
A.The US/NATO really intends to stop the human suffering.
B.The result of the war will be judged by people in Kosovo.
C.The bombing made tens of thousands of people homeless.
D.The continuous bombing will make the Serbs give up on Kosovo.
64. What worries the writer most?
A.The continuous bombing.     B.The coming of ground troops.
C.The sound of bomb warning.   D.The idea of ground troops.
65. What worries the writer’s attitude towards the bombing in Kosovo?
A.It is the US/NATO’S duty to defend Kosovo.
B.It is wrong to solve the problem by bombing Kosovo.
C.The aim of bombing Kosovo is to stop a human suffering.
D.The bombing can solve the problem on Kosovo.
66. The underlined sentence means_______.
A.the war in Vietnam wasn’t serious at all
B.the war in Vietnam was different from that in Kosovo
C.the US will send more troops to Kosovo than to Vietnam
D.ground troops to Kosovo will cause an even greater disaster
America’s love of trees is still strong nd growing.Every year the United States celebrates Arbor Day,a national holiday that had its in Nebraska.
According to the holiday’s founder,Julius Stering Morton:“Other holidays repose upon the past;Arbor Day proposes for the future”.
Morton came west to grow trees.The trees he planted on the Nebraska would help block mighty winds,keep moisture in the soil,and provide shade,lumber,fuel,and food,Morton urged others to grow trees,but it wasn’t until he proposed that one day each year be set aside to honour tree planting that his idea caught on.
On the first celebration of Arbor Day became a legal holiday in Nebraska on April 22,1885,the anniversary of Morton’s birth.In other states and throughout the world.Arbor Day is observed on different dates,depending on the best time to plant trees.
67. The phrase“caught on”in the 3rd paragraph probably means“_______”.
A.understood  B.was accepted  C.was heard  D.came true
68. The last sentence of this passage means“In other states and throughout the world_______.”
A.as Morton observed,Arbor Day is on different dates,which are the most proper
 times to plant trees.
B.as Morton noticed,Arbor Day is on different dates in spring.
C.Arbor Day is fixed on different dates as people like.
D.Arbor Day is celebrated on different dates,which are the fittest to plant
69. Which of the following statements is not true?
A.The tree helps prevent water in the soil from escaping.
B.The tree provides people with shade,wood,fuel and food.
C.Arbor Day is observed in honour of Morton’s birth.
D.People set aside a day each year as Arbor Day not in memory to the past,but
 for the earth’s future.
70. What was Morton’s occupation?
A.A gardener.        B.A government official.
C.A forest guardian.    D.Not mentioned in the passage.
Mother: Are you going shopping with me today?
Father: No, 71 .
Mother: Are you OK?
Father: 72 I’m just thinking of painting them white.That’ll match the walls.
Mother: 73 .
Father: No,I’m going to paint them white.That’ll match the walls.
Mother: You are right.But that’s a lot of work, 74 .
Father: Yes,I think so,I can hardly do it by myself.
Mother: 75 .
Father: It’s very kind of you.
A.Yes,I’m quite all right.
B.Are you sure of that?
C.I don’t feel like going out today.
D.That will be fine.
E.Do you need a hand?
F.Are you going to paint them green?
G.I’d be glad to be for help.
76.Everyone here lives a happy life,i_______ grown-ups.
77.Thinking of the h_______ situation he sighed and shook his head.
78.If you want to drive a car,you need a driving p_______.
79.I’d come too if I had time to s_______.
80.The moving f_______ is coming this way.
81.We have a high _______(水准) of living.
82.The squirrels are _______(松散的) in the garden.
83.I’m _______(害羞) of my relations.
84.I’m very content with my new job.It _______(适合) me very much.
85.Whenever she goes shopping,she always _______(讨价) with a salesgirl.
  A man went to see his doctor because he was suffered 86._______
from pains in his stomach.The doctor said to him after examine 87._______
him carefully,“Well,there was nothing wrong with you.Your 88._______
only trouble is what you worry too much.I had a man with 89._______
a same trouble as you here a few weeks ago.And I gave 90._______
to him the same advice as I’m going to give you. 91._______
He was worried because he couldn’t pay his 92._______
tailor.I told him now worry about it any more. 93._______
He followed my advice,and two days before he came to see 94._______
me again.He told me he feel well enough.” 95._______
“Yes,I know about it,”said the patient,“I’m the tailor.”
Dear Gerry,
How have you been?

61-70 CACDB DBDCD   71-75 CAFEG
76.including  77.hopeless   78.permit   79.spare   80.figure   81.standard
82.loose    83.ashamed   84.suits   85.bargains
86.suffered-suffering  87.examine-examining  88.was-is  89.what-that
90.a-the        91.去掉him前边的to   92.√    93.not后面加to
94.before-ago      95.feel-felt
One possible version:
Dear Gerry,
How have you been?I’m glad to know that you’re coming to China to learn Chinese this summer holiday.Here is some information from the Teacher’s College.
There is going to be an oral Chinese training course for beginners.It will start on July 20 and last six weeks.It will cost $ 60 a week.If you could come,you can stay with me and I’d be glad to help you practise Chinese.
By the way,I enjoy English songs.Would you please get me a tape of English songs for children?That will be a help to my English study.
I’m really looking forward to meeting you soon.
Liu Dong




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