2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之十一(SBⅠ-Units 21-22)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

1.before long;long before
before long 意为“不久、很快”(soon,after a short period of time),其中的before是介词,long是名词,在句中作状语,常与将来时或过去时连用。如:
Before long he had to move on again.
long before意为“很久以前”,其中的long是副词。long before单独使用时,before是副词。long before后接名词或代词时,before为介词。long before后接从句时,before为连词。该词组常与过去时、过去完成时连用。如:
They heard of it long before.
I knew your brother long before I knew you.
2.force; make
When he was still a young man, he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.
The PLA men forced the enemy to surrender(投降).
make 所表示的迫使意义没有force强,常用于“make+名词/代词+省略to的不定式”结构。如:
What makes you think I’m a worker?
How did Lin Feng make the baby stop crying?
注:当make用于被动语态时,其后作主语补足语的不定式要带to。如:The workers were made to work ten hours a day.
3.such… that;so…that
such…that和so…that 引导的都是结果状语从句。一般such+名词+that,so+形/副词+that,其具体用法如下:
(1)such… that:
It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.
This is such a good book that I have read it several times.
These are such small shoes that I can’t wear them.
He made such rapid progress that he did well in mid-term examination.
all 单数可数名词
many +such+ 复数可数名词 ,如:
some 不可数名词
He has made some such mistakes.
I have met many such people.
One such book is enough.
There is no such a word in the dictionary.
All such story¬-books must be collected.
I have few such good books.
I have never met any such persons.
注:such a lot of +名词,而不能说a lot of such+名词。
①so修饰形容词或副词,即:so+ 形/副+that,如:
Mr Wang is so busy that he can’t leave his office.
He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.
so+ +可数名词复数
so+ +不可数名词复数
I have had so many falls(跌了那么多跤)that I’m black and blue(青一块紫一块)all over.
He has so few friends that he often feels lonely.
Teachers in our school have so much work to do that they are busy all day.
John has so little money that he can’t buy the book.
(3)such…that与 so…that 的相互转换
当被修饰部分是“ a/an+形容词+名词”时,以上两个句型可以通过调整a或an的位置进行互换。即:
such a/ an+形容词+名词+that…=so+形容词/a/an+名词+that…。如:
It is such a good book that I have read it several times.
=It is so good a book that I have read it several times.
This is such an important meeting that you should attend it.
=This is so important a meeting that you should attend it.
such good students 不能改为:so good students.
such rapid progress 不能改为:so rapid progress.
4.advice 的用法
(1)advice表示“忠告、建议”,是不可数名词。表示忠告的数量,要借助piece 来表达。如:
a piece/two pieces of advice一条/两条建议
The doctor gave his father advice that he (should)not smoke any more.医生建议他的父亲不要吸烟了。
(3)give advice on表示“在……方面提出建议”,后面的 on 有时可改为 about。如:
He gave us some advice on/about how to study well.他给我们提了些如何搞好学习的建议。
(1)表示“在某人十几岁/二十几岁/三十几岁……九十几岁”时,用介词in,即构成短语“in one’s teens/twenties/thirties…nineties”。如:
When Marx was already in his fifties,he found it important to study the situation in Russia.当马克思五十几岁时,他发现研究俄国形势很重要。
My father is a man above fifty.我父亲是一个五十多岁的人。
He didn’t get married until he was over forty.他直到四十多岁才结婚。
People below eighteen years of age have no rights to vote.不到十八岁的人没有选举权。
The teachers here are all under thirty years old.这里的老师都不到三十岁。
(4)表示某人大约多少岁时,用介词about或 around。如:
The men invited yesterday is about sixty.昨天被邀请的人约六十岁。
The old many towards 100 years old passed away last year.那个差不多满百岁的老人去年去世了。
(6)表示某人正好多少岁时,用介词at或介词短语 at the age of。如:
My father began to make a living at 15/at the age of 15.我父亲在十五岁时开始谋生。
When Edison was a boy of sixteen,he invented many things.当爱迪生还是一个十六岁的孩子时,他就发明了许多东西。
He died ten years ago.
He has been dead for ten years.
The dog is dying.
She is dying to know the result.
(3) 与die构成的一些动词词组:
①die away“逐渐消失、平息”。如:
The sound has died away.
②die by“死于……”,常与暴行、刀剑等词搭配。如:
The thief died by sword(刀剑)。
③die for “为……而死”。如:
He died for the people. His death is as heavy as Mount Tai
④die from“由于……而死”,后常接灾祸、衰弱、负伤等外因。
He died from a chest wound.(胸部受伤)
He died from weakness.(衰弱)
⑤die of“因(患)……而死”,后常接年老、疾病、情感、贫寒等内因的死。如:
The baby died of a fever.
The old woman died of grief(悲伤)soon after her husband’s death.
⑥die out“熄灭、绝种(迹)”。如:
The lights died out suddenly.
Many old customs are gradually(逐渐地)dying out.
(1)live a happy/hard/simple/quiet/miserable life过着幸福/苦难/俭朴/安静/悲惨的生活,如:
In the past people lived a hard life but now they are living a happy life.
(2)smile a forced smile勉强笑笑,如:
He smiled a forced smile at me and went away.
(3)dream a wonderful/bad/terrible dream做美/恶梦
(4)die a heroic/glorious death英勇就义/光荣牺牲
die a sudden death突然死去
(5)breathe a deep breath做深呼吸,如:
It is good for us to breathe a deep breath in the morning.
(6)laugh a merry laugh开心一笑
laugh a foolish laugh傻笑
(7)sleep a sound sleep熟睡,睡得极甜
sleep a comfortable sleep睡得很舒服
(8)sing a wonderful/beautiful song唱着优美的歌曲
(9)fight a victorious battle 打胜仗
(10)run a fast race快跑
Ireland is divided into two countries.
注意:divide后可接into和among,即divide A into B,意为:把A划分成B;divide sth.among/between sb.常指把一具体东西分给几个或更多的人。如:
The teacher divided the boys from the girls.老师把男孩子和女孩子分为两组。
He divided the cake among the children.他把蛋糕分给孩子们。
The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea.两个岛屿被爱尔兰海分隔开来。
The patients should be separated from the others.这些病人应当隔离。
8. part of ;a part of
二者可接单、复数可数或不可数名词,名词前要有the,these,your等限定词。尽管两个词组都表示“部分”,但词义范围有所不同。a part of指整体的一半以下,一小部分。如:
A great part of the city was destroyed.市内很大一部分地区被毁。
part of指整体的一半或一半以下。part of 中的part可用复数parts.如:
I’ve read part of the book.这本书我看了一部分。
In many parts of the world corn is made into powder.世界上有许多地方把玉米磨成粉。
注意:若强调某物是整体的不可分割的一部分,往往只用part of.如:
Taiwan is part of China’s territory. 台湾是中国领土(不可分割)的一部分。
9.be famous for;be famous as
(1)当主语是表示人的名词时,be famous for表示“以某种知识、技能、作品或特征而出名”,be famous as 则表示“以某身份而出名”。试比较:
Einstein was famous for his Theory of Relativity.爱因斯坦以他的相对论而著名。
Einstein was famous as a great scientist.爱因斯坦以一位伟大的科学家而著称。
(2)当主语是地点名词时,be famous for 表示“以某种特点(产品)而出名”;be famous as 则表示“以什么样的产地而出名”。如:
Scotland has many lakes and mountains, and is famous for its beautiful countryside.苏格兰有许多湖泊和山脉,并以其乡村美景著称。
The area is famous as a green tea producing place.这个地区以绿茶产地而出名。
(3)当主语是事物名词时,be famous for表示“以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知”;be famous as 则表示“以某种形式出名”。如:
This grammar book is famous for its practical usage. 这本语法书以其实用性而被人所知。
This book is famous as a reference book.这是一本有名的参考书。
总之,be famous for后的介词是主语的所属内容,而be famous as 后的介词宾语则与主语是同位成分。
10.feed…to;feed…on(with);feed on
Please feed some grass to the cow.请给牛喂点草。
She has fed milk to the baby.她已给婴儿喂过奶。
(2)feed…on 中的feed也是及物动词,其后接人或动物名词作宾语, on后接食物或饲料名词,其词组表示“用……喂……”。On可与with 替换。如:
The child was feeding the monkey on/with a banana.那孩子用香蕉喂猴子。
(3)feed on 中的feed为不及物动词,意思是“食、吃”(主要指动物,若指人则为口语或诙谐用语),与介词on连用构成及物动词词组,其词组意思是“以……为食,靠……为生”,其主语主要用来指动物,也可用于指婴儿,其宾语通常是食物或饲料名词。如:
Cattle feed mostly on grass.牛以草为主食。
feed on与live on同义,但live on主要用于指人,以人作主语,常以表示食物、工资、钱等的名词作宾语。如:
People live on rice.这里的人以大米为主食。
She lives on a small salary.她靠微薄的薪水为生。
但live on 也可用于指动物,以动物名词作主语。例如:
All ants live/feed on liquid food.所有的蚂蚁以液体食物为主。
题1 (上海 1999)
It is not rare in _______ that people in_____fifties are goig to university for further eduation.
A.90s; their B.the 90s ;不填
C.90s; 不填 D.the 90s;their
分析:D。表示“20世纪90年代”应用in the 90s,在某人50多岁的时候应用in one’s fifties。
题2 (NMET 1995)
He gained his ______ by painting______of famous writers.
A.wealth;work B.wealths; works
C.wealths;work D.wealth;works
—I’d like________ information about the management of your hotel,please.
—Well,you could have ______ word with the manager. He might be helpful.
A.some;a B.an;some C.some;some D.an;a
分析:A。information为不可数名词,前不能加不定冠词,所以B,D应排除。have a word with sb.是英语中的固定词组,意为“谈一谈”。
题4 (上海 1993)
His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he_________.
A.had long been expected B.had long expected
C.has long expected D.was long expected
题5 (NMET 2002)
—Is John coming by train?
—He should,but he______ not. He likes driving his car.
A.must B.can C.need D.may
分析:D。 该题考查情态动词用法,根据题意可知:John应该坐火车来,但也许不是(坐火车来)。从四个选项的否定形式看:mustn’t表示“绝对禁止、不允许”,can’t 表示“不可能”,needn’t表示“没必要”,may not 表示“可能不”,所以应用may not.
Which is _____ country, Canada or Australia?
A.a large B.larger C.a larger D.the larger
1.comfort A.company B.compet C.connect D.concert
2.role A.rob B.poem C.drop D.done
3.court A.journey B.flour C.pour D.honour
4.trial A.immediate B.dialogue C.official D.special
5.relation A.prefer B.fresh C.judgement D.learned(v)
6. They tried to_______him up as a“national hero”.
A.dress  B.do  C.make  D.all of the three
7. The boss has promised that every player in NBA_______have a rise in income.
A.would  B.might  C.shall  D.can
8. _______for the best,_______for the worse.
A.Hope;prepare  B.Wish;ready  C.Prepare;hope  D.Prepare;wish
9. It is no use_______to argue with him.
A.to manage  B.managing  C.trying  D.to be tried
10. It seems to me that_______knowledge is as_______to me as life itself.
A.precious;dear  B.expensive;dear  C.valuable;worth  D.dear;good
11. Tom was afraid_______.
A.to be scolded        B.of being scolded
C.that he is scolded     D.that he will scold
12. He pretended_______when his father came in.
A.to read  B.to have read  C.to be reading  D.reading
13. The new building is five times_______the old one.
A.the size  B.as bigger as  C.as big than  D.as big as
14. The girl_______in red over there is my sister.
A.wearing  B.dressed  C.having on  D.putting on
15. -Can he carry the heavy bag alone?
-_______.He is too old to do it.
A.Yes,of course  B.Afraid not  C.Certainly  D.I don’t tnink it
16. -May I use your dictionary for a while?
A.Sorry,I’m using it myself   B.No,you mustn’t
C.No,you can’t          D.Yes,thanks
17. Things are getting from bad to_______.
A.terible  B.bad  C.better  D.worse
18. _______the article a second time,the meaning will become clearer to you.
A.When you read  B.While reading  C.If reading  D.Your having read
19. _______you met with Mr Smith for the first time?
A.When it was that      B.Was it when that
C.When is it that      D.Was it that when
20. The boys_______on the bench took ride_______their families.
A.seated;in  B.sitting;of  C.seating;in  D.set;with
21. I think_______our duty_______our seats to the women_______babies in their arms.
A.it;to offer;taking     B.that;to give;carrying
C.it;offering;taking     D.that;giving;carryed
22. “He threw himself_______my mercy.”means“He bagged me to_______mercy on him.”
A.at;have  B.on;have  C.to;show  D.on;show
23. I think it not easy to_______judgement on this book correctly.
A.pass  B.make  C.do  D.bring
24. They_______me the house for 80000 dollars.
A.offered  B.took  C.payed  D.spent
25. At first sight they both_______.
A.was in love with each other    B.fell in love with each other
C.missed very much         D.love each other
Late one night,Mr Smith was 26 by a terrible noise in the street outside his house.It sounded 27 a fight was 28 ,and as Mr Smith enjoyed nothing 29 than 30 a fight in the street,he 31 his window and looked out.He saw 32 young men 33 outside his own front door,but,when they saw him 34 them,they went round the 35 of the house and 36 to shout and to beat each other there.
Mr Smith didn’t want to miss anything,so he ran down and opened his front door, but he wrapped himself 37 a blanket 38 he went out.
He walked to the corner of his house and looked 39 it.He saw the two men were 40 shouting and shouting there.Mr Smith went closer to them,both to see the fighting better 41 try to find out what they were 42 .But,as soon as he was within easy reach of the men,they 43 fighting,jumped 44 him and seized his blanket,and fled into the darkness with it.
Mr Smith was too old 45 them,so he could do nothing but 46 sadly back to bed without his blanket.“Well,”said his wife.“ 47 were they fighting?”
“It 48 that they were fighting about my blanket 49 their fight 50 as soon as they got it,”answered Mr Smith.
26.A.awake B.woken up C.woke D.wake
27.A.like B.as C.as if D.because
28.A.happened B.held C.taken place D.going on
29.A.well B.better C.best D.much
30.A.watching B.to watch C.seeing D.to see
31.A.opened B.closed C.locked D.pushed
32.A.a B.two C.three D.the
33.A.was fighting B.fighting C.to fight D.fought
34.A.was watching B.to watch C.watch D.watching
35.A.door B.window C.corner D.wall
36.A.continued B.stopped C.began D.go on
37.A.with B.in C.by D.at
38.A.after B.before C.while D.for
39.A.round B.for C.back D.out of
40.A.already B.yet C.even D.still
41.A.but B.and C.yet D.nor
42.A.fighting B.fighting for C.fighting against D.fighting with
43.A.stopped B.continued C.lasted D.began
44.A.up B.at C.to D.with
45.A.to run with B.to run after C.to run before D.to run behind
46.A.to go B.go C.going D.went
47.A.What B.How C.When D.Why
48.A.seemed B.looked C.appear D.sounded
49.A.because B.since C.as D.for
50.A.went on B.lasted C.ended D.started
Most of the large cities in the world have grown without plans,among which London is a one.London’s street wind their way and there is no reason or order to its street numbering system,indeed no one but a practiced taxi driver knows the whole of London.And before he gets his license he must first tour the city for months,street by street,then take a test to prove that he can find his way about.
New York and Chicago grow in much the same.They spread out like pouring water expanding in all directions.
51. From this passage we know that London’s streets_______.
A.are wide,long and clean         B.are not clean but straight
C.are clean but not straight       D.are in good order but not wide
52. New York and Chicago_______.
A.are different from London in every way B.have grown without plan like London
C.have no street numbering system     D.are better planned than London
53. A driver can get his license_______.
A.after he has toured the whole city   B.after he passes the test
C.before he finds his way about      D.Both A and B
54. This passage mainly tells us_______.
A.large cities should be well planned
B.all streets in big cities expand in all directions
C.most of the large cities play an important part
D.most of the large cities are not well planned
Something interesting happened during the last Christmas shopping hour in London.A poor man,who,though no fault of his own,found himself locked in a big store late on Christmas Eve.No doubt the store was crowded with people buying presents and the assistants were dead beat and wanted to go home.It seemed that all the necessary checks were made before the store was locked,and the assistants went home to enjoy the three-day holiday.
However that may be,the man was still in the store.When he realized that,he decided to make the best of it.In the store,of course,there was plenty of food,drink and bedding.There must have been radios and television sets,which no one could tell whether the man had ever used.When the store reopened,the man was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him.He seemed to have been very happy. Everyone else was enjoying Christmas,so he saw no reason why he should not do the same.Happily enough,he let the police take him away.Perhaps he had a better Christmas than usual.It was reported that the man would have to stay in prison for seven days.It seemed,however,the judge was not going to do anything for the store,as he said that the had become better known through the story in the newspapers and on television.
55. The man_______when he found that he was locked in.
A.did not feel worried    B.was frightened
C.took pity on himself    D.got very angry
56. In the story,dead beat means_______.
A.hungry  B.late  C.tired out  D.lazy
57. In“……The man decided to make the best of it”,it refers to_______.
A.the situation  B.the store  C.the holiday  D.the food
58. The judge did nothing for the store because he thought_______.
A.the store had done all this for the man
B.the man had stolen nothing valuable from the store
C.the man should have a happy Christmas in the store
D.in fact the man bad done something good for the store
Would you like to spend your vacation travelling by balloon?The first balloon trip took place in France in 1783.It lasted only eight minutes.About a year later,an American and a French man decided to cross the channel between France and England in a balloon.High over the channel,they discovered a hole in the balloon.It grew bigger and bigger.The gas keeping the balloon up was escaping.The men threw all their belongings into the water to make the balloon lighter.It started to rise higher again,but it was still too close to the water.Finally the men threw away most of their clothes to save themselves.The crowd waiting for them in England was very surprised when the balloon landed!
59. The men threw most of their clothes away_______.
A.to get out of danger
B.because there was a hole in the balloon
C.because the balloon was going up
D.to save their clothes
60. The crowd waiting for them were surprised because_______.
A.the men threw all their belongings into the water
B.the gas was keeping the balloon up was
C.the hole in the balloon was gone
D.the two men had almost nothing on when they landed
61. The two men had their balloon trip in_______.
A.1783  B.1781  C.1784  D.1782
62. Why was it too close to the water when they had thrown all their belongings? _______.
A.Because they wanted to land
B.Because they were too fat
C.Because they wanted to do so
D.Because there was something wrong with the balloon
63. The channel between France and England is called_______.
A.the England Channel      B.the English Channel
C.the British Channel      D.the Great Britain Channel
Older American think that people do not seem to enjoy April Fool’s Day as much today as in the past.They say fewer tricks are played on people and sometimes the tricks are not funny at all.Here is a story about it.It happened in Boston several years ago.A TV station broadcast a special report on April about a volcano(火山) sudenly developing near the city.It showed a film of the volcano exploding(爆炸).At the end of the report,the newsman held up a sign which said“April Fool!”But many people never saw the sign.They were already on the telephone trying to call the police to find the best way out of the city.Almost no one thought the joke was funny including the owner of the TV station.He dismissed the man who had made the joke.
64. In the older Americans’ opinion(看法)_______.
A.people today do not enjoy April Fools’ day as much as they used to
B.most people enjoyed April Fools’ Day in the past
C.the tricks played on April Fools’ are not very funny
D.neither in the past nor today people enjoy April Fools’ Day
65. Many people in Boston tried to flee from the city because_______.
A.they didn’t see the sign at the end of the TV report
B.they were eager to ask the police for help
C.they didn’t enjoy the joke on the TV at all
D.the film of the volcano exploding frightened them
66. The example the writer gave shows that_______.
A.the citizens in Boston were too foolish
B.the joke went too far
C.many people in Boston were afraid of death
D.the newsman was good at joking
67. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.None of the people in Boston thought the joke was funny
B.Many people would have none of the sign
C.All the people including the owner of the TV station dislike the joke
D.The joke-maker didn’t think the joke went too far
68. The newsman held up the sign in order to_______.
A.make the joke even more funny
B.tell people that it was only a joke
C.advise them to flee the city as quickly as possible
D.ask them to keep calm in time of danger
BLANTYE-Malawi’s General(将军) Manken Chigawa was shot dead on Wednesday night when thieves tried to steal his car,police said yesterday.The police said Chigawa ran towards the car after it was stolen when he and several bodyguards stopped at the roadside to buy something in Nichen,160 kilometres south of Capital Lilongwe. Chigawa and one of the thieves were killed in the gunfire,the police said.
China Daily
Friday,April 21,1995
69. Manken Chigawa was killed_______.
A.in the morning  B.on Friday night  C.on April 19th  D.in his car
70. A bodyguard is a person_______.
A.who is a strong-bodied guard
B.whose job is to guard a car
C.who watches a prisoner or a thief,or keeps a building safe
D.whose job is to keep danger away from an important person
Mr Hunt: Where’s the map?Do you have it?
Mrs Hunt: No,I don’t have it.Sheila has it.But she’s using it to go to Hampstead.71.
Mr Hunt: No,we can’t 72 .
Mrs Hunt: We’re in Bayswater Road now. 73 .
Mr Hunt: Park Lane.
Mrs Hunt: 74 .
Mr Hunt: Yes,Park Lane’s east of Hyde Park.
Mrs Hunt: 75 .
Mr Hunt: Well,Bayswater Boad’s north of Hyde Park.East is that way,to the right.
A.That’s easy.
B.Do you think we can lose our way?
C.Where’s east?
D.We want to go to Park Lane.
E.Shall we go to Park Lane or Park Street?
F.The streets have names and we can ask the way.
G.That’s all right.
76.Good medicine is b_______ to mouth.
77.“Good morning”and“Dear Sir”are g_______.
78.Choose the correct answers a_______ to the passage.
79.Mother took great p_______ of his successful son.
80.The cruel woman showed little m_______ to the little girl.
81.He is a _______(搏学的) lawyer.
82.She is a near _______(亲戚) of mine.
83.Her mother’s loving cares _______(安慰) the sobbing girl.
84.China signed long-term trade _______(协议) with Poland and Hungary in 1958.
85.The young strongly _______(欲望) to do something.
  Which is best way to learn a language? 86._______
We should remember what we all learnt out 87._______
own language well when we were children. 88._______
If we could learn a second language by the 89._______
same way,it would not seem such difficult. 90._______
Think of what small child does.It listens 91._______
to people to speak and tries to learn. 92._______
It is using a language.It is talking 93._______
in it and thinking in it all the time.If 94._______
people had to using a second language all 95._______
the time,they would learn it quickly.
在火车站里,有人向你打听去St.Johnson School的路。请参照地图说明道路。提示:去St.Johnson School并不难。出车站向左转,走到红绿灯处,由十字路口(crossroads)再向左转,那是St Johns大街。沿街一直走到一家电影院,过了电影院,左边有一条很狭窄(narrow)的街,叫Stamp Street.沿街走二百码便是学校,对面有座教堂。
A.Can you tell me the way to St.Johnson School?
76.bitter   77.greeting  78.according  79.pride  80.mercy  81.learned
82.relation  83.comforted  84.agreement  85.desire
86.best-the best  87.what-how     88.去掉well  89.by-in  90.such-so
91.small-a small  92.speak-to speak  93.a-the   94.√   95.using-use
A: Can you tell me the way to St.Johnson School?
B: Yes,certainly.It is not very difficult to find your way from the station to St.Johnson School.When you come out of the station,turn left and keep walking until you reach the traffic lights.Turn left at the crossroads again.You will be on Sat. Johns Street.Go straight ahead along the street until you come to the cinema,Just after the cinema there is a very narrow street on the left.This is Stamp Street.The school is about two hundred yards down the street on the right.There is a church opposite.




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