2005年高考英语第一轮总复习讲座之五(SBⅠ-Units 9-10)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

1. 词汇:
although, believe, necessary, greatly, correct, form, repair, complete, information, improve, a waste of time, make a decision, bring down, thanks to, keep a record of, at one time, make a plan for, go up, the information on the computers, prefer to travel by air, shooting, gold, unusual, prize, have sports, horse-riding, in modern times,take part in, hand in, every four days, more and more, do one’s best to do sth .
(1)And it’s bigger, although it’s more expensive.
(2)Can you try to get them to bring down the price?
(3)You might not be able to...until three days...
(4)It’s much easier to make plans for your trips.
(5)I prefer horse-riding to shooting.
(6)After that more and more countries joined in the game.
(7)They do their best to win medals.
(8)The place I used to go to is 7 kilometres away.
(9)the same as.../the same... as...
(1)In my opinion, we should...
(2)What’s your opinion?
(3)I believe we should...
(4)I don’t think it’s necessary to buy.
(5)We must decide...
(6)I hope we can make a decision.
(7)Which do you prefer,...or...
(8)I prefer...to...
(9)Do you often have sports at school?
(10)Would you please let me know when...
(11)My favourite sport is...
bring down(风)刮倒,降低(降落);bring up 养大,呕吐;bring about带来,引起;bring along捎来,带来,bring back 归还;bring out 拿出;bring in 赚(钱),带进,传入;bring on 端上(饭菜),引起(火灾),使……成长;
①He felt terribly ill and brought ______ what he ate.
②Surely the new railway will bring ______ many changes
in this less developed area.
③Next time you come to China, be sure to bring ______your
④All the library books must be brought_______ before June20.
⑤Selling newspapers brings ______ enough money for my
⑥Enough water can bring the rice _______ .
Key: ①up ②about ③along ④back ⑤in ⑥on
2.动词 + up
go up(物价等)上涨,上升;build(up)one’s health使身体强壮;turn up 出席,到场,开大音量;divide up 分配;分给;set up 建立;come up走近,发芽;pick up 拾起,用车接,收听(节目);send up发射;get up 起床;grow up 长大;look up仰望,查阅;eat up 吃光;drink up喝光;use up用光;stay/sit up熬夜;give up放弃;take up占空间,从事,开始干;keep up保持,继续;put up举起,建起;hang up挂起来;hold up举起;join up 连接起来;rise up奋起反抗;move up向前移动;lift up扶起;do up包,捆;hurry up赶快;call up 打电话;break up拆散,破裂;make up组成,化妆,编造;bring up抚养大;dress up打扮;add up加起来;warm up变暖,热身。
Prices are_____ _____ day after day.
The clothes are often_______ ______ near a fire.
The mother_____ the baby______ and took him away.
He went and stayed in the countryside for a period of time and _____ ______ ______ _______.
Key: ①going, up
②hung, up
③lifted, up
④built, up, his, health
I/We think, believe,suppose, imagine接宾语从句时,通常否定主句谓语;但变反意问句时,却必须和从句的人称、谓语保持一致,而且要考虑主句中有无 not。如:I don’t think she is right,isn’t?/I believe that they will win the match, won’t they?
①I don’t suppose there will be rain this night.
②We don’t think America will agree to our peace plan.
change one’s clothes换衣服;
Change places with me, please.
Passengers to London will change at this station into another train.
She changed her money before going abroad.
I have made up my mind and nothing will change it.
⑤用于change into,表示“变成”
Ice changes into water rapidly on a hot day.
⑥用于chang...into,表示“ 把……变成”
We can change water into steam by heat.
⑦用于change...for,表示“把……换成(替代)”change it for
a bigger one
change his old car for a new one.
⑧用于change from...to, 表示“由……变成”
change from ice to water由冰变成水。
①用于make a change,表示“修改,改变”,a 可换成any,some,no.如:
We have made some changes in our plan for travel.
The poem seems perfect. We won’t make any change.
②与take place连用,表示“发生变化”
Great changes have taken place in my hometown.
Do you have any change on you?
①I seldom carry changes with me. You’ve to change your note in a bank.
②Your coat is too old. Change it into a new one ,please.
③In autumn the leaves change green to brown.
④Some change are to be made in the report.
Key: ①改changes为change
improve one’s English/the living conditions/one’s method of study/oneself in maths提高英语水平/改善居住条件/改进学习方法/提高教学水平。
After two days’ rest his health is improving.
3)用作名词:improvement of soil土壤改良;make improvement in 在某方面作出改进
①His Chinese is improving./He is improving his Chinese.
②You’d better improve your article./You’d better make
improvement in your article.
a piece of diary一则日记;a sheet of paper 一张纸;a suit
of clothes一套服装;an article of clothing一件衣服;a crowd
of people一群人;a basin of water 一盆水;a block of wood一块木头;a cake of soap 一块肥皂;a bottle of ink一瓶墨水;a grain of sand 一粒沙子;a group of tall trees 一片高树;a team of players一队运动员;a copy of China Youth 一分《中国青年》;a drop of oil 一滴油;a loaf of bread一块面包;a pack of cigarettes一包烟;a pair of socks一双短袜;a tin of beer一罐啤酒;a set of equipment一套设备;a bucket of water一桶水;a couple of eggs两个鸡蛋;a pile of old books 一堆旧书;a bowl of rice 一碗米饭;a handful of sand一把(少量的)沙
①Piles of old books were sold when we moved.
②Three pieces of important news were printed in the front page.
7.complete, finish
二个词都有“完成”之意,但complete更突出使一切完备、没有欠缺、多指完成工程、设计等。而finish是一般用语。常用短语有:complete the work完成工作;complete the new railway 修完铁路;complete one’s collection of stamps完备集邮;finish one’s homework/middle school/writing the article 完成作业/中学毕业/写完文章。
注意:complete还可用作形容词,意为“完全的,彻底的、完成了的”。completely 是副词,“完全地、彻底地”。如:a complete sentence/strange/success/failure完整的句子/完全陌生/完全成功/彻底的失败。This job is completely new to me.这项工作对我来说是完全陌生的。
①You have to finish to read the whole passage in five
②Professor Smith has been complete successful in working out the problem.
①改to read为reading,因为finish后只能接动名词。
necessary主要用于两种句型:①It’s necessary for sb. to do
sth.某人有必要做某事②It’s necessary that…有必要……。注意:that从句中谓语用should + 动词原型,should 可省略。另外:不能使用sb. is necessary to do 结构,因为通常是“某事或做某事有必要”,而非人有必要。误:He is necessary to return home this afternoon. 正:It’s necessary for him to return home this afternoon.
①It’s necessary for him to improve his method of study:/It’s necessary that the should improve his method of study。
②If necessary,we’ll employ more men for the harvest.
①可用单数和复数形式,但不和数词或不定冠词连用。This car
needs a lot of repairs before you can use it. 这部汽车需要大修之后才能使用。/The repair of the ship cost much money.这艘轮船的修理花了很多钱。
②短语:make repairs/do repairs 修理(必须用复数);under repair 在修理;be out of repair失修
①repair多指修理的物体较庞大,构造较复杂或损坏严重的东西。如:repair a bridge/house/car/TV set/watch修桥/房子/汽车/电视/手表。 习惯上可用于指补鞋,但不用于指补衣服。
②mend 多用于指修理的物体较小,结构较简单的日常用具,或缝补衣服、袜子等。如:mend a shoe/sock/basket/box/pen补鞋/袜子/篮球/修补箱子/修钢笔。
③fix 是美国英语,可与repair替换。如:fix a machine/chair/typewriter修机器/椅子/打字机。
The swimming pool won’t be open today because they are_____.
This house has been____ ______ _____ for many years。
You can’t go through because the bridge is _____ _____.
Key:①making, repairs
②out,of, repair
③under repair或:being, repaired
1)decide to do 决定做
We decided to put off the trip to the U.S.我们决定推迟美国之行。
2)make a decision to do :
He has made a decision to buy a new computer.
3)make up one’s mind to do
The doctor made up his mind to go abroad for further education.
4)determine to do
We have determined to get the work done before National Day.
5)be determined to do
He is determined to give up smoking.
6)decide that……(从句中动词用should + 动词原形)
We decided that we should widen the road.
The young scientist was determined to go on with his
research./He determined to go on with his research./He
decided that he should go on with his research./He made up
his mind to go on with his research./He made a decision to go on with his research./He decided to go on with his research.
1)welcome sb.warmly/give sb.a warm welcome热烈欢迎某人;have a rather cold welcome 受到冷遇
2)You are welcome to …欢迎光临某地;Welcome to China.欢迎到中国来;You are welcome. 不用谢,别客气(回答感谢)。
We didn’t expect that they_____ us such a warm _____.
You are ____ _____ our school.
Key: ①gave, welcome
12.疑问词 +不定式
what ,how, when,where,whether,which等疑问词 + 不定式构成的短语相当于名词从句,多用在ask,decide,know, tell, explain, find out, consider, wonder后作宾语,可以改换成相应意义的宾语从句对比:
①Please show us how to use it./Please show us how we will use it.
②We don’t know whether to accept his invitation./We don’t
know whether we should accept his invitation.
①There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind______ to buy.(MET’92)
A what B.which C.how D.where
②Last summer I took a course on _______.(MET’90)
A.how to make dresses
B.how dresses be made
C.how to be made dresses
D.how dresses to be made
Key:①B ②A
hold one’s hand 抓住某人的手;hold me by the arm抓住我的胳臂;hold one’s breath屏住气;hold back one’s tears 忍住泪水;hold a meeting 开会;hold 100 passengers容纳100名乘客;hold a position守住阵地;hold back 阻止;hold one’s head high昂首,趾高气扬;hold up the wounded part 抬高受伤的部位; hold it tight 抓紧;hold everything in secret 对一切都保密;catch/get/take hold of a rope 抓住绳子;hold a child in one’s arms 怀抱孩子;hold a final examination举行期末考试
①Nothing can hold______the wheel of the history.
②I held her _____ the hand and tried to follow her.
③He was saved by taking hold______ the big stick.
④Please hold______ your hand if you have any questions to ask.
Key: ①back ②by ③of ④up
most of the time 大部分时间;enough time 足够的时间;ahead of time 提前;spare time 抽出时间;spend time 度过时间;take some time 花一些时间;pass time 度过一段时间;waste time 浪费时间;devote time in时间用在某方面;save time 节省时间
three times 三次;how many times 几次;five times as large as…五倍的大小;this time 这一次;last time 上一次;next time 下一次;each/every time 每一次;for the first time 第一次;
in the old times 在古时候;in ancient/modern times 在古代/现代;in one’s time 在某人那个时代;be ahead of one’s time 在时代面前;at the time of 在……时代;New York Times纽约时报
注意:have a good time 过得愉快,have a hard time/have hard times 日子过得艰难
____ _____ I called on him, he was busy with his work.
This is ______ ______ _____ _____ I have been to Beijing.
______ _____ ______ women could not go to school.
In the 1960’s the people there_____ _____ _____.
Key: ①Each, time ②the, first, time,that ③In, her, time,
④had, hard,times
15.比较级 + and + 比较级
more and more countries 越来越多的国家;fewer and fewer students越来越少的学生;less and less time 越来越少的时间;more and more beautiful越来越漂亮;get thinner and thinner 变得越来越瘦;fly higher and higher 飞得越来越高;run more and more slowly跑得越来越慢,become stronger and stronger 越来越强大;
①More and more people realize the importance of
learning a foreigh language well.
②The plane flew higher and higher until it was out of
16.be on
on 表明所处的状态,意为“为……工作,在……服务”可用be a member of, work for, belong to 替换。
I’m on the school team.
She is on Times newspaper.
①Which team do you belong to ?
Which team______you_____?
②She is a member of the city team.
She______ ______ the city team.
Key: ①are,on ②is, on
Which do you prefer, rice or bread? I would prefer rice.
Jake preferred to have some Chinese food.
I prefer doing some writing in my spare time.
I should prefer you not to stay there too long.
We prefer that we (should)have the discussion after the lecture.
I prefer popular songs to folk songs.
She prefers singing to dancing.
②prefer-rather than…宁愿……而不愿(prefer后接带to 的不定式,rather than后省略to)
I prefer to write my letter rather than type it.
②由于 prefer本身含“比较,更”之意,不用more,most修饰。
误:Which do you prefer most?
正:Which do you prefer?
误:I prefer tea more to coffee.
正:I prefer tea to coffee.
①Rather than_____on a crowded bus,he always prefers_____a
A.ride, rode B.riding, ride
C.ride, to ride D.to ride, riding
②They would prefer_____ with them.
A.her not going B.her not to go
C.she didn’t D.she not to go
Key:①C ②B
18.game,race, match
①play games
②play a game of basketball
③the Asian Games
④horse race.
⑤a 1,500-metre race
⑥run a race
⑦have a volleyball match
⑧watch a match
Key:①做游戏,比赛 ②进行一次篮球比赛 ③亚运会 ④赛马 ⑤一千五百米赛跑 ⑥赛跑 ⑦举行排球比赛 ⑧观看比赛
由-ing或-ed结尾的分词转化来的形容词,其意义不同。由-ing结尾的通常表示“某事/物令人感到……”;而-ed结尾的则表示被修饰词自身的感受。常用的有:exciting令人激动的;excited 激动的,兴奋的;astonishing 令人惊讶的;astonished 惊讶的;deighting 令人高兴的;delighted高兴的;disappointing令人失望的;disappointed感到失望的;encouraging令人鼓舞的;encouraged 受到鼓舞的;frightening令人可怕的;frightened吓坏了的;interesting令人感兴趣的;interested感兴趣的;moving动人的;moved受感动的;pleasing令人满意的;pleased满意的;shocking令人震惊的; shocked感到震惊;tiring使人疲备的;tired 疲劳的;worrying令人担心的;worried 担心的;satisfying 令人满意的;satisfied感到满意的。
①The young lady stood________ for a moment when she saw
a beggar before her suddenly.
A.surprising B.to surprise
C.surprised D.having surprised
②She took a deep breath to calm herself,but her voice
still sounded________.
A.excitement B.excited
C.exciting D.excitedly
③He had spent a ______ day.
A.more worry B.most worrying
C.more worrying D.more worried
④The tiring trip made all of us rather_______.
A.tiring B.tired C.tire D.to be tired
②B。句子的涵义是:Her voice showed that she was still
③C ④B
1.If______, we’ll go.
A.necessary B.being necessary
C.to be necessary D.it necessary
解析:此题考题“it+形容词或分词”作状语的结构。在英语中由if it is+adj引起的条件从句可以省略it is,直接用“if+adj或分词”的结构来代替类似的用法是when和while引起的时间从句中也可用“when/while+adj或分词”来代替“when/while it is...句型”。本题答案为A。
又如:When possible,I’ll help you with your English.
While waiting for you, I read newspapers.
2.At what time shall we______?
A.reach B.arrive C.get to D.arrive in
解析:此题考查reach, arrive,get to等词的用法。reach是一个及物动词,get to 也是一个及物动词短语,表示“到达某地”时后面都应该加上一个宾语。而arrive 是一个不及物动词,后面可以不用宾语,如表示到达某地则用arrive in/at。本题答案为B。
又如:They arrived in Beijing yesterday.
3._____to call.
A.You are enough B.You are so kind
C.It’s very kind of you D.It’s kind for you
解析:此题考查it is+adj+of/for sb.to do sth. 的结构。在“it is+adj+of/for sb.to do sth.”的结构中。介词的使用很容易出现差错。一般来说如形容词是用来修饰人、表示人的特性特征的话用介词of ,如形容词是用来修饰to do sth.的话用介词for。故本题答案用C。
又如: It is important for them to get up early in the morning.
It is necessary for us to learn computer.
4.Is this factory _______ he worked in last year?
A.that B.which C.the one D.where
点评:解这类题时,有的学生会将this factory 当作先行词而误用that或which,但本句为一般疑问句,因此this factory 为主句主语。若将此句改为Is this the factory—he worked in last year?则用that或which.
5.This is the library______ we can borrow books.
A.which B.that C.from which D.in which
解析:此题考查的是定语从句中关系代词的用法。关系代词在句子中的选择要根据先行词在从句中的作用(即充当的句子成分)来决定。其基本规律是先行词在从句中作主语或宾语时用that/who 或 which,作介词宾语时用介词+which或介词+whom(人)。本句意思是“我们可以从这家图书馆借到书。”故用介词+which (物)。所以本题答案为C。
1.advertise A.advertisement B.advantage C.lad D.umbrella
2.express A.description B.telegram C.exploit D.research
3.product A.production B.companion C.handsome D.promise
4.librarian A.advertise B.liberation C.lift D.lives
5.luggage A.computer B.umbrella C.used D.humour
6. The boss_______his satisfaction with what we had done.
A.showed B.expressed C.impressed D.presented
7. I think we_______have a picture of the computer and_______a description of the product.
A.should;give B.would;do C.should;make D.may;take
8. -Will you please read my letter and correct the mistakes,_______?
-Sure,I will.
A.if so B.if ever C.if an D.if not
9. -Would you be able to get a taxi to the station for me?
A.No problem B.Not necessary C.That’ll be fine D.That’s OK
10. Practice should go_______with theory.
A.hand in hand  B.heart to heart
C.step by step  D.side by side
11. The idea seems good but it needs_______.
A.to try out B.try out C.to be tried out D.being tried out
12. He blamed the teacher_______his failure.
A.for B.at C.of D.on
13. Look at these pictures and see if you can_______the man who attacked you.
A.pick out B.work out C.turn out D.point out
14. _______at the waste of money,I decided to leave the company.
A.To shock B.Shocked C.Shocking D.Was shocked
15. The story_______in the next month is sure.
A.will be continued     B.is to continue
C.will have continued    D.will be continuing
16. The meeting often starts_______a question_______the purpose or attracting people’s attention.
A.with;with B.in;for C.by;with D.with;on
17. Three guns,_______from a factory,were found in the house.
A.stealing B.robbing C.stolen D.robbed
18. If you are selling your product,you must_______the product’s brand is true.
A.test B.examine C.check D.experiment
19. We shall_______some new equipment from abroad in order to increase our production.
A.bring in B.bring up C.bring about D.bring down
20. I_______him to give up smoking,so he didn’t smoke any longer.
A.adversed B.try to persuade C.persuaded D.permitted
21. The question depends on_______you want to do it or not.
A.if B.that C.whether D.how
22. It’s time we_______our examinations.
A.have B.will have C.had D.had had
23. I never expected that they_______so good an idea.
A.could think up B.should think over C.think of D.think out
24. He is a good man_______his hot temper.
A.besides B.except C.except that D.except for
25. We can’t_______where he has gone.
A.find B.look for C.find out D.discover
  1970 was World Conservation(保护)year.The United Nations wanted 26 to know that the world is 27 danger.They 28 that governments would act quickly 29 “conserve” 30 .Here is one example 31 the problem.At one time there were 1,300 32 plants,trees and flowers in Holand 33 now only 866 34 .The others have been 35 by modern man and his technology.We are 36 the earth,the air and water,and everything 37 grows and lives.We can’t live 38 these things.If we continue 39 this we shall destroy ourselves.
  What will 40 in the future?Perhaps it is more important to 41 “What nust we do now?”The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are 42 of 43 .A lot of them know that conservation is 44 .Many are helping to save our world.They plant trees,build bridges 45 rivers in forests,and so on. 46 a small town on the United States a large group of girls cleaned the bank of 11 kilometres of their river.Young people 47 hear about conservation through a record 48 “No one’s going to change our world.”It was 49 by the Beatles.Cliff Richard and other singers.The money 50 it will help to conserve wild animal.
26.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.nobody
27.A.out of B.in C.on D.of
28.A.saw B.heard C.thought D.hoped
29.A.in order of B.on C.up to D.for
30.A.world B.nature C.earth D.air
31.A.about B.for C.of D.on
32.A.different B.the same C.kinds D.nice
33.A.and B.but C.or D.yet
34.A.stay B.leave C.keep D.ramain
35.A.saved B.helped C.destroyed D.planted
36.A.changing B.proteeting C.making D.destroying
37.A.which B.that C.what D.where
38.A.with B.on C.in D.without
39.A.as B.like C.for D.on
40.A.do B.grow C.like D.happen
41.A.say B.ask C.answer D.see
42.A.the old B.the young C.younger D.older
43.A.today B.yesterday C.before D.later
44.A.easy B.difficult C.necessary D.good
45.A.on B.across C.above D.through
46.A.For B.In C.At D.of
47.A.have to B.may C.must D.liked to
48.A.said B.told C.reported D.call
49.A.done B.kept C.made D.worked
50.A.from B.of C.with D.for
  Claire always wanted to be a singer.Music was the most important thing in her life but,to tell you the truth,she had a terrible voice.She took lessons for years,practised every day,but in spite for all this,her voice didn’t improve.Honestly,it didn’t get better,it just got louder.
  Her teacher finally gave up and stopped the lesson,but Claire refused to quit,and one day she decided to give a concert and invited her former teacher to attend.
  The teacher was very worried about what to say after the performance.She knew it would be awful and it was.She didn’t want to tell a lie,but she didn’t want to hurt Claire’s feeling either.Finally,she got an idea and went backstage to greet her pupil.
  “Well,”said Claire,“What did you think of my performance?”
  “My dear”said the teacher,“you’ll never be better than you were tonight.”
51. What was the most important thing in Claire’s life?_______.
A.Music B.Money C.Love D.Teaching
52. What did Claire’s teacher finally do?_______.
A.She encouraged her
B.She raised her fee for the lessons
C.She gave up and stopped the lessons
D.She quarrelled with Claire
53. What did Claire do?_______.
A.She quit           B.She gave a concert
C.She became a voice teacher  D.She quarreled with her teacher
54. The teacher finally gave up because_______.
A.Claire wasn’t interested in music any more
B.Claire decided to quit
C.Claire’s voice didn’t improve
D.Claire’s often played truant
55. The teacher thought Claire’s performance was_______.
A.wonderful B.awful C.the best D.better
  Recorded background music first found its way into factories,shops and restaurants in the USA,but is soon spread to other parts of the world.Now it is becoming increasingly difficult to go shopping or eat meal without listening to music.
  The best-known supplier of background music is an American company called“Muzak”.The word “Muzak”is now commonly used in English to refer to recorded music played continuously in restaurants,places of work,etc.The company has carried over a hundred studies which show that background music can create a pleasant atmosphere and improve productivity(生产效率).It must be used in the right way,though.If the type of“Muzak”is wrong,it may well acute an entire factory to sleep.
56. Which of the following statements is true?_______.
A.Background music is only used in the USA
B.Background music is used all over the world except the USA
C.Most shops and restaurants use background music now
D.It is very difficult to listen to background music
57. What is“Muzak”?_______.
A.It is the name of an American company which sells recorded background music.
B.It is recorded background music played continuously in shops,restaurants,places of work,etc
C.It is the name of a composer of background music
D.Both A and B
58. It has been proved that“Mazak”can_______.
A.improve productivity      B.create a pleasant atmosphere
C.curse an entire factory     D.have the effects mentioned in“A、B、C”
59. The studies of the American company show that_______.
A.the wrong kind of“Muzak”could be harmful
B.“Muzak”is no good in factories
C.“Muzak”is welcome everywhere
D.“Muzak”can cure sleeplessness
60. The main point of the passage is that_______.
A.background music is a good thing
B.background music is a bad thing
C.it is important to use background music in the right way
D.the Americans are good at using background music
  One of New York’s most beautiful and valuable building is in danger.The New York Public Library,in the heart of the city at 42nd Street and 5th Avenue,may have to close its doors.
  The library is a very special place.Even though it is in the busiest part of the city,it had grass and trees around it,and benches for people to sit on.Even more unusual in crowded New York,its rooms are very large.The roof of the main reading room is fifty-one feet high.Here,a reader can sit and think and work in comfort.
  And what books there are to work with.The library has over thirty million books and paintings.It owns one of the first copies of a Shakespare play,a bible printed by Gutenberg in the 15th century,and a letter written by Columbus in which he tells of finding the new world.
  Every New Yorker can see and use the library’s riches-free.
  But the cost of running the library has risen rapidly in recent years,and the library does not have enough money to continue its work.In the past,it was open every evening and also on Saturdays and Sundays.Now it is closed at those times,to save money.
  The library is trying in every possible way to raise more money to meet this increasing costs.Well-known New York writers and artists are trying to help.So are the universities.whose students use the library,and the governments of New York City and New York State.But the problem remains serious.
  Yet a way must be found to save the library because,as one writer said.“The Public Library is the most important building in New York City-it contains all our knowledge.”
61. What part of New York City is the Public Library at?_______.
A.It’s at the 42nd Street and the 5th Avenue crossing
B.It’s far from the center of New York City
C.It’s at 42nd street and 5th Avenue in the center of New York City
D.It is in the busiest place
62. Which of the following is true?_______.
A.The library’s costs cut down
B.The library owns a letter for Columbus
C.It is impossible to grow grass and trees around the library
D.There are so many books to work with in the library
63. Which of the following is not true?_______.
A.At present the library is closed even later than before
B.It’s open from morning to afternoon every day except weekend
C.The readers can sit and think and work every day.
D.In the past,the library was open every day
64. How much does a New Yorker have to pay for the use of the library?_______.
A.A New Yorker used to pay nothing,but now had to pay a little money
B.He has to pay the library’s increasing costs
C.Every New Yorker can visit the library freely,and use it with payment
D.A New Yorker doesn’t have to pay anything for the use of the library
65. Why is it important to save the library?
A.Because famous writers and artists are trying to help it
B.Because there is fifty-one-foot-high main reading room in it
C.Because it contains all our knowledge
D.Because it is one of New York’s most valuable buildings
  “He is coming!”Patrick cried.
  He could not see Hunter’s face.Without his glasses,Patrick could recognize very little in the darkness of the tall building.But he could see the white hands climbing up the ladder steps,one by one.
  There was a wooden door beside the boys:Ned pushed it open and light washed over the top floor,Ned pushed Patrick through the door and have fell after him.Then he shut the door and pressed his back to it.
  The morning light hurt their eyes.They were standing in the open air at the top of the round tower,on a stone floor.
  “What’s happening?”Ned called.
  Patrick moved forward and looked over the wall,but without his glasses he could not see clearly.In the village below,people were moving.People stood with upturned faces like little white circles.
  The door pushed against Ned’s back.Ned pushed backwards with the full force of his arms and legs.
  “Open it,”Hunter shouted.
66. Patrick could not see Hunter’s face because_______.
A.his hands were in the way
B.it was too bright inside the building
C.he was crying
D.he wasn’t wearing his glasses
67. When the boys came out at the top floor,_______.
A.Ned had a rest
B.Ned leaned against the door to keep it shut
C.Patrick fell over the wall
D.they looked for somewhere to hide
68. The boys’ eyes hurt because_______.
A.it was bright outside
B.they fell over on the stone floor
C.they had lost their glasses
D.too many people were watching them
69. Down below in the village_______.
A.people were standing in circles
B.people were looking up at the building
C.animals were moving about
D.Hunter was shouting
70. Hunter wanted Ned to open the door_______.
A.so that he could get some fresh air
B.because he wanted to play games with the boys
C.because he was tried after climbing the ladder
D.so that he could catch the boys
(The interviewer walks into the room while Mary is playing the piano.She is very good at playing.)
Int: 71 That’s a very lovely song too.
Mary:Thank you. 72 I have a good time playing the piano.
Int: 73 .
Mary:I have been studying the piano for 10 years since I was nine years old.
Int:Really? 74 .
Mary:Oh yes,learning to play the piano takes a lot of work,but it’s all to the good.
Int:To the good.Do you make money playing the piano?
Mary:I didn’t mean it that way but I do make money sometimes.
Mary:I play at receptions or at parties. 75 I never had it so good.
 A.I love sports and amusements above everything else.I have no other hobbies.
 B.I didn’t know that you had played the piano for ten years?
 C.I’m glad you liked it.
 D.You are certainly good at playing the piano.
 E.I get paid for doing what I like to do.
 F.How long have you been playing?
 G.I know that,of course.
76.The boss expressed his s_______with our work.
77.A sign outside or inside a shop is a form of a_______.
78.F_______is the mother of success.
79.We made our way in the rain,sharing an u_______.
80.A l_______is a person who is in charge of or helps to run a library.
81.Please give a_______(描述)of your lost bag.
82.His work must be_______(重新评价).
83.Do you know the_______(英俊的)young man standing over there?
84.He and his_______(同事)invented many things.
85.What is one_______(优势)of advertising?
  I gave my housekeeper an old pair of trouser to wash 86._______
and went to study to read.My housekeeper goes 87._______
through my pockets before she washed anything.But 88._______
for some reason she failed do so this time.As I was 89._______
reading,I suddenly remembered that there were a 90._______
five-pounds note in one pocket of the trousers I had 91._______
given her.I dropped her book and rushed into the 92._______
bathroom.But it was too late.My trousers had been 93._______
into the washing-machine for ten minutes already. 94._______
I stopped the machine then pulled out my trousers as 95._______
quickly as possible,I nearly hurt my fingers when I tried to unbutton(解开) my back pocket.At last I found the dry piece of paper which had once been a five-pound note.To my great disappointment,I discovered that it was pure white.
  生词:独唱 独奏solo,合唱chorus, 合奏instrumental ensemble
76.satisfaction 77.advertising 78.Failure 79.umbrella 81.librarian 81.description 82.reviewed 83.handsome 84.companions 85.advantage 86.trouser-trousers 87.study-the study 88.washed-washes 89.failed-failed to 90.were-was 91.five-pounds-five-pound 92.her-my 93.√ 94.then-and
One possible version:
  Boys and girls,there’s good news for you.There will be a wonderful concert.You can enjoy some solos,chorus,instrumental ensemble and dances,including popular music,classical music,violin solos and so on.I think you will open your eyes and relax your mind in them.You will have a nice time there.Let’s gather at the school gate at 1:30 this Saturday afternoon.




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