Unit 8 Sports

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1. worth的用法
worth用作形容词,意思是“值(多少钱);相当于……的价值” 或“值的”。常用于以下句型:be worth + money (the price)值多少钱(价) be (well) worth doing sth. / n. (很)值得做某事。如:
It was worth five hundred francs at the most.它至多值 500法郎。
The place is well worth visiting.这地方很值得访问。The place is well worth a visit.
It is well worth visiting the place. How much is the necklace worth? 这个项链值多少钱?
注意: be worth后接动名词的主动式,表示被动的含义。
2. prefer的用法 prefer是动词,意思是“宁愿;较喜欢;更喜欢”。常用于以下句型:
l)prefer+ n.(pron.)喜欢……; 2) prefer doing (to do) sth.宁愿做某事;
3)prefer sb. to do sth.宁愿某人做某事; 4)prefer sth.to sth.喜欢某东西,而不喜欢某东西;
5)prefer doing sth. to doing sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事;
6) prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。
He always prefers to ride a bike rather than ride on a crowded bus.他总是宁愿骑自行车而不愿意坐拥挤的汽车。
She prefer to live with her parents.她宁愿与父母住在一起。
3. would rather... than...与rather than的区别
1)rather… than的意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,than后接动词时用原形。2)rather than的意思是“而不是……;与其…并愿…”。注意;在使用以上两句型时,要考虑“平衡”问题,即其前后必须是同类的句法单位。如:
She would rather die than give in.她宁死不屈。She would die rather than give in. Rather than give in she would die.
The colour seems green rather than blue.这颜色似乎是绿的而不是蓝的。
4. take part in, join, join in 与 join sb. in doing sth.的区别
1) take part in“参加”。其后接表示会议、劳动或者文娱体育等活动的名词。它的主语是活动的积极参与者。
2)join作及物动词用,是“参加”或“加入”某个组织并成为其中的一员。3)join in指“参加”一群人的某种活动。4)join sb. in doing sth.意思是“和某人一道去做某事”。如:Many students took part in (joined in) the game.许多学生参加了这个比赛。
All my friends join me in wishing you a happy birthday.我的所有朋友和我一道祝你生日快乐。
He joined the army (party) three years ago.三年前他参了军(人了党)。
 It is three years since he joined the army( party) .  He has been in the army (party) for three years.
 He has been a soldier (a party member) for three years.
5.注意every的常见结构: 1) every + 基数词十复数名词 2)every十序数词十单数名词 3)every other十单数可数名词 4)every few十复数名词 5)every four days (every fourth day)每四天(每隔三天) 6)every three or four days每三四天 7)every other day (line)每隔一天(行) 8)very few days每几天
6. The old Olympic Games from which the modern games came, began around the year 776 BC in Greece.
l)其中的介词要根据定语从句中谓语动词的习惯搭配来决定。若先行词是物,用“介词十 which”;若先行词是人,用“介词十 whom”。如:This is the man of/about whom we talked several times.这就是我们曾经几次谈到过的那个人。
This is the hospital in which he was born.这就是他出生的那家医院。
A bookshop is a shop from which (where) people can buy books.书店是一个人们可以从里面买书的商店。
对定语从句中的谓语动词是含有介词的短语动词时,介词放在动词之后,不能拆开。如:This is the key which you're looking for.这正是你在找的钥匙。That is the baby whom you will look after.那是你将要照看的婴儿。
7.the same as, the same…as…与 the same…that…的句型
l)the same as +单词或短语(没有谓语动词)
This is the same as that.这个与那个一样。 Your coat is the same as mine (my coat) .你的外套与我的样。
2)the same + n. + as +n.(pron.)(表“……与……相同”) the same+ n. + as+定语从句(表“与……相似”)。
I have bought the same car as yours.我买了一辆与你一样的小车。  I have bought the same car as you have.
3)the same+ n. + that引导的定语从句(表示“与……同’”)。如: Look ! This is the same girl that begged from door to door the other day.看!那个女书同前几天沿门讨饭的女孩是同一人。
1) allow doing sth.的用法 allow是动词,意思是“准许;允许”,常用于以下句型: 1) allow doing sth.允许于某事; 2) allow sb. to do sth.允许某人于某事; 3) sb. be (not)allowed to do sth.某人被允许于某事; 4) allow sb. in (out)允许某人进来(出来)。如:Please allow me to introduce myself to you.请允许我向你们作自我介绍。They do not allow smoking here.他们这儿不允许吸烟。The men are not allowed to have beards.男人不允许留胡子。
in modem times在现代 at times有时候 all the time一直;始终 at that time在那时 at the same time 同时 once upon a time从前 from time to time时常;有时 at the time此时;眼下 in a few days' time几天后 by the time到……时候为止 in time及时;迟早;最后 for the first time第一次 on time准时 after a time过了一会儿 any time在任何时候at a time每次,一次,一度at one time同时,曾经 一度at no time 决不 at other times在另外一些场合中 in no time 立刻,很快、
两者都有“事件”之意,但含义不同:event特指历史上的重大事件,多指国家和护 社会的事件,也可指人生大事;accident是意外事件、偶发事件,一般指不幸的事故,如“车祸;天灾”之类。如:His father who was killed in an accident once said that the May 4th Movement was a great event in the history of China.他的父亲在一次车祸中丧生了,曾说过五四运动是中国历史上的一件大事。注意: event在本课指的是“比赛项目”; by accident意思是“偶然地”。
11.such as与 for example的区别; 两个短语都可以译作“例如”,但用法有所不同:
1)such as用来列举事物,和被列举的事物一起放在所要说明的名词之后,有时也然可分开使用。“such as十被列举的事物”作前面名词的同位语。2)for example主要是用来举个例子,在句中作插入语,可位于句首,句末或句中。
Some boys such as Tom, Mike like to play football.有些男孩,例如汤姆、迈克,喜欢踢足球。
Some students, for example, John, live in the city.有些学生,例如约翰吧,就住在城里。
12. The people of Beijing, and of the whole country, will be preparing to light the Olympic torch to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world.北京市民及全国人民正在为点燃奥运火炬、欢迎来自世界各地的运动员、运动速而准备着。
1)这是一个较为复杂的句子。“of Beijing, and of the whole country”是定语,修饰“the people”;不定式短语“to light the Olympic torch”作宾语,不定式短语“to welcome athletes and sports fans from all over the world.”用作目的状语。
2)prepare的用法 用作及物动词,意思是“准备;调制”。主要有以下用法:
A.prepare可眼双宾语,间接宾语后移时用 for引导。如:My mother is preparing us a meal.妈妈在为我们准备膳食。My mother is preparing a meal for us.
B.prepare通常跟for引起的短语,表示“为……做好准备”。如:What special food do people prepare for the Spring Festival?春节人们准备什么特殊食物?She was going to prepare for her trip.她在为旅行做准备。
C. be prepared to do sth.有时相当于(be willing/ready to do sth.),意思是“准备做…”;“愿意做……”。如.I am not prepared (ready) to listen to your excuses.我不打算听你的借。He was not prepared to accept your invitation.他不准备接受你的邀请。
D. prepare to do sth.准备做… 如:We are busy preparing to go on holidays.我们正在忙着准备休假。
be in preparation在准备中 in preparation for为……做准备 make preparations for为…••微准备
1)effect可用作可数名词和不可数名词,意思是“效果;作用;影响”等。如:The medicine has no effect.这药无效。 The medicine is of no effect. Our efforts are beginning to have/take an effect.我们的努力开始见效了。
2)effect常用词组:have good/bad effects on对…产生好的(不好的)影响 have/take (an) effect on (upon)生效;开始发生作用of no effect(作表语)没有作用 without effect(作状语)没有作用
1) encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事。如:My parents often encourage me to study hard.我的父母经常鼓励我努力学习。
2) encourage sb. in sth.在……方面助长(鼓励)。如:Don't encourage him in laziness.别助长他的懒惰行为。
We must encourage her in her studies.我们必须鼓励她用功学习。
注意: encouraged和 encouraging作形容词时,前者说明人“受到鼓舞的”,后者多用于修饰说明物,意思是“令人鼓舞的”。如:We were encouraged by his achievements.他的成就使我们受到了鼓舞。The early results are encouraging.初步的结果是令人鼓舞的。by hand的意思是“用手;手工制作”,有强调不是用其他什么工具之意。如;
All these letters are written by hand.所有这些信件都是用手写的。Her bag was made by hand.她的包是手工制品
注意: hand的常见短语:hand in hand 手拉手 at hand 在手边give sb. a hand 帮某人的忙价 hand out分发 shake hands with sb.与某人握手 hand in上缴 hand down传下来 in one’s hand在某人的手里(上) from hand to hand从一个人传到另一个人 on the other hand另一方面
16. more than的用法种种
1)more than用于修饰形容词、名词或动词而不是数词时,可看作习语,意思是“不止,不只是;非常”等。
My parents were more than happy to hear of my success.父母听到我的成功非常高兴。
The Big Man Yao Ming has more than just size: he also has great skill and speed and he is a team player.身材魁梧的姚明并不只是体现在他的身高上,作为一名队员,他还具备相当的技术和速度。
I'm more disappointed than angry.与其说我生气,到不如说我失望。
3)“more than one十单数名词”作主语时,其谓语动词用单数;“more十复数名词十than one”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。如: More than one student has seen the film.不止一个学生看过那部电影。 More students than one have seen the film.
注意:no more than与not more than后跟数词时的区别:no more than的意思是“仅仅;只有(only)”,有嫌少之意,带有说话者的主观色彩;not more than的意思是“不到…(某个数字)(less than)”,无嫌少之意,也不带有说话人的任何主观色彩。如: His whole school education added up to no more than one year.他所受的全部学校教育加起来仅仅只有~年。
His whole school education added up to not more than one year.他所受的全部学校教育加起来不超过一年。
【语法点评] 一般将来时被动语志用法归纳
A.一般将来时被动语态由“shall(will)+ be十及物动词的过去分词”构成。使用时应注意下面句型由主动语态变为被动语态的方法:1)主语十谓语十宾语。如:
主动: We' 11 build a new house next year. 被动: A new house will be built ( by us) next year.
主动: My mother will give me a shirt. 被动: I will be given a shirt (by my mother) .
注意:如果把直接宾语改为主语,则在间接宾语前加 to或 for。如:
主动: My mother will buy me a new coat. 被动: A new coat will be bought for me( by my mother ) .
主动:We' 11 ask him to help you tomorrow. 被动:He will be asked to help you ( by us ) .
1) be going to be(done); be to be(done)。如:
主动: We are to repair the machine tomorrow. 被动:The machine is to be repaired ( by us ) tomorrow.
2) shall(will)+get + 过去分词(多用于非正式场合)。如:
主动:I' 11 get the work done. 被动:The work will get done by me.
3) will+ become十过去分词。如:The truth will become known.




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