高三Roots (根)

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在本单元,同学们通过阅读课文“Journey into the unknown”和“Roots”,可以了解18 – 19世纪白人捕捉和贩运黑人作奴隶及虐待他们的罪恶历史。
About “Roots”
“Roots” is a well-known novel written by an American author — Alex Haley , which was a best seller in the USA in the 1970s . “Roots ”is mainly about Haley’s family history , which covers seven generations’ history . In order to find out how his ancestors got to America , Haley did a lot of research and traveled around the USA and Africa looking for information about his ancestors . At last , in Gambia he got to find his roots — Kunta and a group of the blacks who were caught and sold to America as slaves about 200 years ago .
The novel also describes what his ancestors suffered from during the journey to the USA . “Roots” was published in 1976 and Haley won the Pulitzer Prize in 1977 . Also he became world-famous .
Ⅰ. 词汇学习
四会单词和词组:reason (v .) , roll over , give out
三会单词和词组:in chains , daylight , from generation to generation , worthwhile
Ⅱ. 交际英语
expressing wishes , hope and desire
1. I wish to do … / I am going to do …
2. I want / hope / would like to … ; I intend / mean / plan to do …
3. I would do it if I had the chance .
4. If only I could do …
5. I wish I could do …/ I wish I had …/ I wish I were …
6. I wish you every success .
7. Good luck !
8. I feel like doing sth
9. I’m ready to do …
10. I would rather not tell you .
11. I have been looking forward to doing …
12. I’ve always dreamed of …
13. So do I .
Ⅲ. 语法学习
1. reason vi . 评理;劝说;推断为;说服
I reasoned that he was lying . 我断定他在撒谎。
〖点拨〗reason sb into doing = persuade sb into doing = persuade sb to do说服某人干……。reason sb out of说服某人不干……。
另外要注意当reason作名词时常用于:The reason (why) … is that …。the reason for sth和 the reason to do sth是“……的理由。”
The reason (why) he got ill was that he didn’t pay attention to his health .
The reason why we don’t trust him is that he has often lied .
2. worthwhile值得的 ;值得花费时间和金钱的
She was offered a worthwhile job .
〖点拨〗It is worthwhile + to do (或者 –ing ) 。如:It’s worthwhile visiting the museum . = It is worthwhile to visit the museum .
注意下面的“值得”表达:be worth doing ; be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done 。
如:The article is worthy of careful study . = The article is worthy of being studied carefully . = The article is worthy to be studied carefully . = The article is worth studying .
1. roll over翻滚
The boys rolled over on the snow . How fun it was !
2. give out分发
All the new textbooks have been given out .
注意:give out还作“发出,放出;发表;精疲力竭;耗尽”。如:
The news was given out this morning .
The teacher’s patience at last gave out .
His strength gave out soon .
3. be born a free man生来是一个自由人
4.be in chains戴着镣铐
put sb in chains给某人戴上手铐脚镣
5. be fixed to被固定到……
Will you please make sure the button has been fixed to the board ?
6. be in pain疼痛
7. cry softly to oneself独自轻声哭泣
8. be hit on the head被击在头部
When the thief tried to escape , a woman hit him on the head behind him .
9. reason with sb与某人理论
10. What was to become of them all ? = What would happen to them all ?
11. Worst was to come . 更糟糕的事要发生。
12. run the length of the ship从船的这一头延伸到另一头
13. fall sick with fever因发烧而病到
14. cry out for sth叫喊要某物;哭着要;恳求
Don’t take any notice of Johnny ; he cries out for nothing .
注意:cry out against大声疾呼反对。cry out大声呼喊。如:
The woman in the water cried out “Help !”
The people cried out against the unfair decision of the court .
15. once in a while偶尔,有时候
We go for a picnic in the park once in a while .
Once in a while the dog would run away , but usually he stayed in the yard .
16. open wide开大,睁大
What’s wrong with you ? First , Open you mouth wide , please . Let me take a look at your tongue and throat .
17. in daylight在阳光中
注意:at daylight黎明时。before daylight黎明前。
18. chain / tie sb up = put sb in chains把某人铐起来
19. on one’s arrival某人一到达
On his arrival he set about correcting the compositions .
20. make copies of抄写
21. pass down传下来;传送;传递;遗传
The skill has been passed down over four generations .
22. from generation to generation一代一代地
注意:from one generation to another = generation after generation = from generation to generation
23. go back over centuries追溯几个世纪以前
24. come to a sad part讲述一段伤心的事情
25. play the role of扮演……的角色
He is good at playing the part of Maozedong
1. Born a free man,he was now in chains . 他生来就是个自由人,现在却戴上了镣铐。
〖明晰〗(1) Born a free man为过去分词短语作状语,相当于一个让步状语从句的省略。完整句子为:Although he was born a free man . 再如:Beaten black and blue,he didn‘t go down on his knees . 虽然被打得遍体鳞伤,他仍不屈膝投降。
(2) in chains / irons 戴着镣铐;在囚禁中。如:
He was in chains and disgrace . 他被囚而受辱。
All the murderers in chains will soon be sentenced to death . 所有戴着镣铐的凶手很快就要被判处死刑。
已学过的由“in + 名词的复数”的介词短语如:
in pairs 成双地 / in circles 围成圆圈形 / in tears 哭着
One man had a head wound and was in pain . 一个人头部受伤,非常疼痛。
had a head wound=be wounded in the head
in pain 疼痛难忍。已学过的由“ in +名词的单数”的介词短语, 如: in public公开地 /in silence无声地 / in battle 在战斗中…
2. What was to become of them all,he wondered .他感到纳闷,他们的下场将会怎样呢?
〖明晰〗(1) become of (人或事物的)结果是;使遭遇。如:What will become of her now that her husband has died ? 她丈夫一死,真不知她的遭遇将如何。
What has become of the book I put here yesterday ?我昨天放在这儿的书哪去啦?
(2) he wondered 置于句尾作插入语,意思是“他想知道”。
3. Worse was to come.更糟的事就要发生了。
〖明晰〗worse adj. (bad的比较级)更坏的、更差的、更恶化的。常用句式有:to make the matter worse (=and what is worse 或worse than all更糟的是。worse在本课作名词“更坏的事”,如:I have worse to tell. 我还有更坏的事要说。 Worse cannot happen.事情不可能更坏了。
4. They had rough weather, and Kunta’s back bled from rolling over on the hard wooden boards . 途中天气非常恶劣,由于在硬木板上滚来滚去,昆塔的背流出了血。
〖明晰〗(1) bled 是动词bleed(流血)的过去式。如:His wound bled freely.他的伤口大量出血。/ He is bleeding like crazy from the stomach.她腹部流血不止。
(2) roll over从(边)上滚下;翻转;滚翻。如:
The policeman rolled the body over to look for the missing gun . 警察把尸体翻过来寻找失踪的手枪。
I had to hear Beethoven before I could ask him to roll over . 我得先听一下贝多芬曲,才能请他把唱片翻过来。
5. The moment he reached the country , he started his search . 他一到那个国 家,就开始寻找。
〖明晰〗the moment (instant , hour , time , minute) 以及directly, immediately, 都可用来引导时间状语从句,译作“一……就”,相当于as soon as.
如:(SEFC B2 L59) The young lady rushed into the room immediately she heard the noise . 那少女一听到响声,就冲进房间里。
6. All the stories of families, heroes, wars and journeys are passed down from generation to generation . 所有家族、英雄、战争以及旅行的故事都是一代代地传下来的。
〖明晰〗(1) pass down=hand down流传;遗传;传递。如:
The special technique has been passed down over four generations . 那种技术已传了四代。
(SEFC B3 L10) customs and memories were handed down by the elders of the race . 传统习俗以及记忆中的人和物,被这个种族的年长者传了下来。
In poor families , clothes may be passed down from one child to the next . 在穷苦人家,一个小孩穿过的衣服会留给另一个年龄小的穿。
(2) from generation to generation 一代一代,世世代代(=generation after generation.)
7. A few people in each group are given the task of remembering the group‘s family history that goes back over centuries . 每一个部落中有几个人,他们的任务是记住这个部落追溯到几百年前的家族史。
〖明晰〗(1) go back to (=date from, trace back to );追溯,返回到。如:
His family goes back to the time of Norman Conquest . 他的家族可追溯至诺曼底人征服英国的时代。
She found her pocketbook when she went back to the store . 她回到店里找到了她的钱包。
(2) over centuries 在几百年中。over可表“在……期间;到……过完”。 如:(SEFC B3 L27) They had been built over period of six centuries up until 1431 . 他们都是在1431年以前长达六个世纪期间建成的。
over several decades 在几十年中 / stay over Sunday呆过星期天 / work over night 通宵工作。
8. seize , take , grasp , arrest
〖明晰〗(1) seize“抓住”有猛然抓住并不脱手之意。如:
The policeman seized the thief by the collar. 那个警察抓着小偷的衣领不放。
(2) take“抓住”,属一般用语。如:
He took his girl friend by the arm. 他抓着女友的胳膊。
(3) grasp“抓住,抓紧;抱住;理解,领会”。如:
Grasp the rope and I’ll pull you up. 抓住绳子,我就拉你上来。
I didn‘t quite grasp your meaning. 我不太理解你的意思。
(4) arrest 侧重于“逮捕;扣留;防止。”如:
He was arrested in suspicion of having murdered the girl . 他因有谋害少女的嫌疑而被捕。
This newly developed drug has arrested his cancer . 这种新药已控制住了他的癌症。
9 . make up one’s mind, decide, determine
〖明晰〗(1) make up one‘s mind“决心;认定”,后接不定式或that从句,mind随人称而变化。如:
We’ve made up our minds to devote our lives to serving the people heart and soul . 我们决心把全部生命用于全心全意地为人民服务。
The crop is ruined, so we must make up our minds to that . 庄稼损坏了,我们必须承认那个事实。
(2) decide 指经过考虑或讨论研究作出决定,后接不定式,介词on / upon或从句。 如:
He decided on taking the position at the bank.=He decided to take the position at the bank . 他决定担任很行的职务。
(3) determine“决心、坚决”,侧重表示决心已下定,任何力量都动摇不了这种决心。 其后常接不定式,也可接 on / upon + ing 。 如:
His mother has determined to give him a chance . 他母亲决心给他一次机会。
10. give out , give away , give back , give forth , give in , give off , give over , give up
〖明晰〗(1) give out 放出、发生;宣称,公布,发表;分配,分发;用完,耗尽;精疲力竭。如:
The teacher‘s patience at last gave out . 老师终于失去了耐心。
His strength gave out . 他筋疲力尽。
(2) give away 赠送;出卖;泄露 / give back 归还;返射 / give forth 放出, 发出(声音,气味等);发表,公布give in投降;屈服,让步;交上 / give off 发出 (蒸气、光、烟等)/give over 移交,交托 / give up 让给;放弃,抛弃。
11. familiar to , familiar with
〖明晰〗(1) familiar to=well known to sb“为人所熟知”,其中to为介词,to 后常跟 人。如:
I’ve been away a long time, and that name is not familiar to me . 我出外很久了,这名字我不熟悉。
(2)familiar with=well acquainted with“精通、熟知、通晓”。be familiar with的主语一定是人,with后的宾语可人、可物。如:He is familiar with Shakespeare . 他精通莎士比亚的作品。
I am not very familiar with botanical names . 我对植物学上的名称不太熟悉。
12 . what kind of doctor 与 what kind of a doctor
〖明晰〗(1)“what kind / sort of”是问类别,所以:What kind of doctor is he ? 他是 哪科的医生?
(2)“what kind / sort of a (an)”是问程度、性质等具体情况。所以:what kind of a doctor is he ? 他是怎么样的医生?(含医术是否高明,待人处事的能力等)
The Capital of the United States
When George Washington became the first President of the United States , there was no permanent (永久的) capital . During the Revolutionary War seven different cities had served as the national capital . In addition , the members of Congress (议会) could not agree to where this permanent capital should be located (位于) .Some officials wanted it in the North , others wanted it in the South . Each of the states hoped that the capital might be set up within its own state lines .
At last it was decided that the capital should occupy (占有) a section by itself , separate from any of the states . The place chosen was situated on the Potomac River . The land then belonged to the state of Maryland , but Maryland agreed to give it to the national government . The section was named the District of Columbia, after Christopher Columbus . The city itself was named Washington , after George Washington .
Work was begun on the new capital in 1791 . In the year 1800 Congress occupied the new Capital Building . The White House Was opened at the same time as the home of all future presidents .
1 . There was no permanent capital in the United States when George Washington became the first President of the United States because ______ .
A . people didn‘t like the new government
B . there was not enough money to build the capital
C . American people were too busy fighting to think of the problem of building the capital
D . people had a disagreement about the location of the capital
2 . Which of the following is implied (暗示的) but not stated in the passage ?
A . George Washington’s office was perhaps not in the White House .
B . Seven cities used to be the capital of the United States .
C . The North and the South couldn‘t agree with each other on the problem of the capital .
D . George Washington was the first president of the United States .
3 . The Potomac River _______ .
A . is the longest river in its country
B . separates the capital from the state of Maryland
C . flows through the state of Maryland
D . was given to the national government by Maryland
4 . Which of the following is not true according to the passage ?
A . The White House has a history of about 200 years .
B . The District of Columbia belongs to none of the states .
C . Congress occupied the new Capital Building until 1800 .
D . The White House is a place where American presidents live and work except George Washington .
答案:1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C
⑴首先弄懂题目和每个选项的含义。题意不明当然无法做出正确选择,明确题意,才能顺藤摸瓜。⑵ 按题目的要求寻找与之相关的细节,正确估计答案的来源。有的题只要抓住文章的某处信息,即可解题;而有的题则需要综合文章多处信息,并予以分析,才能找到解题思路。
⑶ 要注意题目和文中关键词的暗示作用。忽略了这一点。就等于失去了解题的钥匙。
⑷ 对信息量较大的文章要多读两遍。读时要注意辨别各种信息的真伪,要排除无关信息,否定错误信息,确认有用的信息。
⑴ We can infer from the passage that ?
⑵ What can we conclude from the passage ?
⑶ What is the author’s attitude towards … ?
纵观近几年的 NMET阅读理解题,推理判断的题量在不断拉大。做这类题应注意以下几点:
⑴ 要懂得如何捕捉信息,抓住主题寻觅细节,进而逻辑推理;
⑵ 对于暗含在文中事件的因果关系,人物的行为动机以及作者未言明的倾向、态度、意图、观点等进行合乎逻辑的推理、分析和判断。要善于抓文章中实质性的东西,不要被带有假像的表层信息或似而非的东西所迷惑。
⑴ 要抓与数据有关的信息,并对这些信息的含义有一个直角的理解。
⑵ 如果文中含有较多的数据信息,一定弄清它们之间的联系,分清有用信息和无用信息。
What is he main idea of this passage ?
What does the passage mainly discuss ? The writer of the article wants to tell us that . 另一类是标题问题,通常用 What is the best title of the article (passage) ? 引出。
在学习中,同学生们对“It + be + 时间 + 从句”这个结构经常混淆不清,下面逐一进行分析。
1. It + be + 时间 + since-clause
这个句型表示从since 从句谓语动作发生以后到现在或过去所经过的一段时间,意为“自从......以来已多久了”,主句多用一般现在时,从句用一般过去时,如果表示过去的情况,主句用一般过去时,从句用过去完成时,或主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。例如:
It is three years since his father passed away . (从现在算起)
It was 10 years since they married . (从过去算起)
It had been fifteen years since she left Shanghai . (从过去算起)
30 years has passed since we joined the Party . (从现在算起)
2. It + be + 时间 + before-clause
这个句型中的时间一般为表示一段时间的词语(如:long years , months , weeks , days ,hours , minutes ) ,主句中的谓语动词用肯定式,意为“过多长时间才......”。主句的谓语动词是否定式时,意为“没过多长时间就......”。主句的时态可用过去时was或将来时will be;用was 时,before从句的动词用一般过去时;用will be 时,before从句常用一般现在时。 例如:
It was not long before she learned those poems by heart . 她没过多久就背会了那些诗歌。
It was long before the police arrived .过了很久警察才来。
It will be hours before he makes a decision . 要过好几个小时他才会作出决定。
It will not be hours before meet again . 要不了几个小时我们还会再见面的。
3. It + be + 时间 + when-clause
这个句型中, it 指时间,而且表示时间的词语前没有介词(时间一般为具体时间)。主句中的谓语动词和从句中的谓语动词在时态上一般是一致的,主句是will be,when从句用一般现在时代替将来时。例如:
It was already 8 o‘clock when we got home .
It was the next morning when we finished our work .
It will be midnight when they get there .
4. It + be + 时间 + that-clause
It was two years ago that he made an important invention .
(原句是:He made an important invention two years ago . )
It was at 5 o’clock that he practised playing the violin in the morning .
(原句是:He practised playing the violin at 5 o‘clock in the morning . )
比较:It was 5 o’clock when he started in the morning .
(5 o‘clock前没有介词,这是个定语从句)
5. It + be + time + that-clause
这个句型属虚拟语气结构,不管主句中用的是 is 或 was ,that从句都须用动词的过去式或should + 动词原型(但不及用过去式普通),在time之前有时可加上high或about 以加强语气。例如:
It is time(that)we handed in our exercises .(= It is time that we should hand in our exercises .)
It is high time (that ) she wrote a letter to her boyfriend .
6. It / This / That + the first(second , third …) time + that-clause
这个句型表示截止到说话时为止的某人的一种经历,关键是注意time前有序数词,主句是 is 时 ,从句要用现在完成时;如果主句用一般过去时was ,则从句须相应地用过去完成时。例如:
This is the first time (that) these Europeans have visited the Great Wall .
It was the fifth time (that) I had paid a friendly visit to Africa .
1. it 代替连词 that 引导的从句作形式主语。
1) it + be + 过去分词 + that 从句
It’s said that Tom has come back from abroad . 据说汤姆已经从国外回来了。
It was reported that dozens of children died in the accident . 据报导,数十名儿童在事故中死亡。
可用于该句型的过去分词还有:known , thought , told , believed , hoped , announced ,expected , decided , suggested等,该句型常可以转换成含有宾语从句的复合句或者含有不定式作主补的简单句。如:
It‘s said that Tom has come back from abroad . →People say that Tom has come back from abroad . →He is said to have come back from abroad .
2) It + be + 名词词组 + that 从句
It’s a pity that he can‘t swim for his age . 真遗憾,就他的年龄来讲,他竟不会游泳。
It’s a wonder that you could finish such a hard task in such a short time . 真奇怪,你竟能在如此短的时间内完成艰巨的任务。
可用于该句型的名词词组还有:an honour , a good thing , a fact , a surprise , good news等。
3) It + be /seem + 形容词 + that 从句
It is likely that they will beat us tonight .今晚很可能他们会赢我们。
It doesn‘t seem that she will give us a hand .她帮我们的可能性似乎不太大。
可用于此句型的开容词还有;wonderful , true , good , right , wrong , (un)important ,useless , surprising , clear , possible , unusual , lucky , certain 等。
4) It + seem / appear / happen + that 从句
It seems that he enjoys pop songs very much .看来他非常喜欢流行歌曲。
It appears that Tom might change his mind .看来汤姆会改变主意。
It happened that I went out that day .碰巧我那天外出了。
He seems to enjoy pop music very much . / Tom appears to change his mind ./ I happened to go out that day.
2. it 代替连接代词或连接副词引导的从句作形式主语。
1) It is known (not decided , not made clear , found out , discussed , being discussed , being considered , a question , uncertain等) + 连接代词或连接副词引导的从句。
It is still a question when we shall have our sports meet . 我们将什么时候举行运动会还是一个问题。
It is uncertain whether he can attend this conference or not . 他能否来开会还不能确定。
2) It doesn’t matter(doesn‘t matter too much , doesn’t make too much difference等) + 连接代词或连接副词引导的从句。如:
It doesn‘t matter whether we go together or separately . 我们一起去还是分开去都可以。
It doesn’t matter too much to me what you do or where you go . 你做什么或去什么地方,对我都无关紧要。
一、It 与高考题
1. Tom‘s mother kept telling him that he should work harder , but didn’t help .
A. he B. which C. she D. it
〖答案与简析〗选D。测试 it 用作人称代词,代替前文提到过的事物。又如:
1)— The light in the office is still on.
— Oh , I forgot .
A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off
2)— Have you heard the news about Tom ?
— No , what ?
A. is it B. it is C. are they D. they are
3)If you don‘t know the word , why don’t you in the dictionary ?
A. look at it B. look after it C. look up it D. look it up
答案1)— 3)CAD。值得注意的是,由动词和副词组成的短语动词用it 作宾语时,it 应置于动词和副词之间。
2. Is necessary to tell his father everything ?
A. it B. that C. what D. he
〖答案与简析〗选A。测试 it 用作形式主语,代替由不定式(或不定式复合结构)、动名词或从句表示的真正主语。又如:
1)Is possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship ?
A. now B. man C. that D. it
2)Is necessary to complete the design before National Day ?
A. this B. that C. he D. it
3)Does matter if he can‘t finish the job on time ?
A. this B. that C. he D. it
4)It worried a bit her hair was turning grey .
A. while B. that C. if D. for
答案1) — 4)DDDB。
3. I don’t think possible to master a foreign language without much memory work .
A. this B. that C. its D. it
〖答案与简析〗选D。测试 it 用作形式宾语,代替由不定式、动名词或从句表示的真正宾语。当宾语有自己的补足语时,用it作形式宾语,真正宾语放在补足语之后。常用这种句型的动词有think , make , find , feel , consider 等。
4. Was it in this palace the last emperor died ?
A. that B. in which C. in where D. which
〖答案与简析〗选A。测试it 用在强调结构中,为了强调句子的某一成分(通常是主语、宾语或状语),常用强调It is (was) + 被强调成分 + that(或who)…。被强调部分指人时用 that 或 who ,在其它情况下(包括强调时间或地点状语)用that 。又如:
1)Was it during the Second World War he died ? (MET 88)
A. that B. which C. in which D. then
2) It was not she took off her dark glasses I realized she was a famous film star .
A. when ; that B. Until ; that C. until ; when D. when ; then
答案 1) A 2) B。
5. But was only the manager . (MET 91完型填空)
A. this B. that C. she D. it
〖答案与简析〗选D。测试 it 可以用作指示代词,指人。当 it 这样用时,所指的是心目中己知的或上下文中的人或事物,也可用来指婴儿。
6. — What was the party like ?
— Wonderful . It‘s years I enjoyed myself so much .
A. after B. before C. where D. since
〖答案与简析〗选D。测试it 用在某固定短语或句型中。如believe it or not (信不信由你), take it easy (别着急,慢慢来), it is (has been )…since…(某人干某事经过了多长一段时间),It seems that …(好象),It happens that …(碰巧) ,It looks as if … (好象),It is one’s turn to do …(该轮到谁干……) 等。又如:
Take it . Everything will be fine in a day or two .
A. easy B. quiet C. calm D. light
答案是A 。
7. It was Shanghai the Communist Party of China was founded .
A. where B. that C. at which D. that where
〖答案与简析〗选A。测试强调句与定语从句不能混淆,这里是定语从句。若把Shanghai 的前面加上介词 in 时,就是强调 地点,这时就可以选 B。
二、It 精练 40 题
1. Tom‘s mother kept telling him that he should work harder , but didn’t help .
A. he B. which C. she D. it
2. I was disappointed with the film , I had expected to be much better .
A. that B. this C. one D. it
3. is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language .
A. There B. This C. That D. It
4. As happens , I have brought my umbrella with me .
A. it B. this C. that D. such
5. has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules .
A. As B. It D. That D. This
6. It was seven forty-five he finished the work .
A. when B. that C. when D. before
7. I have no idea is so far the airport from here .
A. what B. how C. it D. that
8. Was it because it snowed last night he didn‘t come ?
A. why B. that C. when D. which
9. Does matter if he can’t finish the job on time ?
A. this B. that C. he D. it
10. Is unnecessary to tell his father everything ?
A. that B. it C. he D. this
11. European football is played in 80 countries , making the most popular sport in the world .
A. which B. this C. that D. it
12. We are going to hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon . Please tell Mr Wang about .
A. this B. that C. it D. the meeting
13. — Who is knocking at the door ?
— is me .
A. It B. That C. This D. where
14. — What time is it now ?
— is ten o‘clock .
A. The time B. The o’clock C. It D. That
15. I have seen the baby . is very active and lovely .
A. He B. She C. Who D. It
16. He was ill . is why he didn‘t come to the meeting .
A. It B. This C. That D. There
17. is good news that she has passed the entrance examination for Beijing University .
A. That B. This C. What D. It
18. is no doubt that he will succeed in his experiment .
A. It B. This C. That D. There
19. Look , someone is coming . Who can be ?
A. he B. she C. that man D. it
20. I find difficult him to do such work .
A. it ; of B. it ; for C. that ; of D. that ; for
21. My pen is lost and I can’t find anywhere , so I must buy .
A. it ; one B. one ; it C. it ; it D. one ; one
22. We think useless theory without practice .
A. it ; learning B. it ; learn C. that ; learning D. that ; to learn
23. It is not you who in trouble ; it is I who in trouble .
A. are ; am B. are ; is C. are ; are D. is ; is
24. She is already 50 , but she doesn‘t look .
A. like B. this C. it D. such
25. I don’t know what was for supper .
A. it B. there C. that D. food
26. Tom‘s mother kept telling him that he should work harder , but didn’t help .
A. he B. which C. she D. it
27. — The light in the office is still on.
— Oh , I forgot .
A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off
28. — Have you heard the news about Tom ?
— No , what ?
A. is it B. it is C. are they D. they are
29. If you don‘t know the word , why don’t you in the dictionary ?
A. look at it B. look after it C. look up it D. look it up
30. Is necessary to tell his father everything ?
A. it B. that C. what D. he
31. Is possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship ?
A. now B. man C. that D. it
32. Is necessary to complete the design before National Day ?
A. this B. that C. he D. it
33. Does matter if he can‘t finish the job on time ?
A. this B. that C. he D. it
34. It worried a bit her hair was turning grey .
A. while B. that C. if D. for
35. I don’t think possible to master a foreign language without much memory work .
A. this B. that C. its D. it
36. Was it in this palace the last emperor died ?
A. that B. in which C. in where D. which
37. Was it during the Second World War he died ?
A. that B. which C. in which D. then
38. It was not she took off her dark glasses I realized she was a famous film star .
A. when ; that B. Until ; that C. until ; when D. when ; then
39. But was only the manager . (MET 91完型填空)
A. this B. that C. she D. it
40. — What was the party like ?
— Wonderful . It‘s years I enjoyed myself so much .
A. after B. before C. where D. since
41. Take it . Everything will be fine in a day or two .
A. easy B. quiet C. calm D. light
42. It was Shanghai the Communist Party of China was founded .
A. where B. that C. at which D. that where
43. I find difficult him to do such work .
A. it ; of B. it ; for C. that ; of D. that ; for
44. take to fly to Paris from Beijing ?
A. How long does that B. How long does it
C. How soon does it D. How far does it
45. You made a new model plane , .
A. how wonderful it is B. how wonderful is it
C. that is wonderful D. wonderful you are
答案:1 — 5 DDDAB 6 — 10 ACBDB 11 — 15 DCACD 16 — 20 ADDDB 21 — 25 AAACB26 — 30 DCADA 31 — 35 DDDBD 36 — 40 AABDD 41 — 45 AABBA
When I got into his house , I saw an old man reading
a book in the chair . I talked with him . I found that 1 . ____
from the time when he was a child , he always brought 2 . ____
a little book in his pockets . He did reading almost 3 . ____
every minute . He did not do anything . People often found 4 . ____
him read a book while he was waiting for meals , 5 . ____
buses , doctors , plays begin or something to happen . 6 . ____
You could still even find him reading in the toilet . 7 . ____
That was why he found his fifteen minutes a 8 . ____
day for reading . That was how he reads twenty 9 . ____
books a year—one thousand in our lifetime . 10 . ___

【创新园地】答案:1. the → a 。 2. brought → carried 。3. √。 4. 在 anything 后加 else 。5. read → reading 。 6. 在begin 前加 to 。 7. 去掉 still 。8. why → how 。 9. reads → read 。10. our → his 。
Unit 14
Ⅰ . 单项填空
1. There is a piece of board at the gate of the construction , which reads:____ without permission .
A . keep away B . keep out C . keep off D . keep up
2 . A helicopter is an aircraft that is able to ____ and land straight up and down .
A . get off B . fly off C . send off D . take off
3 . He quickly ____ all his newspapers and put them under his bed .
A . kept up B . took up C . gave up D . did up
4 . We had to work twice as hard to ____ lost time .
A . make up for B . make out of C . make up of D . make use of
5 . The fog was so heavy that we could hardly ____ the train in the distance .
A . make out B . make up C . make into D . make of
6 . He had to pay for ____ bill .
A . an 100-dollar B . a 100-dollars’ C . a 100-dollar D . an 100-dooars
7 . All of the old houses in this area ____ very soon .
A . will be torn down B . will pull down
C . are going to tear down D . are to tear up
8 . ____ everyone is here , let‘s begin our discussion .
A . For B . Now that C . Only if D . Unless
9 . The population of the new city ____ to about 200 , 000 now .
A . had grown B . have grown C . are grown D . has grown
10 . If you find a wallet on the ground , you can’t ____ it . You should give it back to its owner instead .
A . take possession of B . take up of C . make possession of D . have possession
11 . We all know that the moon has no light of ____ .
A . it own B . it‘s own C . its own D . itself
12 . His talk has had ____ me .
A . a big effect in B . deep effect for
C . a deep effect on D . a deep affect on
13 . The poor ____ when in snows in New York .
A . have a hard time B . have hard time C . has a hard time D . enjoys himself
14 . ____ in a mountain village , he is now a famous scientist .
A . Bearing B . Being born C . Bore D . Born
15 . The hero would rather die than ____ the enemy .
A . to give up to B . give in to C . give up D . to give in
16 . The policeman caught the thief ____ , so he couldn’t break away .
A . on his collar B . on the collar C . by his collar D . by the collar
17 . He thought ____ such a person was useless .
A . that to reason for B . reasoning with C . to reason on D . reason with
18 . Through the small open window ____ the prisoner could see stars .
A . high in the wall B . high on the wall
C . highly in the wall D . highly on the wall
19 . I have no idea what has ____ the poor old woman .
A . happened of B . happened for C . become of D . become to
20 . The moment ____ entered the hall , I recognized him .
A . when he B . as soon as he C . as he D . he
21 . Lucy is now playing outside . She ____ her homework .
A . must finish B . must have finished
C . should have finished D . might finish
22 . The friendly relations between the two countries ____ the 9th century .
A . return B . give back to C . return back to D . go back to
23 . We argued ____ him ____ the serious problem .
A . to , around B . with , about C . with , for D . about , with
24 . We ____ their talk for some time , but could ____ nothing .
A . listened to , hear B . listened , listened to
C . heard , hear D . heard , listen
25 . The sun ____ us ____ light and heat .
A . supplies , for B . supplies , about C . provides , with D . provides , 不填
Ⅱ . 完形填空:
Robert Spring was a 19th century forger(伪造) . He was so good at his (1) that he was able to make a (2) for 16 years by selling false handwriting of (3) Americans .
Spring was born is England in 1813 (4) arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to (5) a bookstore . At first he (6) in selling his small (7) of early U . S . handwriting Discovering his ability at (8) handwriting , he began making (9) of handwriting of George Washington and others and writing them on the title pages of (10) books .
Forgers had a (11) time selling their products . A forger can‘t come near to a skilled buyer (12) must deal with people who don’t have much (13) in the field . Forgers have many (14) to make their work look (15) . For example , they but old books to use the aged (16) of the title page , and they can treat paper and ink with (17) .
In Spring‘s time , (18) after the Civil War , Britain was still fond of the Southern States , so Spring (19) a young lady (20) as Miss Fanny Jackson , the only daughter of General "Stonewall" Jackson . For several years Miss Fanny’s money problems (21) her to sell a great number of letters belonging to her famous (22) . Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the (23) . All this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty , (24) sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of (25) his forgeries from the originals(原件)
1 . A . art B . shop C . picture D . job
2 . A . turn B . living C . life D . luck
3 . A . unknown D . friendly C . famous D . ordinary
4 . A . so B . and C . or D . otherwise
5 . A . open B . close C . get C . repair
6 . A . dropped B . failed C . succeeded D . shared
7 . A . collection B . work C . book D . notebook
8 . A . keeping B . copying C . having D . writing
9 . A . notes B . marks C . copies D . prints
10 . A . old B . new &




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