Unit 19 Mordent Agriculture

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The First Period: Listening and speaking
Teaching Aims:
1) Enable the students to master the expressions of giving advice and making decisions.
2) Get the students to learn about agriculture.
Teaching Important Points:
How to advise sb. To so something and how to make decisions.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to improve the students’ listening abilities
Teaching Procedures:
Step One: Daily Report
Step Two: Warming-up
1) Give the students some Tips to reading the graph on the book.(Page 43)
a) See what the graph is about, look at the words above or below the graph, (i.e.: Growth of major products 1991-95compared with 1986-90 percentages)
b) See what is shown on the x-axis. (I.e.: Grain, cotton, oil, sugar, meat, fish, fruit in SB)
c) See what is shown on the y-axis. (I.e.: the percentage in SB)
2) Discuss the questions shown on the book with the students.
3) Lead to another questions before learning this unit:
Question: How can we develop modern agriculture to meet the change of people’s eating habits, without destroying or damaging the environment?
Step Three: Listening
1) Warming-up of listening in order to make the students be familiar with the new words appearing in the listening.
Q: What bad effects does improper development of agriculture have on the environment?
T: In newspapers, we find the expression “return grain plots to forestry”, that is, to turn fields back to plant tree. Why so you know farmers should do so?
S: To protect forest.
T: If many forests are destroyed, what environmental problems will occur?
S: Floods or droughts.
T: How can farmer make the land fertile?
S: To use chemical fertiser to improve the soil.
T: But it will damage the environment. Sometimes they should look for other ways to produce more farm products. In the listening material, you will hear for a good way. A young man built a dike. What did he build it for?
2) Write down the underline words on the blackboard. And explain the words “ dike” and “ drought”.
3) Tell the students; the passage they will listen to is about farming. It tells them about farming of all countries in early times.
4) Do the listening exercise and check the answers.
Step Four: Speaking
1) Explain the speaking task to the students. “ This part says that a group of farmers in your area have been given a large piece of land. The villagers together with the village leader have to decide how to use the land.”
2) Ask the students work in groups of the five. Each group member will play one of the roles. Ask them to prepare role cards, discuss the problem and try to make a decision.
3) Ask some groups to present their discussion.
Step Five: Homework
Do the Taking of WB Page 108.
Period Two: Reading
Teaching Aims:
1) Enable the students to learn something about modern agriculture from the text.
2) Get the students to have the ability to grasp the general idea if an passage as fast as possible.
Teaching Important Point:
How to improve the students’ reading abilities
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to improve the students’ reading abilities
Teaching Procedures:
Step One: Daily Report
Step Two: Check the Answer
The Talking of WB
Step Three: Pre-reading
Ask the students to look at the pictures shown on the SB (Page 45), and discuss the following questions with their partner.
a) Look at the pictures and compare traditional and modern farming.
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of each way?
c) What other changes have happen on farms in the last 100 years?
Step Four: Reading
1) Write down the title of the passage, and discuss it with the students, try guessing the main idea of the passage.
a) What’s the title of the reading passage?
b) What does it lay emphasis on?
c) What do you think the reading passage is about?
d) Can you imagine what traditional agriculture is like?
2) First reading. (Find out the main idea of the text)
(The Best Decide page 64 No. 7)
3) Second reading (Find out the main idea of the each paragraph)
Then do the exercise of the Best Decide page 64, No.1-3 & 9
4) Do the exercise of SB (page 46, No. one)
5) Structure of the text
Text introducer: paragraph 1 (Traditional agriculture in China)
Text developer: paragraph 2 (Farming techniques modernized)
Text modulator: paragraph 3 (Develop new techniques)
Text developers: paragraph 4,5,6 (the shortage of arable land)
6) Discussing types of writing.
Narration, description, argumentation, exposition
Step Five: Post reading
SB page 47
Period Three: Language Points of Reading
Teaching Aim:
Enable the students to master the new words and expressions in the text.
Teaching Important Point:
How to get the students to master the new words and expressions of the text
Teaching Difficult Point:
Make the students master the new words and expressions of the text
Teaching Procures:
Step One: Daily Report
Step Two: Language Points of Reading
1) as…as possible “尽可能的…”
e.g. We need to send the letter off as soon as possible.
2) where possible 是where (it is) possible 的省略结构。
3) make use of 使用,利用
充分利用 make goodfull use of
or make the best of make the most of
e.g. He doesn’t do well because he doesn’t make the most of his ability.
4) bring in “引进” (to use the skills of a particular group or person)
e.g. This new method was brought in from the Western countries in the 1980.
5) in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代
6) be harmful to 对…有害处
[扩展] do harm to 伤害,危害
e.g. Much of this waste is harmful to the environment.
e.g. He didn’t want to do her any harm.
7) depend on/upon 依靠,依赖
常用结构是 depend on sb./sth.
depend on sb. to do sth.
depend on sb. for sth.
e.g. The country depends heavily on foreign aid.
8) as well as 侧重点在前,引导主语时谓语动词同前面的名词或代词的数保持一致;not only…but also侧重点在后,引导主语时谓语动词同后面的名词或代词的数保持一致,即 A as well as B = not only B but also A
e.g. The teacher, as well as the students, wishes for a holiday.
e.g. Not only the teacher but also the students wish for a holiday.
9) protect from 保护…使不受;挡住
e.g. He wore a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sun.
10) stand for 代表象征
e.g. In this secret code each number stands for a letter of the alphabet.
11) in other words “换句话”(在句中作插入语)
e.g. In other words, she must give up singing.
[链接] in word 在口头上(置于句末或句中)
in words 用语言(来表达){句末}
in a/one word 简言之,总之
12) a variety of = various 多种多样的,各种各样的
e.g. The shop has a variety of toys.
Step Three: Homework

Period Four: Grammar
Teaching Aims:
1, Review the different use of “it”
2, Get the students to do more exercises so that they can master the grammar item.
Teaching Important Point:
Master the different uses of “it”, esp. the emphatic use and the use as a preparatory subject or a preparatory object.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to master the “it” better.
Teaching Procedures:
Step One: Daily Report
Step Two: Revision
1) Ask the students to discuss the sentences given to them with their partners and tell what the word “it” in each sentence refers to and its function.
Exercise: Discuss the following sentences and tell the function of “it”.
a) It’s difficult to remember all their names.
b) It’s very quiet in the café.
c) It rained for there days.
d) He made it clear that he didn’t want to speak to me.
e) It was nice seeing you.
f) It was on Tuesday that Mrs. Smith came to speak to me.
g) It’s three miles from here to the nearest garage.
h) A tall man stood up and shook hands. It was captain Lawrie.
i) I hear you bought a new bike. Can you show it to me?
j) It was five o’clock when we got back home yesterday.
k) It was dirty and wet below the shi where the slaves were kept.
l) It was on this coast that lots of his people disappeared.
m) It was most likely that one third of them had lost their lives.
2) The use of “it”:
a) The personal “it”: applied to a thing or an animal mentioned
b) The impersonal “it”: referring to time, weather, distance, the state of things in general.
c) The demonstrative “it”: pointing to a person or a thing or the thing spoken of.
d) The expletive “it”:
A: a formal subject or a formal object
B: the emphatic “it”:
It is …… that (who) ……
Step Three: Grammar of this Unit
1) The explanation of the emphatic “it”
I saw her on the street yesterday.
I saw her on the street yesterday.
her I saw on the street yesterday.
It was that
on the street I saw he yesterday.
yesterday I saw her on the street.
2) Give the students some time to do the exercise of SB (page48) No. one & two.
3) Check the answer with the students.
Step Four: Homework
Finish the exercise of WB.
Period Five: Integrating skills
Teaching Aims:
1) Do some reading. Get the students realize the great contribution Chinese people did to the science of farming.
2) Train the ability of writing.
Teaching Important Points:
How to improve the students reading & writing abilities
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to improve the students reading & writing abilities
Teaching Procedures:
Step One: Daily Report
Step Two: Check the Homework of Grammar
The exercise of WB
Step Three: Integrating Skill
1) Pre-reading:
Questions A) Have you heard the name Jia SiXie before?
B) What was he famous for? What was the great book e wrote? Do you know what it was about?
2) Ask the students to read the passage with these questions.
3) Check the answer with the students.
4) Language points of this passage:
A) Wisdom 此处用做不可数名词,意为“知识,学识,学问”。如:
祖先的学识 the wisdom of the ancients
B) Much of the wisdom discovered by ……
C) It includes advice on the following subjects: ……
D) Jia Sixie’s book is a practical guide to farming.
Guide 作“向导,指南,手册”讲时,其后的介词短语作定语,常用to连接。如:中国导游 the guide to China
[扩展] the notes to the book
the answer to the question
the key to the exercises
the door to the hall
the preface to the book
E) The condition of the soil…
Condition 用作可数名词时,表示“条件;目前的状况;(复数)环境,情形”,用作不可数名词,表示“健康状况;良好状况”。
e.g. My car is old but in good condition.
F) Before sowing or planning crops, ……
G) For example, do not plant rice year after year in the same field.
year after year 意为“年复一年地”,常用来表示每年重复,在句子中作状语。
e.g. Year after year we have had a Christmas card from Dick.
Step Four: Integrating Skills of WB
Step Five: Writing
Step Six: Homework
Finish the composition after school




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