Unit 4 Unforgettable experience

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Period 1. Listening Date
Teaching objectives and demands:
1. The activity is designed to encourage students to think about some unforgettable experience and to activate relevant vocabulary.
2. Ask the students to describe a famous person and give examples of situations the person or the accident happened. Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class.
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points:
1. Everyday English for communication.
2. Words and useful expressions
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warm up
1. Game: Ask students to guess what or whom the teacher is talking about.
1) He invented the first telephone in the world. ---------- Alexander Bell
2) He is also a great inventor in America. He invented the phonograph and the electric lamp----- Thomas
3) He is a Jewish, and he presented the theory of relativity. ----------- Albert Eistein
4) He is a very famous cartoon maker. He created Mickey mouse. ----------Walt Disney
5) They are American brothers. They invented the plane. ------------Laite Brother
2. Tell Ss: We can use attributive clause to describe these persons.
e.g. Alexander Bell is the person who invented the first telephone in the world.
Ask Ss to give other four sentences using the attributive clause.
Tell Ss: All of these people are unforgettable, because what they did have developed human beingsˇ life. Then please turn to page 22, and look at the four pictures. Please use attributive clause to describe these persons and things.
1) Zhang heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph in 132.
2) Howard carter is the man who found the King Tutˇs tomb in 1937.
3) The Titanic is the ship that/which sank after hitting an iceberg.
4) Beijing is the city that/which has got the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games.
4. Ask Ss to make up dialogues about these pictures and practice.
e.g. ---- Do you know the man in picture 1? ---- He is Zhang heng.
---- What made him unforgettable? / How do you know him? ----- he is the man who made the earliest seismograph.
Step 2 Listening
1. Ask Ss to describe the pictures of earthquake.
2. Brief introduction: Hank Stram lives in San Francisco with his wife and daughter. On October 17th, 1989 a strong earthquake took place and killed over 100 people. He was caught in the earthquake. Here we will listen to two passages about his own experience.
3. Ask Ss to read the questions in part1, and listen to the tape twice. Then ask them to work in groups
to present their answers.
a) When did the earthquake happen? ---------- 5:15pm
b) Where was the man driving when it happened? -----------on his way to his daughterˇs school
c) What was the first thing he saw? ---------- the car in front started to move from side to side.
d) What had he been doing before the earthquake? ---------- he had finished his work and gone to the post office.
e) What was he going to do? -------- he was going to fetch his daughter from her school.
4. Listen to the tape again to check and the teacher give necessary explanation.
5. Read these five sentences in part2, and then listen to the tape twice, then fill the blanks.
a) I found myself in the dark.
b) Then I remembered what had happened.
c) It was clear to me now that I had been in an earthquake.
d) Then I heard people climbing towards me.
e) A team of people had come to see if anyone was under the broken road.
6. Listen again to check and make some explanation.
7. Ask Ss to tell the whole story (using first, next ,then, finally)
Step3 Exercise in the workbook (Page 103)
Ask Ss to listen to the tape twice and then complete the table.
Name Chrissy Jack Dr. Brown Ms. Brown
Job Student Student Doctor Teacher
Address Tianjing Beijing / Tianjing
Age 19 Young Old Middle-aged
Looks Glasses Tall Hat Purple dress
Evaluation of teaching:
Period 2. Speaking and talking Date
Teaching objectives
1.Develop the studentsˇ comprehension of explorative passages, especially their ability of speaking
and talking ,analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.
2.Offer the students chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about the
film outside the class.
3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the experience
4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.
Teaching Approach
1.Communicative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:
2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness
3.Task-based learning
4.Activity-based teaching (class work; individual work; group work)
Teaching type: Speaking and talking
Teaching Procedure
Step 1. Report in class A student is asked to report something interesting he or she picks up from
newspaper or magazines.
Step 2.Review and check Ss have a word dictation and check their homework in workbook
Step 3. Speaking
1. Read the dialogue in P23 in pairs, and act out.
2. Give explanations of some phrases in the dialogue.
Be good at: do well in For fun: not seriously
3. Ask Ss to find out the expressions about offering help, encouraging others and giving advice.
--- Donˇt worry! / Just try / you can do it / Well done! / That was a very good ball.
4. Introduce them some other useful expressions.
When in danger: Help!
When in frighten: It scares me. / Iˇ m afraid to
When encouraging sb: It will be ok. / Come on! / Keep trying. / Itˇs all right.
5. Ask Ss to describe the three pictures on P23. Then the teacher introduce the three different situations.
Pic1. You have just been saved from a terrible earthquake and you worry about your family.
Pic2. Your neighbor will take cars of your favorite pet while you go on a holiday.
Pic3. Your house is on fire but there is still a little girl sleeping in the bedroom on the second floor.
Then ask Ss to make dialogues according to these situations, using these useful expressions, and choose several pairs to act out.
Step 4. Talking
1. Give the Brief introduction of the situation: one discovered the tomb of a Chinese King while he was working. He went in and had a look, but didnˇt touch anything. Then a scientist came 3 days later, so they began to talk about the tomb.
2. Role-play: Ask Ss to work in pairs to make up a dialogue. One acts the person who find the tomb. The other one acts the scientist from Beijing. They can read questions on P103 first, and then choose some of them to make up their dialogues.
Step 5. Homework
Revise the key points of this Unit.
Evaluation of teaching:
Period 3. Reading Date
Teaching objectives
1. Develop the studentsˇcomprehension of reading explorative passages, especially their
ability of analyzing the structure of such kind of articles.
2. Offer the students chances of self-culture by working in groups and seeking information about the film outside the class.
3. Infuse the students with basic knowledge about the friend and friendship
4. Learn some words and useful expressions from the text.
Teaching Approach
1.Communicative Approach should be used throughout the class. Stress should be laid on:
2.Learner-centeredness; learning-centeredness
3.Task-based learning
4.Activity-based teaching (class work; individual work; group work)
Teaching type: Reading comprehension
Teaching Procedure
Step 1. Pre-reading
1. Tell Ss: Do you remember Hank Stramˇs terrible experience? He was trapped in the earthquake for
about 14 hours .It is really an unforgettable experience for him. As we all know, the earthquake is a kind of natural disasters. Then can you list some other natural disasters?
2. Write down their answers on the blackboard---- Flood, Typhoon, Hurricane, Volcanic eruption, Thunder storms, Snow storm, Fire 
3. Tell Ss: Among these disasters, I think most of us have experienced the Typhoons, right? Then can you describe what it was like and how you felt? Ask some Ss to give their ideas.
4. Pose question: If you are riding a bicycle on the road, and the typhoon is coming, then what would you see / feel / do? Please use first, next, then, and finally in your description.
Ask two or three Ss to give their description.
5. Pose question: Have you ever experienced such natural disasters?
If yes, ask them to describe. If no, ask them to use their imagination and discuss in groups to describe what would they see / feel / do in other situations. Then choose several groups to present their ideas using first, next, then, and finally.
Disaster Typhoon Flood Earthquake Fire
Situation Youˇre riding a bicycle on the road. Youˇre in the classroom. Youˇre sleeping in your bedroom. Youˇre shopping in a supermarket.
What would you see / feel / do? First, 
Next, 
Then, 
Finally,  First, 
Next, 
Then, 
Finally,  First, 
Next, 
Then, 
Finally,  First, 
Next, 
Then, 
Finally, 
Step 2. While-reading
1. Pose a question: What is the text about? --- About how Flora and Jeff rescue themselves in the flood.
2. Listen to the tape once, and ask them to answer questions:
What happened to them finally? ---- Survive
How did they make it? ---- Stay in the room with a chimney
Why? --------Itˇs the strongest part of the house. (Para 8 and Para 11)
3. Ask Ss to read the whole passage carefully, and then fill in the table below.
What did she see and feel? Next
What did they do in the first and second wave? Then
What happened when another wave came? Finally
What happened to them?

4. According to the table, ask Ss to catch the main idea of the whole story. Choose some Ss to retell.
5. Language study
Paragraph 1
1) Heard somebody shouting / saw Jeff running
See / hear sb doing -------- I heard him singing next door last night.
See / hear sb do ------- I heard him sing next door.
Compare the differences between the two.
2) The attributive clause: itˇs a part of a sentence, and tells us which person or thing(or what kind of person or thing)the speaker means.
3) Look around:
4) Roar: (n) loud and deep sound of a lion ,thunder, or a person in pain
(v) make loud and deep sound
5) Advance: (v) move forward or develop --- Our troops ~d two miles.
---- The water is ~ing on/upon/towards her.
(n) in advance: beforehand --- if you want to come here for your holiday, please call me ~.
6) Be upon: be close to
Paragraph 2
7) Seize: take hold of suddenly and violently
Paragraph 3
8) Sweep : clean and clear away --- e.g. sweep the dust from the carpets
sweep down: knock down by the water
sweep away (Para 9)e.g. s~ the dead leaves
9) Swallow: allow to go down the throat, here means she was taken in by the water and disappeared.
10) Drag: pull along with effort and difficulty
11) Go down :go lower; set ---- e.g. The price of egg has gone down.
The sun is going down.
Here means they were swallowed by the water
Go through: pass --- e.g. A terrible noise went through the house. (Para 10)
experience, suffer --- e.g. ~ hardships
Paragraph 4
12) Against: indicating support and close --- e.g. place the ladder ~ the wall
13) Struggle: make great efforts
Struggle against --- e.g. ~ against difficulties
14) Get on her feet: stand up
15) Fight for her life: try her best to rescue herself
16) Look into: stare at--- e.g. Jeff and Flora looked into each otherˇs face.
examine, investigate --- e.g. ~ a question
17) With a look of: here look is a noun, and means appearance on oneˇs face
18) Fright: fear ----- e.g. give sb a ~; take ~ at sth
Frighten (v) :scare ---- e.g. The great noise ~ed me.
Paragraph 6
19) Flow: move along as a river does ------ e.g. Rivers ~into the sea.
The tears ~ed from her eyes.
Paragraph 7
20) Strike: hit, give a blow to ---- e.g. ~ while the iron is hot.
The clock is ~ing 12.
21) Cracking noise: When the house was broken with lines of division, it made such sudden sharp noise.
Paragraph 8
22) Fall down: crash, break down /fail --- e.g. ~ on oneˇs promise
Paragraph 9
23) Noun + after + Noun : indicating the succession. Tree after tree; day after day; year after year
24) Must have done: He is sleepy this morning. He must have slept very late last night.
Must be doing: e.g. I hears loud voices next door. They must be quarrelling.
Must do: e.g. He is Tomˇs best friend. He must know his E-mail.
Step 3. Post-reading
1) Ask Ss to find these sentences below and then work out what the underlined words refer to?
刢 Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. -------a loud noise
刢 There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. ------behind her
刢 She wanted to watch it. --------- a wall of water
刢 Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. ---------- floraˇs
刢 For some moments both were silent. --------- Jeff and Flora
2) p
3) Do the exercises in page26
Step 8. Homework
workbook Reading
Revise the key points of this Unit.
Evaluation of teaching:
Period 4. Grammar Date
Teaching aims and demands
1. The students are asked to master the Grammar :
2. Integrating Skill: reading
3. Oral practice: manipulate oral practice relevant to the reading material.
Key points: grammar and reading
Teaching methods: Reading Sentence structure----explanation
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.
Step 2. Warming up
Play a game: The teacher describe sb or sth and ask Ss to guess.
劔 If a person likes reading very much, we call him a bookworm.
劔 If a person loves to play or watch sports, we call him a sports fan.
劔 If a person often works very hard, and seldom stop working, we call him a workaholic.
劔 If a person often spends a lot of time watching TV, we call him a cough potato.
劔 If a person can communicate with you on the Internet, we call him an e-pal.
劔 If a machine can tell us time, it is a watch or a clock.
劔 If a machine can fly in the sky, it is a plane.
Step 3. Lead in
1. Tell Ss: We can use the attributive clause to describe these persons and things.
e.g. A bookworm is a person who likes reading very much.
A plane is a machine that / which can fly in the sky.
Ask Ss to use the attributive clause to describe the people and things that you have guessed in the warming up.
A sports fan is a person who loves to play or watch sports.
A workaholic is a person who works very hard.
A cough potato is a person who often spends a lot of time watching TV.
An e-pal is a person whom / who we can communicate with on the Internet
A clock is a machine which / that can tell us time.
2. Tell Ss: In the attributive clause, we will use the relative pronouns. when we talk about people, we can use who, whom, whose and that. When we talk about things, we can use which and that.
3.Give explanation and examples.
1) She looked at Jeff who was waving his arms. ----- She looked at Jeff. Jeff was waving his arms.
2) The man to whom you talked is Mr. Li. ----- The man is Mr. Li. You talked to the man.
3) The story that / which you read is ¨ The Rescue〃. ---- The story is ¨The Rescue〃. You read the story.
4) Do you know the boy whose parents are on holiday? ---- Do you know the boy? The boyˇs parents are on holiday.
4. Then ask Ss to make up sentences, using the attributive clause to describe other people and things as we did above.
5. Do the exercises 1 in P26 and P105 ----- fill the blanks
6. Ask Ss to combine two sentences into one ,using the attributive clause. (exercise 2 in P105)
Step 4 Homework
Finish off the work in work book
Try to write a news story in about 100 words
Revise the grammar
Evaluation of teaching:
Period 5. Integrating skills Date
Teaching aims and demands
Integrating Skill
Grammar and writing
Get the students to write an email
Key points: 1. Useful expressions; 2.writing 3.grammar
Teaching methods: Written practice and grammar.
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the work exercises.
(2)A test for unit 4
Step 2 Post- Integrating skill
1. Listen to the tape once, and pose questions:
what is the passage about? ------ about a travel
where do they travel? -------- Sichuan Province (Mount Emei, Leshan)
2. Read the whole passage again, and then fill in the table on the blackboard.
Going on a trip to Leshan and Emei
The reason Go on a holiday; not far away
Preparation Call a travel agent; with two friends; take bottles of water, apples, oranges
What to see in Leshan The Buddha-------- big, taller than the highest building in their village
What to see on Emei Monkeys--- not afraid of man; naughty ---- exciting
Temples and forest ---- beautiful
How to get to the top Maybe on foot
3. Ask Ss to red again and then retell the whole story according to the table on the blackboard.
4. Give necessary explanations
Ask Ss to find out all the attributive clause and the linking words
Encourage Ss to use such clause and linking words.
Step 3. Summary in Unit 4
Ask Ss to talk about their own travel or some unforgettable experience
Step 4 Writing
Ask the Ss to write an article on an experience to some place.
Do the reading in P106
Assignment: write an essay about an unforgettable experience of the Ssˇ
Step 5. Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises in the workbook.
(2)Write an email into my email-box.
(1) Summary the key points in this unit
Evaluation of teaching:




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