RSEFC2A Unit 10 Frightening Nature

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宁波市镇海中学 舒建东 杨丽娜
宁波市龙赛中学 周 勇
“热身”(Warming up)部分所展示的四幅图片,简单介绍了自然科学中的其中四个分支:“地质学;气象学;天文学和生物学”,借助与其研究领域的匹配练习,帮助学生了解自然科学,通过口头讨论了解学生对自然科学、自然灾害、以及对人民生活的关系程度的已知程度,了解学生原有对描述火山、飓风、台风以及其它灾难天气的掌握程度,为后面的学习打下一定的基础。
“阅读”(Reading)是罗马帝国前期的作家小普林尼(Pliny,the younger)写给古罗马著名的历史学家塔西陀的一封信,塔西陀著有《历史》、《日耳曼尼亚志》、《年代记》等著作。小普林尼的信中真实地记录了维苏威火山爆发前前后后的情况,在这封信中他记录了公元79年意大利南部维苏威火山爆发时,作为科学家,作者的同名舅父Pliny不顾生命危险毅然雇船前往,执意考察这一自然现象,临行前接到朋友妻子Rectina的求救信,在救出Rectina后,又勇敢地前往营救其朋友Pompy而不幸遇难的经过。为此,塔西陀事后致信小普林尼,请他提供老普林尼殉难的经过,小普林尼的信便是为此而写的。故事中表现了科学家为了科学研究而全然不顾个人安慰亲自前往现场,进行科学研究;同时,为营救遇害人员,表现出舍己为人的崇高品德,值得我们后人崇敬和学习。
“语言学习”(Language Study)共两部分,第一部分为一篇与火山喷发有关的新闻报道,要求掌握与火山喷发相关的表达。第二部分要求灵活运用表达情绪的表达方法。
“语法”(Grammar)的重点在于“省略”,从阅读文章中的两个省略句导入,通过补全省略句和省略不必要部分的练习,掌握“省略”这一语法现象,最后,通过对电影《音乐之声》中女主人公Maria和男主人公海军上校Von Trapp两人初次相见时的对话分析,检验学生的掌握程度。
“综合技能”(Integrating skills)部分的语篇,叙述了Nanshan号船长Captain Mac Whirr在驾驶船只回航途中遭遇台风的经历,文章在船长指挥船员与台风搏斗并战胜第一次风暴中嘎然中止,在昭示着的第二次乃至更多次的风暴中船员的信心和决心能否得到考验,给读着留下很大的想像空间,我们的船长以及他的船只命运如何,有待读者自己去诠释,因此,在最后的写作部分要求学生续写故事,达到综合运用语言技能的目的

Period 1 Warming up & Listening

I. Goals: 1. Learn about classification of natural disasters.
2. Learn to express emotion, anxiety and fear.
3. Familiarize expressions for weather report.
4. Practise create weather report.
II. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming up
1. A match game
Match the branches of science with the fields they cover to learn how Ss understand the braches of science: Geology; metrology; astronomy; biology
The study of natural history
2. Discussion
Nature Science
branches geology meteorology astronomy biology
fields the earth weather the stars nature
Importance in life
Where to learn
Step 2 Pre-Listening
1. Think of words in relation to weather
 Sunny; fine; cloudy; rainy; windy; snowy; thundering; stormy; Foggy;
 Shower; rainfall; snowfall; lightening;
 Typhoon; tornado; hurricane; floods; drought

2. Help Ss recognize US regional divisions:
Generally, the states of the United States are divided into six regions:
1) the Northeast,
2) Southeast,
3) North Central,
4) Rocky Mountain,
5) Southwest,
6) Pacific regions
3. Fill in the chart with the given states. (map offered)
Virginia; Maine; Texas; California; Nevada; Hawaii; Indiana; Pennsylvania; Arizona Kentucky; Kansas; Colorado
Northeast Southeast North Central Southwest Rocky Mountain Pacific

Northeast Southeast North Central Southwest Rocky Mountain Pacific
Maine Kentucky Indiana Texas Colorado California
Pennsylvania Virginia Kansas Arizona Nevada Hawaii
Step 2 While-listening
1. Guided questions:
(1) What is the listening passage about?
(It is about the weather.)
(2) What do we call this type of radio message?
( We call it the weather forecast. )
2. Listen again and mark the map with “Yes” or “No” and the temperature on Tuesday in different parts of the USA based on the tape.

3. Questions and Answers.
(1) How should you prepare for the day if you go fishing in the Great Lakes?
(2) Where may roads become dangerous and should car drivers be careful?
(3) What happens when a hurricane hits the coast?
(4) What should people in Florida do when a hurricane is expected?
(5) What would be a possible name for the sixth hurricane in 2005?
Step 3 Post-listening
1. Watch a CCTV weather forecaster, keep notes of the information this person gives and act out in English.
2. Suppose you are planning a trip, phone the operator of the local weather station, asking for the weather. Make up a dialogue, using as many useful expressions as possible.
Period 2 Speaking
I. Goals:
1. Lear to tell one’s experiences.
2. Express emotion, anxiety and fear.
3. Learn useful expressions.
II. Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming up
1. Talk about the recent weather.
(1) What’s the weather like recently?
It’s clear / fine / cloudy / raining/rainy / stormy / snowy / foggy / windy/ etc.
(2) Is it warm / cold / cool / hot today?
Yes, it’s warm / cold / cool / hot.
(3) What’s temperature of today?
It’s 10°C.

2. Study the meteorogram, talk about the local weather recently and plan for a trip for the weekend.
A: What’s the weather going to be like in Ningbo tomorrow?
B: It’s going to be cloudy and sunny.
A: What do you want to do tomorrow?
B: I have to meet my uncle at the railway station.
A: What is he going to do for the weekend?
B: He is going to Xikou if it is fine.
A: Are you going to show him around?
B: I think so.
A: Have a good trip.
B: Thanks.
3. Pair work
Ask Ss to make up a similar dialogue for their trip for the weekend and act out.
4. Talk about the local meteorological disaster.
Every summer there are some meteorological disasters in our province. Ask Ss to speak it out. Yes, it is typhoon.
Step 2 Listening
1. Guided questions
We are going to listen to a dialogue, talking about a typhoon. Listen to the dialogue and answer the guided questions.
(1) Are there many typhoons in the area?
(No, not very many, but sometimes.)
(2) Is the typhoon terrible according to speaker?
2. Listen again and complete the chart.
happenings feelings
A  The tops of trees moving in circles
 Sand and pieces of wood
Were swept into the air  A bit scary
 Not really afraid
B  Hit their village
 Destroyed most of the houses
 Pulled the roofs off their houses
 Cars went up in the air  Sacred to death
 Got into a total panic
Step 3 Useful expressions
Go through the useful expressions and explain when necessary.
Useful expressions
How terrible!
It makes me feel uneasy when …
I think it’s very unpleasant…
It makes me feel very worried.
I get very upset… It’s a frightening thing…
I dare not…
I’m really frightened lto…
What’s really scary…
I’m afraid of… I’m frightened to death by…
She’s scared to death.
He gets into a total panic when…
It makes my hair stand on end.
What terrifies me…
Step 4 Practice
1. Talk about what can be seen in the following pictures.
(1) What can you see in Picture 1?
(2) Are you afraid of it?

① ② ③

④ ⑤ ⑥
2. Tell a terrifying experience.
Period 3 Reading Under the Volcano
I. Goals
1. To get to know something about a disaster and learn some related words and expressions.
2. To learn to express emotion, anxiety and fear
3. To develop Ss basic reading skills

II. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warming up
1. Class work: watch a video clips of the film Titanic ..

It is one of the greatest disasters.

2) Group work: Talk about other disasters you know in groups. List them in different kinds.
Floods Cyclones
Tornadoes and Hurricanes Hailstorm
Thunder and Lightning Droughts
Land-Slides and Mudflows River erosion
Earthquakes volcanic eruptions
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Individual work
About two thousand years ago a volcano in southern Italy erupted and buried the inhabitants of two small towns, Pompeii and Herculaneum, alive under metres of hot ash and mud. Look at the following pictures and describe how things could have happened.

2 Pair work
Describe how a volcano works in pairs.
Step 3 Reading
1.Skimming : Read the text fast to answer the following questions.
1) What happened in the passage?
2) When and where did it happen?
3) Who is the writer of the letter?
2. Scanning : 1) (Read the text again and explain what the words in bold referred to.
2) Create word webs for the following terms and find all the words that are related to them.

3) Further understanding
Individual work: The uncle of the writer of the letter was not afraid of what was happening. How do you know? Give three examples that show he had no fear.

Step 4 Post –reading
1. Pair work
Fill in the chart below based on the letter. .
Date: What happened:
2. Retell Pliny’s last adventure into erupted area to save his friends, using the information in the chart.
3. Interview: Ss are supposed to be Pliny’s sister; Rectina; Pompy; Pliny the younger. They are interviewed by Tacitus.

Step 5 Discussion
Task 1.Debate
If you were the Uncle, would you go to save your friends?
Task 2 Talking show
 What can Ss learn from Pliny? Give facts in the letter.
1) Bravery
In face of volcano eruption Pliny decided to see it from closer at hand.
2) Kindness
He changed his plan to save Rectina, who’s in danger.

 Do you think it is possible for human beings to be in harmony with the nature?
 What can we do to reduce the damage caused by the natural disaster?

Period 4 language study & grammar
I. Goals
4. To review the words and expressions in relation to volcano eruption.
4. To learn useful expressions of emotion, anxiety and fear.
4. To learn about Ellipsis.
II. Teaching Procedures
Step 1 New word revision
Ask Ss to fill in the blanks:
The active v_______ on Monstserrat caused more than US$323,000 damage to crops and the island’s water system, the government said Thursday.
The island was covered with d______ and a______, as deep as four inches. Fruit trees and crops were severely damaged, but none of the people were reported injured, officials said. Some wildlife habitats were damaged.
The volcano on Montserrat sprang to life in 1995. More than half the population f______ and never returned a_______. An e_________ in 1997 killed 19 people and buried the capital of Plymouth.
Although there was a feeling of p_________, people told reporters that they would not leave their island.
Officials in said costs for cleaning up could reach US$188,000. the UN has u________ other countries to help. Britain already gave 1 million pounds last aid Tuesday.
Step 2 Vocabulary
1. frightening: adj. making you feel afraid or nervous.
Frightened: adj. feeling afraid.
to be frightened of the darkness 怕黑
What a ________ dog! Even the bravest boys are _________.
(Key: frightening; frightened )
2. Besides this pair of frightening and frightened, what else can Ss think of at least one pair and make sentences to show the difference.
(boring, bored; threatening, threatened; terrifying, terrified; upsetting, upset; interesting, interested; exciting, excited; moving, moved; amazing, amazed; amusing, amused, …)
E.g: Failing an exam can be _______, but James was ________ today not because he had failed the exam, but because he had missed the live programme of the soccer match. (upset)
Eg: It is ________ that the volcano became active without warming. People were _________ by the eruption.
Eg: Several children decided to explore a _________ cave. They were ________ to death when they saw a giant spider. (scare)
It should be scary cave. This is different.
Step 3. Language study
1. threat
n. 威胁;恫吓; 造成威胁的人或事;凶兆
1) The threat of war has depressed business activity.
2) There is a serious threat of famine.
under threat of “在受……危胁下”
1) He was forced to carry out their orders under threat of death.
threaten v.
1) His father threatened to beat the boy if he stole again.
2) The younger boys were threatened to give money to the older ones.
3) A threatening letter frightened him. (adj.)
2. inhabitant n. one of the people who live in a particular place.
an inhabitant of the town 城里人
inhabit vt. live there
1) The island mainly inhabited by sheep.
a district sparsely inhabited 人烟稀少的一个区
4. We watched it rising from a mountain- at such a distance we couldn’t tell which one, but we afterwards learnt that it was Mount Vesuvius.
at a distance: from a place that is not very close:
a. The detective followed him at a distance.
tell: to be able to see how one person or thing is different from another.
a. Human taste buds can tell the difference between four basic flavors.
b. It is often difficult to tell identical twins from each other, even when they are standing side by side.
The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see it from closer at hand.
Ask Ss to translate “ the scientist in my uncle” for me. “科学灵感”
at hand: near in time or space.
a. There are shops and buses close at hand.
b. I want you to be at hand during my interview with the applicants.
5. What started out as a trip for knowledge now called for courage.
call for: need, ask
a. The workers are calling for strike action.
b. The work calls for endurance and patience.
c. Stay at home, and I’ll call for you.
6. There is some dirty weather knocking about.
knock about: to be active, and esp. to travel continuously.
a. He has knocked about in Africa for years.
b. As a young man he suffered a lot from poverty. He used to knock about in the market, trying to find a job for a few coins.
7. The hurricane, with its power to sink ships, to uproot trees and to overturn strong walls had found this little ship in its path.
Here “ with its power” is modifying “ the hurricane”.
What is the subject of the word “found” in the sentence? ---the hurricane.
see, find,… can have the nouns to be their subject.
a. This old house has seen better days.
b. National Day found people singing and dancing happily in a street parade.
Step 4 Translation
Turn the following sentences into English:
1. 他不理会他父亲的恐吓。
He took no notice of his father's threat.
2. 啄木鸟栖居于空心树上。
Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees.
3. 这里是建房的好地方。
This is a nice spot for a house.
4. 这幅画远看就好看。
This picture looks better at a distance.
5. 这俩兄弟太像了,很难分辨。
The two brothers are so alike that it’s hard to tell them apart.
6. 我现在手头没有字典,呆会儿我指给你看。
I haven’t the dictionary at hand but I will show it to you later.
7. 他猜我没饿,其实正相反。
He guessed that I was not hungry, but it was just the other way.
8. 他在欧洲漫游了好几年。
He has knocked about in Europe for years.
9. 镇海中学见证了我们的失败与成功。
Zhenhai middle school has seen our failure and success.
Step 4. Grammar: Ellipsis
1. Which words were left out at the place of the question mark (?) in the following two sentences?
1). Upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and (?) tried to give him courage.
2). Then came a smell of sulphur, and then (?) flames.
This is ellipsis.
Now look at the following sentences and Complete the full sentences.
1) Beg your pardon.
2) Haven’t seen you for ages.
3) Some more tea?
4) Sounds like a good idea.
5) Joining us for a drink?
6) Going to the supermarket?
2. Exercises: some of the words in the following sentences are unnecessary. Cross these words out.
1). It didn’t take my uncle long to decide whether to go to save his friends or not to go to save his friends.
2). They had a meal, they went out for a walk and they came back to sleep.
3). They discussed whether they should stay in the house or they should try the open air.
4). Don’t bathe if you don’t want to bathe.
5). I don’t visit my parents as much as I ought to visit my parents. Period 5 Integrating skills
Reading & Writing Typhoon
I. Goals:
1. Develop Ss reading skills.
2. Help Ss learn to write an experience in the typhoon.
3. Assessment
II. Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Warming up

1. Questions:
(1) Have you ever been in a typhoon before?
(2) When did it occur?
(3) How was it?
2. Have Ss describe a typhoon experience before.
(1) When did it occur?
(2) Where did it hit?
(3) How did it come?
(4) How did you feel?
(5) What happened to the surroundings?
(6) What happened in the end?
Step 2 Reading
1. Skimming
Read and find answers to the guided questions.
1) Where was the Nanshan sailing to?
(It was sailing to Fuzhou.)
2) How did the typhoon come?
2. Scanning
Read again and judge the following sentences.
(1) The workers on the Nanshan mostly came home Fujian. (T)
(2) Captain was more experienced and realized that the typhoon was on its way. (T)
(3) Jukes was afraid, for their steamship couldn’t face the typhoon. (F)
(4) The typhoon came suddenly before Jukes fully realized. (T)
(5) Captain MacWhirr wondered whether their ship could survive in the typhoon. (F)
(6) Finally, the ship succeeded in the first typhoon. (T)
3. Practice
Suppose you are Captain MacWhirr / Jukes, retell the story in their point of view.
Step 3. Practice
1. Questions.
(1) Why did Captain MacWhirr say the wind will come very soon?
(2) Would they survive from the second storm?
(3) How bad was the second storm?
(4) How will they get through this terrible storm?
2. Answer the questions in pairs.
3. Give a report for Ss’ discussion.
Step 4 Writing
1. Oral practice
Imagine the second storm was on its way, how would the ship succeed?
How would the story end?
2. Describe the Nanshan passing thorough computer.
3. Write down the composition.
I. 美国各州州名、缩写、州府名
州名 (州名 缩写)      首府名
     亚拉巴马 Alabama -- AL      蒙哥马利     Montgomery
     阿拉斯加 Alaska -- AK      朱诺     Juneau
     亚利桑那 Arizona -- AZ      菲尼克斯     Phoenix
     阿肯色    Arkansas -- AR      小石城     Little rock
     加利福尼亚  California - CA 萨克拉门托     Sacramento
     科罗拉多   Colorado -- CO      丹佛       Denver
     康涅狄格 Connecticut -- CT    哈特福德     Hartford
     特拉华 Delaware -- DE      多佛       Dover
     佛罗里达 Florida -- FL       塔拉哈西     Tallahassee
     佐治亚 Georgia -- GA      亚特兰大     Atlanta
     夏威夷 Hawaii -- HI      檀香山      Honolulu
     爱达荷 Idaho -- ID      博伊西      Boise
     伊利诺伊 Illinois -- IL      斯普林菲尔德   Springfield
     印第安纳 Indiana -- IN      印第安纳波利斯  Indianapolis
     艾奥瓦 Iowa -- IA      得梅因      Des Moines
     堪萨斯 Kansas -- KS      托皮卡      Topeka
     肯塔基 Kentucky -- KY      法兰克福     Frankfort
     路易斯安那 Louisiana -- LA      巴吞鲁日     Baton Rouge
     缅因 Maine -- ME      奥古斯塔 Augusta
     马里兰 Maryland -- MD      安纳波利斯 Annapolis
     马萨诸塞 Massachusetts -- MA    波士顿      Boston
     密歇根 Michigan -- MI      兰辛       Lansing
     明尼苏达 Minnesota -- MN      圣保罗      St. Paul
     密西西比 Mississippi -- MS     杰克逊      Jackson
     密苏里 Missouri -- MO      杰斐逊城     Jefferson City
     蒙大拿 Montana -- MT      海伦娜      Helena
     内布拉斯加 Nebraska -- NE      林肯       Lincoln
     内华达 Nevada -- NV       卡森城      Carson City
     新罕布什尔 New hampshire -NH    康科德      Concord
     新泽西 New jersey -- NJ     特伦顿      Trenton
     新墨西哥 New mexico -- NM      圣菲       Santa Fe
     纽约 New york -- NY      奥尔巴尼     Albany
     北卡罗来 North carolina -- NC   纳罗利      Raleigh
     北达科他 North dakota -- ND    俾斯麦      Bismarck
     俄亥俄 Ohio -- OH        哥伦布      Columbus
     俄克拉何马 Oklahoma -- OK      俄克拉何马城   Oklahoma City
     俄勒冈 Oregon -- OR       塞勒姆      Salem
     宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania -- PA     哈里斯堡     Harrisburg
     罗得岛 Rhode island -- RL    普罗维登斯    Providence
     南卡罗来纳 South carolina -- SC   哥伦比亚     Columbia
     南达科他 South dakota -- SD     皮尔       Pierre
     田纳西 Tennessee -- TN     纳什维尔     Nashville
     得克萨斯 Texas -- TX       奥斯汀      Austin
     犹他 Utah -- UT        盐湖城      Salt Lake City
     佛蒙特 Vermont -- VT       蒙彼利埃     Montpelier
     弗吉尼亚 Virginia -- VA      里士满      Richmond
     华盛顿 Washington -- WA    奥林匹亚     Olympia
     西弗吉尼亚 West virginia -- WV    查尔斯顿     Charleston
     威斯康星 Wisconsin -- WI     麦迪逊      Madison
     怀俄明 Wyoming -- WY     夏延       Cheyenne
II.The International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
By resolution 44/236 , the General Assembly designated the second Wednesday of October International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction. The International Day was to be observed annually during the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, 1990-1999.
In 2001, the General Assembly decided to maintain the observance of the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction on the second Wednesday of October (resolution 56/195 of 21 December), as a vehicle to promote a global culture of natural disaster reduction, including disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness.
III. How BIG are Volcanic Eruptions?
Every year about 60 volcanoes erupt, but most of the activity is pretty weak. How do volcanologists measure how big an eruption is? There is not any single feature that determines the "bigness", but the following eruption magnitude scale - called the Volcanic Explosivity Index or VEI - is based on a number of things that can be observed during an eruption. According to this scale, really huge eruptions don't happen very often, luckily!
VEI Description Plume Height Volume Classification How often Example
0 non-explosive <100 m 1000s m3 Hawaiian daily Kilauea
1 gentle 100-1000 m 10,000s m3 Haw/Strombolian daily Stromboli
2 explosive 1-5 km 1,000,000s m3 Strom/Vulcanian weekly Galeras, 1992
3 severe 3-15 km 10,000,000s m3 Vulcanian yearly Ruiz, 1985
4 cataclysmic 10-25 km 100,000,000s m3 Vulc/Plinian 10's of years Galunggung, 1982
5 paroxysmal >25 km 1 km3 Plinian 100's of years St. Helens, 1981
6 colossal >25 km 10s km3 Plin/Ultra-Plinian 100's of years Krakatau, 1883
7 super-colossal >25 km 100s km3 Ultra-Plinian 1000's of years Tambora, 1815
8 mega-colossal >25 km 1,000s km3 Ultra-Plinian 10,000's of years Yellowstone, 2 Ma

IV. Largest Eruptions in the Last 10,000 Years,
VEI Greater Than or Equal to 5.
The volcanoes are grouped by country or region. This list was complied from Volcanoes of the World.
1. Europe
2. Africa and Red Sea:
3. No eruptions with VEI greater than or equal to 5 in the last 10,000 years.
4. Mid-East & Indian Ocean:
5. No eruptions with VEI greater than or equal to 5 in the last 10,000 years.
6. New Zealand to Fuji
7. Melanesia and Australia
8. Indonesia & Andaman Islands
9. Philippines and Southeast Asia
10. Japan, Taiwan, Marianas
11. Kuriles, Kamchatka (Russia), and Mainland Asia
12. USA
13. Canada
14. Mexico and Central America
15. South America
16. West Indies:
17. No eruptions with VEI greater than or equal to 5 in the last 10,000 years.
18. Iceland
19. Atlantic Ocean
20. Antarctica and South Sandwich Islands:
V. Ellipsis
1).省略主语。 祈使句的主语省略;
Thank you for your help.
2). 省略主语和谓语的一部分。
(There is) no smoking.
3). 省略做宾语的不定式短语,只保留to.
a. He didn’t come although he promised to.
b. Do you like to have a try? I’d like to.
如果该宾语是be 动词或完成时态,则be 和have不能省略。
a. ---- Are you an engineer? -----No, but I want to be.
b. ---- Have you finished the task? –No, but he ought to have.
4). 在并列句中可以省略分句中的相同的成分;
My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse.
5). 主句中的省略:
(I am) Sorry to hear that.
6).省略从句的一部分,用so, not代替。
Will he come tonight? I think so/ I think not/ I don’t think so. (hope, be afraid, guess一般使用not结构)
7). 并列不定式可以省略后面的to.
I told him to sit down and wait for a moment.
8). 使役动词let. make , have和感官动词see, watch, notice, observe, hear, feel, fool at, listen to后面做宾语补足语的动词不定式一定要省略to,但是在被结构中不能省略to。
a. I saw the boy fall from the tree.
b. The boy was seen to fall from the tree.
9). find 和help 后面的可以省也可以不省略。但是如果是be 动词,则不省略。
a. We found him (to) work very hard.
b. We found him to be honest.
10). 介词前若有do,后面的不定式符号to省略。
a. The boy did nothing but play.
11). 在状语从句中,从句的主语和主句一致,或者主语是it时,可以省略主语和be。
a. If (you are) asked, you may come in.
b. If (it is) necessary, I will come to help you.
c. .If (we are) given more time, we can do it better.12) 可以做连词使用的名词和副词可以被视为是一种省略。
The moment , the minute , the instant , the time ,
the last time, The next time,Each time, every time, any time, immediately, directly
(At)The moment (when) he came in, I was watching TV.
a. The minute the teacher finished the lesson, the bell rang.
b. You are welcome to come and visit our school any time you like.
13) 在direction (方向),way(方式),reason等后面所接的定语从句中常省略in which。
a. The direction (in which) the plane was going is changed.
b. I dislike the way you speak to him.
c. This is the reason he is absent.
a. It seems (或appears) (that) Joe is out,not Jack.
b. It is an honor (that) I was invited to your birthday party.
That is the naughty boy (whom/that) we talked about last week.
2. (Volcanoes of the World)
3. (International Strategy for Disaster Reduction)
4. (Pliny’s first letter)
5. (volcanoes)
6. (2003 International Year of Fresh Water)




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