Unit 1 Making a difference

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Unit 1 Making a difference
Teaching Goals:
1. Talk about science and Scientists
2. Learn more about the Infinitive
3. Practise describing people and debating
Teaching Time: 6 periods
The First Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the following words:
Inspiration, perspiration, undertake, analysis, obvious, within, quote
2.Talk about science and scientists.
3.Listen to the description of some scientists.
4.Do some speaking, describing people and debating.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Train the students’ listening ability by listening practice.
2.Train the students’ speaking ability by talking about science and scientists, describing people and debating.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.
2.How to help students finish the task of speaking.
Teaching Methods:
1.Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in science.
2.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.
3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:1.a multimedia 2.a tape recorder 3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Warming up
1.T: There are many outstanding scientists in the world, who made great contributions to society and science. Now look at the pictures on page 1, tell me what are these scientists famous for?
(Bb) Scientists Contributions
Maria Curie Radium /Polonium
Albert Einstein The Theory of Relativity

2.T: Well done. I think you are all interested in science and scientists. What do you think makes a successful scientist? Have a discussion in pairs or groups of four. Then report the results of your discussion.
(It is the way he uses his tools that makes a successful scientist.
A successful scientist must have much imagination and intelligence and he must be creative and hard-working.
Asuccessful scientist must be confident, curious and careful. But what I like to know is what made him/her interested in science…)
T: Now look at the quotes on page 1.do you know what they mean? And do you agree?
T: Do you know any other quotes about science and thinking?
Wisdom is only found in truth. -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Knowledge is power. –Francis Bacon.
Step II Listening
T: OK. Now lets do some listening practice on P2. We are going to listen to the descriptions of some famous scientists. Read the requirements by yourselves quickly. Listen to the tape for the first time to get a general idea, and then try to finish the exx.
Step III Speaking
T: Now let’s look at the speaking part on P2. Work in groups of five. Each group member represents a branch of science, eg biology, maths, chemistry, physics, computer science. You are going to debate each other to see which branch of science is the most important and useful for society. First you should decide who will represent each branch and then prepare your role card to debate. You can use the expressions.
Step IV Language points (computer)
1.It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.
例:He undertook the difficult task willingly.
1 will undertake the responsibility for you.
例:He undertook a new experiment.
(2)analysis复数形式andyses.analyse vt.
A chemical analysis化学分析
We made a careful analysis of the problem.
(3)obvious adj. (more obvious,most obvious)
obviously adv.
例:He told her an obvious lie.
It is obvious that….…是显然的。
例:It is quite obvious that he didn't do it himself.
It seemed obvious that he suffered from a bad cold.
2.There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问 ..
例:There is no doubt that our team will win.
I don't doubt that we will win the game.(否定句用that)
Do you doubt that he has passed the final examination ? (疑问句用that)
I doubt whether he is the best man for the job.(肯定句用whether)
Preview the reading material.
Review the words and expressions in this period.
Step V The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 1 Making a difference
The First Period
Scientists Contributions
Madame Curie Radium/Polonium
Edison The light bulb
Einstein The Theory of Relativity

Record after teaching:
The Second &Third Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases.
2.Train the students’ reading ability.
3.Let the students learn from Stephen Hawking.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Master the following phrases and sentence pattern:
work on, go by, be engaged to, go on with sth, dream of, turn out
There is no point (in) doing sth.
2.Enable the students to understand the text better.
3.Improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to make the students understand the reading text better.
2.How to make the students understand the following sentence.
There didn’t seem much point in working on the PhD.
Teaching Methods:
1.Scanning the text to get some information about Hawking.
2.Careful reading to answer some detailed questions.
3.Discussion after reading the passage to make the students learn how to use the scientific method to solve the problem.
4.Individural, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:1.a computer 2.a tape recorder 3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Lead-in and Pre-reading
T: Yesterday we learnt some quotes from some scientists. Now look at the picture on the screen. Do you know who the person is?
( Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists of our time, A Brief History of Time )Today we are going to learn a passage about Stephen Hawking. It will tell us Hawking’s determination, thoughts and some theories. First let’s learn some new words and phrases. Then turn to P3. Look at the questions in Pre-reading quickly and then scan the text as quickly as possible and find the answers to them.
Answers:1 Because he wanted a job.
2 Hawking became famous in the early 1970s, when he and American Roger Penrose made new discoveries about the Big Bang and black holes.
3 In 2002, Hawking visited China and spoke to university students in Hangzhou and Beijing.
Step II Reading
T: Well done. Now read the passage once as carefully as possible. Then answer some detailed questions on the screen. You may discuss them in pairs if necessary.
What did Stephen Hawking do when he was told that he had an incurable disease?
1. How would most people feel when they were told that they had incurable disease?
2. What did Hawking write in 1988?
3. What did Hawking explain in the book ?
4. According to Hawking, how do people misunderstand science?
5. What are the basic steps of the scientific method?
6. What is it that Hawking doesn’t like about his speech computer?
Step III language points
There didn't seem much point in working on my PhD—I didn't expec to survive that long•
PhD(Doctor of Philosophy ) 指“博士学位”
There is no point in doing sth.表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”。
例:There is no point in arguing further.
There is no point in protesting.It won’t help much.
例:I didn't expect he was that rude.
I have never been out this late before.
Please cut my hair about this much.
4.Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse.
Go by意思是“(时间)过去”。
例:Time went by so quickly.We are already at the end of our summer holiday.
Thirty years went by and her hair was beginning to turn gray.
5.In fact,things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl,Jan Wilde.
get/be engaged to sb.“与某人订婚”
例:Did you hear they have got engaged last month?
Tom got engaged to Mary,whom he had met on the train.
Be engaged in(on)+n./doing sth.从事(工作)的,忙于……的
例:She was engaged in protecting wild birds.
Right now I’m engaged.
be engaged (电话等)通话中的,占线中的,相当于美国英语的busy.
例:The line/number is engaged。线路被占用。
engagement n.订婚(to)
例:announce one's engagement to…宣布与…订婚
break off one's engagement解除婚约,解约
engagement ring订婚戒指(戴在左手无名指上)
6.Scientists,on the other hand,Hawking writes,know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.
Turn out to be“结果是”“最后的情况是”+副/+形/+to do/+that..
例:The weatherman said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely.
The lecture turned out to be very dull.
Everything turned out well.一切顺遂。
The rumor turned out (to be) true.那谣言后来证明是真的。
It turned out (that) two travelers had been killed
turn out vi. (为集会等)外出,去。
turn out vt..(可分开用) 关 (熄灭) (煤气,电灯油灯等)
turn out vt. (可分开用 ) 生产 (产品),出产
例:The factory can turn out l000cars a day.
7.Everyone has his or her special skills and interests,and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.
例:Only at that time did I realize its importance.
Only in this way can you make progress in your English study.
Only when you finish your homework can you go out to play football.
例:Only you understand me.只有你了解我。
例:She only eats vegetables.她只吃蔬菜。
I only lent you the money.那笔钱我只是借给你(不是给你)。
He only works when he's got homework.
I've only seen him once.
8.Imagine this:you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world.
例:Can you imagine life with out electricity?
The gir1 tried to imagine the gentleman as her father.
例:I didn't imagine becoming a writer in my childhood.
例:I can't imagine her marrying him.
imagine+(that)…/wh—想像…;想…,推测 (不可用进行时)
例:Imagine you are a bird.
Can you imagine how much 1 was surprised to see it ?
Iimagine (that) I have met you somewhere before.
Can you imagine what he is doing?
(Just) imagine (it) ! 想想看!
Imagination (名) imaginative (形)
promising (形) 有希望的,有前途的,前途光明的
例:a promising actress有前途的女演员
9.Since then,Hawking has continued to seek answers to questions about the nature of the universe.
seek+(for after)+名词 搜寻,寻找;寻求,探求;追求
例:They sought shelter from the rain.
He found it worthless to seek fame.
We must seek (for) a solution to the problem
seek+名 征求,请求 ,
He sought his doctor's advice.
Step IV Listening and Consolidation
T: Now I’ll play the tape. You can follow it in a low voice. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Then do exx in Post-reading.
T: Learn the words and phrases by heart and try to use them freely and correctly. Read the text fluently and recite some important sentences.
The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 1 Making a difference
The Second Period
Useful expressions:
work on +n./pron. /doing,
go by: pass,
be/get engaged (to sb.): be bound by a promise to marry,
go on with sth: continue with sth,
dream of: imagine,
turn out: prove(to be),
Sentence pattern:
There is no point (in) doing sth.=There is no good reason for doing sth.
Record after teaching:
The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
Review the words learnt in the last two periods.
Learn how to explain the words in English.
Learn and master the usages of the Infinitive.
Teaching Important Points:
Master the usages of the Infinitive.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to help the students learn to explain words in English.
2.How to help the students master the usages of the Infinitive.
Teaching Methods:
1.Review method to help the students remember what they have learnt beore.
2.Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the usages of the Infinitive.
3.Individual work or pair work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Revision
Have a dictation of some words and expressions..
Step II Word Study
T: Now let’s do an ex to see how to explain some words in English, according to the meanings of the sentences. Please turn to P5. Let’s do the ex in Word Study. Choose the closest meaning to the underlined word in each sentence. First we’ll learn a new phrase: use up. Do it by yourself and you can discuss in pairs.
Step III Grammar(详解见后)
Bb:1. He hoped to visit China again .
2. It took a lot of time to finish the report .
3. Please give the boy sth to play with .
4. He went home to see his sick mother .
5. Her wish is to become a pop singer .
T: Tell me the function of the underlined part in each sentence.
S: No.1 is used as the object.
S: No.2 is used as the subject. It is more usual to use formal subject “it” and the infinitive phrase is usually placed at the end of the sentence, that is “it is…to do sth.”.
S: No.3 is used as the attribute.
S: No.4 is used as the adverbial for purpose.
S: No.5 is used as the predicative.
T: Now let’s do an ex on the screen. Group the infinitives according to how they are used.
1.Some things need (1) to be believed (2) to be seen .
2.The doctor told him that he may not have more than twelve months (3) to live .
3.(4) In order to get married ,I needed a job, and (5) in order to get a job , I needed a PhD.
4.Readers were pleased and surprised (6) to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand .
5.He traveled around the world (7) to give lectures .
6.What does it mean (8) to be a scientist?
7.People who listen to Hawking’s lectures sometimes find it difficult (9) to understand him .
8.(10) To explain what they have seen , they build a theory about how things happen and the causes and effects.
S: Subject:(8)
Step IV Practice
T: Now let’s do some exercises on P6, Ex2 and Ex3.Rewrite the sentences with “to be done” or “to have been done”.
He wanted the nurses to take care of the patient.
—He wanted the patient to be taken care of.
Because “the patient” is the logical object of “take care of”, the passive infinitive should be used in the second sentence.
The car was reported to have been stolen.
But when the action expressed by the Infinitive happens before the predicate, the perfect infinitive should be used.
TFinish all the exx in Grammar. Preview the content in Integrating skills.
The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 1 Making a difference
The Third Period
Phrase: use up
Grammar: the Infinitive
1. He hoped to visit China again .
2. It took a lot of time to finish the report .
3. Please give the boy sth to play with .
4. He went home to see his sick mother .
5. Her wish is to become a pop singer.
6. He wanted the nurses to take care of the patient.
7. He wanted the patient to be taken care of.
Record after teaching:
The Fifth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Revise the language points and grammar—the Infinitive.
2.Learn and master the following phrases:
take a look at, what if, the other way around
3.Do some reading and writing practice to improve the students’ integrating skills.
4.Learn how to write a descriptive paragraph.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Improve the students’ integrating skills.
2.Help the students write a descriptive paragraph.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to help the students understand the passage better.
2.How to help the students learn to write a descriptive paragraph.
Teaching Methods:
1.Doing exx to revise what we’ve learnt before.
2.Asking-and-answering activity to go through the reading material.
3.Discussion to help the students understand the passage better.
4.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work.
Teaching Aids:1.a computer 2.a tape recorder 3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Revision
T: We know that the infinitive can be used as the subject, object, adverbial and so on. Now let’s do some exx to see if you have mastered them well enough. Look at the screen.
1.(1)To learn about the universe , you need (2)to have a telescope (3)to observe the stars with .
2.It takes time (4)to know a man .
3.Please remember (5)to bring me a book.
4.I’ve got a lot of work (6)to do .
5.(7)In order to catch the first bus ,she got up early.
6.It is important for us (8)to learn English .
T: Let’s do another ex. Fill in the blanks, using the Infinitive.
1.The goal of Stephen Hawking’s research is to and to is his biggest dream.
2.The doctor thought he only had three more years to , which turned out .
3.We took a taxi to .We hurried there, only to . We were unhappy to .
4.He studied hard to .
5.Lunch is ready. Let’s stop to .
T: Now let’s revise the useful expressions. Do an ex to see whether you have mastered them well.
1.He one day becoming a famous violinist.
2.Tom Ann.
3.Two weeks slowly .
4.His suggestion to be a good one.
5.He his ink.
6.If we don’t finish painting the room today, we can it tomorrow.
7.He a novel.
Step II Reading
T: There were many scientists in the world in the past, whose discoveries and inventions can help us understand the world better. Can you say out the names of some scientists and their discoveries?
T: Do you know why and how they made these important discoveries or inventions? The passage tells us what makes the scientists made their discoveries. Turn to P7. Read the passage quickly and then answer some questions on the screen.
1.What’s the characteristic of Galileo Galilei?
2.Why could Stephen Hawking make contributions to science work?
3.What can be described as the ability to use knowledge?
4.What’s the most important thing if we want to make a difference?
5.How can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference?
T: I’ll explain some expressions and sentence structures.
1. take a look at
2. what if
3. the other way round
4. …it was only later that the world recognized his greatness.
5. …only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.
Step III Listening and Discussion
T: Listen to the tape twice. Then discuss the questions in pairs or groups.
1. Of all the characteristics mentioned in the passage, which do you think is the most important? Why?
2. What do great scientists like Stephen Hawking , Galileo Galilei and Zhang Heng have in common? Find out more about them and how they work and think: What is the scientific spirit? How do scientists solve problems? How do scientists make a difference? What can we learn from great scientists?
Use the questions below to get started.
What is the scientific spirit?
How do scientists solve problems?
How do scientists make a difference?
What can we learn from great scientists?
Step IV Writing
T: Who is your favourite scientists? Write a paragraph. Before writing, think about what you want to write and what the readers need to know. How can you best describe him or her? What is the most important or interesting fact about the scientist? Why do you like him or her? List an outline of the passage. Then write some useful sentences to help them.
Step V Homework
Go over all the important points learnt in this unit and finish your writing.
Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 1 Making a difference
The Fifth Period
A good scientists must be curious and careful .
Great scientists use their creativity and imagination to come up with new ideas.
Scientists must also be intelligent and patient .
The experiment proved that her theory was correct.
Other scientists were surprised by her discovery and called it a success .
She used a model to solve the problem .
Record after teaching:
Period 6 Review and Exercises.




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