unit3 Art and architecture全单元 |
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Contents 目录 一、 教学内容分析 (Analysis of the teaching materials) 二、 教学目标和要求 (Teaching aims and demands) 三、 教学重点与难点 (Teaching difficult and important points) 四、 教学课时安排 (Teaching arrangements) 五、 教学设计步骤 (Teaching procedures) 六、 评估与反馈 (Assessing) 浙江省台州中学高二备课组教师 周萍、朱伟军、林丹红、杨霞、杨素莲、张亚伟等 浙江省台州中学高二备课组 本单元的中心话题是艺术和建筑。围绕这一话题,学生将由此接触和领略古今中外的一些建筑艺术风格,了解一些著名的建筑艺术家及其典型的建筑特点,从而扩大他们在这一方面知识的理解和掌握,拓宽他们的文化视野,增长见识。通过学习,可以帮助学生了解建筑的文化特色,使他们从建筑中看到世界各地绚丽多彩的传统艺术风格和魅力,并可在一定程度上激发他们的审美能力,鉴赏能力和创造力。单元语言素材涉及传统建筑、现代建筑、建筑艺术家高迪、赖特,典型建筑如北京的故宫、奥运会场以及由废弃军工厂转变而成的798工厂等等。本单元的教学对教师本身的文化修养、知识面等方面有较高要求,需要我们在教与学的过程中不断更新知识结构,积累语言素材,拓宽学生学习和运用英语的渠道。 “热身”部分首先提供了两幅图片,一幅高楼和一幅乡村民居的图片,从引导学生讨论喜欢居住的处所入手,通过对于各种不同建筑的谈论,让学生说出自己的偏爱,谈一谈你所喜欢的建筑风格,是喜欢传统风格的建筑还是现代风格的建筑,从而对于建筑这一话题有一个初步的印象。 “听力”部分是讲述Amy 和Danny为布置新家在商场买家具的对话,主要涉及对不同家具的品味和喜好的谈论,为进一步 “谈论不同喜好”这个功能项目作好语言铺垫基础。听后课本中设计了选择、对错题及填空题三种形式对听的效果进行检测。 “说话”部分承接了热身部分的话题,提供了一个喜欢住现代式公寓还是住传统四合院的对话范例,在听录音熟悉对话的基础上让学生自由讨论对不同事物的喜好,进一步熟练如何表达喜好的对话并归纳了一些常用句型。 “读前”部分提供了四幅现代建筑的图片,让学生对阅读材料的话题先有个感性认识;并对阅读篇章的内容进行预测。阅读文章通过对现代建筑的不同特点的描述,将古今建筑、中外建筑、纯现代建筑与体现自然风格的建筑之间进行了对比,特别是介绍了世界著名建筑师高迪和赖特及他们的建筑风格,使我们更进一步了解建筑的无穷魅力。“读后”部分要求学生回答问题,检测对文章的理解程度,同时培养学生的思辩能力。 “语言学习”分词汇和语法两部分,学习一个重要句型:A is to B what C is to D. ( A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.) 以及过去分词作宾补的用法。教材在这一部分中还设计了一个很好的情景:通过讨论房间装饰的话题来让学生熟练运用have something done 的句型。 “综合技能”包括读、写两部分。阅读部分是一篇介绍798工厂由昔日的军工厂转变为今日的文化艺术中心的材料,从古建筑如何重新再利用的角度向学生进一步渗透艺术和建筑的主题。写作练习要求选择一个建筑物的平面图,然后对其进行详细描述,特别是设想当该建筑物已不再作为原来的用途而转作其它之用时,应该如何对它充分地加以利用的问题,让学生展开想象,写出再利用的计划,并谈谈相关的利弊,从而训练学生在这一方面的写作能力。 “复习要点”部分简要地总结了本单元的语法重点——过去分词作宾补的用法并且涉及了一些基本的句型帮助学生理解和归纳。同时通过两个问题引导学生对本单元所学的词汇做一次回顾和小结。 Teaching goals: • Talk about art and architecture. • Practise expressing preference. • Learn about the Past Participle used as Object Complement. • Write about advantages and disadvantages. 本单元基于艺术与建筑这一话题开展一系列的听说读写活动,要求学生掌握如何表达喜好的一些常用句型,学习过去分词作宾语补足语的语法,并学会写一篇论述利弊观点的小作文。 另根据《英语新课程标准》关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识五个方面。 1.语言知识(Knowledge) 词汇(Vocabulary):能理解、内化、运用以下生词 --- architecture, architect, preference, design, furniture, taste, modern, convenient, apartment, style, stand, ugly, construction, impress, fantastic, create, aside, rent, development 短语(Phrases): act as, fill up with, belong to, set aside 语言功能(Functions):学习掌握一些用于表达喜好的句型, 如: I’d rather … I’m much more interested… I really prefer… I wouldn’t feel happy if… I don’t get very excited about… I prefer something that… What I like is… I can’t stand… 语法(Grammar): 掌握和运用动词过去分词作宾语补足语的用法。 They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural. Frank Lloyd Wright found himself inspired by Japanese seashells. I think I will have the walls painted yellow. 2. 语言技能(Skills) 听:通过听一个关于布置新居买家具的对话,训练学生听力理解能力及技能,如捕捉特定信息的能力,准确听写相关词语的能力,从说话人的语气表情判断信息正误的能力等等。 说:能熟练运用所学表达法来表明自己的观点,谈论不同喜好;能就本单元相关话题表达看法;能较好地完成一些开放性的话题,以提高在真实语境中的英语交际能力。 读:能运用各种阅读微技能进行有效的阅读,在阅读中培养语篇意识,以及分析文章结构的能力,快速捕捉特定信息的能力,猜测单词词义的能力,同时掌握文中出现的单词和短语的使用。 写:写一篇论述利弊观点的小作文。展开想象,自己动手设计对家乡,对身边的古建筑进行再利用的计划,并谈谈相关的利弊。 3. 学习策略(Strategy): 认知策略:在学习过程中,善于抓住重点,做好笔记,并能对所学内容进行整理和归纳。 调控策略:能够根据个人的特点和需要安排自己的学习,主动拓宽学习英语的渠道,总结有效的学习方法,能在一定程度上形成自主学习的能力。 交际策略:能够在课内外活动中积极用英语和他人交流,利用各种机会用英语进行真实的有效的交际的能力。 资源策略:能够有效地使用图书馆、网络等方式查阅有关艺术与建筑的资料进行信息处理的能力,获得更广泛的英语信息,扩展所学知识。 4. 情感态度(Affect):能在多种英语学习情境中感受、分享用英语交流的成功与喜悦;积极参与多种形式的合作学习,有较强的合作精神和互助精神,在交流中理解并尊重他人的情感。 5. 文化意识(Cultural awareness):通过学习,了解一些中外著名的建筑艺术家以及建筑艺术风格,从而拓宽他们的文化视野,加深对艺术和建筑的理解和掌握。 (一) 重点 1. 重点词汇:architecture, architect, preference, design, convenient, apartment, style, stand, ugly, construction, impress, create, rent, act as, fill up with, belong to, set aside 2. 重点句型:学习掌握一些用于表达喜好的句型。 3. 语法:动词过去分词作宾语补足语的用法。 (二) 难点: 1. 运用所学知识表达自己的想法。 2. 较长句子成分的划分及意义的理解。 3. 如何能就课文内容完成一些开放性的话题讨论,能把课文的内容得以延伸与拓展。 4. 指导学生通过各种渠道如报纸、杂志、图书馆和网络等资源查找有关素材,培养信息社会收集查找资料的能力。 Period 1: Warming-up, Listening & Speaking Period 2: Pre-reading & Reading Period 3: Reading & Post-reading Period 4: Language study Period 5: Integrating skills 本教学安排根据LARA教学原则,对教材进行大胆的删除(L - leave out)、修补(A - Amending)、替换(R – Replace)、增添(A – Add)处理,灵活的将教材为我所用。我们根据单元实际情况对教材的编排顺序作了一些调整,如“热身”部分呈现了一些不同风格的建筑图片后,在学生充分发挥想象的基础上先引导学生思考用于描绘建筑物的词汇,导入本单元的词汇学习,即先处理问题3,再处理问题2。另由于第三部分“speaking” 的对话范例提供的一个喜欢住现代式公寓还是住传统四合院的话题刚好承接了热身部分的话题,所以我们在处理的时候把“speaking”和第二部分“Listening”也作了调整,先讨论喜欢住哪里,再转至第二部分喜欢布置什么家具,这样在内容安排上有更好的承接关系。热身部分的最后一个问题是查找建筑历史、著名建筑艺术家、建筑物的任务。我们认为这个任务可以作为课前预习任务或课后作业来布置会更好。 本单元以艺术建筑话题为核心,基于这一话题组织和安排了一系列的听、说、读、写活动,使学生在学习英语的过程中培养综合地运用所学语言的能力。因此,我们在采用话题、功能、结构相结合的基础上,设计了一系列的“任务型”活动。如让学生设计自己的“梦之家”,设计自己居室的家具布置,模拟开展“最佳寝室”的活动;并结合我们学校即将搬迁新校园的契机,让学生开动脑筋,人人参与,设计你所希望的新校园的蓝图,还可增强学生爱校爱家的主人翁精神;结合课文最后一部分旧建筑被重新再利用,并要求写作的任务,我们设计了让学生讨论如何重新再利用老校园的话题,体会做一个建筑师的感觉。我们觉得这些是培养学生的思维能力,创造能力和动手能力的很好的任务。在设计的过程中运用所学的知识,学生必定学得积极主动并学有所获。 分课时教学设计教案如下: Period 1:Warming up, Speaking & Listening Step 1. Greetings and warming-up Greet the students as usual. Ask the Ss to talk about their hometown and their houses. Qs: where are you from, a city or a small town? Can you describe the buildings in your hometown? What kind of buildings do you live in, a traditional house or an apartment? Show students two pictures, a tall building and a traditional yard. T: what can you see in the two pictures? What is the difference between them? (When the Ss describe the pictures, remind the students to think about the differences in the two pictures. The students may have different opinions. Encourage them to think out reasons as many as possible. They may have a discussion.) Suggested answers: Block of flats Traditional house Modern. Convenient. The rooms are big. Every flat has a toilet and bathroom. Not much contact with their neighbors. People often feel lonely. Flat roof. … Old-style. The rooms are small. Sometimes no toilet or bathroom. Life is much more interesting. Neighbors get on well with each other. People can grow flowers in the yard. The roof is sloping.(why?) … In which house would you prefer to live? Why? S: I like living in ….because…. I prefer living… I’d rather live… The students should tell others their reasons to support their choices. For example, living in the small house makes me feel warm. I like making friends with my neighbors. It looks like a big family. Encourage them to express their ideas freely. T: Buildings in the different places are different. So what words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture? Show the students some different kinds of houses , ask them to describe them. Collect their answers.( appearance: high, low, great, The palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale.;materials: brick, stone, steel ,glass, wood…) T: If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? What materials would you use? Explain why you made certain choices about your dream house? Architect: one who designs the construction of buildings or other large structures. Give the students enough time to discuss the question. Collect their answers. Step 2 Speaking Books open, page 18. Ask the students to listen to the sample dialogue and follow the tape. Study the useful expressions. Remind them to learn the structure how to express their preferences. Practice. Ask them to look at the pictures and choose the item they prefer. Try to explain the reasons. Two tasks: One is to talk about traditional and classical furniture. And the second task is choosing a picture to decorate their room. T: In your dream houses, are there any chairs? (Show some chairs) which one do you like? Why? When they answer the question, encourage them to use expressions in the following table. A moment later, ask them to act out their own dialogue. Sample dialogue: A: which do you like better, classical chairs or modern chairs? B: I prefer modern chairs. A: Why? B: In my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. They are comfortable. A:… Step 3 : Preparation for listening T: You have already designed your own dream house , it is time to buy some furniture. What kind of furniture will you buy? And why do you prefer them? Have a short discussion in pairs. You can introduce names of furniture, such as heater, air-conditioner and so on. Step 4. Listening. Books open, Page 18, listening part. It is a talk between a young married couple, Danny and Amy and a shop assistant.. They want to buy some furniture for their new house. Ask the students to go though the exercises and make sure what to do. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and finish the exercises by themselves. They may check the answers in pairs. Then play it a third time for the students to check their answers. Check them with the whole class in the end. Step 5.Homework 1.Decorate your bedroom and classroom. And talk about your decoration. 2.Find out about the history of art and architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world as much as possible. Share the ideas with others. Period 2&3: Reading Step1: Pre-reading ----Enjoy pictures of both modern architecture and classical architecture 1. Greetings T: We’ve really had a wonderful tour around the world last time, seeing the marvelous architecture home and abroad, modern and classical. I hope you enjoy that… but I wonder if all of you can recognize some of the most famous architecture. 2.Brainstorming or guessing game ---Name the pictures: Sydney House; the Eiffel Tower; the Temple of Heaven… Q: Among all of these pictures, which ones are different from others? Or you may say which ones belong to modern architecture. SS: … Q: How do you know which ones belong to modern architecture? What’s the difference between modern architecture and classical (ancient) architecture? SS: … T: If you want to know more and to enjoy the beauty of modern architecture, you’d better join us, as we are going to have a new journey, the journey to the world of modern architecture. Step2: While-reading 1. Fast- reading ----Find the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture in the text. Q: what’s the difference between modern architecture and classical architecture? Difference Modern architecture Classical architecture Materials Steel, iron, glass… Stone, brick, wood… Characteristics Huge; like boxes; unfriendly Beautiful, closer to nature Q: What kind of materials is used? What other materials do you know? Q: What’s the characteristic? How do people feel towards modern architecture? 2. Careful-reading ----Find out the information according to the key words Modern architecture Q1: When was modernism invented? -----1920s Q2: How many architects are there in the text? ---Antonio Gaudi/ Wright Q3: Where were they from? ----Spanish/ American architect Q4: What did Gaudi want to be used in his works? What’s the characteristic of his architecture? How is his architecture like? ----Natural materials/ like a dream, full of fantastic colors and shapes. Q5: What inspired Wright? ----Japanese seashells Q6: How many examples are there in the text? ----The Opera House/ the new Olympic Stadium Q7: How do they look like? ----Seashell/ nest Q8: Why do we call the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing” the Bird’s nest”? Q9: What do they (two architects / two examples) have in common? ---Nature 3. Listening ----While listening, pay attention to the key points in the text. Step3. Post-reading 1. Task 1: Interview (group work) 2. Task2: Design (group work) --- Design the architecture of a new school. ---Report four elements: what kind of materials is used? / Why do you design in this way? / How do the architecture look like? / What’s the style? Step4. Homework 1. Exchange designs with your classmates and exhibit them. 2. Report what you have learned about modern architecture next time. Period 4: Language study Step 1, Lead—in T: Hello, everybody, yesterday we have seen a lot of wonderful modern architectures and got to know some famous architects. Today I’d like to introduce you one of my friends. He is an architect. Who can tell me the meaning of “architect”. (a person who designs buildings). He lived in this house when he was young. Do you think this house beautiful or not beautiful? (not beautiful) Can you use another word to replace “not beautiful”. (ugly). So when he became an architect, he designed some pretty houses. Not long ago he designed a new house for me. Let’s go and see my new house. Step 2, Vocabulary T: Welcome to my new house. Could you say something about my new home? T: I’m not alone here, because I have two neighbors. Do you know who are they and where they live? (nest, dog house) T: Let’s learn some new words of house. (balcony concrete nest brick roof) Try to remember these new words, then fill in the blanks. an area with a wall or bars around it, joined to the outside wall of a building ________________. A strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, and sand and water _________________ a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young ____________ the structure on the top of a building to keep the rain out_________ Step 3, Word Study T: Can you tell me which is the most ancient building in my yard? (nest) A nest is to a bird what a house to a man. Who can tell me the meaning of this sentence? (鸟剿和鸟的关系就和房子和人的关系一样) T: Good. Let’s try another one Water is to fish what air is to men. (水和鱼的关系就于空气和人的关系一样) T: Well done. These two sentences have something in common—they are using the same sentence pattern. What is it? →A is to B what C is to D T: Very good. Now I will show you more pictures, you should find out the relationship between these pictures, and create sentences using the above pattern. Fur is to a fox what the_____is to a banana. ____are to a house what words are to a text. An architect is to____________what a painter is to art. A___is to a boat what an engine is to a car. A____is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter. Arms are to the body what_______are to a tree. Step 4, Grammar T: I’m very glad that you like my new home. Our new school is far away from the downtown, so a new market is build near our school. I’ll guide you to the market to see what you can do there. show the Ss the picture and ask them to describe it. --What can you see in the market? --Let’s see what can we do here? Give examples: I can have my hair cut here. I can have my bike mended. Ask the Ss to make similar sentences. T: in all these sentences we use a sentence pattern—“have something done”. Now let’s see the pairs of sentences, and compare A and B. A: I can have my bike mended B: I can have the car waiting for me. A: I found myself tied to a tree. B: I found myself walking in a forest. Watch more sentences on page 22. Examine all the sentences carefully, and find out when we use –ing form and when we use –ed form. → passive voice: -ed active voice: -ing Look at the pictures, can you find out another difference between –ing form and –ed form. Let’s do some exercises. Matching Did you find the city done? When will he ever get the work greatly changed? She can’t make herself called. Next week I’ll have my bedroom understood. You’ve got to keep the door locked. I got the watch repaired. She heard her name decorated Completing I don’t want any bad words____(say) about him behind his back. Please get the work____(do) as soon as possible. I’ll have the materials_____(send) to you next Monday morning. She won’t have her long and beautiful hair____ (cut) short. You should make your voice______(hear). I want you to keep me_________(inform) of how things are going with you. The rent sounds reasonable. How would you like it________(pay). At last I succeeded in making myself__________(understand). We’ll move to the new school, and four people will share one room. There will be a competition on decorating your room. The most beautiful and most special room will he the winner. Now work in groups of four to design your room. Five minutes later the group leaders should give a simple report. And pay attention to use –ed form in your report. Here are some phrases to help you: Step 5, Homework 1.Workbook page 97, exercises 1—5 2.Workbook page 98, exercises 1—2 Period 5: Integrating skills Step 1. Revision: ( Talk about new house decoration to revise the grammar: have… done) --- Dear class, I’m especially happy these days, because I’ve just bought a new house. It’s very beautiful. Look, here it is. I want to share my happiness with you. So would you like to help me design my house? How should I decorate my room? Please discuss it and give me some advice, OK? --- You had better have … done. A few minutes later, call out some pairs to report their design. > --- Ok, which group will give me good suggestions? --- Thank you very much! You’re good designers. I’ll decorate my room according to your design. Step 2. Lead-in ( Talk about how to deal with the old house.) --- Now after I finished decorating the rooms, I moved into my new beautiful house. But what should I do to deal with my old house? Should I pull it down? No, I don’t want to do that. Anyway it’s so lovely a house. Should I let it stand empty? No, not a good idea. I want to give it a second life. What shall I do? Please discuss again in groups and this time give me advice on how to deal with the old house. < Ss discuss and give advice. > --- Wow, you have so many wonderful ideas! I think I like to change it into a beautiful teahouse and I can rent it to somebody else since I am too busy to run it myself. And thus I can give my old house a second life. Thank you very much! Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea in my teahouse some day? Step 3. Fast reading on “ Factory 798 ” --- Thank you for your ideas to give my old house a second life. And the same story goes with another old factory which is no longer used in Beijing. It is the famous place called “Factory 798”. Has anybody ever heard of that? If no, let’s open our books and read the passage on Page 23. Try to find out: “What is Factory 798? ” < Ss fast reading for a few minutes. > --- Who has found out the answer? → an old army factory ; an arts centre; Step 4. Careful reading --- Now let’s get some detailed information about Factory 798. Please read the second paragraph of the passage carefully again and find out: --- What was Factory 798 like? → huge factory halls of bricks → small round windows that remind you of ships → bent roofs → 20-foot high walls of glass More questions on the screen to guide the reading: 1. When was Factory 798 built? Who designed it? Who built it? 2. Why is it very different from Chinese architecture? --- We’ve known that Factory 798 was built in 1950s. As time went by and things developed, what happened to it then? → no longer used/ needed → stood empty --- What has happened to it now? → turned into an arts center More questions: 3. How did Factory 798 turn into an arts center? 4. Why was Factory 798 welcomed by painters, music bands, artists and musicians? Step 5. Listening and reading --- Now, let’s listen to the tape and get a better understanding of the text. Please follow the tape in a low voice and pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words and phrases which you’re not sure of. At the same time, please try to find out the following new language points in the text and see how much you can understand them in English. < Show the language points on the screen. > 1. pull down 2. stand 3. with… aid 4. remind … of 5. set aside Step 6. Retelling --- Now it’s time for you to read the text by yourselves and try to summarize the text. That is to say, suppose you are a journalist from CCTV 9 and you’ve just paid a visit to the famous Factory 798. Please make a TV program to introduce Factory 798 to our citizens in your own words. I’ll give you three minutes to read through the text by yourselves and get prepared for the retelling, OK? Step 7. Discussion --- In almost every city around the world, there are old buildings which are no longer used, such as schools, hospitals, factories or even churches. What do you think people should do with them? Why? →To pull down the old buildings and set up new modern ones to keep up with the pace of the society. →New uses should be given to old special buildings. It’s a great way to save the architecture from the past. Step 8. Writing. --- Since we all agree that giving the old special buildings new uses is a great way to save the architecture from the past, now it’s time for you to have a practice and show your ability. You know our school is moving to the new campus now and the old campus will be left empty then. Suppose you are young painters, artists, musicians, and you can rent some parts of the school building to practice. How do you want to change the school buildings? What new uses can be given to the old school buildings? Please work in groups and make a plan about it. Step 9. Homework. 1. Finish the program about Factory 798 as a TV reporter. 2. Finish your plan about how to reuse our old school buildings. In this unit you have learnt about art and architecture. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below? The things I can do Evaluation I can understand and read about art and architecture. 5 4 3 2 1 I can describe buildings and works of art. 5 4 3 2 1 I can tell the differences between traditional architecture and modern architecture. 5 4 3 2 1 I can express my preferences in English. 5 4 3 2 1 I can draw and talk about floor plans of a building. 5 4 3 2 1 I can use the past participle as the object complement. 5 4 3 2 1 I can remember and use the new words and expressions in new situations. 5 4 3 2 1 浙江省台州中学高二备课组教师 周萍、朱伟军、林丹红、杨霞、杨素莲、张亚伟等 |
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