最新人教版高一unit 2全单元教案

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Step I : Warming Up介绍世界英语,要求学生 区分英美语单词。
Step II: Pre-reading 在激活学生已有知识的同时引导学生为下一步的阅读做好准备。
Step III: Reading
Task 1:Reading and choose the correct answers.
Task 2:Read and summarize the main idea of each
Paragraph. ( work in groups of four )
Para.1 the extension of English in the world
Para.2 Native speaker can understand each other but not everything.
Para.3 the development of English as native language
Para.4 English is spoken as a foreign or second language in many countries.
Task 3: Analyze the text
Part one (Para.1): the extension of English in the world
Part Two( Para.2.3.&4)English changes when its culture communicate with others.Step IV. Post-reading ( work in groups of four ) Help the students deal with the new language points.
Homework: P11—12 Learning about the Language Ex 1,2,The first period: Extensive reading
Teaching materials:( P11-12 Learning about the language ,P51—52 Reading Task )
Step I. Check the words and expressions .
(P11&12 Discovering useful words and phrases part 1,2,3&4)
Step II. Listen and find the British and American
Which are different but have the same meaning.
( work in pairs)P12 part 5
Step III. Pre-reading
Step IV. Reading and talking( P13)
Task1 : Read and answer questions:
Task2: Read and fill in the map.
辩别southeast ,northeast ,southwest, northwest,south,east, west, north.
Step IV. Homework:
Read the passage on P52 and fill in the table.The third period: Listening
Teaching materials:
Step I. Check the homework.( the passage on P52 and fill in the table.)
Step II. Listen and answer questions.(P14)
Step III. Listen and write AE words.( P48)
Step IV. Listen and discuss in groups ,write a short list of reasons why English is spoken in
So many places.(p51 Listening task)
Step IV. Homework:write a short list of reasons why English is spoken in So many places.
The fourth period: Grammar
Teaching materials: P12 Discovering useful structure, P50 Using Structures , P15 Speaking
Step I.
The fifth period:Speaking
Teaching materials:Talking on P48—49
project on p53--54The sixth period: Writing
Teaching materials: Speaking task on P52
Writing task on P53The seventh period: Summing up

3.Do some exercises about sentence transformation.
Teaching Important Points:
1.How to improve the students' listening ability.
2.How to help the students ideas freely.
Teaching Difficult Point
1.How to use different words to express one's idea.
I. Greetings and Revision
morning, everyone.
In this class, I want to check your homework first. Then learn the new words and expressions of this period. The teacher gives the explanations and examples
II. Warming up
Now, I'll ask you some questions.
The first question is: How many countries and regions are there in the world?
(About two hundred.)
T: How many languages are there in the world?
(It's hard to say. I learned from a magazine that there were more than three thousand. Perhaps more than five thousand)
It was thought that there were more than three thousand before. But it is found in recent years that there are more than five thousand languages in the world. Only thirteen languages are used by above 55 million people. My next question is: How many languages are used as the working languages of the United Nations?
: They are five. French, Russian, Spanish. English and Chinese.
In this unit, we'll talk about English.
Read the text on this Page and have a discussion with your partner. Discuss the questions in the text: What is it that Joe can't find in the bathroom? Why can't he find it? Who can tell us the answer question? :It is the toilet. Why can't he find it? Perhaps when Joe says" bathroom he means a place where there is But in Nancy's eyes, it is where people can only have a bath. Am I right? As we know, Joe is an American, so he speaks American English. While Nancy is English, he speaks British English. That's to say, there are some slight differences between British English and American English. We'll discuss this further in the fourth period. You can read it after class to see how much you can under- stand it.
III. Listening :
Let's do listening. Please turn to Page9. Look at the picture and read the requirement. Do you know what you should do you listen to the tape? : Yes. I'll play the tape twice. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it. While I play it for the second time, write Some necessary information on a piece of paper and then discuss the answers with your partner. ( At last the teacher asks students to read their answers. )
Step iV. Speaking
Please look at Speaking on Page 9
Practise the following dialogues with your partner and act them out. Then complete the sentences below the dialogues.
Now let's complete
Harry asked Mr Smith to spell that name. He also asked her to repeat the address. Mr Smith told buy her some Harry not to forget to buy ketchup on her way
We've just acted out two dialogues. Now make another dialogue using the situation similiar to the one above. I'll ask some students to act it out in three minutes. Three students a group. Let's begin.
Step VI. Consolidation
(The teacher writes the following sentences on the blackboard. )
Look at the blackboard. There are five groups of sentences. Complete one of them according to the other. Do it by yourselves. We'll check the answers
Suggested answers
1. "Don't drink too much," he said.
2. Jack told his brother to turn off the light before he slept.
3. "Will you please help me to make a kite?" the little girl said.
4. He asked Tom to buy a pen for him.
5. He told me to be quiet.
StepVII. Summary and Homework
Listen to some materials and do some exercises about sentence transformation. Please learn the sentences by heart.
(Pointing to the blackboard. )After class, do more practice as we did in class and try to speak more English as you can. That's all for today. Class
Unit2 Second Teaching Aims
1. Learn the text" English around the world".
2. Get the students to master the useful expressions in the text.
3. Train the students to read the text
4. correct pronunciation and intonation.
5. How to improve the students' ability to read an article.
6. How to get the students to master the useful expressions.
Teaching Difficult Point:
The use of some useful expressions.
1. Fast-reading to train students' reading speed.
2. Reading comprehension getting the students to grasp the main idea
3. Practise what they've learned.

Teaching Procedures
Step I ~ Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
The teacher checks the students' homework and gives explanations
Step 1I ~ Preparation for reading
(The teacher and the students learn the new words and expressions of this period together and the teacher explains some of them . )
Please answer my questions.
The first question is:
What language has the largest number of speakers?
The second question: What language is the most widely spoken and used?
English. How many languages do you say ? I speak Chinese and English.
:Which is your native language?
(SB: My native language is Chinese. )
T If you speak more than one language, in what situations do you use the languages? : (I'm learning English. I can speak English and Chinese. I'll speak English in everyday life and use it as much as I can. As long as the person I speak to understand English, I will talk to him in English. I think it is a good way to practise my English. At the same time, his or her English can be improved, too, if he is learning English, too. I'll speak Chinese to anyone who can only speak Chinese.)
Step III. Fast-reading
As we know, English is the most widely used language. In this period, we'll talk about English. Please open your books at Page 10. Read the text" English around the world "fast and think about the three questions on the screen. ( The teacher shows the
screen. ) Do it by yourselves and write the answers on a piece of paper. I'll collect the first five pieces and see who can answer them quickly and correctly. Do you understand what I mean?
Answer the following questions:
1. How many countries are there where the majority of the people speak English?
2. How is English used in Hongkong?
3. What language should we use on Internet so that we can communicate with people around the world?
(The students read the text and discuss the questions. The teacher goes among the students and joins the students in the discussion. Then the teacher collects the first five pieces of answers, examines them and gives them back to the students. While doing this. Point out any mistakes the students make and let them correct the mistakes by themselves. We can use English to communicate with people everywhere around the world through the Internet.
Are there any different ideas?
Step IV. Reading
Now read the text carefully and discuss the questions on the screen.
(Show the screen. )
answer the following questions:
1.How many people use English their mother tongue?
2.How many people learn English as a second language?
3.In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of five countries.
4.How is English used in countries such:: as India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Philippines?
5.How many people learn English as a foreign language?
6.Why is it becoming more and morel important to have a good knowledge: of English?
Living in China you can use English every day in different situations. Give two examples.
One student, one question. Volunteers !
1. More than 375 million people use English as their mother tongue.
2. The number of people learning English as a second language and the number of people using it as mother tongue are almost the same.
3. In England, America, Canada, Australia, South Africa etc. , we can find most native speakers of English.
4. In those countries, people perhaps speak the language of their own country at home with their family, but the language of the government, schools, newspapers and TV is English.
5. More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.
6. Because English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world. It is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism. We can listen to English songs on the radio or use English to communicate with people around the world through the Internet.
Well done! That shows you have a clear understanding of the text. Look at the screen again. I'll explain some expressions and language points all around the world.,
all over the world
the majority of..
the greater number /amount (esp. of people) the number of " number: figures"
e. g. The number of students absent is 6. a number of: several, many e. g. A number of students were absent yesterday.
in total: when all have been added up.
In total, there must have been 20 000 people one's mother tongue: one's native language.
communicate with: communicate, to::
make ( news, opinions, feelings, etc. ) known. (The teacher answer the raised by the students. )
Step V. Listening and Read Aloud
Let's listen to the tape. I'll play the tape twice. When I first play it, just listen. When I play it for the second time, listen and repeat it. After that, read the text aloud. Are you clear?
(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat. While the students read, the teacher goes among the students to correct the students' mistakes in pronunciation, intonation and stress. )
Step VI. Post-reading and Practice
Please turn to Page 11. Let's do Part 2, Complete the following summary with proper words. Pair work. Write your answers on a piece of paper. Later, we'll check the answers.
Suggested answers:
useful language; Britain; America; mother
tongue; learn English; foreign language; is; used; trade; tourism; businessmen; tourists; speak; English; family; communicating
Now let's do an exercise. You should do it like this: try to find useful expressions in the text and make sentences with them in groups of four. One student, one sentence. Do it by turns. Are you clear? Now I'll ask some students to make sentences. One sentence at a time. please give us your sentence. I'll take a sentence with the phrase"
all around the world".
We Chinese people have friends all around the world.
T: Please go on !
the majority of:
The majority of class passed the exam.
in total:
In total, there must have been 500 students there.
one's mother tongue:
Mr Smith comes from the US and English is his mother tongue.
the number of:
The number of the school is increasing has lives here quite a Sm:
such as:
Boys such as John and James are very friendly. :
develop into:
Seeds develop into plants.
:without doing:
He said this seriously without smiling. :
communicate with:
The two friends hadn't communicated with each other for years. :
through the Internet:
He communicated with his friends in the US through the Internet.
have a good knowledge of:
You have a good knowledge of English. (The teacher writes the useful phrases above on the blackboard. )
Step ~. Summary and Homework
T: Today we've learned an article about English. After class, you should read the text again to get the idea of the text further and try to master the useful expressions appearing in the text. Today's homework: Tell your classmates something about English in your own words. If you have any difficulty. Please read Part 2. Post-reading on
Page 11. That's all for today. Class is over... Step vm. The DesignWriting
Unit 2 English around the world
The Second Period
Useful Phrases:
all around the world such as the majority of develop into in total without doing
one's mother tongue communicate with the number of through the Internet
a number of have a good knowledge of
Step IX. Record after Teaching
Unit2 The Third Period
Teaching Aims
Review some useful words in the text. Learn and master the sentence patterns which express an order and a request, and their different features.
Teaching Important Point
Point out the features of an order which uses the imperative, namely "tell/order sb. to do sth. "and of a request--which uses a question form or an imperative, very polite, ask sb. to do sth." reaching Difficult Point How to change orders and requests ported orders and requests. Teaching Methods: Inductive method and talking method to give the students a clear picture of what they should master. Practice to make the students remember what they've learned. Pair work and group work student active in class. Teaching Aids a projector and some slides. Teaching Procedures
Step I Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
The teacher checks the students' home-
work--let some students say something
about English in their own words. If they
have some difficulty. Part 2 in Post-read-
ing on Page 11 may give them some help. ~F Step I] ~ Word Study
T:Please turn to Page 11. Let's do Word Study. Match the words and phrase on the left with their meanings on the right. Do it with your partner. In a few minutes, we'll check the answers. (A few minutes later. )Now I'll ask SA and Se to give their answers. SA, read the meaning on the right. One item at a time. S~,give the right word or phrase for each item. Are you clear?
Step II Grammar
(Teacher says to SA:Stand up. Open the door. Look outside. Now close the door. Teacher says to SB: Sit down, please. Could you lend me your pen? Can you show me your book?) T: What did I say to SA?
Ss:Stand up./Open the door./Now close the door.
T: What did I say to Se?
Look out
Could you lend me your pen?
Can you show me your book?
T: What was the difference between what I said to Student A and what I said to Student B? S.. You told/ordered Student A to stand up/open the door/look outside/close the door. (They may say these in Chinese. )
T: What about Student B? What did I say?
S: You asked Student B to sit down/lend
you his (her) pen/show you his (her)
T.. You are right. I told/ordered Student
A to stand up etc. I asked Student B to
lend me his(her) pen, etc. In fact, what
I said to Student A is an order. What I
said to Student B is a request. Its pat-
terns are like this:
Orders and Re- quests: Direct speech: (Orders) Do..., please. ? /Will you. Would you... ? Indirect speech .. (Orders) dered sb. else to do sth. sb. told/ordered sb. else not to do sth. (Requests) :sb. asked sb. else to do sth. sb. asked sb. else not to do sth. (Write them on the blackboard. ) OK. Now I'm going to show you some sentences. If it's an order, write "Order' in your exercise books. If it's a request, write" Request". (Show the following sentences on screen. )
Make sure the door is open. Can you lend me ten yuan? Could you help me with my work, please? Don't play games in the classroom. Will you close the window, please? No smoking. (Ask some students to answer which sentences are orders, which are re- quests. ) Suggested answers Orders: 1,4,6 Requests: 2,3,5 T: From these sentences, we can draw such conclusions. If a sentence is an order, it often uses an imperative, namely, "sh. told/ordered sh. else to do sth. "If a sentence is a request, it often uses a question form or an imperative, but very politely, namely, "sb. asked sb. else to do sth. "But we should pay more attention to the negative construction. Its reported orders and requests should be like these. "sh. told/ordered sb. else not to do sth." "sb. asked sb. else not to do sth. '
Now open your books. Turn to Page 11. Look at Part 2 in Language Study
Grammar. In Part 1 in Gram- mar, which sentences are orders? Sc: Sentences 2,3 and 6 are orders
T: Which sentences are requests?
SD :Sentences 1,4 and 5 are requests.
T: Now turn to Page 12. Look at Part 2.
In Part 2, the three sentences are all indirect speech. Change them into direct speech, please. Pair work or group work.
(After the students' discussion. )
T: Please give us your sentences. Who
SE: The landlady asked him to put the coat in the closet.
"Will you please put your coat closet? "said the landlady.
The landlady asked him not to on the peg.
"Will you please not put it peg?" asked the landlady.
Please go on.
The commander ordered to stand still.
"Don't move, "the commander said to the soldiers.
Step IV. Practice
(The teacher shows the screen. )
Look at the screen. Let's practise orders and requests in pairs. You may notice on the left, under the word "Don'ts", there are three orders, under them there are three requests. On the right, under the word "Dos", there are
three orders, under them there are three requests. First we are going to practise the orders. I can give you an example. Look at the six orders. In Direct Speech, I can say "Watch the teacher carefully. Don't come into the lab without a teacher. "In reported order. I can say" She told us to watch the
teacher carefully. She told us not to come into the lab without a teacher."
After you practise the orders, you may practise the requests. Are you clear?
Now let's begin.(Give the students practise them, then their practice. )
Suggested answers:
Indirect Speech:
1. He told us not to come into the lab
without a teacher.
2. He told us not to touch anything in the tab. 3. He told us not
4. He told us to fully.
5. He told to smoke. watch the teacher dip our fingers
6. He told us to suck our fingers.
7. He asked us not to put anything basin.
8. He asked us not to talk so loudly.
9. He asked us not to leave the books in the lab.
10. He asked us to write our answers on the blackboard.
11. He asked us to tidy the lab after the experiment. He told us cupboards. to put everything
Step V. Summary and Homework
In this class, we've reviewed some new words and, mainly done some exercises about orders and requests. In direct speech, they are ... (Pointing to the blackboard. )In the indirect speech, they are ... (Pointing to the black- board. )Please remember these sentence patterns.
Today's homework: Part 3 on Page 12. That's all for to- day. Class is over... Suggested answers to Part 3 on Page 12. She told us not to make too much noise. She told us not to forget to put our umbrellas in the stand. She told us not to room. She told us not to stay up too late. She asked us to buy some bread for her. She asked us to help her tidy the room. She asked us to speak quietly on phone. She asked us to turn down the radio. ~
Step VI. The Design of the Writing
Unit 2 English around the world
The Third Period
Orders and Requests: Direct speech: (Orders) Do- Do..., please. Don't... Can(Will) you do'" ? (Requests) Could(Would) you please do... ? Indirect Speech.- (Orders) sb. dered sb. else to do sth. sb. told/ordered sb. else not to close. (Requests)sb. asked sb. else to do sth. sb. asked sb. else not to do sth. Record after Teaching
Unit2 The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims
Learn the text to get the students know about the differences between American English and British English.
Get the students to master the words and expressions of the text.
Teaching Important Points
Improve the students' reading
Improve the students' writing ability.
Get the students to know about American English and British English.
Teaching Difficult Point
How to improve the students' writing ability. Teaching Methods
Fast-reading and students' reading ability. Practice and pair work or group work.
Teaching Aids 1. a recorder 2. a projector and some slides Teaching Procedures:
Step I Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
T: In this period, I'm going to check your homework first. Then we'll learn a text: American English and British English. We'll do some exercises about it as well. At last, we'll go over Check2 point of this unit. Now take out your exercise-books, please,. (The teacher checks homework. )
(The teacher and the students go over the new words and expressions of this period. The teacher gives explanations when necessary. )
Step ]I. Fast Reading
:English is a young language. It grew from other languages, such as German and French. People began to write it down only six hundred years ago. Now it is spoken by people all over the world. From the last period we know there are more than 42 countries where the majority of people speak English. However English is not exactly the same in different countries. American people speak English, but it is a bit different from British English. Today, we are going to read about these differences. Please turn to Page 12. Read the text fast and find the answers to the questions on the screen. Do it as fast as possible and write your answers on a piece of pa- per. I'll collect the first five pieces. (The teacher shows the screen. ) Answer the following questions: 1. What is American English for “think" ? What did Noah Webster do make American English from British English?
T: Who will give us the first answer?
SA :I'll try. In American English "I guess" is used instead of "I think".
T: Quite right. What is the second?
SB: He changed the spelling of many words.
Step III. Reading
T: Now read the text again. Read it carefully and discuss the following questions on the screen with your partner. Write your answers on a piece of paper. In a few minutes, I'll ask some pairs to give us the answers. (The teacher shows the screen. Answer the following questions..
1. When did America become an independent country?
2. Where did the word" fall" (meaning: "autumn")first come from?
3. Can you give some examples to show spelling differences between American and British English?
4. Is there any difference in written English in the two countries?
5. What differences are there in spoken English in the two countries?
6. Do you think that people from Britain and America can understand each! other?
7. Why do you think so?
8. How did the differences between British and American English come about?
9. Which do you prefer, American English or British English? Why?
(The teacher goes among the students, joins in the students' discussion and answers the students' questions. ) (A few minutes later. ) T: Have you finished? (Ss: Yes. ) Give us your answers, please. One student, one
question, Volunteers !
1. In 1776, America became an independent country.
2. The word "fall" first came from England.
3. Yes, I can. For example, the words "colour, centre and travelled' in British English are spelt" color, center and traveled 'in American English.
4. Yes, In written English there are some spelling differences between British English and American English. And in some cases, different words are used for the same thing.
5. Some words are pronounced differently in the two countries. For example, Americans say dance(daens], and in southern England they say. In America they pronounce not[-nat~; in southern England they say[-not~,and son on.
6. Yes. Though there are many spelling differences, people from the two countries don't have much difficulty in understanding each other because written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America.
7. There is no quick answer to this question. When people from England travelled to other countries, they took the English language with them. At first, the language stayed the same as the language used in England, but slowly the language began to change from one part of the world to another. At last the English language became two variants --British English and American English.
8. I prefer American English to British English because American English is easier to understand./I prefer British English to American English because British English sounds more beautiful.
Now look at the screen again. I'll explain some words and expressions of the text so that you can use them freely. Please listen to me carefully.
Notes to the text:
1. come about--happen, take place
e. g. When John woke up, he was in the hospital, but he didn't know how that had come about.
2.stay vi. --keep, remain
e. g. The door stayed open all
3. end up with--finish with
e. g. The party ended up singing of Liu Huan.
(The teacher answers any questions asked by the students. )
Turn to Page 13, please. Look at the exercise behind the text. Choose the correct answers to the following questions, according to the text. Have a discussion with your partner. You'd better close your books when you discuss them. If you have anything uncertain, you can look up the concerned information in the text.
Suggested answers ..
1. C~2. B~3. C;4. D~5. D
Step IV. Listening and Reading Aloud
T.. Let's listen to the tape. When I play it for the first time, just listen to it.
When I play it for the second time, please listen and repeat. Then read the text aloud. Are you clear?
(The teacher plays the tape for students to listen.) students read the text, the teacher
goes among the students and corrects the students' mistakes in pronunciation Intonation and stress. )
Step V. Reading and Writing
Now look at Reading and Writing on Page 13. Read the paragraph about American English and fill in the chart.
First read the passage, please. Then do it in groups. Write your answers on a
piece of paper. Later, we'll check the answers.
Suggested answers
│Words │Borrowed from
│cent │old French
│Florida │Spanish
│howl │American Indian
Do you have anything you don't understand?
(SK raises his hand. )
Step VI. Checkpoint
T: Please turn to Page 14. Look at Check
point 2. The first part should be done like this: For each pair of sentences, complete one of them according to the other. Then find useful expressions from the text and make sentences with them. Group work. Later we'll check the answers(The students prepare the exercises and the teacher helps them to find useful expressions in the text. )
(After a few minutes. )Have you finished?
Complete the sentences. Who'll give us the answers?
the differences between A and B:
There are many differences between Model A and Model B.
come about: How did the come about?
in the same way:
I worked out the problem. And my brother did it in the same way, too.
end up with: We ended with a song.
different from:
more or less:
Mary made some mistakes, but her answers were more or less right.
have difficulty in doing:
I have some difficulty in finishing the exercises. :
a great many:
There are a great many new words in the article. I can't read it.
(The teacher writes the useful expressions on the blackboard. )
Step VI. Summary and Homework
In this class, we've learned the differences between American English and British English. Please sum up them. One student, one item. Think it over In spelling, they are different. ample, colour, centre-.. In spoken English, they For example, dance, not Some words are different. Sp: Americans say "I guess", while..' T: Are there any differences in written English?
Sq: Written same in English. English is more or less the both British and American (The teacher writes those above on the blackboard. )
T: There are a number of expressions in the text. You should remember them and use them in your everyday life.
Today's homework: Write a short passage, comparing American and British English or
dialects in Chinese. Besides, read the tips on Page 14 carefully and use them when possible. That's all for today....
One possible version:
American English and British English
There are some differences between British English and American English. Where are the differences? Written English is more or less the same in both Britain and America. But in the spoken language the differences are greater. Americans say fast[-fa2st~, while in England they say [-fa:st~. There are some other differences. For example, in America, they say "fall, store, right away", while people from Britain say "autumn, shop, at once". However, people from the two countries the Blackboard
Unit 2 English around the
The Fourth Period
Useful expressions:
the difference between A and B;
come about;
in the same way;
end up with;
different from;
more or less;
have difficulty::
in doing sth.
Step IX. Record after Teaching
Names for Americans and Europeans Usually Europeans and Americans take two or three names., the first(given, Christian) name, the middle name and the family (surname) name. The first ( given, Christian) name is that given at baptism, as distinct from the family name(surname). Surname--a name attached to a person, e, g. by reason of his occupation or place of birth or residence, later develops into such a family name.




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