unit 3 Art and Architecture

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Unit 3 Art and architecture
Period 1:Warming up & Listening
Teaching Aims:
1 Improve the students’ listening ability.
2.Improve the students’ speaking ability.
3.Learn and master some useful words and expressions.
Important and difficult points:
1. How to help students to improve their listening ability.
2. How to help students to learn to express preferences.
Teaching Methods:
1. Discussion
2. Individual or pair work
Step 1. Greetings and warming-up
Greet the students as usual.
Ask the Ss to talk about their hometown and their houses.
Qs: where are you from, a city or a small town?
Can you describe the buildings in your hometown?
What kind of buildings do you live in, a traditional house or an apartment?
Show students two pictures, a tall building and a traditional yard
T: what can you see in the two pictures?
What is the difference between them?
(When the Ss describe the pictures, remind the students to think about the differences in the two pictures. The students may have different opinions. Encourage them to think out reasons as many as possible. They may have a discussion.)
Suggested answers:
Block of flats Traditional house
The rooms are big.
Every flat has a toilet and bathroom.
Not much contact with their neighbors.
People often feel lonely.
Flat roof.

The rooms are small.
Sometimes no toilet or bathroom.
Life is much more interesting. Neighbors get on well with each other. People can grow flowers in the yard.
The roof is sloping.

In which house would you prefer to live? Why?
S: I like living in ….because….
I prefer living…
I’d rather live…
The students should tell others their reasons to support their choices. For example, living in the small house makes me feel warm. I like making friends with my neighbors. It looks like a big family. Encourage them to express their ideas freely.
T: Buildings in the different places are different. So what words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about art and architecture?
Show the students some different kinds of houses, and ask them to describe them.
Collect their answers.( appearance: high, low, great, The palaces were large and beautiful, and they often looked like something out of a fairy tale.;materials: brick, stone, steel ,glass, wood…)
T: If you were free to design your own dream house, what would that house look like? What materials would you use? Explain why you made certain choices about your dream house?
Architect: one who designs the construction of buildings or other large structures.
Give the students enough time to discuss the question. Collect their answers.
Step 3 :Pre-listening
T: You have already designed your own dream house; it is time to buy some furniture. What kind of furniture will you buy? And why do you prefer them?
Have a short discussion in pairs. You can introduce names of furniture, such as heater, air-conditioner and so on.
Step 4. Listening.
Books open, Page 18, listening part. It is a talk between a young married couple, Danny and Amy and a shop assistant.. They want to buy some furniture for their new house. Ask the students to go though the exercises and make sure what to do.
Play the tape twice for the students to listen and finish the exercises by themselves. They may check the answers in pairs.
Then play it a third time for the students to check their answers. Check them with the whole class in the end.
Step 5.Homework
Find out about the history of art and architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world as much as possible. Share the ideas with others.
Teaching log:
Period 2 Speaking
Teaching aims:
1. To learn how to express one’s preferences.
2. To teach students how to describe a house.
Suggestions for teaching:
1. Important and difficult points:
(1) To find the proper words to describe a house.
(2) To express one’s own preferences in different ways.
2. Suggested teaching methods:
Books open, page 18. Ask the students to listen to the sample dialogue and follow the tape. Study the useful expressions. Remind them to learn the structure how to express their preferences.
Practice. Ask them to look at the pictures and choose the item they prefer. Try to explain the reasons.
Task one and task two: One is to talk about traditional and classical furniture. And the second task is choosing a picture to decorate their room.
T: In your dream houses, are there any chairs?
(Show some chairs) which one do you like? Why?
When they answer the question, encourage them to use expressions in the following table. A moment later, ask them to act out their own dialogue.
Useful expressions:
I’d rather…..
I’m much more interested in…….
In my opinion……
I really prefer……
I wouldn’t feel happy if……
I’m not very excited about ……..
If you ask me, then…..
I prefer something that…….
I like seeing something……
What I like is ……
I can’t stand……
Sample dialogue:
A: which do you like better, classical chairs or modern chairs?
B: I prefer modern chairs.
A: Why?
B: In my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. They are comfortable.
Task three: Discussion (group work)
Here are some things that are important to some people when they choose a place to live. Try to get the students to discuss in groups, which of the following ideas are the most important. Students can add some other elements to the list when they discuss.
(1) close to work
(2) close to public transportation
(3) attractive building
(4) modern kitchen and bathroom
(5) reasonable rent or purchase price
(6) available parking
(7) plenty of space
(8) close to shopping
This discussion is close to students’ daily life, so teacher can make use of it to make them understand architecture better.
. Decorate your bedroom and classroom. And talk about your decoration.
Teaching log:
Period 3 Reading
Teaching aims:
1. To learn something about art and architecture.
2. To give students profiles of some famous artists and architecture.
Important and difficult points:
To get students to understand the Past Participle used as Object Complement.
Step I. Lead –in:
Step II. Pre-reading:
Do you think the text will be about the following topics?
1.The text is about classical Chinese architecture. ( )
2.Some modern architecture takes examples from nature. ( )
3.The text is about parks and gardens. ( )
Step III. Reading:Scanning:
Part1( ) A.The differences between traditional.. and modern..,and why ancient architecture had many beautiful buildings
Part2( ) B. Every great culture in the past had its own ideas expressed in art and architecture
Part3( ) C. Examples of famous architects and great buildings that take examples from nature.
Part4( ) D. How and when modernism came into being?Careful reading:
1. Answer the following questions:
1.Why did a group of architects invent modernism?
2.What are the materials of modern architecture? And how about the traditional architecture?
3.What do the modern buildings look like?
4.Who are the two architects mentioned in the text? What inspired them?
5.Where were Antonio Gaodi’s works structured?
6.What is the outstanding feature of Gaodi’s works according to the passage?
Balconies look like _________.
Walls seem to be covered with the _____
of a _____.
The roof looks like the ____ of a _______.
Other parts look like ________.
7.What does the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing look like?
2. Multiple-choice:
1.Which of the following belongs to modern architecture?
A.Taihe Dian
B.The Temple of Heaven
C.The Opera House is Sydney
D.The great European Cathedrals
2.From this passage we can infer that _____.
A.The writer prefers ancient buildings to modern ones.
B.The writer prefers traditional materials to modern ones.
C.The writer doesn’t like modern architects at all.
D.The writer prefers buildings that look natural to ones that look unnatural.
3.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?
A.Ancient architecture is popular.
B.Modern architecture is popular.
C.Ancient buildings look more beautiful than modern ones.
D.Different times, different styles of architecture.
3. True or false:
1.To many people modern architecture equals progress.( )
2.Many people find modern buildings unfriendly and ugly.( )
3.Modern architecture stands closer to nature than ancient architecture.( )
4.Gaudi was a Spanish ancient architect.( )
5.There are a few sharp corners and straight lines in Gaudi’s designs.( )6.Gaudi only used natural materials, such as stone, brick and wood.( )
7.Opera House in Sydney makes many people think of seashells.( )
8.The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing will be made of stones and bricks.( )
4. Compare ancient architecture with modern architecture according to the passage.

Step IV. Post-reading
Suppose our school needs a new teaching building, now give you a chance to be an architect. Try to use your imagination to design it. And you should tell us why you want to do so.
Step V. Homework:
After class you should read the text more to understand it better and try to retell it.
Teaching log:
Period 4 Language points
Teaching aims:
1 To learn the useful words, expressions and sentences in the reading.
2.To enable students to use these language points in both spoken and written English.
Important and difficult points:
1.I'd rather = I would rather我宁愿
I'd rather live in an older building.我宁愿住在一座比较古老的建筑物里。
I'd rather not live in a modern building.我宁愿不住在一座现代的建筑物里。
2.prefer v.更喜欢…..
prefer sth to sth
I much prefer dogs to cats.与猫比起来,我更喜欢狗。
prefer to do sth
Many people living in cities would actually prefer to live in the country.许多住在城市的人实际上更愿意住在乡村。
prefer doing sth ,
Peter prefers traveling by train.彼得更喜欢乘火车旅行。
would prefer to do sth
We would prefer to live in the US,but l can't get a visa.我们宁愿住在美国,但是我不能得到签证。
prefer doing sth to doing sth
I prefer staying home to going out today.我今天宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去。
3.I wouldn't feel happy if…我不会感到快乐,如果…
I would buy a house if I had more money.如果我有更多的钱,我就会买一座房子。(I can't buy a house because I have no money)
I would have called Ellen if I had known her phone number.如果我早知道艾伦的电话号码,我就会打电话给她。(1 didn't call Ellen for l didn't know her phone number.)
If l had been more practical, I would have more money now.如果我那时更实际些,我现在就会有更多的钱。(I wasn't more practical so l have less money.)
If l hadn't moved here,1 would be living in Italy now.如果我那时没有搬到这儿,我现在就会住在意大利了。(I did move here,so I am not living in Italy.)
He would have called you if he weren't so shy.如果他不是如此害羞,他那时就会打电话给你的。(He is shy so he didn't call you.)
4.I can't stand我不能忍受…
stand sth.
I don't know if I can stand his words.我不知道我是否能忍受他的话。
stand one's doing sth.
How can you stand Mary coming home late all the time? 你怎么能忍受玛丽总是很晚回家?
5.preference n.偏好
I must admit I have a preference for romantic movies.我必须承认我更喜欢浪漫电影。 .
I asked her where she wanted to go on vacation,but she didn't express any preference.我问她想到哪儿去度假,但她没表示自己的偏好。
In allocating housing,preference is given to those who have young children.在分配房子时,那些有小孩的人有优先权。
Many people choose the train in preference to driving.许多人宁愿选择火车也不愿选择自己驾车。
6.sale n.销售
--Excuse me, are these for sale? 请问这些卖吗?
--No,the particular item is just on show.不,这个只供观赏。
Peter's department store is having a sale this week.这星期彼得百货商店大减价。
Stephen King's new novel will go on sale next week.史第芬•金的新小说将会卖到下星期。
I could only afford to buy the CD player because it was on sale.我只买得起CD机,因为它在降价大甩卖。
7.Stuff n. [U] 东西;材料;事情
What's that stuff you're drinking? 你在喝什么东西?
What kind of stuff do you like to read? 你喜欢读什么样的材料?
I've got so much stuff to do this weekend.这个周末我有许多事情要做。
8. impress vt & vi.给…留下印象
What impressed us most about the book Was its vivid language.这本书给我们印象最深的是它的生动的语言o
We're very impressed with the standard Of children's work.孩子们作业的标准给我们的印象很深。
Father impressed on me the value of hard work.父亲使我知晓努力工作的价值。
8.despite prep.不管,不顾
Despite all our efforts to save the school,the headmaster decided to close it.不管我们花了多少努力来挽救这所学校,校长还是决定关掉它。
She went to Spain despite the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.不顾医生告诉她要休息(这个事实),她还是去了西班牙。
Despite herself, she found his attention rather enjoyable.情不自禁地,她发现他的关注相当令人愉悦。
10. fill up with把…灌满,使充满
Brad just kept filling up everyone’ glass with champagne.布莱德一直给每一个人的杯子灌满香槟。
1.When you look around at buildings,streets,squares and parks,you will find them designed,planned and built in different styles.当你环顾周围的建筑、街道、广场和公园时,你会发现它们是以不同的风格设计,规划和建造的。此句中要注意designed,planned,built三个词是find引导的动词词组的并列的宾语补足语。
3. Modernism was invented in the 1920s by a group of architects who wanted to change society with buildings that went against people's feeling of beauty.现代主义是20世纪20年代一群建筑师创立的,他们希望用背离人们审美标准的建筑来改变社会。这句话中包含两个定语从句。一个是who wanted to change society with buildings,修饰architects;另一个是that went against people's feeling of beauty,修饰buildings。
1) 用适当的介词填空。
(1)He prefers _____ be alone.
(2)His words impressed themselves _____my memory.
(3)--Excuse me,how much this painting?
--I'm sorry this painting is not _____ sale.
(4)If you want to apply for this job, you must fill ______ this application form.
(5)I don't like modern poems; I like pomes_______ classical style.
(6)—Can I change seats ____ you?
----Of course.
(7)Don't go ____ your parents’ wishes.
Suggested answers:
(1) to (2) on (3)for (4)in (5) with
Suggested answers:
(1)I have a preference for detective novels.
(2)Excuse me,are these sweaters for sale?
(3)I don't want the stuff.
(4)Despite the danger,he went to rescue a little girl in the fire.
(5)His behaviour impressed me deeply.
Teaching log:
Period 5 Language study
Teaching aims
(1) To enable students to understand what is Object Complement.
(2) To get students to notice the Past Participle used as Object Complement and use it freely.
Important and difficult points
(1) Important words and phrases learned in this unit.
(2) Grammar:The Past Participle used as Object Complement.
Suggested teaching methods:
Step 1. Lead—in
T: Hello, everybody, yesterday we have seen a lot of wonderful modern architectures and got to know some famous architects. Today I’d like to introduce you one of my friends. He is an architect, who can tell me the meaning of “architect”. (a person who designs buildings). He lived in this house when he was young. Do you think this house beautiful or not beautiful? (not beautiful) Can you use another word to replace “not beautiful”. (ugly). So when he became an architect, he designed some pretty houses. Not long ago he designed a new house for me. Let’s go and see my new house.
Step 2. Vocabulary
T: Welcome to my new house. Could you say something about my new home?
T: I’m not alone here, because I have two neighbors. Do you know who they are and where they live? (nest, dog house)
T: Let’s learn some new words of house.
(balcony concrete nest brick roof)
Try to remember these new words, then fill in the blanks.
an area with a wall or bars around it, joined to the outside wall of a building ________________.
A strong construction material which is a mixture of stone, and sand and water _________________
a shelter made by a bird to hold its eggs and young ____________
the structure on the top of a building to keep the rain out_________Step 3, Word Study
T: Can you tell me which is the most ancient building in my yard? (nest)
A nest is to a bird what a house to a man.
Who can tell me the meaning of this sentence?
T: Good. Let’s try another one
Water is to fish what air is to men.
T: Well done. These two sentences have something in common—they are using the same sentence pattern. What is it?
→A is to B what C is to D
T: Very good. Now I will show you more pictures, you should find out the relationship between these pictures, and create sentences using the above pattern.
 Fur is to a fox what the_____is to a banana.
 ____are to a house what words are to a text.
 An architect is to____________what a painter is to art.
 A___is to a boat what an engine is to a car.
 A____is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.
 Arms are to the body what_______are to a tree.
Step 4, Grammar
T: I’m very glad that you like my new home. Our new school is far away from the downtown, so a new market is build near our school. I’ll guide you to the market to see what you can do there.
show the Ss the picture and ask them to describe it.
--What can you see in the market?
--Let’s see what can we do here?
Give examples: I can have my hair cut here.
I can have my bike mended.
Ask the Ss to make similar sentences.
T: in all these sentences we use a sentence pattern—“have something done”.
Now let’s see the pairs of sentences, and compare A and B.
A: I can have my bike mended
B: I can have the car waiting for me.
A: I found myself tied to a tree.
B: I found myself walking in a forest.
Watch more sentences on page 22.
Examine all the sentences carefully, and find out when we use –ing form and when we use –ed form.
→ passive voice: -ed
active voice: -ing
Look at the pictures, can you find out another difference between –ing form and –ed form.
Let’s do some exercises.
I don’t want any bad words____(say) about him behind his back
Please get the work____(do) as soon as possible
I’ll have the materials_____(send) to you next Monday morning.
She won’t have her long and beautiful hair____ (cut) short.
You should make your voice______(hear).
I want you to keep me_________(inform) of how things are going with you.
The rent sounds reasonable. How would you like it________(pay).
At last I succeeded in making myself__________(understand).
1. 感官动词+宾语+宾语补足语
常见感官动词有:see, observe,notice,watch,hear, smell listen to, look at,feel, find。
She smelt something burning。她闻到一些东西在烧。(正在燃烧)
She saw the thief caught by the policemen。她看到小偷被警察给抓住了。(被动,且已经完成)
2. 使役动词+宾语+动词补足语
常见的使役动词有:catch, set,have, make, get, start, leave, keep。
The joke set them all laughing。那个笑话使他们哈哈大笑。
She still could not make herself understood in English。
Step 5, Homework
1.Workbook page 97, exercises 1—5
2.Workbook page 98, exercises 1—2
Teaching log:
Period 6 Integrating skills
Teaching aims:
1. To enable students to draw the floor plan of his present house.
2. To get students to read the newspapers to find out the information about apartments they want to rent.
3. To make them a review of a painting or a building.
Important and difficult points:
Write a review of art and architecture, especially a painting or a building.
Step 1. Revision:
(Talk about new house decoration to revise the grammar: have… done)
--- Dear class, I’m especially happy these days, because I’ve just bought a new house. It’s very beautiful. Look, here it is. I want to share my happiness with you. So would you like to help me design my house? How should I decorate my room? Please discuss it and give me some advice, OK?
--- You should have your walls painted white.
--- You had better have … done.
A few minutes later, call out some pairs to report their design. >
--- Ok, which group will give me good suggestions?
--- Thank you very much! You’re good designers. I’ll decorate my room according to your design.
Step 2. Lead-in
( Talk about how to deal with the old house.)
--- Now after I finished decorating the rooms, I moved into my new beautiful house. But what should I do to deal with my old house? Should I pull it down? No, I don’t want to do that. Anyway it’s so lovely a house. Should I let it stand empty? No, not a good idea. I want to give it a second life. What shall I do? Please discuss again in groups and this time give me advice on how to deal with the old house.
< Ss discuss and give advice. >
--- Wow, you have so many wonderful ideas! I think I like to change it into a beautiful teahouse and I can rent it to somebody else since I am too busy to run it myself. And thus I can give my old house a second life. Thank you very much! Would you like to come in and have a cup of tea in my teahouse some day?
Step 3. Fast reading on “ Factory 798 ”
Thank you for your ideas to give my old house a second life. And the same story goes with another old factory that is no longer used in Beijing. It is the famous place called “Factory 798”. Has anybody ever heard of that? If no, let’s open our books and read the passage on Page 23. Try to find out: “What is Factory 798? ”
< Ss read fast for a few minutes. >
--- Who has found out the answer?
→ an old army factory ; an arts center;
Any possible answer containing phrases from the passage is ok..
Step 4. Careful reading
Now let’s get some detailed information about Factory 798. Please fill in the table below
Building’s name (Factory 798)
Location In east Beijing
When In the early 1950s
Designer German architects with Russian aid
Features Small round windows, bent roofs and twenty-foot high walls of glass
Styles Modern
Present status A center for the arts
Conclusion It is a great way to save the architecture from the past to turn some of them into arts centers.
Step 5. Listening and reading
--- Now, let’s listen to the tape and get a better understanding of the text. Please follow the tape in a low voice and pay attention to the pronunciation of the new words and phrases which you’re not sure of. At the same time, please try to find out the following new language points in the text and see how much you can understand them in English.
< Show the language points on the screen. >
1. pull down
2. stand
3. with… aid
4. remind … of
5. set aside
Step 6. Retelling
--- Now it’s time for you to read the text by yourselves and try to summarize the text. That is to say, suppose you are a journalist from CCTV 9 and you’ve just paid a visit to the famous Factory 798. Please make a TV program to introduce Factory 798 to our citizens in your own words. I’ll give you three minutes to read through the text by yourselves and get prepared for the retelling, OK?
Step 7. Discussion
--- In almost every city around the world, there are old buildings, which are no longer used, such as schools, hospitals, factories or even churches. What do you think people should do with them? Why?
→To pull down the old buildings and set up new modern ones to keep up with the pace of the society.
→New uses should be given to old special buildings. It’s a great way to save the architecture from the past.
Step 8. Writing.
--- Since we all agree that giving the old special buildings new uses is a great way to save the architecture from the past, now it’s time for you to have a practice and show your ability. You know our school is moving to the new campus now and the old campus will be left empty then. Suppose you are young painters, artists, musicians, and you can rent some parts of the school building to practice. How do you want to change the school buildings? What new uses can be given to the old school buildings? Please work in groups and make a plan about it.

Step 9. Homework.
1. Finish the program about Factory 798 as a TV reporter.
2. Finish your plan about how to reuse our old school buildings.
Teaching log:




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