Unit 8 Useful expressions for dialogue

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1. I’m very sorry to have done that. I didn’t do it on purpose.
2. He apologized for not being able to attend the meeting.
3. Please excuse me for not being able to attend your birthday party, but my mother was seriously ill.
4. He got angry, I’m afraid. You shouldn’t be so rude to him.
5. I’m very sorry for quarrelling with you last night. I feel rather ashamed for that. I apologize for being so angry with you.
6. It’s nothing. There’s no need to worry about it
7. He was very disappointed about not being able to take part in the competition.
Listen and choose:
1. What is Jane going to do next Friday?
A. To have a swim.
B. To have a good weekend.
C. To have a dinner with Kate.
2. What is Kate going to do next Friday?
A. To have a swim with Kate.
B. To have a good weekend.
C. To have a dinner with Kate.
3. What did Kate promise Jane?
A. To have a weekend with her.
B. To have a dinner together.
C. Nothing.
4. Why does Jane apologize to Kate?
A. Being so angry with her last time.
B. Being late for the dinner.
C. Being breaking her own promise.
Listen and answer:
1. Why was Jane so angry with Kate?
2. How did Jane settle this argument?
Useful expressions
1. word [c]/[u]
give /keep/break one’s word
word came that……
have a word/words with sb.
in other words
in a word
play on words
man of few words
get in a word
2. change one’s mind
make up one’s mind(s) to do sth.
keep/bear sth. in mind
out of sight, out of mind
3. anyhow: in spite of that
e.g. He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him anyhow.
Anyhow, it’s too late to do anything.
4. argue with sb. about/over sth.
argument n. 争吵、说理
have an argument with sb. over sth.
we should try to settle this affair by argument not by fighting.
5. apologize to sb. for sth.
make an apology to sb. for sth.
6. be disappointed to do sth.
be disappointed at/about sth. in/with sb.
Your exam marks are rather disappointing, I hoped you would do better.
to one’s disappointment
7. shout at/ to sb.
8. I am sorry to have done that.
9. be/feel ashamed of
be ashamed that/ to do sth.
what a shame!/ to one’s shame
10. There is no need for sth. /to do sth.
Filling the blanks:
Having had a good time in the swimming
pool , Jane talked about next Friday’s dinner
with Kate. To her surprise, Kate said she
would go away and suggested another time.
Jane got so angry that she shouted at Kate and
blamed Kate for not considering anyone but
herself because she didn’t keep her word.
Two weeks later, Jane met Kate again and
apologized for having been so angry with Kate.
She explained that it was misunderstanding
about plan that caused such an unhappy
argument. But Kate said it didn’t matter and
that they would have dinner another time.



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