Unit2 news media

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Period1 Warming up &Listening
Teaching aims
1. To develop students’ listening ability by listening to the given passage.
2. To help students to get to know about the news media.
Suggestions for teaching
1. Important and difficult points
(1) Knowing about the news media
(2) Trying to understand different kinds of news media are very important and helpful to our society.
2. Suggested teaching methods
A. Warming up
Task1.Warming up (pair work)
Get students to have a discussion in pairs.
Topic: What are the media we often use in our daily life/
Ask students to list the news media on the blackboard to see which pair can find the most.(Internet, Radio, TV, Magazine, Newspaper)
Task2. Discussion (group work)
Ask students to have a discussion.
Topic: How will you try to get in touch with your friends and why?
Eg: Usually I get in touch with my friends by short message or by phone or by E-mail.
Task3. Discussion (group work)
Ask students to discuss the following topics;
(1) Which of the news media above is the most reliable? Why?
(2) How are the media above different from each other
(3) How do you know whether what you hear, see or read is true?
(4) Do you know how a newspaper is made? What about a magazine?
(5) What words will you need to talk about the news media?
Get students to work in groups of four to discuss the topic. Each group may choose one of the five topics and choose a representative to summarize opinions of the group and report them to the class.
Example answers:
(1) Various answers are possible. The students should give reasons for their opinions. Encourage them to think about how the news is presented, who writes it, and why the ness is published. The media are usually commercial and always biased. Major news organizations try to be as objective as possible, but it is not possible to achieve complete objectivity. The media mentioned in this activity are probably equally reliable: official websites or websites of major news agencies are edited in the same way as magazines, newspapers, and serious news shows on radio and TV. But we cannot believe everything we see on TV or read in magazines.
(2) Daily newspapers report the latest events as they happen, while magazines, which are typically monthly or weekly, provide “deeper” coverage and analysis and are often focused on a topic (eg. business, family life, student life, international affairs etc.). TV and radio are broadcast media, which report news to anyone who wants to hear. The Internet is a “narrowcast” medium, visited by individuals. Websites also offer “personalized” news, ie, the same website may look different to each user depending on location, interests and needs. Unlike other media, most websites are unedited and not for profit. Newspapers and magazines have editors and are financed by ads. TV and radio programmers are also edited, by they may report “lobe “ or by using talk show formats.
(3) It is becoming increasingly difficult to know what is true or not. Several factors complicate the situation: we get more news from more sources; the news is increasingly “ global”, ie we read about faraway events that are difficulty to verity, interpret and understand. The best way to deal with the “information slow” is to become a critical reader and to read more than one account of the same event. It is also important to understand that all news is “biased”; ie it is reported form a certain point of view and to a specific audience. That means that local media give greater importance to local events and that each news source interprets new events in the light of its own understanding and opinion of the overall situation.
(4) See Question 2 above for differences and similarities between newspapers and magazines. The students may also want to think about the mews-making process: who decides where to send reporters and why; who decides how the stories should be reported and why. Note that many newspapers and magazines rely on news agencies (eg Xinhua and Associated Press) for international news.
(5) Useful words include: reporter, news item, article, headline, front-page, ads, and editor, reliable, biased, objective.
B Listening
Task1 Pre-listening
Tell the students to read the instructions and questions before they listen to the tape. Ask them to try to guess what they will hear on the tape based on the questions.
Task 2 Listening comprehensions
(1) Ask Ss just to listen to the whole passage but not write anything down.
(2) Let’s Ss listen to the tape again. This time ask them to write something important and useful down.
(3) Help the Ss find the answers and then check the answers.
C Homework: Preview the reading.
3. Teaching Log:
Period 2 Speaking
Teaching aims
1. To develop students’ speaking ability by talking about news.
2. To enable students to learn how to express opinions by giving the reason for choosing the news reported in the newspaper.
Suggestions for teaching
1. Important and difficult points
(1) Talking about reasons for choosing the news.
(2) Learning about expressions about expressing opinions.
2. Suggested teaching methods:
Task1.Lead in
I’m sure that you have read some newspapers, and there are different kinds of news, such as entertainment news, business news, science news,etc.
Here we have ten pieces of news, ask Ss to classify them.
Eg: Sports: China beat Brazil 2-1 in football.
Science/business/daily life/police
Task2 Discussion (group work)
Get students to have a discussion in groups of four. Suppose they are the editors of a newspaper. Ask them to choose five of the ten things listed in the book. Choose a reporter to tell the other students the reasons why they choose those five things.
Eg: A: Ok, let’s begin. What do you think of these events?
B:I think we should choose the story about the three children in our city. This event is the most important because the people in out city need to know about this.
C: Maybe it would be better to choose the story about the earthquake in Turkey. 200 people died there, not just three.
B: I agree that we should report that too, but the story about the children is more important. What’s your opinion?
D: We should report the story about China beating Brazil in football.
A: Why do you choose that event?
D: because it is unusual, The Brazil team is one of best in the wrld. Our readers will be happy and proud to hear that out tesm won such a big victory.
Task3 Report (group work)
Get the students to report the five things they have chosen in each group.
Task4 Homework: Write a piece of news .
3. Teaching Log:
Period3 Reading
Part one Reading Comprehension
Teaching aims
1. To develop students’ reading through reading the passage.
2. To enable students to get to know something about reporters and newspapers and that it’s not easy for reporters and editors to produce a good newspaper.
3. To instruct students to learn that the media is very important in our daily life.
Suggestions for teaching
1. Important and difficult points
(1) Knowing about the reporters and newspapers.
(2) Knowing about the important of the media.
2. Suggested teaching nmethods:
A. Pre- reading
Talking about newspapers
Teachers may ask the students:
(1) What do you like doing in your spare time?
Answer: I would like to read newspaper/listen to music etc.
(2) Do you like reading newspapers after class? Why or why not?
Answer: Yes, I like it very much. Because by reading the newspaper I can know something happens outside, and I can broad my knowledge.
Teacher may give students some time to have a small discussion in pairs and then ask several students to talk about their opinions.
After talking, teacher may ask students the following questions:
No matter you like reading newspaper or not, do you think newspapers are important in our daily life? Do you know before a newspaper is produced the editors and reporters have to do many things? We will read about the reporters’ work in our passage.
B. Reading
Task1 Skimming
Get students to scan the text to find answers to the following questions.
(1) What do experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about/
(2) What is the editor’s job?
(3) What should the reporter do before he begins his interview?
(4) After the interview what should the reporter do?
(5) What is Chen Ying’s favorite article and why?
(6) What is Zhu Lin’s favorite article and why?
(7) What would Zhu Lin write about and why?
(8) What would Chen Ying write about and why?
(9) What is the importance of the media?
Suggested answers:
(1): Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report, how to report them and why.
(2): The editor’s job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers.
(3) Before the reporter begins the interview, he has to contact the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.
(4) After the interview the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully.
(5) Chen Ying’s favorite article is one he wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China. He liked the article best because it was both news and an interesting story.
(6) Zhu Lin’s favorite article is about an ordinary young woman who tries to adapt to her new life after studying. He liked the story best because it was the first time that he wrote with real passion and because it made him realize that everyone’s life was unique.
(7) Zhu lin wanted to write about music, art, nature and the importance of spiritual fulfillment.
(8) Chen Ying wanted to write about people who we seldom read about. Their stories must be told to help solve the social problems and help those who suffered from them.
(9) The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations where help is needed. Thus we can understand the world better on all sides and in the future world all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.
Task2 Skinning
Ask students to skin the text to find the main ideas mentioned in the passage.
Suggested answers:
Para 1: Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.
Para 2-10: Something about the reporter’ and editors’ work and opinions by interviewing two talented journalists.
Para 11: The media plays an important part in our everyday life
C. Post-reading
Teacher may design the following tasks for consolidation
Task1.Retelling (Individual work)
Ask students to retell the passage supposing they are either of the two reporters interviewed in the passage. Choose two students to come to the front of the classroom to have an interview and the other students just ask them some questions.
Task2 Discussion (group work)
Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following topics. Each group can choose one of the topics they like.
(1) If you were a reporter, what would you like to write about?
(2) It’s important to be a critical reader. How would you read the following two media massages, TV advertisements and news on the Internet?
(3) Famous people are often interviewed about their opinions on current affairs. Why do people want to hear about their opinions? Should we listen to them?
Part Two Structure Analysis
Teaching log:
Period 4 Language Learning
Teaching Aims
1. To learn the useful words, expressions and sentences in the reading.
2. To enable students to use these language points in both spoken and written English.
Important and different points
1. more than 不止是,极其
Eg: You are much more than an acquaintance.你不仅仅是我的熟人.
2. experience: (cn) 经历(un)经验
Eg: The old soldier often told us his strange experiences during the war .
Karl has experience in running a school.
3. agree: agree with sb/what sb said
agree to one’s plan/proposal
agree on sth.
4. develop (1) 发展;形成;养成;成长
He believes that sports can develop mind and body.
He developed the photographs which he had taken.他冲洗了拍的照片.
5. prepare: 准备
Our school prepares students to go to universities. 我们学校努力使学生都进大学
6. for once(至少) 这一次(平时不这样)
Eg: For once he was telling the truth. 只此一次他说了实话
Once: (conj) 一……就;一旦.兼有as soon as 和if 的双重含义,从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时,主句常用将来时.
Eg: Once he arrives, we can start the meeting. 他一到我们就开会.
Once seen, it will never be forgotten. 一旦看到,它就不会忘记.
Eg: I’ve only met him once. 我只见过他一次.
7. present
(1) vt. 提出;呈现;送给;递交
 Eg: He presented his views and sat down.他陈述了自己的观点后坐下了.
(2) adj. 在场的,现在的
 Eg: Every member of the class was present.班里每个学生都到了.
(3) n.现在;礼物
Eg: I live in the present, not the past.我活在现在,不是过去.
8 attention (n) 注意;关心
Eg: The students pay much attention to their study.
draw/attract/catch one’s attention 吸引某人的注意
focus one’s attention on 把注意力集中在……
(注)attention 是不可数名词,常被much, little, no等词修饰.
attentive (adj) attentively(adv)
Eg: The teacher was pleased to have such attentive students.
The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than the interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read is made and written.
rather…. Than
Eg: The color seems green rather than blue.
He ran rather than walked.
These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.
Homework: Exercise (papers)
Teaching log:
Period 5 Language Study
Teaching Aims
1. To review the words and expressions learned in the reading to make sure students master them.
2. To get students to master the usage of the Past Participle.
Suggestions for teaching
1.Important and different points:
(1) Important words and phrases learned in this unit.
(2) Grammar: The Past Participle , used as Attribute and Predicative.
2.Suggested teaching methods:
A. word study
Teacher may deal with word study by organizing the following activities.
Have a dictation of the important word sand phrase s learned in the reading.
Task2. Do exercises
Ask students to complete the sentences with the verbs in proper forms.
Divide the listed words into three groups according to their meanings.
B. Grammar: The Past Participle , Used as Attribute and Predicative
Introduce the usage of the Past Participle, used as Attribute and Predicative to the students.
Task2 Do exercise (pair work)
Ask students to have a discussion in pairs and try to finish the exercises in the student’s book
Teaching log:
Period 6 Integrating Skills
Teaching aims:
1:To get students to learn about writing news reports.
2:To instruct students to write a comparison passage.
3:To revise the past participle.
Suggestions for teaching:
1 Important and difficult points:
(1) What to learn about writing reports.
(2) How to read and write a comparison passage.
2 Suggested teaching methods:
A: Reading
Task1 Lead-in
Ask students to have a discussion in pairs about the following topic.
What are the important things that must be included in a news report?
Task2 Reading
Get students to read the two passages and find the answers to the following questions.
(1) What are the differences between these two reports?
(2) What would be a good headline for the report?
Suggested answers:
(1) These two passages are written by different people. And obviously the two people’s attitudes towards the event are just the opposite.
(2) Say no to pollution.
Task3 Dealing with language points.
(1) More than ninety responsible caring citizens made their voices heard yesterday.昨天有九十多位有责任感而又富有爱心的市民发出了(保护环境的)呼声.
Make sb./sth. done 使…被…
Eg: You’d better speak louder to make yourself understood.
(2) Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.这些环境保护主义者非常勇敢而执着,他们在工厂外与工人进行了对话并且六下了关于保护环境的建设性宣言.
Brave and strong 是形容词短语作状语.
Eg: The soldier fell off the horse, wounded. 士兵从马上摔下来,受了伤.
B Writing
Task1 Instruction
Tell students if they want to write a comparison paragraph, they should first decide what are the two things they are going to make a comparison between. Secondly, they should try to list as many similarities and differences between them. Thirdly, try to decide what are the most important similarities and differences that may help them to write an effective comparison paragraph.
Task2 Reading and learning
Ask Ss to read the similarities and differences between the website and the newspaper. Then ask them to work together and try to give each other an oral report of a comparison paragraph.
Task3 Writing
Get the students to write down a comparison paragraph and then hold a competition between the pairs to see each group can do best.
C Revision
Ask Ss some questions about the usage of the Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative. Then get students to translate the following sentences, using the Past participle.
Homework: translation
3 在已经结冰的湖面上溜冰是很安全的
4 他岁考试结果非常不满意
5 于1365年建立的维也纳大学是世界上最古老的大学之一.
Suggested answers:
(1) The letter arrived a week later than (it is) expected.
(2) Once left alone, the little girl began crying again.
(3) It’s safe to skate on the frozen lake.
(4) He is far from satisfied with the result of the exam.
(5) Vienna University, founded in 1365, is one of the oldest universities in the world.




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