Unit 2 News media知识点

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1. rob & steal, break into, pick
2. burn down & burn up
3. beat & win
4. make sure & make certain
5. switch roloes for once switch
6. interviewee & interviewer
7. rather than
8. keep
9. one & ones; that & those; it & they
10. bring back
11. field
12. adapt to
13. for the first time & the first time
14. addicted to
15. draw attention to
16. lead to
17. the rude and noisy group
18. more than
19. stay on
20. viewer & audience, spectator, listenership
21.make up one's mind
22. small black and white TV 形容词的排列顺序
23. despite & in spite of
24. deal with & deal
I Word Study
1. media: (medium 的复数) television, radio, newspapers, internet and
notelet used as a means of communication 媒体
Sometimes media is used with a singular verb, although it is a plural
The media always take / takes a great interest in the Royal family.
2. reliable: that you can trust; capable of being relied on; dependable
可靠的, 可信赖的, 确实的
It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks.
3. fire
⑴ n the condition of burning flames, light, and great heat 火,火焰
He set fire to the dry grass. 他点燃了干草。
The grass caught fire. 草燃着了。
The grass was on fire for a short time. 草烧了一会儿。
⑵ a mass of burning material, lit either on purpose for cooking, heat, etc or
by accident 炉火;烽火; 灶火;失火
There is a fire in the sitting room. 客厅里有炉火。
Put some more coal on the fire.
⑶ v (of a person or gun) to shoot off bullets 射出子弹
The captain ordered his men to start firing.
⑷ (of a person) to shoot off bullets from (a gun) 放(枪,炮)
They fired poisoned arrows at us.
⑸(infml) to dismiss from a job; sack 开除;解雇; 革职
Get out! You are fired!
⑹ inspire; to produce strong feeling in sb 激起; 充满热情
Her stories fired the little boy's imagination.
4. face
⑴ the front part of your head 脸,面孔
a beautiful face 漂亮的脸 a handsome face 英俊的脸
The tramp was found lying on the floor face downwards.脸朝下躺在地上
⑵ a look or expression on the face面容,表情
His face was sad. 他面带悲伤。
He had a face like thunder. 他怒容满面。
⑶the front, outer, or most important surface of something
the face of the building 建筑物正面 the face of a clock 钟的表面
A cut diamond has many faces. 雕好的宝石有许多面。
⑷ a state of being respected by others面子;尊严,威信
He was afraid of failure because he didn't want to lose face with his
England saved their face by getting a goal in the last minute to draw the
⑸ to have or turn the face or front towards sb or sth 面朝,面对,面向
⑹ to have to deal with sth unpleasant; to deal with sb in a difficult situation
We must learn to face difficulties squarely and try to overcome them.
⑺ to need attention from sb 需要某人的关注
We are faced with a difficult decision.
5. difficulty
⑴ (U) the state of being difficult or of not being able to do sth easily;
trouble 困难;艰难;费力
Li Ming had great difficulty in getting a visa to go to America.
⑵ (C) something that is difficult to do or understand; a situation or problem
that causes trouble 困难;难做的事;难题
There will be some difficulties to start with but things should get easier
If you borrow too much money, you will get into financial difficulties.
6. nosy: (also nosey)interested in things that do not concern one;
tending to pry 好打听别人事情的;爱管闲事的
a nosy parker 爱管闲事的人
Our nosy neighbours are always watching us.
7. editor
⑴ a person whose job is to prepare a book, periodical, television or radio
programme; one who edits, especially as an occupation.编者; 编辑
assistant editor 助理编辑
⑵ a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine, and responsible
for its organization and opinions主编,主笔
chief editor (=editor in chief) general editor总编辑, 主编
⑶ one who writes editorials 主笔, 编写社论的人
8. reason
⑴ v use one's reason 推理,思考
He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we could arrive before noon.
I reasoned that since she had not answered my letter she must be
angry with me.
⑵ to form an opinion based on reason 论证,推断
⑶ persuade sb. to do or not to do sth. 说服某人作某事
⑷ (idm) reason with: try to persuade by fair argument
与...评理; (以理)说服, 规劝
Have you tried to reason with them?
I meant to reason with you, but you won't reason.
Reasoning with him is useless.
9. elect
⑴to select by vote for an office or for membership 选举,推选
The government is made up of men and women elected by the people
of the country.
To be elected to the House a person must be twenty-five years old and
must have been a United States citizen for seven years.
⑵to pick out; select 挑出;挑选
elect an art course 选修艺术课
⑶to decide to do sth, especially by preference决定
elected to take the summer off 决定夏天休假
10. go up
⑴ (of prices) rise 上升;高涨
Everything went up except salaries
⑵ go or move higher; rise 上升;走上
Many people came to watch the weather balloon go up.
The path goes up the hill.
⑶ grow in height while being built; be built 建高;盖建
New buildings are going up everywhere
⑷ be blown; be destroyed by fire or explosion 被炸坏;被焚毁
The bridge went up with a roar when the mine was exploded.
⑸ go bankrupt; fail 破产;失败
He failed in business and went up.
11. burn down & burn up
㈠ burn down
⑴ (of a fire) burn lower, less strongly; also burn low
 Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.
The fire is burning down, get some more coal, please.
⑵ (cause to) be destroyed by fire (被)烧毁, (被)烧光
The old house burned down last night in the big fire.
The building was burnt down and only ashes were left.
㈡burn up
⑴ burn completely, destroy or be destroyed by fire 烧光,烧掉
She burned up all the old letters.
The house burned up before the firemen got there.
When climbing mountains, your body is burning up a lot of heat.
⑵ burst into flames again (火炉) 旺盛起来
Put some wood on the fire to make it burn up.
If you put more coal, the fire will burn up.
⑶cause sb to be very angry 使某人很生气
She was getting burned up about something.
These boys' laziness and rudeness burned up their teacher.
⑷ scold sb责备, 斥责
 The teacher burned Tom up for being late again.
⑸ catch fire and be destroyed as it enters the earth's atmosphere
The spacecraft burned up as it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.
12. injure
⑴ to cause physical harm to a person or animal esp in an accident; hurt
seriously 受伤,能伤,伤害
There were two people injured in the car accident.
She was injured badly in an accident during the work.
⑵ to cause damage to; impair 损害
to injure a man's pride 伤某人的自尊心
injured: physically or mentally hurt
the injured: people who have been hurt
The injured were taken to hospital by ambulance.
13. rumour: (a piece of) news or information that many people are
talking about but that is possibly not true谣言;流言, 谣传
The rumo(u)r has turned out to be true.
14. headline & title
㈠ headline: words in big letters at the top of some writing in newspaper
banner headlines 通栏大字标题
go into headlines用大字标题登出; 大出风头; 出了名
hit [make] the headlines in the press 成为报纸的头条新闻
㈡ title
⑴ name of a book, film, picture
⑵ a word or name , such as "Mr", "Lady", "Doctor", "General" given to
sb to be used before their name as a sign of rank, profession
⑶ the legal right to ownership or possession 所有权
Has he any title to this land?
15. inform
⑴to give sb information about sth通知;告诉
You should inform the police of the accident.
Do keep me informed of any changes.
keep ... informed 随时向...报告情况
⑵ to give information to the police about what sb has done wrong
告发, 告密(against, on)
The wife of the killer informed on her husband.
informed: having knowledge or information about sth
an informed mind 见闻广博的人
People are much better informed since the advent of the computer.
The radio keeps me well-informed about what is happening.
16. relate
⑴to show a connection between two or more things
使联系; 显示出...与...的关系(to , with)
I can't relate what he does with (to) what he says.
They are related to each other.
⑵ to tell a story to sb讲;叙述
I related my adventure to my family.
17. relate sb or sth
⑴to be concerned with; to have sth to do with与某人或某物有关
That question is very interesting but it doesn't really relate to the
subject that we're discussing.
⑵ to be able to understand how sb feels 领略理解别人的感受
Some teenagers find it hard to relate to their parents.
17. relate(...)to
⑴to tell a story to sb 给某人讲述故事
The children enjoyed relating their imaginary adventures to the visitors.
⑵ to show a connection or link between
It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts.
⑶ have a friendly understanding, and sympathetic relationship with sb
She finds it difficult to relate to he tutors and fellow students.
⑷ understand and like sth理解或喜欢某物
She can't relate to loud modern music.
⑸ concern; be directed towards sth or sb 关于;针对某人或某物
Mr Smith sent me a letter relating to his son's marriage.
18. talent
㈠ genius n 天才;创造力
⑴great and rare powers of thought, skill or imagination; very great and
unusual ability天才;天赋;才华
man of genius 有天才的人
⑵ a person who has very great and unusual ability, especially in a
particular subject天才人物
Einstein was a genius.
He's a genius at mathematics.
⑶ great natural ability for doing sth特殊的才能
a genius for mathematics 数学的天分
⑷extraordinary intellectual and creative power.
⑴ something which is given willingly; present 礼品;赠品
Christmas gifts
⑵ (for) a natural ability to do something; talent 天赋,天资;才能
He has a gift for poetry.
 a man of many gifts 多才多艺的人
gift of the gab 口才
⑶ v to present with a gift 赠送礼物
㈢ talent
⑴ special natural ability or skill天资,天赋;才能
Mary has a talent for music.
⑵ people who have a talent 有才能的人;天才;人才
⑶natural endowment or ability of a superior quality.
㈣ Usage:
⑴Genius is a very strong word, it is only used of very rare ability
or of the person who has it.
⑵ talent is less strong . It is used of special ability, but not of the person
who has it.
18. talented: having or showing talent 有才能的; 能干的
a very talented actor
19. switch
⑴ n a small button or sth similar that you press up or down in order to turn
on electricity开关, 电闸, 电键
There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.
⑵ a sudden change突然改变
a switch of policy
⑶v to change or be changed from one thing to another 改变,变化
He switched the conversation from one subject to another.转变话题
⑷ to exchange positions, activities交换位置或活动
This week you can have the car and I'll go on the bus, and next week
we'll switch over.
20. for once: for one time at least; on this or that occasion (if not, or
hardly ever, at any other time) 只有一次
I'm right for one.
He beat me for once.
21. interviewee: someone who is being or is to be interviewed esp. for a
job 被接见者, 被访问者,被面视者
21. interviewer : a person who ask the questions in an interview
接见者, 访问者,面视者
22. present
⑴ adj being in a particular place; being at hand or in attendance 在场,出席
 Thirty guests were present at the ceremony.
⑵ existing, happening or being considered now; actually here or involved
现在的;现存的; 目前的
What's your present address? What is your present job?
⑶ n something that is given willingly, without the expectation that anything
will be given in return 礼物;礼品
He gave his mother a present. 他给了他妈妈一个礼物。
The children unwrapped their Christmas presents with delight.
⑷ v to give sth to sb at a formal ceremony 赠送, 给予; 呈献
They presented flowers to their teacher.
⑸ to offer for consideration or acceptance 提出;呈递
The committee is presenting its investigation report next week.
The baker presented his bill.
⑹ to provide for the public to see or hear in a theatre, cinema 演出;公演
to present a new play
⑺ to introduce sb formally esp to sb of higher rank 介绍;引见;举荐
to present a person to the king 举荐一人给国王
May I present Mr Robinson to you?
The new ambassador was presented to the president.
23. reflect
⑴ to show or express sth反射;显示;表达
A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it.
The increase in wages will be reflected in prices soon.
⑵to send back light, heat or sound 反射光热或声音
The pavement reflects heat on a hot day.
⑶ (used about a mirror, water)to send back an image of sb or sth
She caught sight of herself reflected in the shop window.
⑷ to think, esp. deeply沉思, 思考, 反省
I really need some time to reflect on what you've said.
24. truthfully: honestly, truly or correctly诚实地, 真实地
25. effort
⑴ the use of physical or mental energy to do something; exertion.
They have put a lot of effort into their garden this summer.
⑵ something that is done with difficulty or the use of energy
He made an effort to climb the wall.
⑶something done or produced through exertion; an achievement 成就
Finishing the work in one day was a good effort.
26. passion
⑴very strong sexual love or attraction强烈的情欲或吸引力
They loved each other but there was no passion in their relationship.
⑵ very strong feeling, esp of love, hate or anger
强烈感情(尤指爱、恨、怒);热情, 激情
He was a violent man, controlled by his passions.
She argued her case with passion.
27. spiritual
⑴ of the spirit rather than body 非物质的,精神的;灵魂的
spiritual life 精神生活 spiritual songs 圣歌, 赞美歌
spiritual gifts 神的恩赐 spiritual mind 崇高精神
⑵ religious 宗教的;神圣的
a spiritual corporation 宗教团体
an adviser in spiritual matters 宗教事物顾问
⑶ of the church 教会的
⑷ related or close in spirit; connected by qualities or interests of a deep
kind 崇高的;脱俗的;超世俗的; 高尚的
She's English, but India is her spiritual home.
⑸ n a religious song of the type sung originally by the black people of the
US 美国黑人的圣歌
28. fulfilment (US fulfillment)
⑴the act of fulfilling or state of being fulfilled实现;满足;执行
Moving into our own home was the fulfilment of a dream.
⑵ sth feeling of satisfaction that you have when you have done sth
Some women find fulfilment in the home and in ringing up their children.
29. seldom: not often; rarely 不常,很少
The children are seldom ill.
Seldom does he go to cinema.
30. AIDS: an illness which destroys the body's ability to fight infection
AIDS is short for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
31. addict
⑴to devote or give (oneself) habitually or compulsively
使沉溺; 使入迷;使醉心; 嗜好; 上了…的瘾
He became addicted to the drug. 他上了毒瘾。
The children are addicted to computer games.
She was addicted to rock music.
⑵ a person who cannot stop taking or doing sth harmful上了瘾的人
film addict 电影迷
31. be addicted to: unable to stop taking or doing sth harmful
He is addicted to heroin.
He is addicted to football.
32. social
⑴ of human society, its organization or quality of life 社会的, 有关社会的
Social studies is the study of how man lives in societies.
⑵ of or spent in time or activities with friends 社交的;交际的
Bob's always been a social climber.
(喻) 鲍勃总是在社会上拼命向上爬。
Correct ideas come from social practice.正确的思想来自社会实践。
⑶ forming or living together by nature 群居的
Ants are social insects. 蚂蚁是群居的昆虫
33. ignore: to pay no attention to sb or sth; to refuse to pay attention to;
I tried to tell her but she ignored me.
He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed.
She saw him coming but she ignored him.
34. even if /even though: in spite of the fact or belief that sth is the case,
did happen, or might have happened, etc 即使,尽管
We'll stand by you even if you don't succeed.
He will not tell you about it even though he knows it.
35. attention
⑴ the act of watching, listening to or thinking about sb or sth carefully
Please pay attention to what I am about to say.
⑵ special care or action 护理,料理, 照顾
The hole in the roof needs urgent attention.
⑶ a position in which a soldier stands up straight and still 立正
to stand at attention
35. draw attention to: invite, or lead to the act of attending or heeding
Your incidental remark has drawn my attention to that matter.
36. on all sides: everywhere; in or from every direction四面八方, 到处
People came running from all sides to see what had happened.
37. tolerate
⑴to allow or accept sth that you do not like or agree with容忍;接受
I can't tolerate your bad manners any longer.
⑵ to accept or stand sb or sth unpleasant without complaining忍受
The noise is more than I can tolerate.
38. critical
⑴ a person who gives judgments about the good and bad qualities of sth,
esp. art, music, films etc., esp. someone ho does this as a job
批评家, 评论家
He is a film critic.
⑵ a person who dislikes and expresses strong disapproval of sth or sb
He is a long-standing critic of the council's transport policy.
㈡ critical
⑴ providing a careful judgment of the good and bad qualities of
something 评论性的, 判断审慎的,判断性的
The report was very critical of safety standards on the railways.
⑵ finding fault; judging severely 吹毛求疵的; 挑剔的
⑶ of or being a moment of great danger, difficulty, or uncertainty , when a
sudden change to a better or worse condition is likely, of or being a critic
The talks between the two leaders have reached a critical stage.
㈢ criticism: unfavourable judgment or expression of disapproval
批评, 批判
㈣ criticize: to judge with disapproval ; point out the faults of批评, 责备
39. source
⑴ a place, person or thing where sth comes or starts from or where sth is
the sources of the Nile 尼罗河的发源地
the source of knowledge 知识的源泉
human and non-human sources 人力物力资源
Bad food is a source of illness.
⑵ a person, book that supplies information提供资料者;资料来源
informed sources 消息灵通人士 historical sources 史料
The news comes from a reliable source. 这条消息来源可靠。
40. change one's mind: alter one's opinion or purpose改变主意;改变宗旨
She was going to drive but then change her mine and took the bus.
41. current
⑴ of the present time; happening now现时的;当今的;时下的
current English 当代英语 current situation
⑵ (often in compounds)generally accepted; in common use
current money 通用的货币
42. affair
⑴ an event or set of connected events 事情;事件
the Watergate affair
The meeting was a noisy affair / a stormy affair.
⑵ something needing action or attention; matter 事情,事物;时局
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Department of Asian Affairs
The minister is busy with important affaires of state.
I am not prepared to discuss my financial affairs.
⑶ a sexual relationship between two people not married to each other,
although at least one of them is married, esp. one that lasts for some
time (非配偶间的)暧昧关系;私通
She is having an affair with her husband's best friend.
43. concern
⑴ to affect or be of importance to sb影响;关系
This concerns us deeply.
This concerns the healthy growth of the children deeply.
⑵to give your attention to sth(常与with, about, in连用)关心;关照
to concern oneself with public work
We're rather concerned about father's health.
⑶ to worry sb 困扰
What concerns you experts most is the increasing level of pollution in
our city.
⑷(idm) to be concerned in sth: to have a connection with or be involved
in sth涉及;牵涉
She was concerned in a drugs case some years ago.
⑸(idm) to be concerned with sth; to be about sth 关于;有关
Tonight's programme is concerned with the effects of the law on
ordinary people.
⑹ n worry 担心;忧虑
Following the accident there is growing concern over the safety of rail
⑺ something that affects you or is of importance to you对某人有影响的事
He showed great concern for the poor.
⑻ a company or business 公司;企业
a large industrial concern
44. neutral
⑴ adj not supporting or belonging to either side in an argument, war
Switzerland remained neutral during the war.
⑵ having or showing no strong qualities, feelings or colour
a blouse of a neutral colour that will go with anything
⑶ n the position that the gears of a car are in when no power is sent空档 45. telegram & telegraph
㈠ telegram: (a piece of paper with a message sent by telegraph电报
by telegram 用电报 send an express telegram 发急电
㈡ telegraph
⑴ a method of sending messages either by using radio signals or electrical
signals along wire电报; 电信; 电讯
⑵ an apparatus that receives or sends messages in this way
电报机; 通信器
⑶ v to send a message or inform a person by telegraph
打电报, 电告, 电汇
46. locate
⑴(often passive) to put, build sth in a particular place使...坐落于, 位于
The new hospital is to be located near your college.
Their factory is located at the foot of the mountain.
⑵ to find the exact position of sb or sth找到…位置
I cannot locate the shop.
We located the shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the
47. retire
⑴ to (cause to) stop working at one's job, profession, etc. because of
age 退休
He retired from the business when he was 60.
⑵ to go away to a quiet or less central place , 引退
The football player retired hurt.
He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad.
⑶ to go to bed 就寝上床睡觉
He retired to bed but he did not sleep.
⑷ (esp. of an army) to move back intentionally, without being forced to
Our armies have retired to form themselves into new groups before
attacking again.
48. complete
⑴ having or including all parts; lacking nothing missing
完整的;全部的; 完全的
The book explains the complete history of the place.
⑵ (not before a noun) finished; ended 完成了的; 结束的
This year is now complete.
⑶ (only before a noun) total; thorough 绝对的; 彻底的;十足的
It was a complete waste of time.
⑷ v to make sth whole使完成
We need two more players to complete the team.
⑸ to finish sth; to bring sth to an end完成;结束
He completed his teacher training course in June 1991.
⑹ to fill in sth 填写
Please complete the following in capital letters.
⑴adv. in, to or from another country that you have to across the sea to
get to; beyond the sea; abroad 在或向海外;在或向国外
My brother lives overseas.
⑵ adj. (only before a noun) of, relating to, originating in, or situated in
countries across the sea 海外的
overseas trade 对外贸易 overseas news
50. look up to
⑴direct one's eyes in an upward direction towards sb or sth向上看
The girl was so short that she had to look up to her younger sister.
⑵ respect; admire sb敬仰, 尊重
She is looked up to by everybody here.
51. bore, bored & boring
⑴ bore: to make sb tired and uninterested 令人厌烦
⑵ bored: feeling uninterested and tired because sth is not exciting or
because you do not have anything to do 厌倦,感到乏味,无聊
⑶ boring: uninteresting; dull 令人厌倦;沉闷乏味
52. fall in love with & be in love with
㈠fall in love with: to start to feel a strong affection and attraction for sb;
to begin to love sb. or like sth. very much 开始爱上某人或喜欢某物
Tom fell in love with Mary at first sight.
We fell in love with the garden as soon as we saw it.
They fell in love and were married within two months.
I've fallen in love with the sculpture. 雕刻
㈡ be in love with: to have a strong feeling of affection and sexual
attraction for sb; to have love and desire for 与...恋爱, 迷恋,热恋着
Peter and Jane were in love with each other at the time.
Tom has been in love with Mary for two years.
They're very much in love with each other.
I am in love with the weather here.
She was in love with the paintings he had painted.
53. attitude
⑴ (to, towards) a way of feeling or thinking about someone or something,
esp as this influence one's behaviour 态度,心态; 感觉,想法
 I don't like her unhelpful attitude.
What is your attitude towards this question?
 What is the company's attitude to this idea?
⑵ a position of the body, posture (正式)姿势,姿态
He adopted a threatening attitude. 威胁的姿态
54. disappoint: make you sad because the things you hoped for do not
⑴ to fail to fulfil the hopes of a person 使失望;使扫兴
The book disappointed me.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't come after all.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't agree with you there after all.
⑵ to prevent the fulfilment of a plan or hope
使(计划等)落空, 打乱(计划), 使受挫折
to disappoint someone's hope 使破灭
55. troublemaker: as person who often causes trouble; one that stirs
up trouble or strife 闹事者
56. guard
⑴ n a person esp a soldier, policeman or prison officer, who watches over
a person or place to prevent escape, danger, attack, etc
the guard company 警卫连
⑵ v to watch over in order to protect from harm or danger or to prevent
from escaping; keep safe 警卫, 保卫, 守卫
Guard the secret with your life; tell it to no one!
⑶ to keep under control 管制;控制
You should wash your hands when preparing food to guard against
spreading infection.
57. responsible
⑴ having the job or duty of doing or looking after sb or sth so that you are
blames is sth goes wrong(常与to, for连用)有责任的;应负责任的
The bus driver is responsible for the passengers safety.
The manager is responsible for making sure the shop is running
⑵being the cause of or to blame for sth作为根源或原因的
Who was responsible for the accident?
⑶ having to report to sb or sth with authority or in a higher position about
what you have been doing向某人或某物负责
She is responsible for her sister until she gets a job.
⑷ (used about a person) that you can trust to behave well and sensibly
负责任的;可靠; 可信赖的
You can leave the children with him----he is very responsible.
58. caring: providing care and support to people who need to be looked
after 关心照顾人的
59. citizen
⑴a person who is legally accepted as a member of a particular country
law-abiding citizens 守法的公民 peace-loving citizens爱好和平的国民
a plain citizen 普通公民 fellow citizens 同胞
a citizen of the world (=a world citizen)世界公民(指以四海为家的人)
second-class citizen 次等公民 senior citizen年老人
As a citizen, you must obey the law or you will be punished.
She's an American citizen but lives in Canada.
⑵ a person who lives in a town or city; a person who lives in a particular
city or town, esp. one who has voting or other rights there; a resident of
a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges
there 城镇居民 市民
Many of the citizens of Paris leave the town for the seaside during the
60. demonstrate
⑴to show clearly that sth exists or is true; to prove表明,论证, 证明
How do you demonstrate that the earth is round? 证明
The prison escape demonstrates the need for greater security.
⑵ to show and explain to sb how to do sth or how sth works示范
The salesman demonstrated (how to use) the washing-machine. 表演
⑶ to take part in a public protest or march in which a crowd of people
express their opposition or support of sb or sth 示威
Enormous crowds have been demonstrating for human rights.
61. polluter 污染者, 污染原, 污染物质
62. arm
⑴ the limb at each side of the human body from the shoulder to the hand

There must be something wrong with my left arm, which is asleep.
⑵(pl) weapons, especially those that are used in war (常用复)武器, 军械
They took up arms to defence their country.
⑶ v to prepare sb or yourself to fight by supplying weapons武装起来
The country is beginning to arm itself for war.
63. comparison: an act of comparing; a statement in which people or
things are compared 比较;对照(指行为)
My shoes are small in comparison with my sister's.
64. update
⑴ to make sth more modern更新,使跟上时代,使现代化
update a textbook 更新课本; update the files 更新档案
⑵to put the latest information into sth; to give sb the latest information
 Our database of addresses is updated regularly.
65. checklist: a complete list, of checks to be made, things to be done
The crew of the aircraft went through the safety checklist before take-off.
II Language Points
1. rob & steal, break into, pick
㈠ rob
⑴ to take sth (money), property from a person or place illegally
抢劫 /盗取(金钱,财物)
He robbed the bank of a lot of money.
He robbed her of her watch.
⑵ to take sth away from sb or sth that they should have 强取,夺取
His illness robbed him of the changce ot paly for his country.
㈡ steal
⑴ to take sth that belongs to another person secretly and without
He stole a lot of money from the bank.
The man stole the watch from her.
⑵ to move somewhere secretly and quietly
(常与in, out, away, up连用)偷偷移动;潜行
He stole into the classroom.
㈢ break into: force one's way into, force an entry into 闯入
The thieves broke into the office and stole some money.
㈣ break in: enter a building by force 闯入;强行进入
The burglar broke in and stole my money while we were away on
holiday. (夜贼)
㈤ pick: steal or take from esp. in small amounts窃取
pick a pocket 扒窃
It is easy to have your pocket picked in a big crowd.
2. burn down & burn up
㈠burn up
⑴ burn completely, destroy or be destroyed by fire 烧光,烧掉
She burned up all the old letters.
The house burned up before the firemen got there.
When climbing mountains, your body is burning up a lot of heat.
⑵ burst into flames again (火炉) 旺盛起来
Put some wood on the fire to make it burn up.
If you put more coal, the fire will burn up.
⑶cause sb to be very angry 使某人很生气
She was getting burned up about something.
These boys' laziness and rudeness burned up their teacher.
⑷ scold sb责备, 斥责
 The teacher burned Tom up for being late again.
⑸ catch fire and be destroyed as it enters the earth's atmosphere
The spacecraft burned up as it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.
㈡ burn down
⑴ (of a fire) burn lower, less strongly; also burn low
 Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.
The fire is burning down, get some more coal, please.
⑵ (cause to) be destroyed by fire (被)烧毁, (被)烧光
The old house burned down last night in the big fire.
The building was burnt down and only ashes were left.
3. beat & win
㈠ beat: to reach a place or succeed in doing something before someone
else; to defeat or subdue, as in a contest.
We left early to beat the rush-hour traffic.
We played the top class at football but we couldn't beat them.
㈡ win: to be the best or first in (a battle, competition, race, etc); to defeat
one's opinion获胜,赢得
Who won the race? I won but David came second.
4. make sure & make certain
make sure (certain) of: to find out sth so that you are certain
⑴ to know the truth of sth without doubt 弄清出,弄确实
Have you made sure that the train has not already left?
There's just one or two details I want to make sure about.
⑵ ensure that sth happens 确保, 使有确实把握
Father makes sure that all lights are off before he goes tod bed.
Make sure ot turn off the radio before you go out.
⑶ feel no doubt about sth确信, 有把握
I made sure he would be here.
5. switch roloes for once switch
⑴ n a small button or sth similar that you press up or down in order to turn
on electricity开关, 电闸, 电键
There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.
⑵ a sudden chagne突然改变
a switch of policy
⑶v to change or be chenged from one thing to another 改变,变化
He switched the conversation from one subject to another.转变话题
⑷ to exchange positions, activities交换位置或活动
This week you can have the car and I'll go on the bus, and next week
we'll switch over.
6. interviewee & interviewer
employer employee payer 付款人 payee 收款人
examiner (supervisor) examinee (supervise) tutor tutee
trainer trainee devotee trustee refugee goatee absentee
Two of the employees who have been frequent absentees are
trainees and one is a refugee who is a grantee of the fund administered
by the trustees.
7. rather than: which is better than; instead of
是... 而不是; 与其说... 倒不如说
The job will take months rather than weeks.
I'l stay at home rather than go out.
The colour seems green rather than blue.
He ran rather than walked.
It was what he meant rather than what he said.
8. keep
⑴ continue to be in a particular state or position; remain or stay
⑵ to make sb or sth remain in a particular state, place or condition
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
⑶ to continue to have sth , permanently or for a period of time 保留
I'll keep his address in case I need it.
⑷ to support sb financially 抚养
⑸ to own and manage a shop or a restaurant 经营
⑹ to have and look after animals 饲养
⑺ do what you promised or arranged 履行诺言
⑻ to stay fresh 保鲜
⑼ write down sth that you want to remember 把...记录下来
⑽ to known a secret without telling it 保密
⑾ to hold back; delay or prevent 阻止;拖延;防止
⑿ to take care of or look after 培育
⑴ keep + n.: keep a diary, keep a secret,
Keep the world record for high jump.
You can depend on her, she always keeps her words.
⑵ keep + adj.: Keep fit, study well and work hard.
The soldier kept calm even when his wife was in danger.
⑶ keep + complex object
Keep it secret, please.
Keep the classroom clean and tidy.
You must keep the sick child in bed at least for a week.
I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
⑷ keep + prep. / adv.
Keep off the door! It's wet painted.
Keep on practising and you'll master it.
⑸ keep up: remain the same, continue unchanged, go on, maintain
Keep up your English. You'll find it helpful.
They promised each other they would keep up their friendship forever.
Well done! Keep up the good work!
You boys have done some very good work. I hope you can keep it up.
⑹ keep...out: cause not to enter, prevent from entering
Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold.
Shut the windows and keep the cold out.
The trees keep out the wind.
⑺ keep on: continue doing sth
In the years that followed, Marx kept on studying English and using it.
Keep on trying. You'll make even greater progress.
Why do you keep on making the same mistakes.
He kept on telling us the same story over and over.
Tom was tired but he kept on working.
㈢ keep + 0 + 0c
(通常是分词或形容词) 译为:"使…处于(保持)某种状态"
They kept me waiting for a long time .
I 'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long .
We'd better keep the fire burning.
You must keep the container filled with oil.
Keep your clothes clean .
The experiment kept us busy for three months.
9. one & ones; that & those; it & they
⑴ one and ones
I am looking for a house. I really like one with a garden.
This dictionary is more useful than the old one.
I like to have some big apples instead of small ones.
The new designs are much better than the old ones.
⑵ that and those
The book I bought today is more useful than the one I bought yesterday.
The colour of your bike is more beautiful than that of mine.
The system of China is different from that of Japan.
The climate of Beijing is different from that of Hangzhou
The population of China is much greater a than that of Japan.
The girls of Class I are more active than those of Class II.
Modern schools are far better than those a century ago.
⑶ it and they
I lost my key. I am looking for it.
I bought a dictionary. It is very useful to me.
Our machines won't start. They should be repaired
I bought a dictionary and grammar yesterday.
They are very useful for writing.
10. bring back
⑴ take usu sth back ; bring sb or sth with one as one returns 带回来;归还
You must bring these library books back next week.
Bring me back ;some coffee.
⑵ recall; bring to mind things of the past使回忆起; 使想起
The smell of ;these flowers bring back memories.
⑶ help sb to gain sth使某人恢复
We must bring him back to health.
⑷ cause an idea or practice to return or exist again; use a former method
Few people these days are in favour of bringing back the old
punishment by death.
11. field
⑴ an enclosed area of land, usu. part of a farm used for animals or crops
terraced fields 梯田
⑵ an open area where the stated game is played 露天运动场
⑶ an open area where the stated substance is mine 露天矿场;油田
a coal field 煤田, 煤矿区 a gas field 天然气田
⑷ an open area where the stated activity is practised 露天场地
a flying field 飞机场 magnet field 磁场
⑸ a branch of knowledge or area of activity 领域,范围
the field of politics 政治领域
⑹ a battleground.战场,战地
be in the field 从军; 参战; 参加竞赛
⑺ a battle.战斗,战役
lose the field [battle, the day]战败 win the field [古]取得胜利, 获胜
12. adapt to: modify, rearrange, make fit for 改装,使适应
Generally speaking, the species that are able to adapt to the change of
the environment will survive, while the others will die out.
When you are abroad, you must find ways to adapt yourself to the
culture and custom there.
13. for the first time & the first time
㈠ for the first (second, etc.) time: as a first (second, etc.) instance
“第一次 ”是介词短语,作状语
I saw Chairman Mao at Xibaipo for the first time.
Lincoln was elected President of the United States for the second
time in 1865.
I saw him for the first time last Friday. = I first saw him last Friday.
㈡ the first time: 是名词短语,作宾语,表语,作表语时其主语常是This,
That 或 It。
It's the first time that I have been here.
This is the first time that I have heard her sing.
That was the first time that I had ever visited the Great Wall.
14. addicted to
⑴be dependent on; having increasing need of 以来于...;越来越需要...
Don't encourage him in his laziness; otherwise, he will addict to you.
⑵ like sth very much 非常喜欢某物
She is addicted to drawing.
15. draw attention to: invite, or lead to the act of attending or heeding
Your incidental remark has drawn my attention to that matter.
16. lead to
⑴ to guide sth, sb or an animal to a place 把...领到某地
The girl led her little brother to school.
She led us to a room upstairs.
⑵ be a path, way, or road to (道路)通往
Where does this road lead to?
The road under repair lead to our university.
All roads lead to Rome.
⑶ end in a result; have as a result, cause; result in; bring about
Hard work leads to (results in) to success.
Success lies in (results from) hard work.
Laziness leads to (results in) failure.
The heavy rain lead to serious floods.
The students in our university are all taking courses leading to a degree.
This will lead to endless trouble.
An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.
17. the rude and noisy group
Two ajectives coming before a noun are not usually separated by "
and "unless: ⑴ They are both colours: a red & green umbrella, ⑵ they
are both meterials: an iron & steel works, ⑶ they describe similar or
related(相似或有关联的)qualities: a cold (and) windy day.
a red and blue umbrella, an iron and steel plant, a cold and windy day
a wide and busy street
18. more than
⑴ more than = not only
He is more than our teacher; he is our friend as well.
Marx was more than a scientist; he was a revolutionary.
Bamboo is used more than building.
⑵ more than + 数词
He has worked at our school for more than 20 years.
There are more than two thousand students in our school.
⑶ no more than = only not more than = at most
They have read no more than three novels this year
They have bought not more than three thousand copies of books.
⑷ more than + verb (adj , adv) = very or much
His answer more than satisfied me.
I am more than glad to meet you here.
While reading passages , you must be more than careful with key
words and the key sentences in them.
She was dressed more than simply.
⑸ more than + clause which includes "can"
= can not, the negative meaning
This is more than I can tell you.
The people in the square are more than I can count.
⑹ more...than more = adv. 与其说...不如说
He is more diligent than clever.
She was more frightened than hurt.
This elephant is more like a spear than anything else.
⑺ no more...than = not...not not more...than = not as...as
He can no more swim than I can fly.
= He cannot swim just like I cannot fly.
This tool is no more useful than that one.
=Neither of the two tools is useful.
This tool is not more useful than that one.
= This tool is not as useful as that one.
19. stay on
⑴ continue to be in position on top of sth or sb 呆在...上;留在...上面
How did you learn to stay on a horse?
⑵ continue travelling in a certain direction 沿着某个方向继续走;继续前进
Stay on the way you're going, and you'll soon come to my hotel.
⑶ continue taking medicine ofr following a course继续用药,继续某个疗程
Will you stay on this course or exercises until you are thinner?
20. viewer & audience, spectator, listenership
⑴one that views, especially an onlooker or spectator观察者
⑵ a person who watches or is watching esp television电视观众
This programme is for our younger viewers.
⑶an apparatus for looking at transparent colour photographs
取景器, 指示器, 观测仪
a slide viewer 看片器
㈡audience: the group of people who are watching or listening to a play,
concert, speech, the television观众;听众
Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.挤满了音乐大厅
The audience is/are always very excited by a wonderful goal.
㈢spectator: a person who watches a show, game, sport ; an observer of
an event.观众(指比赛或表演)
Many spectators stood round the football field to watch the game.
㈣listenership: the people who listen to a radio program or station 听众
21.make up one's mind: decide; come to a decision 下定决心;拿定主意
They made up their minds to sell the car.
She can't make up her mind whether to go or stay.
22. small black and white TV 形容词的排列顺序
⑴ subjective opinion before objective fact
subjective opinion: good, bad, nice, beautiful, lovely, horrible, impolite
objective fact: big, red, round, young, plastic, America
 She lives in a nice big house.
He is a naughty little boy.
The girl is wearing a beautiful pink dress.
She is a hardworking young woman.
⑵ objective facts are in a certain order:
size, age, shape, colour, nationality, material
We made friends with some young American girls.
She has large blue eyes.
There was a huge round wooden table in the room.
The woman was carrying a small black plastic handbag.
They drove in a new red American car.
She put it in a small square wooden box.
They discovered some valuable ancient Chinese manuscripts.
A beautiful small old round table stood on the green Chinese woolen
hall carpet.
⑶ comparative degree and superlative degree adjectives are before
positive adjectives
This is the best American film I've ever seen.
Do you have any better English novels that I can borrow?
That's the oldest folk song I have ever heard.
She is one of the greatest pop singers of time.
Computers are one of the most fantastic scientific achievements.
⑷ adjective is before noun
They sat in an old leather armchair.
They visited a modern Hollywood film studio.
He works in a large tractor factory.
The boy found a square metal box in the old concrete(混凝土)
She bought me a very nice birthday present.
⑸ When two adjectives are used as predicative, they should be joined
by "and", "but", "neither...nor...", "either...or...". If more than two
adjectives, we should use camma to separate the first ones.
The weather was cold and dry.
The boy is clever but lazy.
The woman is either a teacher or a doctor.
The man is neither hardworking nor intelligent.
The house is worm , bright but dirty.
They began to feel cold , hungry and tired.
⑹ Two ajectives coming before a noun are not usually separated by "and "
unless: ⑴ They are both colours: a red & green umbrella, ⑵ they are
both meterials: an iron & steel works, ⑶ they describe similar or related
(相似或有关联的)qualities: a cold (and) windy day.
23. despite & in spite of
㈠despite: to show that sth happened although you would not expect it
不管, 尽管, 不论, 纵使
He remains modest despite his achievements.
Despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday.
㈡in spite of: not stopped (prevented) by; regardless of:
notwithstanding 不因…而停止;不顾…:
They kept going in spite of their fears. 他们不顾害怕继续前进
I went out in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨我还是出去了。
In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.
In spite of all the difficulties, we fulfilled our task ahead of schedule.
24. deal with & deal
㈠ deal
⑴ a quantity or degree, usu. large 量;数额
a great deal of support a good deal of trouble
⑵ an agreement or arrangement, esp in business or politics
协议, 交易, 安排
The car company has done a deal with a Japanese firm to supply
engines in exchange for wheels.
⑶ a particular type of treatment that is given or received 待遇
They promised to give the nurses a better deal (=more money) if they
were elected.
㈡ deal with
⑴ to be a customer of sb or a business 是...的顾客
He has dealt with our shop for years.
⑵ take action about (sth or sb usu troublesome)
You can't deal with naughty children this way.
⑶ to be concerned with; treat a subject 关于;涉及(某问题)
This book deals with modern teaching methods.
⑷ have a relation with sb; have talks with sb 与某人交往;与某人交谈
She does not deal with anyone of us.
⑸ punish sb 处罚某人;惩罚某人
All those who cut school have now been dealt with. 旷课的




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