unit 14 festivals网络环境下的教学设计 |
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姓名ljbhn 日期 2004.4. 课题 Festivals 一、学习目标与任务 1、学习目标描述 Talk about festivals and customs Practise expressing and supporting an opinion Use the modal verbs must, have to, have got to Write an invitation for a festival 2、学习内容与学习任务说明 1. Warming up Compare festivals in China with those in western countries.find out the similarities and differences and fill in a chart. 2. Listening Let the students get to know three festivals in western countries. Help them to know more about different customs and cultures in different countries. 3. Speaking Describe their favourite festivals , using some useful expressions that are given in this part. 二、学习者特征分析 (说明学生的学习特点、学习习惯、学习交往等) c300学生英语基础普遍较好 学习积极性高 自学能力较强 课堂上肯动脑 但在进行口语训练时由于部分同学表达能力有限 致使学习合作时表现出较大的偏差.有些同学可以很流利的阐述观点 而令一些同学却反应比较缓慢.总的来说 这节课的内容对该班的大多数同学来讲 都没有很大的难度 三、学习环境选择与学习资源设计 1、学习环境选择(打 √) (1)Web教室 (2)局域网 (3)城域网 (4)校园网 (5)internet (6)其它 2、学习资源类型(打√) (1)课件(网络课件) (2)工具 (3)专题学习网站 (4)多媒体资源库 (5)案例库 (6)题库 (7)网络课程 (8)其它 3、学习资源内容简要说明 (说明名称、网址、主要内容等) www.k12.com.cn 中学学科资源网 课件园 通过课件查找和整合获得本节课所需内容 制作成适合本节课的课件 四、学习情境创设 1、学习情境类型(打√) (1)真实情境 (2)问题性情境 (3)虚拟情境 (4)其它 2、学习情境设计 Quesions Are you familiar with Chinese festivals? Can you give some examples? What do you think of while talking about a festival? Are you familiar with western festivals? Can you give some examples? (Look at the three pictures on page 8) Can you guess what are the festivals that show in the pictures? How do you know? 五、学习活动组织 1、自主学习设计(打√并填写相关内容) 类型 相应内容 使用资源 学生活动 教师活动 抛锚式 支架式 随机 进入式 Compare similarities and differences between Chinese festivals and festivals in other countries. Pictures Tape Computer Internet Talk about sth that they are familiar with talk about sth they are not familiar with think about it find more information about it Ask questions Give them a clue 其它 2、协作学习设计(打√并填写相关内容) 类型 相应内容 使用资源 学生活动 教师活动 竞争 伙伴 Pair work Book Internet Compare a Chinese festival with one from another country. Check and give advice 协同 辩论 角色扮演 3、教学结构流程设计 Step 1 Lead in 1. Quesions Are you familiar with Chinese festivals? Can you give some examples? What do you think of while talking about a festival? Are you familiar with western festivals? Can you give some examples? (Look at the three pictures on page 8) Can you guess what are the festivals that show in the pictures? How do you know? Step 2 Warming up 1. Picture talking Ask the students to guess what are the festivals according to the pictures. Answers: 1 Halloween U.S and Europe trick or treating 2 Obon Japan floating paper/lanterns 3 Day of the Dead Mexico lighting candles for the prayers to the dead 2. Pair work What festivals do we celebrate? Chinese festivals or western festivals or both? Compare a Chinese festival with one from another country. Discuss it and fill in the chart. Step 3 Listening 1. Pre-listening show the three pictures and ask the students to discuss. 2. Listening listen to the three passages and choose the right answers. 3. Post-listening work together to describe one of their favourite festivals. Step 4 Speaking 1. Reading ask the students to read about the four festivals and the example. 2. Discussing discuss in a group of four and choose one of their favorite and explain why. Pay attention to the useful expressions In my opinion, we should…… I believe we should…… I don’t think it is necessary to…… We must decide…… I hope we can make a decision. If we do this, we can…… 3. Thinking What is a creative festival? If they can create a festival, what kind of festival will they create? Step 4 Assignment Workbook on page 77 & 78, listening and talking 六、学习评价设计 1、测试形式与工具(打√) (1)堂上提问 (2)书面练习 (3)达标测试 (4)学生自主网上测试 (5)合作完成作品 (6)其它 2、测试内容 1.fill in the chart in their books. 2.listen to the three passages and choose the right answers. 3.discuss in a group of four and choose one of their favorite and explain why. 4.Workbook on page 77 & 78, listening and talking |
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